The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 3: Chapter III

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"My lady, what do you mean?" The maid in question nervously spoke. She was sweating from the glare directed at her. "Are you deaf, did I stutter? I said, Eat the food you brought me. As you've been expecting me to eat. Now you eat it." I shouted at her and my voice gradually reduces in volume as I stopped speaking. I look at the other maid, she was shaking from fear as to what would happen to her.  


Luckily for this maid, who had light brown hair with brown eyes and freckles adorning her petite face, she was innocent, from Astelle's memories.  


She was small but not smaller than Astelle, perhaps the maid would be around the age of 18 or 19. She was young. I looked at her and she flinched, afraid my anger is explosive.  




 Mine was, but not Astelle's. I am no longer who I am, I am Astelle Asterion now... Trying to be, anyway.


"M-my lady, you want me to eat… that?" The maid stuttered. "Are you having trouble comprehending, are you brain dead? What do you not understand?" I spat out in an unrelenting tone.


"Apologies, but I cannot eat the food you eat. It is rude to eat a noble's food." The maid looked down.  


I clicked my tongue, "Does this seriously look like the food for a noble? If so, you must be more foolish than I thought," I grab the plate and spoon and forced them into her hands. "Eat." I looked her in the eyes.


She gagged at the sight of it and teared up, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I never should've-"  


I raised my to hand to shut her up, "So you won't, hm? You," I looked at the other maid who stood by and watched. "Call the guards, and take them to the kitchen, I'll be arriving shortly," the maid paused and looked at the other maid who was trembling and shaking her head.


She nodded and bowed and left to go take the guards. I held the other maid, who began to kneel, by the upper arm, "You are going to get what you deserve, whether you like it or not." I glared.


"Do not speak, I do not want to listen to your useless pleading, it won't work," I spoke up as she had opened her mouth, possibly for apologies that will go to deaf ears.  


 I'm not going to kill her like she thinks I will. I still have morals, who do I think I am. Just because I've died and reincarnated, doesn't mean I'm better than anyone. I was just like this maid in my past life, granted I didn't kill anyone or even think about it.


However, I'd fight and work just to continue living. I guess I just didn't fight hard enough. I'll just scare her enough to make sure she doesn't do this somewhere else and then fire her. It's only fair I assume.


We've reached the kitchen and the maid started crying. Annoying.


"What's your name?" I asked the trembling maid. She answered, "Diane, my lady," she started crying even more terribly. Goodness, does she really believe

I'll kill her?  


Ack! Again! That headache.


It seems Astelle has punished a lot of maids before I came into the story. She wasn't bratty or spoiled. Neither was she obnoxious. She was like a silent kind of mean.


So, she wouldn't shout at the maids but more as in immediately punish them without warning. This maid truly is an idiot if she already knew about Astelle's habits and still wanted to "prank" her.


"I'll ask you something, Diane. Did someone put you up to this?" I crouched down to her level and asked lowly. "I- No, my lady," she looked down. I got up, looked down at her in disappointment and continued forward.


We reached the kitchen and I see two guards and the maid. The guards straightened up as they saw me. I will have to get used to that. "You hold her, She's heavy." I pushed Diane up towards one of the guards. "Is the Head chef inside?" I asked the other maid. I ought to ask her name soon.


She nodded and opened the doors. "Ah, my lady!" It's the maid from earlier. The one with dark brown hair and blue eyes. "What are you doing down here? Was something the matter with the food? Ah! Diane?! What have you done now?! I apologise for her, Milady I'll-"  


"Quiet," I said, she talked too much. She wouldn't even let me speak.


Did Astelle not care that much about herself that they continue to act like this towards her?


In the Novel, she was seen as selfish and rude. She was horrible but... right now all she seems to me is pitiful.


"I apologise for speaking out of turn." The maid bowed. "I asked you this earlier as well. What is your name, do not speak further than answering the question." I looked into her eyes.


"My... name is Marianne, my lady," she spoke.


Finally.  It was very tiring to call her that 'maid with dark brown hair and blue eyes.' "Well, Marianne, what Diane has done could be under the crime of attempted assassination of the duke’s only daughter, " I glared.


She actually did die. However, I can't tell them that. They'd call me crazy and possibly send me to some asylum.

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Marianne gasped and covered her mouth from shock. Diane looked fear struck. She wasn't moving and the other maid looked down in shame for having to be a witness of it. The guards pointed their weapons, spear and sword, at Diane.


"Calm down. I expect that she was not doing it on purpose, or maybe she was and I'm just defending someone my father hired." I looked at her as she looked down.  


One of the guards spoke up, "My lady, If I may ask," he looked at me and I nodded. "What did she exactly do?" The guard finished speaking and looked serious.


"She fed me rotten food around 52 times and continued to do so without giving a care to my health," I said nonchalantly. Do they know Astelle can't feel pain?  


I don't think so, The Duke would never trust servants with this secret he hasn't even told the Imperial family.


"Oh, my goodness, My lady how are you still-" Marianne cried out loud before I spoke up, "Marianne, you are the head maid correct? How could you have not noticed the change in the food and my health?"


She flinched, "N-no, you were always sickly, my lady, so I just presumed you were like this, after all my lady, you, yourself, had told us that we shouldn't do anything concerning you without you telling us. So, I paid it no mind, waiting for you to order me to get medicine or such." She gradually gained tears in her eyes.


Suddenly, she kneeled and begged for forgiveness. Is she always this... energetic?


What the hell, Astelle? She wouldn't even let the maids take care of her.  


I only know her memories not her thoughts so I have no idea what she was thinking during this whole thing.


"Alright, it is my own fault. Off your knees Marianne, and now you-"  


"My lady! She fainted!" The guards holding her screamed out.Huh?! I'm the one malnourished over here! Damn it! What a bitch!


Stop. Cursing. I said to myself as I walked over to the maid. She's bleeding from her mouth.


Ah! I know this! She's committed suicide by pills of poison like those novels I read!


"Check her vitals! Is she breathing?!" I barked out at the guards. They immediately checked her nose and her neck for any signs of life.  


"N-no my lady. Her heart's not beating..." the guards looked down.


"Of course," I sighed as my fingers massaged my forehead. "Inform her family of her death and give them the body and inform of her crime and how her death happened, I don't need more trouble of family members out for my life as revenge, " I ordered the guards.


They nodded and walked away with the maid's body. "Hold on, before you do that, take her to an infirmary and see which kind of poison was ingested by her, it could give us a clue on who's behind it or where it originated from," I said waving them off.


They bowed and carried the body away. "Ah yes, Marianne and...?" I turned to the two maids.


She bowed, "Eve, my lady,". I nodded, "Eve, you two come to my room, later on, to get me started off with the day. Also, tell the head chef to prepare a proper meal this time. If I get anything other than a delicious meal, I will tell the duke about this whole incident and have you both fired on the spot." I told them and threatened them with a fiery glare.


They meekly nodded and rushed off. I walked away until I reached the door that I recognised as Astelle's room.  


I released a huge sigh. That was tough, I was not in control of my own body. I can't even believe that happened.  


To summarise how I got here and what happened, Astelle was fed rotten food around 52 times, due to her curse she couldn't feel her body slowly losing its energy. She couldn't feel that pain to the point she died.


 Then I appeared, after she and I probably have died at the same time, and dealt with the entire situation.


She did not care for herself at all. Oh, and there's someone who's after me for my death.


I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to live. I'm going to live the life I couldn't and I'm going to make Astelle's life better. She deserves it.


I pinched myself to test I'm not actually dreaming, no use, I can't feel pain. I jump on the bed and groan loudly.


Fuck both of my lives.


Stop. Cursing.

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