The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 49: CH 26.1

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The empire’s domain was extremely vast, and the Nadeau galaxy was a remote region on the border of the empire’s territory. It was barren, desolate and dangerous; Like a completely different world from the prosperous and extravagant Empire Star.

Since the Nadeau galaxy was so far away, the starship had to go through many space warps to reach it. Although Ji Ling had already rolled up his sleeves in preparation to show off his skills, his constitution was only C-class. He could only bitterly stay in his own pod during the warps, unable to come out until arrival.

Ten days later, two gigantic starships finally appeared in the skies of Ferth, Nadeau galaxy’s main planet hub.

Admiral Toka, head of the local garrison, was extremely happy to see the starships. They’d been resisting the bugs with much difficulty because of the appearance of the arthropod empress, and the arrival of reinforcements was highly anticipated. Now that His Majesty and Marshal Brandon were here, the battle was expected to end quite quickly. 

Ji Ling was on Brandon's starship, and since Jing Sui had his own imperial starship, they didn't meet on the road.

As soon as they arrived, Brandon and Jing Sui had busied themselves with official duties, so no one paid attention to Ji Ling for a time.

Climbing out of his pod, Ji Ling vomited a few times. With help from his servant, he stood up dizzily. The experience really was very uncomfortable.

In order to reach Nadeau galaxy in the shortest time possible, they had continuously gone through warps the whole way, not even stopping for half an hour between each one. Plus, the travel distance was very far each time. Continuously warping at such a high intensity was quite a big burden on Ji Ling's low-level constitution.

Although not all the other soldiers looked like they were high-level evolvers, and some of them might even have been worse than Ji Ling, they were trained and experienced soldiers, after all. Their ability to adapt far exceeded Ji Ling’s. 

At the end of the day, Young Master Ji was a pampered noble through and through. 

However, this didn’t dampen Ji Ling's fighting spirit! He rested in his room for a while, and recovered some strength. Afterwards, he began walking around, and looking for opportunities to ‘express himself.’

At the moment, the entire base was heavily focused on battle preparations, and nobody bothered with Ji Ling at all. All around him were soldiers hurrying about, each one looking solemn.

Honestly, for a youth moral in heart and mind, Ji Ling really didn’t want to be a bother right now. It actually made him feel very anxious and guilty.

Being extravagant and depraved on Empire Star was still all right, since everyone lived life like a dream anyway. If he didn’t act like that, he wouldn’t have been able to get along with society, but it was different here.

Everyone was fighting for life-and-death in this place. Life was hard and simple. If he was the only one being extravagant and bossy, he’d be extremely out of place and just asking for a beating. This was especially so when even the emperor and the marshal shared the soldiers’ lifestyle for better or for worse… 

The entire metal base was enveloped in a kind of steel gray tone. The soldiers wore pure black uniforms, looking stern and disciplined. Marshal Brandon himself was a very regimented and steadfast person, so his troops were also like that.

Although Jing Sui was an emperor, there were no special changes for him in the army. He ate and lived amongst the soldiers, modeling his actions to gain respect.

Both of them were highly disciplined, and didn't care for the extravagant and wasteful lifestyle of Empire Star in the least. That’s why… they were extremely intolerant of rich kids like Ji Ling last life. 

Honestly, Ji Ling himself felt that he was sometimes asking for a beating. If he was watching from the side and saw this kind of person, he probably wouldn’t be able to refrain from yelling a few complaints either.

But in order to get the plot back on track, and make Brandon and Jing Sui realize that he wasn’t as wonderful as they thought, that he was no different from other rich kids…he had to risk it all! He wouldn’t be harming other people anyways. At most, he’d just be so sickening that their moods would be dampened…

He circled around, but in the end, didn’t even catch a glimpse of Jing Sui and the others. Ji Ling thought about it a bit and went back to rest, getting his servant to continue surveying the situation outside.

A few hours later, his servant told him through the communicator that His Majesty and Ning Yu were having dinner in the canteen. Ji Ling immediately rushed over in high spirits!

The canteen was extremely large, able to accommodate hundreds of people eating at the same time. Metal tables and chairs were neatly arranged in the spacious hall with the soldiers sitting in twos or threes. There weren’t a lot of people at this time, so many seats were empty.

As the protagonists of the book, Jing Sui and Ning Yu’s perfect looks and dazzling radiance couldn’t be concealed! With one glance, Ji Ling immediately saw them. Jing Sui sat in an area closer to the middle. He sat by himself, and the tables around him were all empty. Ning Yu, on the other hand, sat in an area closer to the door. He was eating with another one of his comrades.

Ji Ling looked around, and didn’t go directly to where Jing Sui was. Instead, he took his servant, and walked in  Ning Yu’s direction haughtily with his head held high.

Ning Yu was talking to his comrade-in-arms. With his head turned, a handsome side profile and a faint smile showed on his lips.

Ji Ling went straight over and slammed the dinner tray his servant had handed to him down on the metal table with a ‘bam.’ Raising his eyebrow, he said in a contemptuous voice: “Move it. I want to sit here."

As soon as he said this, Ning Yu immediately looked over. His green eyes stared indifferently, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

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Ji Ling responded with a provocative look, mustering up all the arrogance he could! 

Ning Yu didn’t show much reaction, but his comrade was beside himself with anger. Furiously, he said to Ji Ling: "There are plenty of empty seats here."

Ji Ling sneered coldly and raised his chin up, saying: "I just think this seat looks the best. Got a problem?”

The soldier was Ning Yu's friend, and knew some of the rumors surrounding the love triangle between Ning Yu, Ji Ling, and the emperor. After all, there was quite a big commotion before the duel, so he was already very unhappy with Ji Ling. He felt that his friend really didn’t deserve this unexpected disaster, and that this garbage noble had targeted him for no real reason. He gave a glance at Ji Ling's small arms and legs, and his temper flared. Laughing, he stared coldly and said: "We don’t want to move. What can you do about it?”

Ji Ling immediately glowered with anger. He aggressively slammed his hands on the table and shouted: "How dare you provoke me, you lower link?!”

When the two words, “lower link” came out, the already disagreeable atmosphere lit up even more. The soldier looked at Ji Ling coldly, and suddenly stood up, rolling his sleeves up.

Ji Ling inhaled sharply as he saw this. I just said two words, and you’re already rolling up your sleeves. No need to be so boorish, okay?! His face paled and his expression turned stiff, almost cringing in fear. Ning Yu suddenly stood up at this time, and raised his hand to press down on the shoulders of his comrade. Turning around, he looked at Ji Ling calmly, and said lightly: “We’ll give this seat to you."

Seeing that Ning Yu had stopped the other guy, Ji Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief. He once again put on his arrogant and haughty face, and snorted: “At least you have some sense in you.”

Ning Yu’s comrade was already very unhappy with him before. Seeing that Ji Ling, this little brat, had succeeded, it made him want to stay even more. Dissatisfied, he said to Ning Yu: "Why are we giving way? Don’t tell me you’re afraid of him?!”

Ning Yu shook his head. His green eyes were indifferent, as if it was beneath him to scuffle with Ji Ling at all. He said: “The less trouble, the better. There are plenty of seats here. Let's go over there."

His comrade still didn't want to go, but he had always accepted Ning Yu’s decision. Seeing that the concerned party didn’t want to dispute it, he didn’t insist further in the end. Swearing, he picked up his tray and walked away.

Ji Ling sat himself directly in the seat Ning Yu was just in. He could still feel the other’s remnant heat on the cold metal chair. He gave Ning Yu’s back a glance as he left, and then inadvertently withdrew his line of sight.

Jing Sui must’ve seen what happened just now!

But he was unconcerned and indifferently watched as his rich kid self bullied Ning Yu. This guy was too immovable! Ji Ling saw that he couldn’t go on like this, and decided to come up with a plan. He looked at the food on his plate and thought pensively.

Nadeau galaxy was barren and desolate. It was war-torn year round, so resources here had always been in short supply. The food in the canteen was mostly elemental food, which looked very crude; a far cry from what was on Empire Star. 

Everyone here was a soldier, so they were used to it, but Ji Ling had never eaten such a crude meal.

Arguably, one should do as the locals do when in a foreign place. Even the emperor and the marshal didn’t mind eating this kind of food, so he shouldn't be dissatisfied with it either. However, Ji Ling had to express his dissatisfaction, and he even had to go as far as letting everyone know about it.

He disdainfully prodded the food on his plate with his fork and knife, shouting loudly: “What is this? Is this even for human consumption?!”

The dining room was shrouded in silence for a moment. All the people eating stopped, and turned to look in Ji Ling’s direction, eyes glaring icily. 

They’d actually all seen the scene where Ji Ling bullied Ning Yu just now. Although they were very unhappy with Ji Ling's behavior, Ning Yu had chosen to concede, so they couldn’t very well intervene. All they could do was swallow the humiliation. However, this garbage aristocrat was too sickening. He hadn’t created enough trouble before, and had to make even more when eating his meal. If this food wasn’t for human consumption, then what were they eating?

We’re risking our lives here to fight against the bugs. Our days are tough and uncertain. Now, a noble like you comes. Let’s not even mention the power abuse and harassment. You’re even looking down on our food, saying it’s not something for human consumption.

I really want to throw this guy out, so we don’t lose our appetites!

Ji Ling continued to disdainfully pick at the things on his plate. Then, he put down his fork heavily, pretending he hadn’t noticed all the eyes on him. This was exactly the effect he’d wanted!

At that moment, he heard steady and powerful footsteps coming up behind him. A tall and handsome man slowly walked in front of him.

Jing Sui was also wearing a black military uniform today, but the material was obviously different from what the ordinary soldiers had on. His cuffs were inlaid with gold rims, and silver epaulets hung on his shoulders. His long black hair was tied back behind his head, showing off his sharp features and bright golden eyes.

Ji Ling saw that Jing Sui had finally appeared, thinking to himself, You finally couldn’t keep cool anymore, huh! I know you’re most disgusted by rich kids like me. See, there’s nothing to like about these kinds of people!

I can’t wait to see how you’ll deal with me. If you continue to indulge me, you'll definitely incite everyone's dissatisfaction!

Ji Ling raised his head, and looked up expectantly at Jing Sui.

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