The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 74: CH 73

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The five teams fled back to B Base in a mess.

With the discovery of the Level 3 zombie, this matter was no longer just a matter of the team's safety.

The moment Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er came back, they immediately went to rest. When they got up at noon later that day and went to the cafeteria to grab a meal, they heard that Mo Zhe personally led the few Level 4 ability users in B Base to the amusement park.

In the evening, Mo Zhe returned, triumphed.

This time at the amusement park, they not only killed all the Level 3 zombies and Level 2 zombies, but also unearth another shocking thing: Level 3 zombies could produce zombies by mating with lower-level zombies with surprising speed, approximately a new zombie every ten minutes.

That was the reason why the zombies in the amusement park couldn’t be exterminated.

Hearing this, everyone at the Base shuddered.

In order not to cause panic, Mo Zhe specially held a meeting in the largest open space of B Base. Everyone except the gatekeeper had to attend.

Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er stood on the periphery. After all the people arrived, Mo Zhe walked up to the temporary podium and announced loudly. "Recently there have been many rumors floating around in the base, causing people to panic. This conference is just to address that. Yes, zombies can indeed reproduce through mating.

But! The zombies produced this way have extremely low attack power, just like how human babies are weak at birth. “Young” zombies have almost no attack power at birth. Only after a period of growth will they grow and behave like ordinary zombies. Moreover, the level of a zombie birthed by another zombie cannot be upgraded. It will always be a Level 1 zombie. "

"So there is no need for everybody to worry about it. Humans are very powerful, and one day we will eventually wipe out all the zombies!"

After Mo Zhe's speech was over, the people at B Base visibly recovered to their previous morale and stopped their constant state of panic.

Since today Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er didn't have to go on a mission, they went to the artificial lake dug by the canteen staff for a stroll.

The ordinary people living in B Base always gave people the illusion of stability in the world.

When they arrived at the artificial lake, they saw several men and women with big bellies or slightly bulging stomachs sitting by the lake, talking and laughing. There were even some people fishing.

The artificial lake was dug by the canteen to raise their own fishes. In it, there were many fishes. Moreover, they were all stupid, making it rather fulfilling for people who have never fished before.

As Nie Zhen'er watched the people fishing, she also became interested and wanted to try as well.

Luan Qing Xiao went to the canteen to borrow fishing rods and small stools before setting up the bait for Nie Zhen'er and taught her how to swing the rod. Then she let Nie Zhen'er fish by herself.

The short-haired pregnant woman next to her smiled, "Are you girls a couple? You both look very affectionate to each other."

Nie Zhen'er was currently concentrating on fishing and did not hear the pregnant woman’s question.

Luan Qing Xiao saw Liang Yan’s figure not far away with her peripheral vision. Knowing ability users had very good hearing, she said in an absolute tone "We’re not."

Sure enough, in the distance, Liang Yan revealed a satisfied expression.

【Ding! The male lead's blackening value has dropped to 30%! Good job, Host dada! You’re awesome~】

Luan Qing Xiao was also very satisfied with the male lead's recent blackening value reduction speed.

This way, within a few more days, the male lead’s blackening value will reset to zero. Thinking that she wouldn’t have to see him again in the next world, Luan Qing Xiao let out a sigh of relief.

Is it that hard to enjoy a sweet romantic relationship without being stared at every day? She really had enough of this kind of life.

Although Luan Qing Xiao answered no, the short-haired pregnant woman didn’t give up communicating with Luan Qing Xiao.

She said, "My significant other is the captain of Team 1 and a close friend of Chief Mo. I heard him say a few days ago that Mo Zhe seems to have someone he likes and that person is also an ability user. Do you know about this?"

Luan Qing Xiao glanced at the short-haired pregnant woman, "I haven't heard of it nor am I interested."

The short haired pregnant woman didn't mind her indifference and continued. "Say, since ability users can't conceive and have children, why would Chief Mo fancy another ability user? Among us, ordinary people, there are several young and beautiful girls who have no boyfriends who admire Chief Mo and dream about marrying him one day. The girls even agreed that whoever marries the leader Mo won’t be targeted and everyone else is not allowed to be angry at her. Who would’ve guessed that leader Mo would fall for an ability user? Now, they don’t even have a chance. Sigh!"

Luan Qing Xiao furrowed her brows. What did this pregnant woman want to say to her?

She had also seen those so-called "beautiful and youthful" girls. They didn’t even reach a tenth of Nie Zhen'er’s beauty. Even if Mo Zhe didn't like Nie Zhen'er, there’s no way he would take a fancy to those few.

Do humans settle down with each other just to have children? Just because ordinary people can give birth to children, all ability users must be partnered with ordinary people?

Unlike other people’s rate of one fish per minute, Nie Zhen’er sat down peacefully and fished intently for ten minutes with the fishing rod. It was like her bait was missing, not one fish in the crowded lake even slightly touched her rod.

"Qing Xiao, why can't I catch a single fish?" Nie Zhen'er turned around, pouting at Luan Qing Xiao aggrievedly.

Nie Zhen'er's soft and sweet voice interrupted Luan Qing Xiao's thinking. She came to her senses and walked over to Nie Zhen'er to take the fishing rod from her, "Here, let me have a try."

Nie Zhen'er obediently stepped aside and watched Luan Qing Xiao fish with both hands supporting her chin.

In Luan Qing Xiao's hand, the bait seemed to have to return to normal. Within thirty seconds, Luan Qing Xiao managed to catch a big fish.

Nie Zhen'er was even more excited than if she had caught them herself. She stood up and crowd around the fish. "Qing Xiao, you’re the best."

Luan Qing Xiao replied modestly, "I’m alright."

"Little girl, are you guys tired from fishing? Would you like to go to the canteen for a glass of water?" The short-haired pregnant woman came over and asked with a benevolent smile on her face.

【Ding! The fifth compulsory plot is about to come. Requesting Host to not refuse Bai Xue's proposal and follow Bai Xue to drink water in the Canteen Staff Department. 】

Luan Qing Xiao: What does she want to do?

【Bai Xue befriended some of the ordinary girls before, so that when one of them married Mo Zhe, they would patronize her husband. However, Mo Zhe fell in love with Nie Zhen'er instead. Although Bai Xue doesn't understand his decision, she suddenly thought it would be easier to curry favors with Mo Zhe, rather than Nie Zhen'er. She heard that Mo Zhe had been courting Nie Zhen'er for a long time without any results, so she wanted to drug Nie Zhen'er medicine and send her to Mo Zhe's bed. 】

Luan Qing Xiao: This woman is really crazy.

【Host dada can't prevent this, the female lead must be sent to Mo Zhe's bed by Bai Xue's own hands. 】

Luan Qing Xiao checked her skill cards; one [Stealing Goods With Fake] and one [Zhuang Zhou’s Butterfly Dream], which should come in handy.

Luan Qing Xiao said to Nie Zhen'er, "Zhen'er, I'm a little thirsty, why don't we go get something to drink with this elder sister? Since you like fishing, we can come back later."

Nie Zhen'er nodded, "Okay."

The smile on Bai Xue’s face became deeper as she walked swiftly with her big belly. "Most of the water in our canteen are produced by ability users, but there is a small part of it that is mountain spring water, which is only for important figures to drink. This time, you two earned it big time."

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"Mountain spring water? Is there any difference between that and the ability users’ water?" Nie Zhen'er asked in curiosity.

Bai Xue responded, "The mountain spring water is clear and sweet with an even better aftertaste. Whether it is brewing tea or making soup, both taste great. You will know the difference after you taste it yourself later."

Entering the canteen, Bai Xue led them to a small room marked "Staff Lounge,” "You guys sit down first. Wait for me for a while, I'll go brew some tea for you."

"Thank you, Elder Sister."

"Many thanks."

Bai Xue enthusiastically replied, "We’re all from the same base, no need to be so polite."

Then Bai Xue turned around and went outside the staff lounge. Soon, she returned with three cups of clear and fragrant tea.

She set the tea on the small table; passing one cup to Nie Zhen'er, another to Luan Qing Xiao and the remaining one stayed in her hand. "Smell the fragrance, it’s even more fragrant when you drink it. You girls have a taste."

Bai Xue took a sip first. She closed her eyes and showed a content expression.

Nie Zhen'er became interested. She blew the tea leaves floating on it and took a sip, then closed her eyes like Bai Xue.

Luan Qing Xiao watched her little satisfied expression. She waited until she opened her eyes then asked, "How does it taste?"

"Delicious, Qing Xiao, you try it too."

Luan Qing Xiao gave it a taste. It was actually pretty good.

She just doesn't know what drug Bai Xue could put in such a clear tea.

Ten minutes later, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er collapsed onto the small table, unconscious.

Bai Xue didn't care about Luan Qing Xiao. Instead, she scurried outside to call someone in. That person was a Level 4 space user who could store living creatures into his space.

"I'll leave the rest to you." Bai Xue said.

"Sister-in-law, rest assured."

Seeing the man turn and leave, Bai Xue picked up Luan Qing Xiao's teacup and took a sip out of it. After a while, she too fainted on the table.

Who knows how long it took before Luan Qing Xiao quietly woke up. Her head was both a little dizzy and painful. Rubbing the back of her head, she opened her eyes and saw Bai Xue next to her.

Luan Qing Xiao: How is Zhen'er right now?

【The female lead is already on the bed in Mo Zhe's villa.  Currently, Mo Zhe is still outside and hasn’t yet returned to the villa yet. 】

Only after Luan Qing Xiao confirmed with 520 that the female lead would be fine, did she drink the tea without worry and passed out.

The compulsory plots are there to deepen the relationship between the female and male lead, so she had to stop anything from happening between Mo Zhe and Nie Zhen'er.

Luan Qing Xiao nudged Bai Xue until she woke up and looked at her in confusion.

Luan Qing Xiao frowned and asked, "Where is Zhen'er? Why did I faint after drinking the tea?"

Bai Xue touched her stomach in a panic as she shook her head. "I didn't know, I also passed out. I made the tea by myself, there should be any problem."

"Maybe that little girl woke up and headed back?"

Luan Qing Xiao stood up, "I’ll go back to find her."

Once Luan Qing Xiao left, Bai Xue immediately cleaned up the tea to destroy the evidence.

Luan Qing Xiao returned to the place where she and Nie Zhen'er lived. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes: “520, use [Stealing Goods With Fake]."

There are a lot of requirements to use the skill, [Stealing Goods With Fake]. Not only do the people or things need to be similar, the situations also have to be similar to be able to exchange.

For example, Nie Zhen'er and Luan Qing Xiao were both women. Since Nie Zhen'er is lying on the bed with her eyes closed, if Luan Qing Xiao wants to swap with her, she must also lie on the bed with her eyes closed.

【Ding! Successfully used the skill, [Stealing Goods With Fake]. 】

As soon as 520’s voice fell, Luan Qing Xiao's body became hot. She wiggled her fingers and felt a completely different fabric under her hands. After opening her eyes, she saw herself lying on a two-meter-and-half big black silk bed. The blanket was also black with a golden dragon embroidered on it.

Luan Qing Xiao: When will Mo Zhe return?

【Ding! Mo Zhe will be back in ten minutes. 】

Luan Qing Xiao got off the bed and strolled around in Mo Zhe's bedroom, but found nothing.

The last time she came here, she knew that there was no one else in the villa except Mo Zhe. Luan Qing Xiao opened the bedroom door and found Mo Zhe's study.

The study was generally a relatively private place. Luan Qing Xiao opened the door of the study and found a dozen portraits on the large desk before she even started searching.

Looking at those, she guessed Mo Zhe probably has never learned to paint. From the description, a black haired girl with snow-white skin and red lips sounds extremely beautiful. However, if you look at the drawings, it looks like a female ghost to be honest.

Although she knew Nie Zhen'er was what Mo Zhe was drawing, Luan Qing Xiao didn't want to admit these "ghosts" were Nie Zhen'er at all.

Does Mo Zhe have a misunderstanding with his painting skills or Nie Zhen'er's appearance?

Even if he hasn’t learned to draw, that wasn’t a reason to  paint her little angel into this ghost-like thing.

Luan Qing Xiao glanced at the time, there were three minutes left.

She put down those "portraits,” and began flipping through the drawers of the study. In a drawer on the far left, she found a letter from A Base.

A Base has inside details of B Base. The details explained to Mo Zhe that Yuan Ting, the leader of B Base, had died, and reported that the three Level 4 ability users of the base couldn’t agree with each other. Finally, they decided to divide the base into thirds.

Luan Qing Xiao put the letter in her pocket; thinking that if Liang Yan learns the good news from her, his blackening value will drop again.

When Luan Qing Xiao was reading the letter, she didn’t pay attention to the time. By the time she pocketed the letter, Mo Zhe's footsteps could be heard coming upstairs. Soon, Mo Zhe will be opening the door of the study.

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