The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 21: Chapter XXI

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It was far too dark to recognise whoever it was. Sirius grabbed my arm and pushed me behind him. Caleb, noticing that I was safe, immediately pushed the offender back and began clashing swords with him. Sirius watched with focus as other people began to come out because of Sirius’s outburst. “Call the other knights!” a man called out. 


I could only watch as Caleb slashed and parried. Finally, the offender was defeated. Caleb held the point of the sword dangerously close to his neck. “What the hell, Matthew? I knew you were petty but not to stoop this far below.” Caleb spat out harshly.


I left my brother’s side and went to Caleb. Matthew? It’s that boy! The one I had defeated from before! “Shut up, you blind fuck,” Matthew cursed at him. I stepped forward to slap the shit out of this trash but Sirius grabbed me and slightly shook his head, gesturing to the nobles who watched the scene. I clenched a fist.


Knights came forward and carried Matthew away as they did, he glared at me. But I caught the attention to the pin he had on his chest, some sort of black flower?


But…he wasn’t chosen. Which family crest was that? Caleb forward to me and asked me urgently, “Are you alright, my lady?!”


I nodded, giving him a slight smile only he could possibly see. His eyes were open, and they shone silver under the moonlight. He smiled, filled with relief. Sirius grabbed me and turned me around to look at me all over. I patted his hand, “I’m alright, Caleb protected me,” he nodded to me. “Good, you picked a good knight,” 


“I know,” I said sincerely. The nobles were ushered back inside and I went through the same process of being looked over again, by my father.


The duke Thelonious called over my father, brother and me over. Caleb followed close behind me. “The knight killed himself.” He said once we were out of the ballroom and near the carriages. 


What…? Just like Diane… “The only thing that was on him was a sword he stole from us, and this insignia, one that I am not aware of,” the duke gritted, frustrated. That black flower… seems so ominous. I’m getting chills. 


Sensing my discomfort, my father spoke, “It’s about time we left, I apologise for the commotion,” the Thelonious duke, immediately shook his head, “Rigel, come on! I should apologise that I wasn’t vigilant, Astelle could have gotten hurt!” he exclaimed, then looked at me. “I am truly sorry, dear girl,”


I shook my head, “Please do not say you are responsible for this, duke, it was not your fault,” This man is so kind…so what the heck happened with his kids?! He handed me the insignia, “I feel like you should keep it, Astelle,” I nodded and we walked away. I gripped the black flower insignia in my hand.


We climbed into the carriage, except Caleb, he sat in the front with the coachmen. Our own knights arrived on their horses and we rode back home. That reminds me, I’ll need to buy lots of things for Caleb. He is my knight and my knight shall have the best items.


My knight… how weird, it feels nice to say that.


 Oh, I forget the fact that I was almost murdered today. This is the second time now, and I don’t think it’s going to be the last time. I heard Caleb and the coachman chatting ahead. “He is a good knight, Astelle,” father started out of nowhere. “Yes, he is, I was amazed at his skills despite being a novice,” Sirius commented.


“He was taught by Sir Ezekiel, Sir Ezekiel Caleb raised as his own,” I informed. “Ah, yes that makes much more sense, Ezekiel is very skilled, he teaches both you and Sirius,” father nodded in agreement. Sirius nodded, in agreement, too.


So, as I didn’t know what to do right now, I nodded hesitantly. That was dumb of me, are we only able to do this in conversations?! This was ridiculous, we’re all just nodding!


Ah… I should tell them. I should tell them that someone or something is targeting me. I can’t… if I’m not sure of it, it’ll only hold me back in trying to live.


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So, I let it go.

After 3 months, however…


I’m currently in the capital looking for a dress for my age-of-coming ceremony that is going to be at the palace. I’m followed by Caleb, in his new uniform that I bought for him 3 months ago with his shiny, new invincible sword. I didn’t tell him but it was enchanted to never break. It was expensive as hell, my peasant at heart cried at the zeros the swordsmith spoke out loud. Beside me was, Marianne who had stars in her eyes looking for dresses.


We entered, yet another dress shop, it had a nice ambience and pretty dresses too. Caleb sighed, “Ladies really do shop a lot,” he mumbled. “Hm? What did you say, Caleb?” He coughed, “Nothing…my lady,”


I was going to say something else before being interrupted by Marianne’s loud sudden gasp. Both me and Caleb turned to her immediately, “My lady! I found the perfect dress! Let us go and look at it immediately!” she basically shouted at. 


The dress in question was red, like my eyes. It was off shoulder; it reached the floor and the bodice was red with some black gems embedded into it. The skirt was red but it had a black net over it and the black net had black petals stitched into it, rising up like flames. It was gorgeous, but the black petals gave me anxiety. I’ve been avoiding black flowers ever since that incident 3 months ago. 


I had searched the library and the flower was a dahlia. A black dahlia insignia. It was very ominous. The petals on the dress were rose petals, however. I sighed as I called over an employee and they made me wear the dress. 


Marianne smiled very brightly at the sight of me in the dress. This was it then.


Caleb was left outside since Marianne said he could not see me in the dress due it being “special” I laughed to myself; however, he actually can’t see it anyway, unless he comes really close and well, he can’t.


We bought the dress and left the shop, thanking the owners. These 3 months were quite uneventful, surprisingly. They were calm and peaceful, no anxiety whatsoever. Astelle and I haven’t talked since though. I haven’t had a dream with her ever since then.


I’ve done experiments with this curse, studied what Astelle studies. Perfected the flaws I had. We arrived back to the mansion, thankfully the rest of the day went normally. As I prepared for bed, I heard a knock at my door. “Who is it?” I asked, turning around. I heard Marianne’s voice; I told her to come in and her head popped in.


“What is it? Have you forgotten something?” I looked at her. “My lady… I know it is quite late to remind you, but I know you would remember, because my lady never forgets,” she nodded proudly but slightly panicked.


“Marianne… I’m tired, what is it?” I plopped on the bed and closed my eyes. “Tomorrow, you have a tea party… in Count Alden’s household.” Marianne mumbled but I heard, my eyes opened wide.


That’s tomorrow?! Great! Just great!


The Alden household is the house of the female lead, Fabienne Alden. It’s not a problem that I’m meeting her. I can handle her but… where she is, there are male leads. 


If I’m invited, they are definitely invited, they would never leave the both of us alone. “I was aware, thank you still for reminding me, go to sleep, we’ll have to get ready for tomorrow,” I said without looking at the maid.


She nodded and left wishing me a good night, closing the door behind her, a good night indeed. I sighed out loud, and cursed under my breath. 


Prepare for drama! Another loud sigh left my mouth…

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