The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 14: CH 7.2

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Ji Ling swaggered into the army base.

Normally, this kind of military property wasn’t open to public access, but because Ji Ling’s status was high enough, and he had two grand dukes backing him, no one dared to block him.

Although he’d long since known where Ning Yu would be, Ji Ling still grabbed a soldier and pretended when he entered, saying haughtily, "Do you know where Ning Yu is?"

If you asked about anyone else, the soldiers likely wouldn’t really know. However, Ning Yu was a famous figure from a civilian background, so they really did know his current location. The soldier respectfully replied, "Major Ning Yu should be on the grounds doing drills.”

Ji Ling gave a reserved nod and headed to the grounds.

It didn't take long until he heard the‘hoo’s’ and ‘hah’s’ of training coming from further away. The sound was mixed with the smell of men’s sweat. 

A group of soldiers were fighting in pairs, dressed in black army pants and boots, naked from the waist up. Their strong muscles were exposed, unscrupulously showing off their strength and scars.

Ji Ling subconsciously looked down at his slender arms and legs. They were quite good-looking, but compared to what these combat soldiers had, they were missing that masculine fullness. Simply put, he was like a pasty white stay-at-home kid. 

Ahem, I digress.

His target today was the protagonist shou of legend: the national idol, the star of tomorrow, Ning Yu!

Ji Ling narrowed his eyes to look over. Last life, he and Ning Yu could be considered to know each other pretty well, but still, whenever he saw him, he’d feel the unique aura of the protagonist’s halo around him! It was so dazzling that no one could ignore his existence.

Compared with other people in their sweaty and disheveled clothes... Ning Yu looked as if he was born with an air of refinement. He was wearing the same straight black pants and had the same shiny black army boots wrapped around his slender straight legs. On his upper body was a white shirt; simple, clean and neat. His soft black short hair fell on his forehead, slightly wet with sweat, as if he’d been exercising. However, he looked calm and unhurried. He turned his head around, perhaps because he sensed something, revealing a gallant face with emerald eyes that held a gentle, yet firm radiance.

From head to toe, every part of his body, even the sweat on the tips of his hair, seemed to be sending out the air of a protagonist!

It's just the special effect of a lens filter.

Ji Ling fixed his expression, and swaggered over with his hands behind his back!

His apparel and mannerisms were really out of place here. It was like the painting where an indolent and depraved charming young nobleman walked into a battlefield full of blood and dirt. He attracted everyone’s attention at once.

Ji Ling met their eyes and went to Ning Yu with his head up and chest high. He raised his eyebrows and looked with hostility at the man standing tall and straight in front of him with black hair and green eyes. In a raised voice he said, “You’re Ning Yu?"

Rhodes stood beside Ji Ling with a pale face. There was no way he could stop Ji Ling’s stubborn streak, and he’d already told his father about the matter just now, so… he could only leave what happened next to the heavens. 

All he could do now was follow Ji Ling and cheer for him.

Ning Yu looked at Ji Ling confused, and didn’t answer for a moment.

Ji Ling stared at Ning Yu coldly. His face was full of contempt and disdain as he impatiently said, "Hey, I'm talking to you. Are you deaf?"

When this remark was made, Ning Yu still showed no reaction. The soldiers behind him suddenly gave off a fierce expression like they wanted to eat him. They stared fixedly at Ji Ling coldly.

These soldiers were made up of civilians and nobles. Each one was a powerful evolver.  At first, many of them also looked down on Ning Yu, but after fighting together, they had long since become comrades through life-and-death. A lot of them were even saved by Ning Yu. Every one of them had been completely won over by him.

And now the comrade and superior they admired was, for no apparent reason, humiliated by Ji Ling, a weak and fragile rich kid. Many of them were rubbing their hands together, itching to show this little rich kid with no self-awareness some color, and let him know that this was not a place where he could act however he wanted!

Ning Yu wrinkled his eyebrows slightly and stopped them with his eyes. Then, he looked back at Ji Ling with a deep and calm expression, saying in a clear tone, “Yes, I am Ning Yu. Who might you be?”

Although Ji Ling looked arrogant, he was afraid that these people would first beat him up at any sign of disagreement. He couldn’t wait to announce his heritage and proudly said, "I'm Ji Ling!"

Not to mention, he really was quite famous.

Although it was more like infamous in a bad way.

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When they heard his name, their expressions changed. Many people looked at him like they were holding back their anger. Bah... Although they really wanted to beat him up, this wasn’t the kind of rich kid they could casually hit. This was a rich kid at the top of the hierarchy with a backing stronger than steel.

Rhodes saw that Ji Ling's name somehow silenced them, and raised his hand slightly to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. He wouldn’t have to get beaten along with him now.

Ning Yu's eyes were fixed on him. Although he knew that the other party had purposefully come to see him, he calmly asked, "What did you find me for?"

Ji Ling liked this kind of rational and calm person. If it was something that could be solved verbally, let’s not use force. In Ji Ling's eyes, Ning Yu was so many times cuter than that mob of fiendish men! As expected of someone befitting the role of protagonist! 

He gently coughed and raised the corners of his mouth. In a breath, he read out the lines he had prepared for a long time: "I've come to tell you this. Don't get any ideas and think that you’ve become somebody just because you’ve seen His Majesty and were praised by him. Even if a lower being like you has become an evolver, you’re just a dog to us, a pawn! "

The big men behind Ning Yu began to rub their hands together again. Crap, they couldn’t take it anymore. This guy’s mouth was too good at provocation.

Rhodes began to shiver again.

Ji Ling finished this sentence, and summoned up the courage to look at Ning Yu in challenge.

Ning Yu stared fixedly at him, his pale thin lips pressed tightly. After a long time, he answered in a powerful and unhurried voice, "If what you mean by a dog and a pawn is the kind that fights against the Bugs and defends the country, then I would rather be that kind of pawn. I’m not protecting the carefree nobles on Empire Star, but the civilians in countless other star domains. They’re the ones closer to danger and the ones who need to be protected more. "

Ji Ling thought this speech was really great. Even he was touched after hearing it, so it was no wonder that everyone showed moved expressions burning with justice! On one hand, he was moved, on the other, he gave a sarcastic look and sneered, "Stop being hypocritical. Weak and lowly civilians will die when they die. What good is there in protecting them? Didn’t you just join the army to gather military merit and become a member of the aristocracy? "

The civilian soldiers got even angrier. Even though they defended the country and protected their loved ones, they were dragged directly through the mud too and insulted by Ji Ling. The lives of people like them were worthless in his eyes.

Rhodes wiped his sweat again. He quietly pulled on Ji Ling’s sleeve, trying to dissuade him.

Ji Ling slapped away his hand with a ‘pa’ sound, and continued to be hateful, fearlessly going to his death. "Stop dreaming. You lower beings will never become nobles."

Ning Yu finally changed and gave a slightly cold look, saying slowly, "I'm sorry, but if all the nobles are like you, then I'm afraid I don't want to be one."

Ho! What a noble man with strong character. He’s not afraid of powerful people!

Ji Ling liked people who responded like this the best. He could successfully be taken down a peg as planned every time. Ji Ling suddenly flared his anger, like a cat that had its tail stepped on. He shouted coldly: “You dare look down on me?!”

Rhodes: "…"

The atmosphere became tenser and tenser, and Rhodes glanced around uneasily. As a result, he incidentally caught sight of a tall man wearing a black military uniform in the distance. He was coming over with strong momentum; his steps were swift and sharp.

The man had dark red hair, a cold and sharp face. His gray pupils showed no warmth and could make people shake with fear. He was as ruthless and cold looking as on the battlefield. 

Who could that be but Marshal Brandon?!

Rhodes was so scared his legs softened. Those damned rascals must have tipped him off! If he had to say, he was just a little nervous before, but after seeing Brandon, he was truly fearful. Brandon was the one who disliked rich kids like them the most. He showed the same steel expression and didn’t give anyone face. He definitely wouldn’t give a damn about Ji Ling’s background! 

Rhodes hurriedly reached out and hugged Ji Ling's arm. He whispered nervously, “It’s about time. Marshal Brandon is here!"

Ji Ling heard and his eyes brightened. Brandon finally came? I had to talk almost half the day just to wait for you to help Ning Yu!

Without hesitation, he laughed at Rhodes: "Get out of the way, spineless!” Then he raised his voice on purpose and said loudly to Ning Yu, "Don't think that just because Marshal Brandon is covering for you, I won’t be able to do anything to you. How dare you speak sarcastically to me?! Even Marshal Brandon has to show some respect when he meets my father. Do you think he would offend me for a mere lower link like you? I'm going to make it so that you’re miserable here! "

Ji Ling's eyes were full of contempt, and he pronounced every word clearly in a cold and vicious voice: "You - are - so - dead!”

Rhodes’ legs shook like a leaf.

I think the ones who are so dead, are probably us.

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