The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 26: Chapter XXVI

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I walked with both Lord and Sir Asterion to the interrogation room, I felt assured that Caleb was with my lady at the moment. She was almost killed, murdered! 


It seems Lady Fabienne is planning something; I trust Caleb’s instincts more so now after the whole situation. So, I’ve kept my eye on her, but I can’t linger on her for too long or it will arise suspicion. Why are these five coming along anyway?


Caleb has already told me about what he’s seen from them. Their total disregard for my lady! How dare they?!


“Marianne,” sir Asterion called my name. “Yes, my lord!” I immediately replied. “What do you know of the girl?” he asked seriously. “My lord, I apologise but I had met her about a month ago, she claimed to have been working there, even though she’s younger than most, and I acknowledge that my lords and lady despise younger than 18 here, so I was confused…” I started to explain.


“If you were confused, why didn’t you address this problem to Astelle?” Lord Asterion asked in a stern voice. “My…lady had given me an order before to not mention anything regarding maids for a while… ever since… Diane,” 


Both Asterions said nothing as we continued walking. “Speaking of this Diane, what has she done to solicit such reactions?” Sir Calypso asked. I looked at Lady Fabienne all the while for any movement. 


I saw her eye twitch at the mention of Diane, does that mean something? I looked expectantly at my lords but they said nothing. I shall not speak out of turn either. “Marianne, could you tell us?” Lady Fabienne spoke out suddenly. “What has my poor friend gone through that made that girl believe that she ended the life of a maid?”


That sounded very accusatory, I looked at my lords and they nodded. Then I looked at Fabienne straight in the eyes, with a deep emotion that I wish not to name. 

“My lady would never end the life of another, no matter how cold and cruel she may seem to you, Lady Alden. She can see deep into a person and bring out their best,” I ranted before clearing my throat. Fabienne turned red, but still smiled. “I apologise, I grew defensive again, I know you are a friend of hers, I know you meant well… She was poisoned by the maid,” I said looking at her reaction.


Her mouth curved upwards before it immediately fell and I saw tears in her eyes. She started crying, “Poison again? Why is this happening to her?” the four boys beside immediately moved to comfort her.


I see, she’s crying so they don’t linger on my lady…how cunning. I should warn my lady about her. We can also safely assume it’s all her. My lady never liked her anyway. 


We reached the room and asked her who ordered her and what she did. Daisha never budged. It’s been at least an hour and nothing from her. I ought to smack her so many times she’ll beg for mercy. Sir Asterion and Lord Asterion wouldn’t even think of it, they’re too forgiving… or maybe they don’t care?


“Do you think we should punish her harshly?” I heard Sir Asterion whisper to Lord Asterion. Haha! Now we are getting somewhere. “Marianne, please come here,” Lord Asterion asked me over. Oh! Do I get to slap her?!


“My lady! Please!” we then heard a muffled voice from outside. It sounded like Caleb? “Don’t be such a bore, I am quite alright now, it was just poison.” My lady?!


The door opened to reveal my lady in all her beautiful, gorgeous glory. She’s alright! My eyes teared up at the sight of her!


“Just poison?! Please don’t say such things like they are casual,” Caleb exclaimed out of worry once more. I had opened the door to see everyone looking so shook at the sight of me.


“I haven’t passed away yet, please do not look at me as if I just rose from the dead,” I said suddenly feeling very conscious. “My lady!” I heard Marianne cry as she rushed over. Of course, she was already crying. 


I patted her head to assure her before I noticed the girl behind in shambles. “Oh, so this is my supposed assassin,” I walked towards her. “Astelle!” I heard Sirius yell. I stopped a few meters before her. 


“Marianne, what’s her name?” I asked Marianne without looking back but felt two people arrive behind me. “My lady, please step back,” Caleb said from behind me. At the same time, Marianne replied, “Her name is Daisha, my lady,”


“Astelle, listen to your knight, step away,” Zach suddenly said. I ignored him, and kneeled down, Caleb let out a noise of shock and Marianne said nothing. I looked the girl in the eyes.


I smirked, I felt her grow angry, the fire in her eyes so bright. “The one who lives,” She gritted her teeth and looked behind me for a split second before looking back almost immediately. I glanced behind me and saw the very face I was hoping to see.




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“Your sister died because she tried to poison me, I fired her and then she killed herself, for what reason are you trying to exact revenge upon me?” I stood back up and turned around to look at the male leads and Fabienne. I signalled them to leave already.


They stood their ground, stubborn bastards, they don’t even care. It’s probably just amusing to them… most of them anyway. She said nothing… this will take a while and I need all these people to leave right now.


I walked towards father and Sirius, “Please let me handle this, I have Caleb with me so I am safe.” I told them. They nodded after pondering for a while and entrusted my safety to Caleb as he bowed. 

That’s that, now these five. “Do you want an invitation to leave? I will handle this, it does not concern you at all, leave now.” I said coldly, looking right at Fabienne. Xavier put out his arm in front of her. Funny, she’s probably the reason I’m in danger.


“There’s no need to give that look, she was just crying over you and now you thank her like this?” Xavier glared. She’s probably just crying because her plan failed. “So? I didn’t ask her to cry, I do not want to argue, please leave,” I said fed up. Zach and Elliot looked at each other before grabbing the other two boys. 


“Let’s leave, we really do not have business here,” Elliot said solemnly. Finally, they got the hint. “B-but we do have business here! We are her friends!” Fabienne said. Is she worried this girl would say something? Well, it’s time to crush her idea of us being friends.


“Since when have we… been friends?” I said, dramatically turning around midsentence and the door slammed close behind them. That was very dramatic indeed.


Marianne looked sad and Caleb looked mad, confused, offended… what’s up with him? I raised my eyebrow and he seemed to sense my question. “Ah…there’s a lot to tell you about what just happened, but first Marianne should catch up what she got.” Caleb said seriously. 


I hummed, “Yes, but of course, not here, blow out the candles.” I said, heading towards the door and listening for any voices. None…they moved on quickly, friends, huh?


Caleb and Marianne blowed out the candles, and Marianne opened the door. “Won’t it be too dark, my lady?” Marianne asked. “That’s exactly what I want, after all, why should the one who lives, need the light? Isn’t living life… enough light?” Caleb and Marianne looked confused. Daisha, however, glared daggers. 


I smirked at her expression and turned away; Caleb shut the door. Leaving Daisha to the darkness she fled to after her sister’s death.

“My lady, not to be rude, but why do you keep mentioning living and light?” Marianne asked as we continued walking to another destination, somewhere private. “Her name, Daisha,” I answered. Caleb hummed, “The one who lived… how specific…” he sighed. “Then Diane means…” Marianne continued. “The light.” I looked at Marianne. “How convenient for me, it was easy to anger her because of their names,” 


I probably should make up an excuse if they ask me how I know… I had studied a whole dictionary of this world’s language recently, of course, to be less suspicious of not being Astelle. 


I sighed, why did she have to be so smart. Marianne kept her hand on my shoulder. “My lady, perhaps you should rest…you have just been poisoned.” Caleb exclaimed exasperatedly, “Thank you! My lady is quite stubborn when it comes to her health,” he huffed.


I smile softly, “I’m alright…” she looked me in the eyes, stared right into my soul. “Alright, I have a request, I want to eat something sweet,” Marianne grinned immediately. She nodded and ran off but not before saying, “My lady! Head to the lavender room! I’ll bring all the sweets available for you!” 


“What? Not all of them! Marianne!” I exclaimed as politely as a person can be while shouting. “She is a hopeless cause when it comes to you, my lady,” Caleb smiled, his silver eyes shimmering. “Is there a possible way your eyes can heal?” I asked.


He looked taken aback, “So suddenly, I’m not quite sure, I’m alright with my eyes however, so please don’t worry, I’ll always be ready to protect you,” 


Damn, what a line, he can make a lady fall in love with him with such words. “Aren’t you a charmer?” I smirked slightly. He guffawed as he turned bright red. “M-my lady! Pardon?!” 


He’s too cute! I laughed on the inside. “Don’t surprise me like that,” he pouted, his blush residing. Now that I think about it… 


“Caleb, you claimed she went cold and emotionless…when you saw her again…yes?” my body went cold at the realisation. “Yes? That is correct…my lady?” he said and then grew worried, noticing my change in mood. 


I didn’t continue as I rushed back to where Daisha was being held. I heard Caleb call for me, then heard him run and started walking after me. His questions went through dull ears. No, she was the only one for any answers!


I slammed the door open as I ordered Caleb to ignite the candles again. He did so without any questions. She wasn’t moving. Her chest still, eyes closed and blood flowing through her lips. 


Fuck! Fuck! She took in a slow poison. I turned around to face Caleb. He understood immediately and looked down. “It seems even the one who lives died.” I said, this was getting extremely annoying.

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