The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 13: CH 7.1

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Wen Yan’s forever poker face had actually changed expressions from a mere insult to Ning Yu!

Ji Ling thought to himself, that’s the power of the protagonist for you. Wen Yan could endure any humiliation directed towards himself, but couldn’t hold it in at even half an insult to Ning Yu? He looked up at Wen Yan and said slowly, pretending to be displeased, “What, you don't agree with me?"

Wen Yan pursed his lips tightly and looked into Ji Ling's eyes.

His bright eyes were stubborn and unyielding.

Wen Yan lost himself for a moment. After a few seconds, he gathered the cold aura from his body and lowered his eyes respectfully. “Sorry, I hadn’t meant to contradict you." Jealousy made him lose his sense of propriety. He should’ve controlled his emotions just now.

Wen Yan didn't want the boy to know of the dirty & despicable thoughts in his mind, and be hated by him... or worse, feared.

Ji Ling hmphed coldly.

Wen Yan bent over, put a hand on his chest, and said with a muffle, "I will retire first."

Then, he turned to leave.

Ji Ling watched Wen Yan closely as he left. When he confirmed that he wouldn’t be back, he patted his fluttering chest. Although he looked calm and haughty... he was actually almost scared to death!


He only wanted a little personal time. Wasn’t he easy to please?


After a few days, Wen Yan hadn’t appeared before him again. Ji Ling was pleased, because he thought it was because of what he said. Now, he’d just wait patiently for the plot to unfold.

According to the description in the book, Ning Yu and Marshal Brandon met Jing Sui at the palace banquet after returning with the army. Jing Sui paid special attention to Ning Yu and praised his heroic war deeds. This footage was propagated with intent and widely circulated on the starwide net. Public opinion said that Ning Yu was highly valued by His Majesty. Fans on the net were wild with excitement and incomparably proud.

Ji Ling knew why Jing Sui deliberately looked at Ning Yu differently. At this time, Jing Sui still didn’t actually hold any affection for Ning Yu. He only did that to present his attitude to the outside society. He wanted to express his attention and concern for civilians to reduce their growing dissatisfaction with nobles.

Jing Sui's behavior was completely for political show. To the discerning eye, that was clear as day.  However, the general public still bought it, because in some ways, it did still represent the attitude of the current imperial ruler.

But the original host didn’t see clear as day! His brain was stupid, cruel and rotten with love. Seeing that Emperor Sui was so kind to Ning Yu, a mere lower being, he couldn’t take it and was provoked by his pals into immediately going to the army to cause trouble for Ning Yu and give that lower link some color.

Of course, he would go to slap, but instead, get slapped back in the end. 

This incident saddened him every time he thought about it, because in his view, the original’s actions may have been manipulated.

Just as Emperor Sui wanted to win over the hearts of the people through this kind of political show, there were some who did not want to see him succeed. They had to go against him no matter what. So what would be the best course of action to take? Suppress Ning Yu, of course.

Once Ning Yu was humiliated and treated unfairly on Empire Star, it would be easy to stir up the people's anger. Let them point the finger at the "hypocritical" emperor, and have Emperor Sui's painstaking efforts burn to ashes!

So with the actions Ji Ling took, it’d be a wonder if Emperor Sui liked him!

Nice job dragging the team down, pighead.

Ji Ling was still a little embarrassed inside, but in order to go home, he had to wrong the main couple. Anyway, with the incomparable strength of their double protagonist plot armor, his vile pranks couldn’t do more than cause them to feel a little disgusted. 

Ji Ling folded his hands and made a bow, thinking to himself: “Great Jing Sui, Great Ning Yu, you are all brilliant people who will do great things. You don't have to take to heart the tricks a petty clown like me plays. If you really are unhappy, just swat me away like a fly. After I complete my mission and return, I’ll burn three incense sticks for you in the morning and evening. I’ll pray that you live long healthy lives, everything goes smoothly, all your wishes come true, a hundred years of wellness together, have offspring early on, and world peace.”

A few days passed like this, and everything was the same as last life. The net was filled with articles on the news that Emperor Sui met with Ning Yu. Even Brandon's thunder was temporarily suppressed.

Ji Ling thought to himself that this was called strength in numbers. Although the nobles were high above in status, there were far fewer of them in number than civilians. This was also why Emperor Sui attached such importance to civilians, because they were indeed a powerful force.

Speaking of which, it was time for his lackey to find him today.

Ji Ling eagerly waited...

In the end, he waited from morning till evening, and from evening till morning...

Where’s the dog that was supposed to incite me into making trouble for Ning Yu?! Where did he go?

Ji Ling plastered his confused eyes wide open. Totally incomprehensible!

According to his experience last life, Rhodes, the original’s loyal lackey, should’ve come by now. Adding spices and vinegar to embellish the story, he insulted Ning Yu a bunch.  Because Jing Sui was involved, the original lost all reason to "jealousy" and immediately went to the army base to give Ning Yu some trouble, and show that insolent lower link some color.

But this time, Rhodes never showed up in the end.

What was going on here?

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Ji Ling frowned in thought for a long time, finally remembering that after Carlos appeared at their party last time, Rhodes rarely contacted him again. Was it because he was afraid of Carlos that he didn’t dare find him to go mess around this time?

Ji Ling thought he had discovered the truth, and almost shed tears of sadness. He knew nothing good ever came when that old bastard appeared. Who knew that jinx would come true so soon...

It was too late now. It’d be unrealistic to expect Rhodes to seek him out, but he still had to go to Ning Yu, because that event was closely related to the following plot line.

Ji Ling thought for a bit, and decided he could still salvage the situation! 

As a malicious supporting character whose focus was getting in Ning Yu’s way, even if Rhodes didn’t come to him, now that the whole net was raising Ning Yu up, and even shipping Ning Yu and Jing Sui as a couple, it wouldn’t be unreasonable if he and his anger and jealousy took the initiative to bring his dog and made trouble for Ning Yu!

Ji Ling thought of this and suddenly became enlightened. He immediately opened his communicator and began to contact Rhodes: “Hey.”

Rhodes was sleeping at home and spoke in a daze, "What’s up?”

Ji Ling said: "I don't like the way that star of tomorrow looks. How could someone like him be worthy of even being mentioned in the same sentence as His Majesty?Let's go and give him a piece of our minds!"

Rhodes was shocked and immediately sobered up when he heard this. He stammered, “Wh-what?"

Ji Ling: "In half an hour, we’re meeting at the military HQ gates.”

Rhodes: "Wait!"

But before he could say more, Ji Ling had already hung up the communicator on his end.

Rhodes: "…"

Rhodes looked at the communicator with dull eyes. The next second, he rolled on the bed and crawled down, half  putting his clothes on and half running out. My spoiled young master, why are you making trouble out of nothing. Is it necessary?!

Although he didn't want to go at all, Rhodes still got on the car in a hurry.

He set his hover car to the highest speed, and after violating several traffic laws, he finally hurried to the front of the army base before Ji Ling arrived. He then nervously stared forward.

A few minutes later, Ji Ling’s hover car stopped at the door.

Rhodes jumped with a start like his butt was on fire and blocked Ji Ling. He gave a dry laugh, "You…Why didn’t you discuss it with me before you came out?"

Ji Ling wasn’t in a good mood and rolled his eyes thinking, if it wasn’t because you were an unreliable idiot, I would’ve been here already! With a quick glance, he said, “Let's go!" 

This was already delayed for a day. Ji Ling was fraught with worry right now, because he didn’t know if the plot would be affected!

Rhodes complained bitterly in his heart. He held Ji Ling's arms with both his hands and gave a wry laugh: "Well, wouldn’t it be a little thoughtless for us to go directly to the army base and give someone trouble..."

Ji Ling proceeded step after step, and finally looked at Rhodes unexpectedly, lost in thought. He’d never forgotten that this boy was bad to the bone, and actually the one who most disdained civilians. Last life, Rhodes encouraged him to come. This time, the chatter bird was as quiet as a mouse, and even stopped him, so he felt kind of stumped.

Rhodes felt uncomfortable from Ji Ling's gaze, but he still gnashed his teeth and urged: “See, even though Ning Yu isn’t much, this is still the army base… Marshal Brandon thinks the least of rich kids like us. If by chance he sees us, you’ll have to suffer the consequences.”

Ji Ling raised his eyebrow. I don’t remember this guy having such a sharp brain last life. You did get one thing right though. Suffering the consequences is exactly what I want! Ji Ling's expression became firmer and he said coldly, "Are you going or not?"

Rhodes: "No, let’s not…”

Ji Ling flung his hand off and said, "Then you go home, and I'll go in alone!"

Rhodes: "…"

Seeing Ji Ling actually turn around and go in, Rhodes almost had tears streaming down his face. He hesitated for a moment and rushed over in the end, following Ji Ling inside.

What demon had possessed him?

Before, his father was clearly very supportive of their friendship, and never cared what he did outside. However, he suddenly told him to distance himself from Ji Ling not long ago, and warned him not to kick up a fuss about nothing and make a stupid mess together. He had him stay at home to not cause trouble, saying it was an order from Archduke Carlos.

Although he didn’t really understand, Rhodes was relatively obedient and kept a distance from Ji Ling. He heard that the other day, Nie Tianqi was beaten so badly by a group of thugs on his way home at night that even genetic repair wouldn’t be able to fix him…

Rhodes thought to this point with a dazed look on his face…

He really didn't stir up Ji Ling this time. He came here purely because of Ji Ling’s power harassment!

I hope my dad doesn’t break my leg when I go back today. *cry x3*

Ji Ling didn't care about Rhodes’ inner troubles, and pressed forwards without turning back.

Rhodes looked like he was unreliable this time, so he had to do it himself. Isn't it just being a malicious supporting character? This is my second time. I can do it myself!

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