The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 20: Chapter XX

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After the ceremony, there was a party thrown, not for the knights, of course, but the nobles. The knights who had the pleasure of being chosen were allowed to attend with their new employers and the others left behind to feel the shame of being seen as not worthy enough. So harsh… The nobles could care less though.


Laughing, dancing, drinking, and eating without care. This is why there was a French Revolution. I sighed out loud, why can I remember my lifetime’s worldly problems but I can’t remember my memories. I felt a presence close to me, so I face the person who is currently next to me. 


“My lady, is there something bothering you?” Caleb worried. This boy was way too concerned over me, nothing has even happened yet. “No, nothing, why don’t you enjoy the party? It’s technically for the nobles who chose knights but it is for you too,” I replied to him.


“No, I enjoy staying by your side, my lady,” he smiled gently. I cleared my throat; he says the most innocent things… We have just met.


“I don’t even know your last name, Caleb, how can you possibly enjoy spending time with me so soon?” I slightly teased. “Oh,” he chuckled. I raised an eyebrow, though he can’t see it. “No need to fret over that, I don’t have one,” he smiled, somehow facing me.


“Oh, you are an orphan?” I asked, and regretted it. We just met! Why did you ask such an insensitive thing?! He nodded, “I was found by Sir Ezekiel, he took me in and raised me as his own to become a knight,”


“That’s how you were good and why you said finally,” I mumbled. “No, my lady was just tired, you were excellent, you beat all 14 knights right after the other, it was extraordinary, and yes, Sir Ezekiel is very proud of your skills” if his eyes were open, he’d have stars in them. I haven’t been complimented before so I felt my cheeks heat up.


Suddenly, he looked up, following his line of sight…ah…never mind. I look up as well to see both Alistair and Arabella approaching us slowly. “My lady, why do I feel malice from both sir and lady Thelonious,” he whispered into my ear. 


I patted his shoulder, “That is why I needed a knight, it seems I have many unnecessary enemies,” I whispered back before facing the Thelonious siblings. “What are you whispering about?” Alistair smiled menacingly. “Just that the party is very enjoyable, but I wonder, why have you two approached me?”


I need to ask another question to put their focus away from the question they asked me. Alistair replied while taking his hand out, “Ah, yes, mother wanted me to ask you for a dance,” 




 Arabella smiled the same smile as her younger brother, “I reassured mother and father that you would say yes, after all, you are childhood friends,” Alistair rolled his eyes, his hand still reaching out for mine. I stared at his hand, I felt like I shouldn’t take it. I peeked at Caleb from the side of my eye, he looked equally as worried as I felt on the inside. 


“Look, my hand has been in this position for about five seconds, you’re going to take it and dance, my parents are looking.” He growled out under his breath. “Aw dear, don’t be so shy.” Arabella said in a forceful sing-song voice. She came by my side and pushed me harshly into her brother’s proximity. I felt myself titter; Caleb grabbed my upper arm to balance me. Both siblings immediately glared at that. For Caleb’s sake, I immediately took Alistair’s hand and he dragged us to where other nobles were dancing.


“This doesn’t mean I wanted to dance with you, it was just mother being too nice,” he said after a while of silence. I was busying trying to look over for Caleb. I’m worried that Arabella was with him, luckily, I saw Arabella but no Caleb near her at all.


“Searching for your new toy, huh?” he said into my ear. I immediately looked into his eyes with the most hatred I could muster. “Don’t be so crude, Alistair.” I said in a low voice, filled with disgust. He raised his eyebrows, “Using my name now?” 


“You don’t deserve to be called with respect,” I spat out. As soon as I said that, I lost the feeling of my hand that was in his hand. As I saw my hand, I could see he was clutching it. Hard. So, this what Astelle’s pain felt like. Not pain, but numbness.


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I fake winced to show it hurt. His green eyes bore into my red ones. I held it with the same hatred he showed me. “Such hatred, why don’t you call me idiot like you did before?” he smirked. I was a fool to think he forgot. I said nothing as my hand felt cold now. The numbness turning into a cold feeling. Interesting.


“My lady,” I immediately turned my head to Caleb, who looked serious. A face I haven’t seen on him yet. What happened that he looks like that? “Yes? Is something the matter?” I felt my hand returning to normal. Seems like he cares for his image. Or maybe because Caleb isn’t facing me but Alistair. Somehow, I can feel the glare he wishes to give to Alistair.


“Sir Asterion called for you,” he said still not facing me. Alistair let go of my hand, and smiled smugly, “I enjoyed this dance, I’ll see you around, Astelle,” I hope we don’t.


Alistair walked away and Caleb finally faced me. “You should have made an excuse to stop dancing,” he said lowly, minding the nobles around us. My eyes widened.


He lied to his own previous master… I told him to follow me. He did, and I lead the both of us outside to the garden. The sun was setting now. “How did you know?” I turned around to face him once I knew we were alone. “I knew, I felt your distress and pain.”


But I don’t feel pain, I said nothing. I walked forward and he followed in silence. That whole event was unusual. Alistair was far crueller than expected. Why does he and his sister hate me so? I’m getting less and less of Astelle’s memories. How did Astelle deal with this for so long?


I sat down at a fountain, “My lady, that’s dirty!” I looked at him, “How do you know? You’re blind,” I’m too tired to filter my words. 


He looked taken aback, “I’m not blind but more like blurry… I can see when it’s really close to me, and it’s more like a sixth sense too,” he explained. He’s just near-sighted?!


“A sixth sense, huh?” I chuckled. He stepped back, “D-did you laugh just now? I heard you were emotionless, ah! Not to offend you, my lady,”


I smiled, he can see if we’re close, right? “I’m tired of concealing my emotions, would you mind if I smiled or laughed like this, only when we’re alone, of course,” I asked him, I really am too tired. He isn’t a male lead, so, I won’t need to worry, right?




“May I ask why conceal them in the first place?” he sat beside me. “It was easy at first,” I started. “Gradually, it became a sort of shield, against things I don’t know of,” I answered it way easier than I thought. The sky grew darker. It became evening, and the stars shone in the dark abyss that is the night sky.


He nodded, “I see, yes, of course, my lady, share everything you would like with me, I will be your shield now,” he smiled that comforting smile of his. Suddenly feeling the urge to cry, I stood up, “Alright, let’s go back inside,”


We both stood up, and started to head off back to the ballroom. It was silent outside, but you could hear the faint music from the ballroom. Caleb walked behind me and I walked ahead. Suddenly, there was a rustle from the bushes from my right.


As soon as we both faced to the direction, Caleb immediately removed his sword and there was loud Clang! Of two metal swords clashing against each other. Someone had leaped out of the bushes! “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Caleb yelled out as loud as he could. That caught the attention of someone who was coming out of the ballroom. “Astelle!” that voice! Sirius?! 


“What’s going on?!” he yelled out as he rushed towards us. Caleb still glaring daggers, with his silver almost mirror-like eyes, into the person currently against him.

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