The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 51: CH 50

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 50, Pure Campus Love

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    After Nie Zhen'er woke up at noon, she realized Luan Qing Xiao wasn't at home. Luan Qing Xiao had left a note on the table, saying she went home to get some change of clothes and ordered Nie Zhen'er to wait for her at home.

So Nie Zhen'er obediently waited, waited and waited. However, Luan Qing Xiao still hadn’t returned yet.    She decided to change her clothes and go out looking for her.    Since she had the keys to Luan Qing Xiao's house, she directly entered and found traces of Luan Qing Xiao's packing things, but didn’t see her in the villa.    Nie Zhen'er left the villa. She had no idea where to find Luan Qing Xiao.    First, she went to Liang Yan's house to ask if Liang Yan had seen Luan Qing Xiao. However Liang Yan's mother said he had gone out in the afternoon and wouldn’t be coming back that evening.    At this time, the sky was already dark. Nie Zhen'er somehow wandered to the intersection where Luan Qing Xiao and her often frequented in high school. For some unknown reason, she took a peek at the familiar iron door to Nie Mei Feng's family.    The iron door was currently closed tightly. She could see that it was locked from inside.    Nie Zhen'er felt it was rather strange, because Nie Mei Feng would never locked the door this early.    As she passed by Nie Mei Feng's house, the more she thought about it, the more it didn’t make sense. She walked back to the iron gate before pursing her lips and knocking on the door.    "Dong dong dong!" No one responded.    She continued to knock.    "Dong dong dong!"    "Dong dong dong!"    Finally, Nie Zhen'er heard footsteps.    "Coming! Who is this? Knocking at the door this late at night!"    Nie Zhen'er recognized Nie Jiao Jiao's voice. She looked down at the snacks she had brought for Luan Qing Xiao in case she was hungry, and said softly, "This is Nie Zhen'er. Nie Jiao Jiao, is your mother at home?" If it were Nie Mei Feng, Nie Zhen'er definitely wouldn’t have said that.    She bet Nie Jiao Jiao didn't know Nie Mei Feng and her had a bad relationship.    Sure enough, Nie Jiao Jiao replied, "My mother is home. What business do you have?" Her voice was full of greed and calculation, which she probably thought she was hiding pretty well.    Nie Zhen'er looked down, "I brought some things," After a pause, she added, "including money..."    When Nie Jiao Jiao heard there was money, she immediately opened the door.    "What else did you bring? You can just give it to me, I'll pass it on for you." The desire in Nie Jiao Jiao's eyes could almost be turned into something tangible.    Nie Zhen'er glanced behind her. The living room was dark, and the hand holding on the snack bag couldn't help tightening, "Oh, I brought ..." Nie Zhen'er raised her hand. Just as Nie Jiao Jiao was about to take the snack bag from Nie Zhen’er, she chopped the back of her neck with her palm, causing Nie Jiao Jiao to collapse directly on the ground.    Nie Zhen'er dragged Nie Jiao Jiao into the yard by her coat. Then she turned around and locked the door.    Nie Zhen'er helped Nie Jiao Jiao up from the ground. She put one arm around her waist and pushed opened the door to the living room.    The room was completely dark and the lights weren’t turned on. Liang Yan thought it was Nie Jiao Jiao coming back, "Who was knocking at the door?"    When Nie Zhen'er heard Liang Yan's voice, her eyes flashed with surprise.    She stretched out her left hand and fumbled around the wall. The moment she found the switch, she turned on the light in the living room.    Liang Yan squinted uncomfortably when the bright light suddenly turned on.    He thought it was Nie Jiao Jiao who opened and furrowed his brows to face Nie Jiao Jiao. Unexpectedly he met Nie Zhen'er's eyes.    "Zhen’er..." Liang Yan frozed.    The usual well-behaved smile on Nie Zhen'er's face has completely disappeared. She stared at Liang Yan icily. There was no warmth in her almond eyes as she dropped the fainted Nie Jiao Jiao. Nie Zhen'er uttered coldly, "Where is Qing Xiao?"    Hearing Nie Zhen'er's first sentence was about Luan Qing Xiao, Liang Yan's face went dark, "I don't know, weren’t you dating her? How would I know where she is?"    Nie Zhen'er has lived in this house for nineteen years and was very familiar with every room. Her brows slightly furrowed while her red lips pursed into a straight line, "If you won’t tell me, I'll find her myself."    Since Liang Yan has no connection with Nie Jiao Jiao, his appearance here was abnormal. Therefore, Luan Qing Xiao’s appearance must have something to do with him.    Nie Zhen'er started searching from the first floor. She opened the bedroom door and saw Nie Mei Feng. Ignoring her, she headed in and opened the closet as well as combing any place where somebody could hide.    Nie Mei Feng was annoyed by her movement. She sat up, "What do you think you're doing? When you wanted to leave, you just leave. Now when you want to come back, you won't even address me.  You can’t just walk in and rummage through my things!"    However, Nie Zhen'er was no longer the timid little girl she used to be. She threw Nie Mei Feng a cold glare and turned around, leaving the room to continue searching for Luan Qing Xiao.    After flipping through the first floor, she didn’t find anybody so Nie Zhen'er walked upstairs to the second floor.    Liang Yan shouted, "Zhen’er!"    Nie Zhen'er turned around, "Are you going to tell the truth now, where is Qing Xiao?"    Liang Yan's face was very ugly as he whispered, "Luan Qing Xiao is not here."    "I don't believe you." Nie Zhen'er continued her way up.    There was an anxious feeling sprouting in Liang Yan's heart that he would lose Nie Zhen'er forever. This panic prompted him to walk into the kitchen and pick up a kitchen knife before heading to the second floor.    When Nie Zhen'er pushed open the first room on the second floor, her heart suddenly skipped a beat. She saw a chair against the wall with a person tied to the chair and her back facing Nie Zhen'er, wearing really familiar clothes.    "Qing Xiao!" Nie Zhen'er ran over.    Luan Qing Xiao's face was pale. There was a sick flush on her cheeks, while her eyes were a little out of focus when she looked at Nie Zhen'er.    "Zhen'er, are you okay? How did you find this place?" Luan Qing Xiao had a head-splitting headache. She gave Nie Zhen'er a smile with difficulty.    Nie Zhen'er checked Luan Qing Xiao's forehead. Her palms turned boiling hot.    She carefully touched one of her red and swollen cheeks. She asked, distressed, "Qing Xiao, who hitted you?"    Although Luan Qing Xiao's head was muddled, she didn't forget to snitch to Nie Zhen'er, "Liang Yan did this to me. Zhen'er, I'm so cold and my face hurts."    "Qing Xiao, you hold on and I’ll take you to the hospital right away." Nie Zhen'er marked a tally against Liang Yan in her heart. If it weren’t for Luan Qing Xiao’s current health taking priority, she would definitely let Liang Yan pay the price before leaving.    Nie Zhen'er's eyes were red. Tears accumulated in her eyes, though they haven’t fallen yet.    Liang Yan followed in with the kitchen knife and Nie Zhen'er turned around. She blinked as her crystal tears fell down her cheeks.    "Zhen'er, get out of the way. I'm going to kill her." Seeing Nie Zhen'er in tears, Liang Yan’s heart ached for her. He must kill Luan Qing Xiao now. Either way, Nie Zhen'er already knew he kidnapped Luan Qing Xiao and won’t ever forgive him. Since the situation was already beyond repair, he might as well go all out and kill Luan Qing Xiao. So what if Zhen'er can't belong to him, she still can't be with Luan Qing Xiao!    Liang Yan's expression became deranged. His eyes were malicious, only when he glanced at Nie Zhen's was there was a hint of clarity in his eyes.    "Liang Yan, I won’t allow you to hurt Qing Xiao." Nie Zhen'er reached out to block Liang Yan.   At the beginning, Liang Yan still remembered not to hurt Nie Zhen'er. However after he was deterred by Nie Zhen'er several times, he became more and more angry, until his madness gradually took over his mind. He began raising his knife and slashing indiscriminately.    Just before he could chop down, Nie Zhen'er raised his hand and easily caught Liang Yan's wrist. With a slight force, the knife in Liang Yan's hand fell to the ground with a "clang".    "Ah!" Liang Yan kneeled down holding his wrist in pain.    Nie Zhen'er remembered the injury on Luan Qing Xiao’s face, so she turned and walked in front of Liang Yan. She gave Liang Yan four slaps, causing Liang Yan’s mouth to bleed and his face to swell up like a pig’s head. His whole body turned limp and unable to move.    After Nie Zhen'er avenged Luan Qing Xiao, she hurriedly untied the rope from her and helped her downstairs.    Heading downstairs, she met Nie Mei Feng, who had come out of the bedroom. Nie Mei Feng was squatting down to check Nie Jiao Jiao's condition. She glanced up and saw Nie Zhen'er's livid face, "Where is Liang Yan?"    Nie Zhen'er paused, "Upstairs, I will be calling the police. Nie Jiao Jiao and you are accomplices."    Nie Mei Feng dragged Nie Jiao Jiao onto the sofa. Then she waved her hand, “Do what you want, just quickly scram."    Nie Mei Feng wasn’t surprised to see Nie Zhen'er knocking out Nie Jiao Jiao and easily solving Liang Yan, this problem. Although she didn't like Nie Zhen'er, she did raise her.    Nie Mei Feng knew Nie Zhen'er had a surprisingly powerful strength. When Nie Zhen'er was two or three years old, Nie Zhen'er would often break objects around their home. Nie Mei Feng had frequently lost her temper because of this. Once Nie Zhen'er was about ten years old, she already couldn’t overpower Nie Zhen'er anymore.    And that time when Nie Zhen'er was almost abducted in elementary school. The man who attempted the kidnapping was still lying in some hospital and hanging on by a thread even on a ventilator.    Because Nie Zhen'er was underage, the police only reported that Nie Zhen'er was almost abducted to protect her. They failed to mention how badly the man was beaten by Nie Zhen'er.    Half an hour later, sirens sounded. , the police broke in and took Liang Yan, Nie Jiao Jiao, and Nie Mei Feng into the police car.    ___ ___ ___    The fever caused Luan Qing Xiao to directly faint. She only managed to wake up at noon the next day.    Throughout the whole night, Nie Zhen'er stayed up guarding her. Now her face was a little haggard, her eyes to be slightly tinted green. Luan Qing Xiao reached out and caressed her face, "You didn’t sleep all last night, right?"    Nie Zhen'er held her hand with tears in her eyes, "I was too worried about you to sleep."    Luan Qing Xiao moved aside and motioned to the vacant half of the bed, "Get on."    The ward Luan Qing Xiao stayed at was for a single patient, so they didn’t worry about being seen. Nie Zhen’er obediently lay on the bed and buried her face in Luan Qing Xiao’s chest, “Qing Xiao, luckily I found you.” She couldn’t imagine the consequences nor what Qing Xiao might have gone through if she had been any later.     "Good girl, sleep tight." Luan Qing Xiao rhythmically patted Nie Zhen'er's back gently to coax her to sleep.    Before long, Nie Zhen'er fell asleep, cuddling Luan Qing Xiao.    Because yesterday Luan Qing Xiao’s fever burned her muddle minded, she only knew that Nie Zhen'er found her, but didn't know how Nie Zhen'er rescued her. Therefore, she turned to 520.    【... ...The female lead displayed her hidden side. Realizing the male lead had slapped Host, she personally slapped the male lead four times back until he spat up blood and turned into a pig-head. After rescuing Host, the female lead called the police, and now all three of them are retained at the station. 】    Luan Qing Xiao was shocked: Are you saying that Zhen'er stunned Nie Jiao Jiao with just her palm?    【Yes, ma’am~】    Luan Qing Xiao: And overpowered Liang Yan who was holding the knife until he couldn’t fight back at all?    【That’s right~】    Luan Qing Xiao lowered her head and glanced at the quiet and fair little fairy within her embrace: You must be talking about some other person. Zhen’er is very timid...    Hit someone? How could Zhen'er hit someone? She didn't even dare to walk alone at night by herself!    【Boohoohoo, how could 520 lie to Host?! The female lead only appears a little weak, but she actually has a lot of strength~】    Luan Qing Xiao: ...You never mentioned it before.    【[Biting finger.jpg], Because Host never asked me before~】    Forget it, even if Nie Zhen'er was strong, she is still her little darling.    Luan Qing Xiao stayed in the hospital for three days. After she was discharged, Liang Yan had already been sentenced along with Nie Jiao Jiao and Nie Mei Feng were his accomplices, although their sentences were shorter than Liang Yan.    In the hospital, Luan Qing Xiao was completely pampered by Nie Zhen'er. When she was finally discharged from the hospital, Nie Zhen'er seemed to be really frightened by this incident. She became extremely clingy that she would go wherever Luan Qing Xiao went, which even included when Luan Qing Xiao was showering.     After the winter vacation, the two returned to Q University. Once the school leaders learned of Liang Yan’s actions, they had already prepped the paperwork for him to be expelled.    With those stumbling stones gone in their life, the lives of Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er became even sweeter.    The only shortcoming was that Nie Zhen'er's happiness level hasn't reached 100%.    After graduating from university, Luan Qing Xiao gradually took over the family business, while Nie Zhen'er also opened her own jewelry design studio.    Before Nie Zhen'er's twenty-fourth birthday, Luan Qing Xiao was selected as one of the world's top 100 female entrepreneurs, whereas she also made her own achievements in her career.    On the day of Nie Zhen'er's birthday, Luan Qing Xiao booked the entire Sky Gourmet Restaurant to propose to her.    Luan Qing Xiao knelt on one knee as the brilliant fireworks outside reflected in her eyes, "Zhen'er, marry me, okay?"    Nie Zhen'er nodded. Her eyes slightly red, and she put on the ring in Luan Qing Xiao's hand. Luan Qing Xiao then stood up with a smile, while Nie Zhen'er threw herself into Luan Qing Xiao's arms. She choked up emotionally, "Qing Xiao, I'm so happy."    Luan Qing Xiao bowed her head, kissing Nie Zhen'er's soft lips. She whispered into her ears, "Please advise me for the rest of my life, Mrs. Luan."  【Ding! The female lead is 100% happy, congratulations to Host for completing the mission! 】    Three months later, Luan Qing Xiao bought a private island and held the wedding of the century with Nie Zhen'er on it.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notes:dong dong dong (咚咚咚): sound of a loud knock

martín sánchez

7/1/2021 07:04:10 pm

You are reading story The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead at

I knew this gonna end like this(the male lead in prison, and zen er marrying qin Xiao) But seriously what with that plot twist?


7/2/2021 08:44:47 am

Which plot twist??

Just an amateur translator. Got tired of waiting for other people to pick up the novels, so I thought why not me? Feel free to give feedbacks and advice, since I definitely appreciate them! 

The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead QT: The Villainess is Delicate and SoftQT: She's a Heartbreaker


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