The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 25: Chapter XXV

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Shame On You

Caleb's P.O.V

Lady Astelle’s head dropped back as I grew her closer to my chest. “Caleb!

Why did you start running?!” I heard Marianne yell behind me. “Marianne! Call the knights and Sir Sirius immediately!” I yelled at her then she gasped at the sight of Lady Astelle. 


“What-!” She began, I didn’t let her finish, “Damn it! Marianne! Run!” I picked up Lady Astelle and ran off and then did Marianne nod and sped off. 


I had notified the nearest knight on the way to the doctor to go to the garden and arrest the knocked-out maid immediately. My lady’s hand bled out as I attempted to stop it with my handkerchief that she had gifted me.


This was all my fault; I knew, and she knew she was targeted, and I still left her alone! I slammed open the door and screamed for the Asterion family resident's doctor. The doctor instructed me to leave her on the bed and started his treatment.


“There are traces of poison on her palm, that must’ve been why she’s had such a major reaction to it!” he yelled to the nurse to bring the necessary tools. 




 Just then sir and duke Asterion rushed into the room, followed by my lady’s childhood friends. All of them gave off an aura, a light, of a muddy-ish green color to signify worry except one, one felt delighted?! The yellow hue almost too bright.  My eyes widened and tried to see which one. Pink. The pink haired one was… Fabienne Alden?!


I held in my anger as both the Asterions asked about Lady Astelle. We all sighed in relief at the news of her being alright. Marianne came to stand by me, with tear-filled eyes.


Ah. “I apologise for yelling at you, Marianne,” I bowed my head to her as she profusely shook her head. “No, no please don’t apologise,”


Both Asterions then faced me, I kneeled to them, “I apologise, I have failed my lady and masters, I beg of you to punish me,” I told them.

 I really shouldn’t have left; my lady is still regaining strength after what Marianne has told me about her previous unhealthy habits. Now poison could have been in her blood, and she would have died immediately!


I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was the duke, “Don’t kneel to us, just yet, Caleb, you saved my daughter,” he smiled at me while pulling me up. “If you hadn’t arrived on time, Astelle could have already been...” sir Asterion said before looking towards her.


I sighed as I saw her calmly sleeping now. “Who the hell dared try to stab Astelle?” for the first time this whole time, one of my lady’s “friends” spoke up. I think that was Sir Calypso who spoke.


“I saw the knight carrying the maid who did it on the way here, I told him to head over here since we’re all here,” the prince spoke up now. He sounded angry as well, they all had an angry aura, all of course except one, who was delighted now disappointed. 


I remember my lady saying that Fabienne would be against her, I did not expect it to be this far, however…Did Fabienne Alden plan this?

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We heard the knight yelling at someone before we could even see them. The young girl now shaking around in her shambles. She trembled so much even I could see it. I felt relief from her a second and then nothing but coldness. She didn’t die. I could still see her trembling but now no emotion was emitting from her. Weird…


I whispered to Marianne, who stood beside me, shocked, “Watch Fabienne Alden at all times, make note of her every move,” I felt her nod and faced back to the trembling maid. “Aren’t you that maid’s younger sister, who brought you along with her?” Sir Asterion said, questioning. “I am the younger sister of Diane, who that bitch murdered!”


I headed towards her to shut her up for good, my anger getting the best of me, but was stopped by Marianne. She pulled me back before walking towards that child and slapped her hard across the face. 


“I will not hold back if you call my lady a bitch again, Daisha, watch your words,” Marianne shook the girl roughly by her shoulders before letting her go with force I wouldn't have imagined that she would have. “I apologise for speaking out of turn, Sir Asterion and Duke Asterion,” she bowed before coming back to her place beside me. 


“Ok! I didn’t want to say anything, but my lord please leave the office and let the wounded rest quietly!” the doctor suddenly ordered us. I asked to stay behind, by my lady’s side. The doctor sighed but relented. Everyone else were forced to leave. I nodded at Marianne, signalling her to remember my previous request. She nodded in reply and headed with the two other Asterions to the interrogation room.


I watched the childhood friends of my lady leave, with regret. I looked away from the cheerful aura one held. My fury rising at the ridiculous delighted aura she emitted while my lady almost died. Poisoned. 


No one was in the office, even the doctor left to get something. The curtain was slightly closed, and the setting sun’s rays ran across the room from the window. My lady moved a bit in her sleep. Her right hand now resting across her stomach. I held my lady’s wounded hand lightly. 


“It must have hurt,” I spoke to no one in particular. “I apologise, my lady, I wasn’t there for you, I should have taken the hit,” I lowered my head and my elbows rested on the bed, beside her torso. Her hand clutched between mine and held against my forehead. I suddenly remembered calling her by her first name in my panic to catch her attention. 


My face felt red, how embarrassing, I hope she didn’t hear that… “I did,” I felt the bed vibrate. My head shot up to see her smiling at me. “My lady!” I immediately let go of her hand and I felt my face burn.


She laughed, it was the first time I heard her laugh, truly laugh. Wait, “Was I speaking out loud…?” Caleb said.

Astelle P.O.V.

I smiled at him again, “Yes, you are,” he covered his mouth with both hands. “Are you alright, my lady, I am-” he started before I grabbed his hand again. “Thank you for saving me, Caleb, there’s no need to feel so guilty,”


His open mouth closed slowly, and he nodded equally as slow. I patted his head, “it’s alright, I’m alright, my shield protected me after all, remember?” I ruffled his hair. I felt him tremble, I raised his head from his chin to see him crying.


“Oh, dear! You have been with Marianne for too long now,” I joked. He smiled as his tears flowed, “My lady!” he laughed, taken aback from my joke. I told him to tell me everything that happened ever since I fainted. 


“Oh, she was Diane’s sister…” I knew one of her family members would come after me. I sighed. This world just keeps shitting on me. However, now I know that this was Fabienne’s plan!


All I have to do is reveal it! Just you wait for it… Fabienne! This will be my victory!

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