The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 66: CH 65

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Hearing the appraising officer's question, Nie Zhen'er subconsciously peeked at Liang Yan and said nervously, "No, I don't have a romantic partner yet."

Liang Yan noticed Nie Zhen'er had glanced at him, which caused a faint excitement to rise in his heart: the appraising officer asked her if she had any boyfriend, why did Zhen'er look at him? Can’t it be that Zhen'er also holds feelings toward him...

Liang Yan's face turned a little red.

"Captain, are you feeling hot?" Zhang Yao Xue asked out of curiosity.

Liang Yan quickly rescinds his sensual thoughts. He coughed and replied, "I'm fine, it's not hot."

After reviewing the group’s information, the appraising officer was pleasantly surprised. The power of this team’s members was pretty high. If they can permanently stay in their B Base, their base’s strength will be greatly improved.

The appraising officer put away their filled-in forms and beckoned over a tall woman with a buzz cut from the inside, "Zhi He, these are newly arrived ability users who plan on staying at our B Base for a period of time. Take them with you now, and inform them to our B Base."

"Alrighty, Brother Long." Zhi He chipperly responded.

The appraising officer, Long Ge, introduced her to Liang Yan, "Captain Liang, Zhi He is the captain of the fifth team of our B Base, and has also awakened the metal-type ability. You guys can get to know each other when you have a chance."

When Zhi He saw the "Captain Liang" mentioned by Brother Long, her eyes brightened as she strode over and swung her arm around Liang Yan's shoulder, "Captain Liang, what a coincidence. We’re not only the metal type users, but also the captains. Hahaha, let's go, you guys can mingle with me for the next ten days!"

Because Zhi He was very strong and Liang Yan knew it wouldn’t be appropriate to directly shrug her arm away since they only just met, he could only tense up his face while waiting for an opportunity to "escape."

Seeing Liang Yan unable to free himself, Nie Zhen’er walked to the back and whispered to Luan Qing Xiao, "Zhi He is so tall, she’s even slightly higher than the captain." The muscle lines on her arms flowed so well, and appeared particularly powerful.

Unlike her, although she was strong, her body looked weak and fragile whereas her arms seemed like it would break with a single bend.

"I really want to be like Zhi He." Nie Zhen'er was simply too envious of people with muscles.

Luan Qing Xiao exclaimed, "I like you just the way you are."

Nie Zhen'er blushed. Noticing Liang Yan was about to look back, she quickly moved away from Luan Qing Xiao.

Liang Yan hated being dominated by women the most, yet he just couldn't break free at all. Looking back in depression, he saw Nie Zhen'er nervously staring at him or rather at him and Zhi He.

Liang Yan immediately straightened his body: Was Zhen’er jealous? Because this woman named Zhi He is too close to me?

Then his expression softened a bit: Silly girl, the only person I like is you. I have no interest in women like Zhi He at all.

Since he realized Nie Zhen'er's "crush" on him, Liang Yan became in a much better mood and acted less perfunctory towards Zhi He.

After all, he represented X Squadron. If he only represents himself, he would definitely refuse Zhi He’s approach without hesitation.

Zhi He was an enthusiastic and cheerful person, so she spent more than two hours taking them around all the places in B Base.

The canteen of B Base was different from that of A Base. First of all, there are more windows and dishes. Secondly, everything in the canteen was completely free!

As long as they were someone who joined the B Base’s team or the relatives of those people, they can dine for free at the B Base without any restrictions.

There were a total of ten teams at B Base and each team had about ten to twenty members. Zhi He pointed to the braised pork and shredded cabbage in the window, "Come join my team and you can eat whatever you want from the canteen!"

Liang Yan responded Zhi He with a smile, but didn’t answer yes or no.

Not hearing Liang Yan’s choice, Zhi He wasn’t disappointed. She still took them to the residential area with enthusiasm.

The residents of the B Base didn’t live in an apartment, but a small community.

Twenty high-rise buildings, each with 27 floors, ten bungalows, each with eleven floors, and ten magnificent villas.

"Our leader lives in the villa, while team captains who have reached Level 4 can also apply for a villa. So far, only one team captain managed to earn a villa since the remaining team captains are Level 3 at most."

"The application for bungalows requires a Level 3 ability and is for a team captain or lieutenant."

"The high-rise buildings are much simpler. As long as you are a member of the team, you can bring your family along to live there. However, if you are an ordinary person with a legitimate career, you can also live in a high-rise building."

"Captain Liang, you join my team, I will give you the position of deputy captain, you now have three power levels, you can directly apply for a bungalow."

Liang Yan's expression showed a faint change.

"Thank you Captain Zhi, I will think it over."

"Okay." Zhi He shrugged indifferently. "There are ten teams in B Base and only I have the position of Lieutenant open. If you go to other teams, it will be difficult to surpass the old members to become the lieutenant."

After Zhi He took them around B Base, she brought them to the place where people were allocated their residences.

At the special distribution department, all the workers were ordinary people.

Entering the Distribution Department Room, Luan Qing Xiao found that almost all ordinary people had big bellies.

Zhi He seemed to be very familiar with the people in the distribution department and greeted them with a smile, "Xiao Yu, they’re new ability users who just arrived, please make arrangements for them."

Xiao Yu was a girl who seemed really young but had a huge belly bulging on her thin body. She smiled and remarked, "I wouldn’t dare to make people that Captain Zhi introduced to wait too long. Don't worry, I will definitely arrange the best house."

Zhi He smugly glanced at Liang Yan.

Liang Yan said "Tha-", before Zhi He cut in, "If you could just quickly agree to join my team, that would be the best thanks you could give me." Every three sentences she said she would tie it back to “joining her team.

Liang Yan grinned awkwardly with his hand shortened from taking the possessions of others, "I’ll also have to consider my squadron’s opinion. When we settle on something, I’ll give you an answer immediately."

The teams at B Base have mandatory missions. As long as you were a member of the team, you must complete the missions posted by B Base and aren’t allowed to be a deserted soldier.

The missions issued by the base are generally difficult to complete, so although you enjoy a series of benefits after joining the team, you’ll spend the rest of your days wiping the blood off the tip of your knife. If you aren’t careful, you will get infected by the zombie virus or be slashed by the zombie's claws and die.

Liang Yan wasn't worried about Jiang Yue Bai. Since Jiang Yue Bai had a healing ability, she could work at the hospital instead of being in a team and getting into life-threatening situations.

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Nie Zhen'er was the one he was worried about.

Nie Zhen'er had the most common power-type ability, which was enough to deal with Level 1 zombies, but it’ll be difficult to deal with the Level 2 zombies, who aren’t penetrable by guns or knives. Not only did their abilities upgrade, the zombies were also upgrading. Now that there are more and more Level 2 zombies, who knows if she’ll meet them one day? Then Nie Zhen'er would be in danger.

Because they have both males and females, plus there were many vacant houses in B Base, Xiao Yu arranged a two-bedroom and another three-bedroom suite for them. The apartments were in two separate buildings, both on the eleventh floor with windows facing each other.

This was much better than the living environment at A Base.

Although there was no working elevator, climbing a few flights of stairs wasn’t a big deal to ability users.

Liang Yan imposed a few constraints on them before the five separated into the two buildings.

Without Liang Yan, Nie Zhen'er loosened up quite a bit. Subconsciously, she stood closer to Luan Qing Xiao. However Luan Qing Xiao noted Jiang Yue Bai’s existence, so she kept her expression cold and ignored Nie Zhen'er.

Each of the three had their own copy of the key. Luan Qing Xiao opened the lock with the key and pushed the door in. The sunlight in the room was just right, but since no one lived here for such a long time, a thick layer of dust rested on all the surfaces.

"You guys wait outside the door first, let me clean the dust off before you both come in." Luan Qing Xiao said.

Right now, she is extremely thankful that her power was a water-type ability. To clean the room, she only needed to control a water ball to sweep away the dust, which was quite convenient.

After collecting all the dust in the house, Luan Qing Xiao found a bag to put the dust ball in. She placed it at the door, for her to throw away downstairs later when she went downstairs.

"All done, you guys can come in now." Luan Qing Xiao opened the door.

"Wow, it's so clean! Lieutenant, you’re amazing!" Nie Zhen'er complimented the moment she entered the door.

Jiang Yue Bai thought Nie Zhen'er wanted to ease her relationship with Luan Qing Xiao, so she followed her lead, "Zhen'er was telling me about how powerful she thought Lieutenant’s ability was when we were outside. Seeing the apartment now, sure enough there is no trace of dust remaining."

Luan Qing Xiao accepted all these compliments without blushing.

"Let's divide the rooms."

Luan Qing Xiao took the two of them to check out the three bedrooms. Jiang Yue Bai raised her hand, "Lieutenant, I don't like the sunshine and would prefer to live on the dark side." Although the dark side was colder, Jiang Yue Bai actually loathes it being sunny inside a room. In addition, the curtains inside the house are all lighter in color. They certainly can't block the sunlight on the sunny side, unlike the dark side, where as long as the curtains are closed, the room will be the same as nighttime.

With that, there were two rooms left, a master bedroom with a toilet and bathroom along with a second bedroom. Luan Qing Xiao was the lieutenant, so naturally, she moved into the master bedroom while the last bedroom went to Nie Zhen’er.

The door of the master bedroom and the second bedroom were opposite of each other, whereas Jiang Yue Bai's room was on the other side of the living room, making Luan Qing Xiao pretty satisfied with the room allocation.

In order to escape from A Base, they tormented themselves for the whole night without sleeping. After picking their rooms, the three of them went back to their rooms to rest.

Luan Qing Xiao closed the door and walked into the bathroom to find that the shower at B Base has its own heating device. As long as an ID card is swiped, hot water will automatically flow out without consuming crystal cores.

Luan Qing Xiao lamented that B Base was really deep-pocketed and generous.

She turned on the shower and planned to take a shower before heading to bed. A white mist soon filled the bathroom.

Once inside the room, Nie Zhen'er felt sweaty and uncomfortable, making her want to take a bath before sleeping. She opened her door and looked at the bathroom next to Jiang Yue Bai. The door was closed, so Jiang Yue Bai should be inside. 

Nie Zhen'er purposefully knocked on Luan Qing Xiao's door.

"Knock, knock, knock!" Seeing no reply to her knocking, she knocked again, "Qing Xiao, can I come in?"

Hearing no response from Luan Qing Xiao, Nie Zhen'er tried the doorknob, causing the door to easily swing open all at once.

Nie Zhen'er glanced in Jiang Yue Bai’s direction with a guilty conscience, fearing she would suddenly come out and see her standing at Luan Qing Xiao’s door. It wouldn’t be good if she told Liang Yan. So she straightforwardly entered Luan Qing Xiao’s room and closed the door gently behind her.

Next to the door, water sounds could be heard from the bathroom, so Luan Qing Xiao was probably taking a shower.

Nie Zhen'er passed the bathroom and stepped further inside. Luan Qing Xiao's room was dimly lit with the curtains drawn. There were some clothes on the bed, which should have been taken off by Luan Qing Xiao just now.

Nie Zhen'er sat on the bed and waited for Luan Qing Xiao to come out before she went in to wash up.

After Luan Qing Xiao finished her shower, she suddenly remembered she had forgotten to lock the bedroom’s door. She used her power to remove the moisture from her body and left the bathroom barefoot. The first thing she did was to lock the door of her bedroom.

Because she was the only person in the room and she was too lazy to grab a bathrobe, Luan Qing Xiao didn't wear anything when she walked out of the bathroom.

Anyhow, the curtains were already closed, so no one could see her.

"Zhen'er?!" Luan Qing Xiao didn't expect Nie Zhen'er to be in her bedroom. Seeing Nie Zhen'er staring at her without blinking, she swiftly ordered, "Zhen'er, close your eyes."

Nie Zhen'er finally reacted and immediately covered her eyes with her hands, her face scarlet.

How would she know Luan Qing Xiao would be like this open in her bedroom? But Qing Xiao's figure was really excellent~

Nie Zhen'er's cheeks turned burning hot as her hands were clenched tight.

Once Luan Qing Xiao put on her pajamas, she unsuccessfully tried to pull apart her hands, "Zhen’er, I don't mind being taken advantage of, so don't cover your face anymore."

Nie Zhen'er whispered, "Are-are you dressed?"

Luan Qing Xiao press her pajamas sleeves against the back of Nie Zhen'er's hand, "I already dressed."

Only then did Nie Zhen'er put down both hands.

Nie Zhen'er embarrassedly lowered her eyes at Luan Qing Xiao, exposing her redden earlobes, "I'm sorry, I wanted to borrow your bathroom for a shower, but I didn't expect to... I really didn't mean it."

Luan Qing Xiao sat next to Nie Zhen'er and whispered next to her red ear, "How is it, are you satisfied with my figure?"

Nie Zhen'er's body immediately froze.

hand shortened from taking the possessions of others (拿人手短): The actual proverb is "The mouth that eats the food of others is softened; the hand that takes the possessions of others is shortened:" which basically means “There is no such thing as a free lunch,” so because someone helped you, it’s harder for you to reject their request even if it is a bit unreasonable

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