The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 42: CH 22.2

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Ji Ling fell asleep right away and didn’t wake up until the next afternoon.

Although he’d found a reason to escape Jing Sui yesterday, and then given the system a hard time, his mood was still very low. There was a time when he really felt like just giving it all up, but he knew he couldn't.

Whether the system could give him a satisfactory answer or not, he had to rely on himself to complete the mission in the end, and couldn’t completely pin his hopes on other people. He had to pull himself together, because while hard work may not always bear fruit, putting in no effort would undoubtedly bear zero fruit.

He couldn’t give up now if he wanted to go home.

After calming down, and thinking it over carefully, although situation now was really crappy, it wasn’t hopeless. The condition for successful completion of the mission was that the protagonist gong and shou had to fall in love with each other. As long as he could achieve that goal, the details in-between were actually not important.

So what if they were reborn? Rebirth was essentially just increased exp. It gave knowledge of what would happen in the future, but wouldn’t change the person fundamentally. Those guys were still them inside, and they still had their own personality and ways of thinking. These wouldn’t be changed because of rebirth.

Just like an idiot wouldn’t become a genius because of rebirth, a cruel and evil person wouldn’t become kind and compassionate either.

So since they’d hated him so much last life, they naturally wouldn't come to like him because they were reborn.

Jing Sui and Brandon were uncharacteristically good to him, but rather than calling it love, it was more like a guilty conscience because he’d risked his life to save them. That’s why after his death, they had feelings of regret and remorse. When they were reborn, they wanted to make up for it. This logic Ji Ling could barely accept.  After all, the two of them were in the righteous camp, and not so crazy.

As for Carlos and Wen Yan, those two sinister villains who thought nothing of human life… With their personalities, even if they were reborn, they were likely just plotting something against him again.  Bad guys wouldn’t turn over a new leaf and become good people just because they were reborn.

If I had to say, it doesn't really matter whether they feel guilty towards me or are plotting something against me. I’m just an insignificant cannon fodder character. As long as Jing Sui can fall in love with Ning Yu, there’s still hope for the mission!

Thinking of this point, Ji Ling finally revived a bit. He began to carefully analyze his current situation.

Last life, he’d plotted towards Ning Yu's success, and planned for Jing Sui to be a hero saving the beauty to show their great affections in public. For this purpose, he’d incited strong dissatisfaction between the civilians and nobles by using despicable methods, which were undoubtedly a violation of imperial law, during the duel. In order to appease the civilians, Jing Sui had intended to punish him, but Ning Yu stood out to cover for him at the critical moment. Ning Yu had generously forgiven him, and that’s why he’d been exempt from punishment in the end.

According to Ji Ling’s theory, Ning Yu likely did that because, on the one hand, he was a pure white lotus with an open mind and a large heart; not a vengeful and vicious person who sought pay-back. On the other hand, he thought Ning Yu was a smart person, who knew it wouldn’t be good to kill him without mercy at this time, and that it was better to accept the situation while it was still in his favor. He had won himself a good reputation without creating resentment and opposition from imperial aristocrats. It was also nice that Jing Sui wouldn’t have to offend Grand Duke Ji Ting for him, so it was a win in all aspects.

Kindness and integrity didn’t necessarily mean low EQ… and this was perfectly displayed by Ning Yu. 

Just that, the beauty who was saved by the hero this time was me.

At the time, Ji Ling had collapsed in despair facing a Jing Sui who didn't play the game like he normally would. However, now that he thought about it carefully, it wasn’t actually that bad, because Ning Yu still obtained his fame and fortune. Ning Yu not only won the duel against him fair and square, but also won the sympathy of the civilians because of how Jing Sui had defended him.

If he had to say what changed, it was that the scapegoat became Jing Sui this time...

But it wasn’t a big deal, because Jing Sui handled it very well, and calmed the civilians’ sentiments a great deal. Even if there were still some dissatisfied people, there weren’t enough of them to affect the situation. He’d protected himself and minimized the negative impacts.

That’s why neither Ning Yu nor Jing Sui suffered any real losses in this matter.

What really worried Ji Ling was Jing Sui's attitude towards Ning Yu…

Because he hadn’t hesitated at all before he attacked Ning Yu to protect him! 

Last life, these guys were considered a pair of engaged lovers. If Jing Sui was really reborn and felt guilty about what happened to him, then he should love Ning Yu.

So this was the question…

With Jing Sui's rational and calm personality, would he ruthlessly attack his lover because of his guilty conscience?

It doesn't make sense!

And if what he said yesterday was true, then he prioritizes me over Ning Yu. Could he have finally seen how good I was and been moved by my love after I died for him? Then, he no longer liked Ning Yu, but liked me instead…

It couldn’t be…

Ji Ling thought of this point and became flustered, panicking back and forth!

No way, definitely not!

With a cold and ruthless personality like Jing Sui’s, the fact that he could fall in love with Ning Yu was already an author’s cheat; a part of his fate that couldn’t be overturned. If Ji Ling hadn’t read the original story, he wouldn’t have believed that this kind of person could really love Ning Yu either… So how could a person like Jing Sui fall in love with him just because he died for him?

Falling in love so easily… was he really still that cold and ruthless emperor? 

Ji Ling was utterly confused.

If he’d known that it’d become like this, then he would never have saved Jing Sui back then. Even if he hadn’t done it, Carlos probably wouldn't have won anyway... If God gave him another chance, he’d rather save a dog, then save that unfaithful (to Ning Yu) and fickle dog king! 

Ji Ling had these thoughts during the day, through the night, while eating and while sleeping.

One moment, he’d pump himself up… 

The next, he’d get deflated again… 

One moment, he’d stare blankly at a loss…

The next, he’d struggle going back and forth…

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No matter how hard he thought, he couldn’t come up with anything on why Jing Sui would act like that. Every theory of his seemed to have a hole, but he couldn’t think it through, and didn’t realize what he’d missed... He really hated this kind of unpredictable and unreadable personnn!!!

Because of this change, Ji Ling was full of worries and doubts about his future to come.


This particular evening, he was sitting in the courtyard as usual, staring up at the sky in a daze. The nine satellites shining above always reminded him that this wasn’t his own world...

Wen Yan came back from outside, and saw the fair boy immediately at a glance. He was sitting there in a trance, looking up at the sky, sad and lonely.

It was as if he didn’t belong to this world at all.

A trace of anguish appeared in the depths of Wen Yan's eyes as he thought of today’s happenings. His heart ached painfully. Although nothing happened to Ji Ling in the end, and he even got away without any physical injuries, for someone who was as obsessed with Jing Sui as he was, the final result was no different than last time.

That was because the person he loved hadn’t even spared him a glance, and only cared about someone else. 

It appeared as if Jing Sui had saved Ji Ling, but in fact, he was only doing it to protect Ning Yu. He wanted to avoid the possibility of Ning Yu accidentally hurting Ji Ling and suffering the consequences. Wen Yan could see this clearly, and so could many others. 

Ji Ling should’ve also been able to see that…

So how sad would the boy be now?

Wen Yan came in gently. His heart was full of sympathy. His dark eyes fixed gently onto Ji Ling's face, and he whispered: "It's late already. Why aren’t you going to rest yet?”

Ji Ling turned his head looking befuddled to stare at the silver-haired man in front of him. Seeing this also made Wen Yan worry.

Ji Ling had originally thought that Wen Yan wouldn't need to keep wasting time trying to please him after he’d become Speaker of the House. Last life, he looked like he was just going through the motions to keep him happy, so he didn’t know what Wen Yan was thinking this life by popping in unexpectedly almost every day to prove he existed. 

Because he was in low spirits, Ji Ling didn’t bother to find the words to send Wen Yan away. After thinking about it more, this guy was also reborn. In his hopeless despondence, he couldn't help but ask about the long-standing doubts suppressed in his heart: "Do you think His Majesty could like me?"

Wen Yan looked at the boy's fair and delicate face. In the black of night, the helplessness and vulnerability in those clear eyes was unobstructed. The boy had asked him this question in such a sad and lonely way... Wen Yan's heart ached full of sympathy, and he could hardly bear to speak.

He was very clear on the fact that it was impossible for Jing Sui to like Ji Ling.

Last life, Ji Ling, with all his mad affections, had failed to even obtain a look back from Jing Sui. That man was heartless to start, so there was no way he would love anyone…

But how could he give this cruel response to that pair of eyes that were on the verge of breaking? 

Wen Yan kept silent for a long time and said slowly: “His Majesty will definitely like you."

Ji Ling heard these words and almost went white as a ghost. Was he suicidal or something? How could he have been crazy enough to ask Wen Yan this question?! I just want to hear the answer that makes me happy, nothing else! 

With tears in his eyes, he stubbornly refused to listen: "You’re lying! He won't like me!"

Wen Yan looked at the boy and his heart ached painfully. His beloved youth, so full of confidence and pride, was the most distinguished little prince in the world. He should be loved and doted on by everyone… But for one person, he now spoke like he had given up on everything.

Just how deep was he hurt to become so hopeless?

Wen Yan slowly clenched the hand that was hanging by his side, and suddenly kneeled in front of Ji Ling. Lifting his eyes, he stared into Ji Ling’s. His thin lips parted as he said in a low voice: "If he won't like you, then... can you stop liking him?"

As long as you say a simple, ‘yes,’ then I will never let you go again.

Ji Ling looked into Wen Yan's eyes. There was a complicated darkness in the man's pitch black eyes. It was as if something terrifying was deeply bound and suppressed, but now it was wriggling about, wanting to move. One wrong word, and he’d release the confined demon...

Ji Ling shivered subconsciously.

I just wanted to hear you say he won't like me, but now you throw the question back at me and scare the heck out of me! I was right. You can’t have a pleasant conversation with big villains like this! 

Ji Ling didn’t dare to go out of character, and lowered his eyes sadly. Choking back his sobs, he said: “I… but I can't not like him..."

When Wen Yan heard these words, it was as if the flames in the depths of his eyes were doused out by something ice cold, leaving only a pile of ashes, and smothering out all light.

His lips raised slightly into a sarcastic smile, as if he was laughing at his own wishful thinking.

He closed his eyes for a long time and finally opened them again. There was only a thick darkness, lacking even a sliver of light, left in those black phoenix eyes. He gently held Ji Ling's hand and said softly: "I will help you."

Ji Ling stared at him blankly.

Wen Yan looked fixedly at him, and his low voice was heavier than the darkest night. He emphasized each word clearly, as if he was making a promise: "As long as you wish it, I will help you fulfill it.”

Last life, I had selfish desires, and wanted to possess you using despicable means.

This life, I only hope that you can find happiness…

Even if I have to push you towards another person.

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