The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 73: CH 72

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Once everyone gathered together at the theme park, Zhi He led them back outside the park and boarded the car back to the base.

When they arrived at the base, it was still dark. Zhi He had the rest of the team, while she waited in the canteen for dawn before heading to the villa area to request Mo Zhe for a multi-team joint operation later at night.

Liang Yan caught the opportunity to ask Nie Zhen'er, "Why are you guys with Mo Zhe in the canteen earlier?"

Next to him, Luan Qing Xiao rolled her eyes. "A beautiful lady and a handsome gentleman. What else can it be?"

Currently, in Liang Yan’s heart, Luan Qing Xiao wasn’t a threat to him in wooing Nie Zhen'er. After listening to Luan Qing Xiao's words, Liang Yan said to Nie Zhen'er nervously, "You must not be deceived by Mo Zhe, he is not a good person!"

Nie Zhen'er asked innocently, "Why isn’t Chief Mo a good person?"

"He has ulterior motives towards you. Anyhow, he just isn’t a good person ." Liang Yan glanced at Luan Qing Xiao and thought of an idea, "Qing Xiao, Zhen’er don't know anything. Since you guys live together, make sure to keep an eye on her more."

Luan Qing Xiao crosses her arms around her chest with an indifferent expression, "It’s none of my business, isn’t it enough that you care?"

"Qing Xiao, just take it as me begging you." Liang Yan now regretted that he had sat back and let the conflict between Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen’er grow this deep because of him.

Luan Qing Xiao arched her eyebrows. "You’re begging me? Is there any benefit for me?"

Liang Yan gritted his teeth and was about to say he could give Luan Qing Xiao a hug, when Luan Qing Xiao agreed. "Alright, I’ll stop putting you in a difficult position. I’ll watch over her."

"Let’s go, Nie Zhen'er." Luan Qing Xiao turned and left.

Nie Zhen'er peeked at Liang Yan, to which he motioned her to quickly follow Luan Qing Xiao. Nie Zhen'er nodded and scurried to Luan Qing Xiao's side.

"Qing Xiao, you’re so amazing." Now, she can openly hang out with Luan Qing Xiao in front of Liang Yan.

Luan Qing Xiao announced triumphantly, "Piece of cake."

【Ding! The male lead’s blackening value has dropped to 50%. Host, please keep up the efforts~]

Luan Qing Xiao wondered: Liang Yan gained an extra love rival, why would his blackening value drop instead?

【Ding! The blackening value of the male lead is only related to the host. When the male lead puts down the grudge against the Host, his blackening value will reset to zero. 】

Luan Qing Xiao: I see, Mo Zhe’s time of appearance is really convenient. It perfectly diverted Liang Yan's attention from me along with helping me eliminate a lot of blackening value.

The next night they woke up and headed to the canteen for dinner. Since Nie Zhen'er and Luan Qing Xiao didn’t meet Mo Zhe there, they thought they wouldn’t see him tonight.

However, when they gathered up after their meal, they saw Mo Zhe standing in the forefront with a change of casual clothes.

Who knows what Zhi He had said to him yesterday, but tonight, five of the ten teams from B Base came as well.

Once Mo Zhe explained the mission, he walked down from the front and walked directly in front of Nie Zhen'er under everyone's gaze.

"Zhen’er, be careful on this trip. I'll wait for you to come back."

Nie Zhen'er nodded and politely replied, "Thank you Chief for your concern."

As they left, Mo Zhe kept staring at Nie Zhen'er's back. Liang Yan emotionlessly retreated from the front to the back, blocking Nie Zhen'er's body with his body and prevented Mo Zhe from seeing her again.

"Qing Xiao, next time help me block Zhen'er. Don't let Mo Zhe stare at her."

Luan Qing Xiao peered at Nie Zhen'er's white and tender face for a while and then answered, "Femme fatale.” Following that, she helplessly nodded, "I understand."

"Don't just understand, take it to heart."

Liang Yan uttered anxiously.

"Fine, I’ll take it to heart."

Only then was Liang Yan satisfied.

Before he returned to the front, he informed Nie Zhen'er again. "Zhen'er, in the future, don't walk by yourself in B Base. Remember to stay together with Qing Xiao, understand?"

Nie Zhen'er obediently nodded, "I understand, Captain."

After Liang Yan returned to the front, Nie Zhen'er's hand sneakily grabbed Luan Qing Xiao's hand, and when she glanced over, she revealed a big beam.

Luan Qing Xiao was infected by her happiness and couldn't help but smile too.

Secretly dating under the captain's nose has a different kind of excitement.

There were less than a hundred people in the five teams. Their thorough grid search quickly found two distinctive zombies from the others in the warehouse.

There were two noticeable differences. One was that they are Level 2 zombies, and the other was that when they found these two zombies, they were actually mating!

They were so absorbed in their actions that they didn’t even notice that a large number of ability users were approaching.

The five captains walked closer and were all flabbergasted.

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For so many years, they have never known zombies can also copulate.

Once the two zombies were done, one hid in the warehouse, while the other pounded its chest and roared at the outside.

"Not good, it's summoning zombies!" Zhi He's expression changed.

"Hurry up and kill it!"

"Level 3 users come to the front!"

There were no more than ten Level 3 ability users in the five teams. Although it wasn’t many, it was enough to deal with the two Level 2 zombies.

Liang Yan raised his hand to draw out twenty steel needles and quickly shot at the zombies. Luan Qing Xiao froze the zombies’ feet to prevent it from moving and causing the other users to miss.

Instantly, wind, fire, lightning, ice, steel needles and other abilities pounced towards the lone zombie standing in the doorway of the warehouse.

Seeing all the abilities accurately fall on the zombie, Liang Yan was about to let out a sigh of relief when he saw the zombie roar again. His body doubled in size and all the abilities that fell on it seem to lose their lethality, leaving behind no trace it was ever there .

"Something’s wrong! It's not a Level 2 zombie, it's Level 3!" Zhi He looked pale and appeared unsteady on her feet.

Only the abilities of Level 4 users can damage the Level 3 zombies, but there were no Level 4 ability users among the people who came today.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" The five captains shouted outside.

The Level 3 zombie have already been angered by them and roared even louder.

In the distance, there was already a dense roar of Level 1 zombies. If they don’t leave now, they won't be able to leave at all.

The five teams from both inside and outside quickly retreated, while the ten Level 3 ability users were responsible for defending against the Level 3 zombie. Liang Yan turned his head and saw Nie Zhen'er standing there without moving, as if she was waiting for him. His heart almost stopped in fright.

"Zhen’er, let’s go!"

Nie Zhen'er stubbornly shook her head.

"Qing Xiao, leave here to me. You hurry and take Zhen'er away!" Liang Yan pushed Luan Qing Xiao.

Luan Qing Xiao took a deep look at him before taking Nie Zhen'er's hand and started running.

Without Luan Qing Xiao restricting the zombies, the Level 3 zombie began to move forward slowly. Liang Yan erected a steel plate in front of the zombie and locked eyes with Zhi. Then he shouted loudly, "Run!"

Their surroundings have already been surrounded by densely packed zombies. The nine Level 3 users could only cover their bodies with their abilities to protect themselves, while the road that didn’t feel long when they were walking in had suddenly become usually long. Additionally, the constant consumption of abilities made them irritated. Just when everyone couldn't hold on any longer, they finally caught sight of the door.

"Quick! We’re almost there!"

The nine people flee the theme park with all their efforts. When they made it outside the grand entrance and saw that the zombies inside did not follow them out, they directly collapsed onto the ground, dripping in sweat.

The other ability users hurried over to support the nine people into the car, and place the crystal cores they had prepared in advance in front of the group.

"That was terrifying, I never would have imagined there would be a Level 3 zombie here." Curly Hair gulped in horror.

Luan Qing Xiao took Nie Zhen'er out of the playground ahead of time, so she didn't consume as many abilities as the other nine. Even then, she could barely stand up.

Nie Zhen'er helped her down in the car and said worriedly, "Qing Xiao, are you feeling any better after absorbing the crystal nuclei?"

Luan Qing Xiao smiled tiredly, "Much better, I'm fine."

Everyone filed into the car one after another. On the way back to B Base, everyone was unusually silent.

Who would have thought that a Level 3 zombie could withstand the attacks of ten Level 3 ability users. In the future, high level zombies would only increase in appearance. Would they, humans, still be able to survive?

Doubts arose in everyone's minds.

Curly Hair was no exception.

Zhang Yao Xue patted him, "What are you think about, Curly Hair?"

Curly Hair licked his dry lips and mumbled with a sad expression. "Level 3 zombies are so powerful, what should we humans do in the future?"

Zhang Yao Xue replied, "What can we do? We can only improve ourselves to become more powerful than the zombies."

"Even if it gets tougher, didn’t we still survive up until now without getting wiped out?"

Curly Hair laughed bitterly, "In the beginning, people placed their hope in the zombie virus vaccine researched by X Base. But with the passing of this many years, not even a defective product has been produced. It really is exhausting to continue living on."

Currently, Luan Qing Xiao was resting with her eyes closed. When she heard Curly Hair mentioning that X Base was researching a zombie virus vaccine, a lightbulb went off in her head.

Before the end of the world, wasn't this original owner researching a vaccine for a certain virus?

Now looking back on it carefully, it seems that what she was involved in the research was the zombie virus that can make humans lose all their senses and become a walking corpse.

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