The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 2: Chapter II

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Trouble From the Start


Starting off, the female lead, villainess and male leads were childhood friends. One day, the female lead was cursed by a witch. The curse was that she would die when she reached the age of 22. I do not know why it was 22 but ask the author. Hah. I died so I can't anymore.


Anyways, the only cure was to find true love, of course, however, the main characters didn't know that was the answer and thought she was going to die on her 22nd birthday. All the main characters and nobles paid attention to her for pity. Except for the villainess, she was jealous of the female lead, who took everyone's attention. The female lead was pretty as well. A rare beauty, some would say.  


Gorgeous light pink hair, and turquoise eyes. She was perfect, kind, even though she was going to die.  She didn't change her persona. Typical female lead, you know?


Yet, the 5 main characters didn't know that the villainess was cursed too. The villainess was beside the female lead when she was cursed, so she had taken some of the curse within her. She was cursed to feel no pain and no emotion. However, she will be completely emotionless at the age of 22 as well. As of now, I predict that I am 15 or so, this is the starting of the novel. I put the quill down for now.


Let me try cutting my finger a bit. I grab the nearest sharp thing and drag it hard across my index finger. Yeah, no pain. It's completely numb, I don't feel even a sting. I sucked my finger for it to stop bleeding.  


I proceed back to writing, Astelle is now 15, so the female lead is 15 too and the male leads are 16. This is the beginning; the story starts off at a party with all the male leads waiting for the female lead. Tsk, the villainess is pretty too, damn it. Now, I feel pity for myself, great. I should stop writing, for now, my memory is coming back.  


As well as Astelle's, that's good. I won't be tested, but at least I'll know how to act around others. Wait... I'm not Astelle though. All my emotions are intact. Astelle's positive emotions wavered first.


 By 15 years of age, all emotions she expressed were anger, jealousy and hatred. You know, basically everything you hate in a person?


Yet, I feel other emotions besides that, I think... I'll have to test it out. For now, let's act like Astelle...or not. She ended up dying, remember?


What do I do?!


Let's not panic.  


*Knock Knock*




I jumped at the sudden intrusion. I cleared my throat and responded, "Yes, what is it?"


Woah. Her voice? No, my voice? Whatever, it sounds elegant too. Seriously, not even one male lead had a crush on her?!


"My lady! I have breakfast for you," said a very obnoxious female voice. God, what went up her ass. Stop. Don't curse.


"Bring it in," I allowed the maid to come in. She was a different one. The one before had dark brown hair in a bun with kind blue eyes. This one had black hair with brown eyes. Ah, she looks so common, I feel at home.


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However, the slight smile I was beginning to feel immediately disappeared when I saw the breakfast. It looked horrible! I never even ate that kind of food when I was begging for money!


It was basically trash, boiled in sewer water and spiced up with filth, and only the soup looked like that! There was more. I looked up to the maid to ask her what the hell this was, but then I saw her smirk. Her damn smug and crossed arms. I see.


This was how it was. The maid bowed and left. Don't bother bowing if you have no damn respect, bitch.


I walked over to the tray and held the spoon and lifted the so-called soup and let it flow. It fell in chunks. It was cold soup. Fuck, was this how Astelle lived? Wasn't she a Duke's daughter?  


I heard snickers behind the door. There were 2 maids. One of the voices sounded like the one who just brought in my food and another small voice.  


"You should really stop giving her food like that, it's seriously unhealthy, she could die!" The other voice whispered.  


"It's funny, she never changes her expression! And so, what if she dies, not like anyone is going to care!" That damn maid laughed.


How many times...  


Wait. Oh, my... If I'm here... does that mean... Astelle... died?


In her sleep. Now that I look at myself properly. I have dark circles. My bones are sticking out. This fucking maid. She's killed a person! A literal teenager! How many times did Astelle eat this shit?!


Ack! My head, I stumbled slightly. Memories of Astelle eating this just flashed through my head. 52. 52 times.


I'm not being Astelle. I'm being who I know best. Me.


"Excuse me," I spoke out loud as I opened the doors. The 2 maids were still there, good.  


"You." I pointed to the damn maid. She looked shaken for some reason. Was she really not expecting me to say something? Oh, I'll say something. I'll say something really entertaining. Something for her to really laugh at. I smirked at the thought.


"Y-yes my lady? Is something the matter?" The 2 maids bowed and the one who brought my food spoke. "I'm not feeling hungry. So," I brought the tray out. "Oh, Of course, I'll take it away then," the maid smiled.


"Did I tell you to speak? Who are you to interrupt me?" I looked down at her. She looked scared and looked down. 'Damn, am I going to get fired?' The maid thought.


"Don't dare do it again. As I was saying before being rudely interrupted." I looked at her in disgust. Time to take revenge, bitch.


"I'll be very kind and let you, my dear maid, eat this food that, you, must've worked hard on preparing." I smiled a smile full of poison. 

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