The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 67: CH 66

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Luan Qing Xiao saw Nie Zhen'er lowering her head without saying anything and grumbled aggrievedly, "You have already seen my body, shouldn't you take responsibility?"

Nie Zhen'er raised her head, "I, I'll take responsibility!"

She was the one in the wrong by entering Qing Xiao's room without permission and even saw her body. If she doesn’t take responsibility anymore, she really can’t face Qing Xiao.

"But how should I take responsibility?" Nie Zhen'er inquired, confused

Luan Qing Xiao grabbed one of Nie Zhen'er's hands and said with a smile, "Of course it is to be in a romantic relationship with me. From now on, you should only have me in your eyes, only treat me nicely, only love me..."

Nie Zhen'er's white teeth lightly nibbled her lower lip, changing her pink lips to red, "I, I haven't dated anyone yet, but I will try my best to do what you said. In the future, in the future, I’ll only have you in my eyes, only be good to you, only love for you..."

Nie Zhen'er's originally flustered heart became more and more at ease. Although she was still worried about her identity as the zombie king, but-but since she saw Luan Qing Xiao's body, she needs to take responsibility!

【Ding! The female lead’s love value has increased to 20%. Host dada, continued to work hard~】

Luan Qing Xiao didn't expect such a small move from her would make Nie Zhen'er let go of his uncertainty and agree to go out with her, making her pleasantly surprised.

The last time she finally managed to increase Nie Zhen'er's love value to 20%, but then Luo Zi Lin reversed time, causing Nie Zhen'er to lose the memory of the two confessing to each other and the love value to drop to 10% again.

Now that it has risen back to 20%, Luan Qing Xiao let out a sigh of relief.

Although the love value doesn’t fully represent Nie Zhen'er’s feelings for her, it is a manifestation of how immersed in love Nie Zhen'er was. As long as Nie Zhen'er trusts and loves her wholeheartedly, Luan Qing Xiao believes her love value will rise soon.

Luan Qing Xiao said to 520: 520, let’s extract a time-limited skill.

The first 10% didn’t get anything.

【Ding! Congratulations to Host for drawing the consumable skill,
         [Stealing Goods With Fake].
          How can we prevent Snow White from eating the poisonous apple? You simply used 
[Stealing Goods With Fake] to swap out a non-toxic red apple for her~ 
         Number of uses: Once. 】

Luan Qing Xiao: Meaning only similar items can be exchanged?


After confirming their relationship, Nie Zhen'er naturally just stayed in Luan Qing Xiao's bedroom to rest.

She went back to get her pajamas and put on her pajamas once she got out of the shower. Then she opened the curtains and soon fell asleep peacefully while hugging Luan Qing Xiao and basking under the warm sunshine.

Around two o’clock, Luan Qing Xiao opened her eyes and glanced down at Nie Zhen’er’s wholesome sleeping face and couldn’t resist giving her a peck on the forehead.

Nie Zhen'er opened her mouth and eyes with difficulty, "Is it time to meet up?"

Luan Qing Xiao uttered softly, "There are still twenty minutes. Sweetie, let’s get up, alright?"

Nie Zhen'er buried her face in Luan Qing Xiao's chest, "Let me take a moment..."

"Oh, right, we can't let Yue Bai find out about us!" Nie Zhen'er suddenly raised her head and the sleepiness disappeared from her eyes. She scrambled to get out of bed and ran to the door before turning around to Luan Qing Xiao, "Honey, I'll be heading back first, muah."

"Honey" and "muah" were all taught by Luan Qing Xiao before they fell asleep.

Nie Zhen'er opened the door and carefully stuck her head outside. Seeing the door of Jiang Yue Bai's room was still closed, she immediately let out a sigh of relief and scurried back to her room.

Ten minutes later, the warm-hearted Jiang Yue Bai came and knocked on Nie Zhen'er's door to remind her not to be late.

Nie Zhen'er responded as she stroked her chest, thinking: Fortunately, I left early, otherwise  I would definitely have been discovered.

After Jiang Yue Bai knocked on Nie Zhen'er's door, she went to Luan Qing Xiao's door.

Her hand had only touched the door when the door was pulled open from the inside, "Good afternoon, Lieutenant." Jiang Yue Bai greeted.

Luan Qing Xiao's indifferent expression slowly eased, "Good afternoon."

She raised her hand to glance at her watch, furrowing her brows, "Where is Nie Zhen'er? It's almost time for the assembly, why hasn't she come out yet?"

Jiang Yue Bai was afraid Luan Qing Xiao would have a bad impression of Nie Zhen'er and immediately said, "I just asked her, Zhen'er has already finished packing up and will come out soon."

As soon as Jiang Yue Bai’s voice fell, Nie Zhen'er walked out of the bedroom, "Lieutenant, Yue Bai, good afternoon." Her cute little face was full of vigor.

Luan Qing Xiao snorted coldly, "Any later and you’ll have to say ‘good evening’."

Nie Zhen'er’s smile froze. She carefully peered at Luan Qing Xiao's stony face and smiled awkwardly at Jiang Yue Bai.

"Lieutenant, let's head down." Jiang Yue Bai was caught between the two and didn't know what to do. She didn't expect Luan Qing Xiao to hate Nie Zhen'er this much, despite Nie Zhen'er being so beautiful and cute. Jiang Yue Bai really doesn't understand Luan Qing Xiao's brain circuit.

The three walked downstairs in silence. When Jiang Yue Bai saw Liang Yan and Zhang Yao Xue who were already waiting for them, she immediately heaved a sigh of relief and ran over, "Captain, Yao Xue, good afternoon." Finally, she no longer needs to be trapped inside that awkward atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er walked over without looking at anyone. Liang Yan realized there was a problem between the two, "Qing Xiao, what’s the matter with you and Zhen'er?" Why do they both have long faces?

Luan Qing Xiao frostily exclaimed,   "Someone was dilly-dallying, I simply have nothing more to say to her!"

Nie Zhen'er's eyes reddened aggrievedly and pitifully said to Liang Yan, "Captain, I wasn’t..."

If Liang Yan was a selfless captain, he would definitely have a headache now. However, he wasn’t. In fact, he hoped Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er would never get along.

Liang Yan was secretly delighted in his heart, but on the surface he reprimanded, "We’re all from the same team, everyone should  try to tolerate each other. Qing Xiao, don't be too harsh on Zhen'er."

"Oh, I don't dare to criticize the person that Captain personally takes care of." Luan Qing Xiao responded sourly.

Liang Yan was even more relieved.

He replied in a gentle voice, "Qing Xiao, you are the lieutenant. Please refrain yourself from speaking like that, alright?"

Then he said to Nie Zhen'er, "Zhen'er, apologize to Qing Xiao. Any conflicts our team has must be resolved on the spot."

Nie Zhen'er pouted and reluctantly uttered, "I'm sorry, I will get up sooner in the future."

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"Eh." Luan Qing Xiao only indifferently replied with one word.

【Ding! The male lead's blackening value has dropped to 60%! Host dada, you can do it~】

Nie Zhen'er’s and her arduous acting weren’t in vain.

When the five people entered the canteen, Zhi He was already waiting there. Seeing them, she beckoned to them happily, "Captain Liang, you guys are finally here!"

Liang Yan nodded at her.

"Captain Liang, have you guys decided yet?" Zhi He asked expectantly.

"Right now I can only be sure that Yue Bai will go to the hospital. The others still have to think about it more. Let's eat first, we can discuss this after eating."

Zhi He had ordered a table of delicacies before they came. Compared with the meal they had eaten before, the meal in front of them was a real meal. It was extremely delicious and made them want to eat a second bite after the first bite that they couldn't stop eating.

Since the five people haven’t eaten a single bite from last night up until now and the food in front of them was so tasty, they emptied the food on the table in just a short while.

Zhang Yao Xue exclaimed, "The food at Base is really good."

Zhi He proudly explained, "Our leader used to be a soldier and knew that anything can be sloppy but the food. I reckon only our B Base has the best food in the whole earth. I’m not afraid to tell you that most of the ability users who stay at B Base are because of the great good, while the other half are because of the comfortable living quarters."

Once they finished eating, Liang Yan put forth the gains and losses of joining Zhi He’s team before letting them choose whether they wanted to join or not.

Zhang Yao Xue scratched his head, "Captain, I’m with anything. If you join, I’ll join. No matter where I am, I feel more at ease by following you."

Jiang Yue Bai also added, "Captain, you decide, we’ll listen to you."

Liang Yan then glanced at Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er. Luan Qing Xiao answered, "You make the decision."

Nie Zhen'er said naively, "I feel the same as them."

Liang Yan looked at the innocent and lovely girl in front of him, thinking he would make sure to protect her better when out on the mission.

Liang Yan reported back to Zhi He, "Captain Liang, please give us your guidance in the future."

Zhi He clapped her hands and stated excitedly, "Great, are you guys still hungry? If so, I’ll buy you all more food?"

Coming out of the canteen, the five people followed Zhi He to the distribution department to register. Everyone had the words "Team 5" added on their ID cards, while there was an extra word "Lieutenant" on Liang Yan's ID card.

Zhi He told Liang Yan that he could apply for a bungalow, yet Liang Yan thought he was closer to Nie Zhen'er with his current place, so he didn't apply.

After fixing the identification cards, Zhi He then brought Jiang Yue Bai to the hospital. The hospital's ID card wasn’t under the control of the distribution department, but rather the hospital themselves.

Once the hospital dean personally assessed Jiang Yue Bai, Jiang Yue Bai entered the hospital smoothly and gained the title of Deputy Chief Physician.

The hospital was next to the bungalow, so all the staff there live at the bungalows and Jiang Yue Bai wasn’t an exception either.

Returning to the suite from the hospital, Jiang Yue Bai regretfully explained to Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er, "The hospital dean said that I have to move to the bungalow. This place is too far from the hospital, making it inconvenient to go to work."

Luan Qing Xiao suppressed the corners of her mouth that wanted to curve upwards and comforted, "It’s okay, the nature of your work is different from ours. If you live here, we might disturb you when we head out at night for our missions."

Nie Zhen'er also added, "Yue Bai, although I’m very unwillingly to separate from you, it is indeed the best choice for you to move to the bungalow. We’ll visit you when we have the chance."

Jiang Yue Bai packed up her luggage and left reluctantly.

The instant the door closed, Nie Zhen'er embraced Luan Qing Xiao excitedly. Fearing Jiang Yue Bai, who had not yet gone far, would hear it, she whispered, "Qing Xiao, we won't have to sneak around in the apartment anymore."

Luan Qing Xiao smiled and kissed the tip of her nose, "Come on my baby, let's head to bed."

Tonight Team 5 is going to a recently discovered zombie swarm to get their crystal nuclei and Zhi He told them to gather at the canteen’s entrance at 12 o'clock A.M.

At 11:30, Nie Zhen'er woke up earlier than Luan Qing Xiao. Hugging Luan Qing Xiao's arm, she took a deep breath of the fragrance from Luan Qing Xiao's body before finally reluctantly sitting up.

Luan Qing Xiao opened her eyes when she heard her movement.

"Zhen’er, what time is it?"

Nie Zhen'er glanced at her watch, "Eleven thirty-five."

Luan Qing Xiao woke up and got off the bed to freshen herself.

Once Luan Qing Xiao left the enormous bed, the whole bed belonged to Nie Zhen'er.

Nie Zhen'er rolled around on the bed with the blanket wrapped around her, waiting for Luan Qing Xiao to come out before she slowly got out of bed to wash up.

By the time the two of them was done, it was 11:52. The canteen wasn’t too close from here, and it usually took fifteen minutes for them to walk there.

Luan Qing Xiao saw they were about to be late soon, so she grabbed Nie Zhen'er's hand and ran towards the cafeteria. Just when they were about to reach the canteen, she let go of her hand. The two separated themselves with a distance of one meter, ignoring each other, and ran in front of Liang Yan. 

Nie Zhen'er falsely accused, "Captain, we were almost late because Lieutenant didn’t rush and took her time to wash up."

Luan Qing Xiao was in the wrong, so she could only glared at her and looked at Liang Yan with aloofness and stubbornness.

Liang Yan had to suppress his happiness to comfort the two again.

At twelve o'clock, Zhi He led Team 5 to set off on time.

In the intense night, Team 5’s group of twenty people got into a car and left B Base.

Liang Yan sat in the passenger seat and asked Zhi He, "Captain Zhi, how difficult is our mission this time?"

Zhi He turned solemn, "I’m not sure, because this is a newly discovered swarm of zombies. Our main purpose this time is not only to kill zombies and get their crystal nuclei, but also to find the ways zombies evolve. Recently, we have encountered more and more Level 2 zombies. My former Lieutenant was scratched by a Level 2 zombie and died of the serious injuries."

"The claws of Level 2 zombies contain a composition that prevents the wound from healing. Only the Level 3 healing ability users can heal the wounds caused by the Level 2 zombies, but currently there are no Level 3 healers at B Base."

This meant as long as someone was scratched by a Level 2 zombie, death was the only outcome waiting for them.

Liang Yan's mood instantly became heavier. If Zhen'er encountered a Level 2 zombie, she’ll definitely be unable to return, even he may not be able to keep her safe.

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