The Villainess’s Curse

Chapter 4: Chapter IV

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A knock on the door roused me from my sleep. I must have dozed off, it's really comfortable. "Yes, yes come in," I told the person on the other side of the door, who happened to be Marianne.


"My lady, I have to come to prepare you for the day, and the food will be ready by the time I have set you up," she bowed when she entered.  


I got off the bed and let her do her job, she took me to bathe and wash me, which feels very awkward for me since I'm not exactly used to this. I don't like that she's touching me. Dear god, this is weird.


However, I can't really say anything because all nobles do this and Astelle has always been washed like this. She kept scented oils and perfumes to my hair and body. I feel so smooth. Like a new-born baby.


I'm getting distracted again. "My lady, may I ask something of you?" Marianne asked as she massaged my scalp. I hummed in reply, this massaging the scalp feels good.


"Why did you ask me of my name after the 5 years of working with you?" Marianne washed the soap bubbles off my hair.  


Well, I wanted to know her name because it was tiring of thinking that maid with dark brown hair and blue eyes.


Though, I can't just tell her that now, can I?




"I want to live, Marianne," I started speaking as she dried me. She looked up at me and looked confused, "In order for a person like me to live, I must gain trust and to trust others. In this world, you can either fight alone or fight with another. I have fought alone for far too long, Marianne,"


She looked like she pitied me, "That is why I chose you, you worked with me for 5 years, you know how I am, and you know my actions and habits as well," She nodded in agreement.


Then she faltered, "D-does... Does that mean you trust me, my lady?" She looked happy for some reason.  


I smiled and her eyes widened, "Not yet, but I hope we can, one day, trust each other well."  


She grinned and cheerfully nodded. We spent the rest of the time in peaceful silence.  


Marianne dressed me in a beautiful, baby blue dress with golden linings and blue comfortable flats. The dress was knee length with short, puffed sleeves since it was summer as I saw from the window and walk to the kitchen.


It wasn't too hot but wasn't cold either. The summer here is just right. The sunlight rays phased through the window and lit the room beautifully.  


"My lady, your dinner is ready in the dining hall. The duke is already there," Marianne announced from what she heard from Eve who came after she set dinner.  


I flinched at the mention of the Duke, I don't have many memories of him. I don't know how Astelle talks to him. I'll have to improvise.

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"Then let's head off," I said calmly, whilst totally panicking on the inside.


Fuck, fuck, stop fucking cursing!


The duke will definitely figure out something is wrong with his daughter if I act any different!


Marianne looked sad, damn it curse my humanity.


"Marianne, is something bothering you?" I looked at her from the corner of my eyes. She was fiddling with the apron in front of her black dress.


"Well, I noticed you jump from the mention of the duke. I completely forgot that the relationship between the duke and you is different than most Father-Daughter relationships and I failed as a maid to help you with that and forgot and now you have to eat lunch with him. I'm sorry," she rambled on and in the midst of talking she started crying.


She's very emotional, isn't she? It'd be annoying if it wasn't so sweet too. "It's alright, Marianne, it wasn't your fault, in any case, I've decided to live, so I'll have to fix this part of me, anyway." I faced towards her.


She nodded and rubbed her tears away, and Eve just looked in awe at the scene before her.


'My lady has changed drastically, hasn't she?' Eve thought to herself. "You seem different today, my lady," Eve said out loud behind Astelle and Marianne.


Astelle hummed, "How so?" Damn it, even the maid noticed, of course, she noticed, Astelle didn't care about herself and the maids!


"More alive," that was all Eve said. I laugh lightly, both the maids looked shocked from the slight emotion that they have never seen.  


"Well, that's because I will." That's all I said and didn't say more. The maids smiled at the 15-year-old. They were happy for her, though very curious as to what caused this change.


We reached this huge door, and the guards stood there bowed and opened both doors.


"Ah, Astelle, it has been quite a while since I've seen you," a man with a lighter shade of Astelle's hair colour and with ruby red eyes that were very bright, spoke out in a sophisticated voice.


His hair was slicked back, and he wore glasses, he held a book and there was tea in front of him.


"Good afternoon, Father," I bowed.


I have no clue how to act around him, I didn't even have a dad of my own back when I was alive. Oh god, help me. Why was he pretty though?

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