The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 50: CH 26.2

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Jing Sui met Ji Ling's bright eyes looking at him expectantly and insistently, with a dash of caution in them. This child had likely made such a fuss deliberately, waiting for him to come over. Thinking of this, his lips couldn’t help but raise into a helpless smile...

Although this little fellow had said he wasn’t willing to forgive me, he still followed along eagerly when he heard I was going to battle. Clearly, he still has me in his heart. That farce he performed just now was also just an act to attract my attention... Don’t think that just because you were looking over in secret, I didn’t notice. 

A trace of tender affection emerged in Jing Sui’s eyes. How could anyone not dote on such an adorable child?

If last life I had seriously tried to understand the boy even once, then I would’ve seen his true self hidden under that arrogant and domineering facade. The youth’s wild actions seemed to be causing trouble at every turn, but in fact, he hadn’t hurt a single person. They were all done so that I might give him another glance… Unfortunately, I scorned the type of person he was last life, and even giving him an extra glance was something I disdained. 

If only I could’ve realized this earlier, and seen his true and pure inner self, maybe... I would’ve already liked him long ago.

I was reborn once again. I can see this boy once more.

Only when I learnt how wrong I was last life, did I realize the youth now was even more beautiful than in my memories; So incredibly full of life and lovable.

Gentleness floated up from Jing Sui’s heart. He went over and sat down beside Ji Ling, saying softly: "I have wronged you."

Ji Ling: "???”

Jing Sui picked up the fork and very naturally ate a piece of the food that Ji Ling had just poked. He then smiled, saying: "Although it looks rather average, the taste actually isn’t so bad. The nutrition is also plenty sufficient."

Ji Ling: "..."

Absentmindedly, Jing Sui picked up another piece of food with the fork, and brought it to Ji Ling’s mouth. His golden eyes smiled and he coaxed in a gentle tone: "Do you want to try some too?"

Ji Ling stared at Jing Sui dumbfounded. The man was putting so much care and effort into coaxing him to eat. Looking at his godly beautiful face and smiling lips, Ji Ling had almost let his guard down and accepted. However, he was a spoiled rich kid! The reason he’d come was to act as a foil and show how much Ning Yu had to endure! 

I’m not giving you face today. What can you do about it? 

Ji Ling turned his head and looked at the food in disgust, saying: “I’m not eating that.”

Jing Sui wasn’t the least bit angry. His expression didn’t change at all, and his tone was just as gentle. He said slowly: "Just one bite, okay?” He raised his hand and gently brushed the hair by Ji Ling's ear. Like he was coaxing a picky kitten who was flaring up, his eyes smiled and his tone was low and pleasant as he said: “My heart will ache if you feel hungry.” 

Ji Ling: "..."

He really wanted to pick Jing Sui up by the collar and ask, ‘Your Majesty, what the hell happened to you?! Can you please be more normal! Is now really the time to be coaxing me into eating?!

Look around you! Look at everyone's expressions, please!’

The soldiers on all sides were also looking at this scene. Originally, they’d thought Jing Sui was going to reprimand Ji Ling. Who could’ve guessed that His Majesty would suddenly start coaxing Ji Ling to eat without a single scolding. He was just like a worried mother…

Each and every one of them had a face full of confusion!

Who are we? Where are we? What happened?

Ji Ling's heart was full of bitterness. Stubbornly, he stared at Jing Sui with his eyes open wide. However, Jing Sui obviously had more perseverance than he did… He kept at his action, and looked at him in gentle encouragement. It looked like he was definitely not giving up until he’d succeeded. 

Ji Ling: "..."

After a long time passed, Ji Ling finally admitted defeat. Reluctantly, he opened his mouth and took a bite of the food that Jing Sui sent in.

Dang, this does taste pretty good.

Ji Ling was someone who used to be able to eat instant noodles for a month straight when he was studying. Although his standards were raised by his aristocratic life, this elemental food was actually quite good.

Whatever. I’m hungry, so I might as well have something to eat first.  

Although he was still very angry, and hadn’t forgiven Jing Sui yet, how could he forgo eating for the sake of his mission? I’ll continue making trouble after I’m full! 

Jing Sui saw Ji Ling was finally willing to eat, and revealed a happy expression. He looked at the youth’s cheeks bulging with each bite. Even when Ji Ling was eating, he didn’t stop staring fixedly at him. Jing Sui thought this was incredibly cute and lovable.

How could he have had the heart to treat such an adorable and honest child so coldly before? A wave of regret once again passed through Jing Sui’s heart.

In this way, Jing Sui had managed to get Ji Ling to finish his meal. From beginning to end, he was extremely gentle and patient.

The onlookers were completely overwhelmed at first. Partway through, they felt disgruntled, and then nervous later on. They finally let out a sigh of relief at the end… F*ck, this was too tiring to watch. Even eating a meal was such a difficult task for a little young master. His Majesty was so patient. It must’ve been so hard for him! 

It was already rough on him coming out here to fight out, and now, he had to go to such great pains to take care of this little young master who’s never gotten a taste of the world. 

As for Ji Ling, although he seemed extremely arrogant at first, after the meal, their accumulating anger had slowly fizzled out. They’d all seen through him. Ji Ling was actually just a fussy and spoiled child.

They couldn't help but think of their own mischievous bear cubs at home. If their kids got angry and flared up saying that they weren’t eating this or they weren’t eating that, it’d be a terrible headache for them as well. As an aristocratic young master of a powerful family, it was very normal for Ji Ling to have a temper if he wasn’t used to the food… But in the end, he ate it all without throwing a ridiculous tantrum. 

Besides being fussy at the beginning and saying some harsh words, he was quite good afterwards, eating each bite he was fed… 

All right, all right. We’re a group of respectable seniors. How can we keep account of what a spoiled little cub did? 

Show’s over, move out. We’ve already stuck our noses in for half the day. Let’s just concentrate on eating our own food. It was a big waste of time just now, and we still have to face a raid by the bugs later. 

Under Jing Sui’s persistent feeding, Ji Ling finished his food while pretending to hate it very much. Because he ate until he was too full, he accidentally burped and immediately blushed in embarrassment. Then he found that...

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Hey, how come nobody’s looking at me?

Wow, I've worked so hard to court death, tossed and turned for half the day, exhausted myself by eating a meal, and in the end, you guys don’t buy my performance? 

Ji Ling was dumbfounded.

Jing Sui saw Ji Ling's absentminded expression, and wiped his mouth with his own handkerchief, laughing lightly: "I told you, it's not that bad, is it?"

Ji Ling: "..."

Baby Ling is very angry. Baby Ling doesn't want to talk to you now!

He stood up angrily, and shook off Jing Sui's hand, snorting: “I don’t need your care. I haven't forgiven you yet!"

As soon as he said this, he turned to go!

Jing Sui wasn’t in a hurry. Laughing, he watched Ji Ling as he left in a panic.  His lips couldn’t help but rise slightly. You don't forgive me…? You’re actually being shy again, aren’t you? How old are you? How can you still blush so easily?

After a while, Jing Sui retracted his line of sight. He folded his handkerchief casually, and smiled faintly at everyone, saying: “I’ve made a joke of myself. This is the first time that child has left Empire Star. He’s not very suited for the outside environment, and doesn’t actually have any bad intentions at heart.” 

They answered in succession.

"It’s fine, it’s fine. We noticed.”

"Your Majesty, you’ve worked hard."

"Your Majesty, you needn’t explain to us."

"We didn’t think much of it.”

"Don't worry, we won't keep accounts with  a child…”


Ji Ling returned to his room, and stared blankly at the wall.

He’d gone way over the line, so how come it felt like he hadn’t achieved the results he’d expected? What went wrong? Last life, he’d followed along, and deliberately used his malicious arrogance as a foil to show off how much hardship Ning Yu had to bear. In fact, he hadn’t even gone as overboard as today, and he was cruelly punished by Brandon and Jing Sui.

How can you guys react completely differently to the same situation? Is it really okay to have a double standard just because you were reborn???

Ji Ling was so angry that he almost couldn’t sleep. 

Waking up exhausted the next day, Ji Ling thought to himself, I must’ve not acted vicious enough. They were reborn, after all! I have to turn up the intensity! I’ll definitely be even more malicious, and force Jing Sui to have no choice but to punish me!

But what should I do?

Ji Ling brought his servant out, frowning deep in thought as he walked on the road.

All of a sudden, he heard some movement in front and looked up. It turned out that a group of Ferth civilians had sent supplies.

Although this was a remote and barren planet, there were still a lot of people living on it. They were very grateful to the army for protecting them against death by the terrifying arthropods. That’s why they’d often send preserved food to these soldiers.

Brandon and Jing Sui had always been close to the people They’d just come out to meet this group of civilians in person and Jing Sui was in the middle of a cordial discussion with the leader.

Ji Ling’s eyes brightened.

This was a great opportunity to pick at his faults. He immediately squeezed his way over with his servant. The local civilians were poorly dressed and drabby. They looked extremely ordinary, and their skin was dark, probably because they worked outside all day.

When Ji Ling got there, several civilians in the group had noticed him and were looking at him subconsciously.

The older ones were more prudent, and didn't dare to stare for long before retracting their gaze since Ji Ling was dressed differently in aristocratic clothing. However, one of the dark-skinned youths was captivated.

This boy was born on desolate Ferth. There were wars all year round, and the land was barren. The living standard here wasn’t very good either. He’d met the richest man before, their mayor, and every time he’d seen him, he thought that the mayor must be the most dignified person ever.  The mayor’s skin was whiter, too. However, the moment he saw Ji Ling... The idea that the mayor wasn’t worth shit suddenly came into his mind!

The willful and distinguished looking young man in front of him with bright eyes and light golden hair seemed as if the sun had bathed him in a layer of golden aura. His blue eyes were countless times more beautiful than the photos of the ocean he’d seen. They were even bluer and clearer than the sky. His fair skin was completely flawless, and  even whiter than the most expensive porcelain he’d ever laid eyes on… He was just like an angel from heaven; beautiful and noble, completely unlike mortals.

This was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen!

The dark-skinned teenager looked at Ji Ling stupidly. In a daze, he noticed that he and the little angel in front of him were getting closer and closer. His heartbeat couldn’t help but accelerate. S-Such a beautiful person was looking back at him and coming over to him. Could it be that he wanted to talk to him?

In the next moment, however, he saw the beautiful boy opposite him raise his eyebrow and give a look of disgust and disdain. His voice was clear and pleasant to hear, but the words he spat out were cruel and vicious: "What are you looking at? Watch yourself or I'll gouge your eyes out!"

The dark-skinned boy looked at Ji Ling in disbelief. Such a beautiful person... would actually say something like this.

He was stunned, looking at Ji Ling dumbfounded.

Ji Ling saw that he was shocked and hurt, and felt kind of bad inside, but it was all to court death… From the corner of his eye, he discovered that Brandon and Jing Sui had their attention over here, and were even coming over. Thinking that they must be coming to stop him, he immediately hardened his heart and came to a decision.

Ji Ling raised his hand and grabbed the whip hanging from his servant's waist. Aiming it over at the young man, he viciously slammed it down, shouting at the same time: "Still looking? You wanna die?!”

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