The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 53: CH 28.1

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Due to Jing Sui and Brandon’s rebirths, this battle ended very smoothly ahead of schedule. There weren’t even many casualties. 

It was also because of this that Ning Yu's performance was rather run of the mill. Without the opportunity to show off the excellent maneuvers he had last life, his combat display could only be considered normal. He barely had any interaction with Jing Sui from start to finish.

This made Ji Ling feel extremely worried.

It had to be said that Ning Yu shone brilliantly during this war last life. Therefore, it was only expected that he’d form a relationship with Jing Sui.  However, in this life, they were still as distant as random passer-bys…

Jing Sui’s rebirth had changed everything.

Everyone’s path had completely changed. If this continued, the main gong and shou would only drift farther and farther apart. How would they be able to develop their feelings then? And despite his painstaking efforts to destroy his image, they didn’t seem to have any effect at all. No matter what he did, Jing Sui would still feel that he was just trying to attract his attention. This made him so angry that he almost vomited blood, but there was nothing he could do. He even had to dig his own pit further… 

All this made Ji Ling feel very muddled. I’m already so disgusting and it’s still not enough? How come it’s so difficult to become hated now? 

On the way back, Ji Ling had no more strength left to court death, so he started doubting himself.

I'm afraid the plot can’t be brought back on track...

Speaking of which, he had successfully courted death and gotten his face slapped last life, so he left to go home all sad and dull. However, on his way back, Carlos had sold him out to the rebels, and he’d encountered that terrifying rebel leader, Gabriel. This time however, Ji Ling had always been protected by someone. Jing Sui loved to keep him within arm’s reach, and there was the army accompanying him, so it obviously wouldn’t happen again.

Looking at it like this, not having to meet that experience again was pretty much the only benefit of Jing Sui's rebirth...

Although he knew there’d be more scare than hurt, Ji Ling really didn't want to be taken away trembling with fear again. It was still better to return to Empire Star safe and sound.

As long as Jing Sui wasn’t always thinking about making out with him, then everything would be working out pretty well…


Jing Sui knew that Ji Ling's constitution wasn’t suitable for continuous high-intensity spatial warping, so he deliberately slowed down on their way back. That’s why the journey took so much longer than when they went.

And now the time he had to spend with Jing Sui grew longer and longer… 

Ji Ling’s head hurt.

This morning, he got out of bed to freshen up, and carefully opened the door a peep. Sticking his head out, he saw that Jing Sui wasn’t there. Hallelujah! Ji Ling snuck out quietly, and prepared to go eat breakfast.

The inside of this starship was very large. It was almost the same size as a small city. Although Ji Ling had been very low-key, he’d accumulated a lot of curious gazes along the journey.

After the battle on Ferth, everyone knew that Ji Ling was the emperor’s favored one. His Majesty really praised him to the heavens, and so they were all very curious about him.

This rich kid was famous for being a good-for-nothing on Empire Star. How was he worth His Majesty’s love and doting? 

Could it just be his beautiful face?

Ji Ling felt uncomfortable with everyone’s attention on him, so he just focused on staring straight and ignoring it.  He really didn’t want this kind of hype on him. It was all that scoundrel, Jing Sui’s fault! Who would want to be scrutinized like this?!

Downcast, he arrived at the starship’s dining hall. Right as he entered, he saw Jing Sui wave to him...

Ji Ling almost blacked out. How come it was so hard for him to avoid Jing Sui?! Was this guy just *waiting here all day for his prey to serve itself on a platter?

Although he was angered half to death, he looked at the peerlessly beautiful golden-eyed man in front of him, and met Jing Sui’s gentle eyes. After a while, he still idiotically walked over in a daze…

Jing Sui reached out his hand, and brought Ji Ling directly into his arms as he sat down. Randomly running his fingers through Ji Ling’s soft messy blond hair, he looked at the boy's slightly reddened cheeks and gave a cheerful low laugh: “I know you can't get used to the basic elemental meals. Today, we’ll stop at Celestial Star for a day. Its famous for its beautiful scenery and delicious food. You’ll certainly like it there.”

Ji Ling stiffened for a while, then said: “No need. That's too much of a detour…”

Celestial Star wasn't on their way home at all. All for one person, Jing Sui had brought the whole starship full of people along for the ride. Ji Ling thought he had quite the aptitude to become a femme fatale! He had to put a stop to this!

Jing Sui didn’t put Ji Ling's refusal to heart at all. Instead, he felt that the boy was extremely kind and considerate. Clearly, he didn’t have an ounce of bossiness in him. He was also very sensible and understanding about important matters. Jing Sui’s gaze became softer and softer: "It doesn't matter. We’re not in a hurry.”

The majority of soldiers had already left with Brandon first, and only a part of Jing Sui’s elite troops remained with them. This detour was deliberately planned as a move to decrease the risk of danger. 

Although I’ve already made preparations this time, looked into the moles in the army in advance, and uprooted some of Carlos’ agents, I still need to make sure there’s no chance of anybody leaking information. 

Jing Sui didn’t want any accidents happening.

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Ji Ling still wanted to refuse again, but Jing Sui had already made an unshakeable decision: "That's that then.”

Ji Ling: "..."

He sat on a man's sturdy lap, and was wrapped in the man's strong and hot embrace. That’s why he didn't dare to move at all, and kept repeating to himself, stay calm, stay calm, keep steady, keep steady, stay calm, stay calm… 

In order to minimize the awkward feeling, Ji Ling turned away and looked elsewhere. As a result, he was surprised to see Ning Yu sitting in another corner of the dining hall eating quietly by himself.

Oh, so Ning Yu’s here too…

He didn't go back with Brandon?

Ji Ling looked at Ning Yu absentmindedly and felt even sadder inside. He really wanted to just throw a bucket of cold water onto Jing Sui and wake him up. There’s such a charming shou in front of you. He’s strong-willed, brave and upright, with all the pros I don't have! You don't like someone like him, but instead, have to like me, a malicious garbage rich kid! What's wrong with you?!

Jing Sui had keenly sensed Ji Ling was out of it.When he looked down Ji Ling’s line of sight, he saw Ning Yu, and his eyes darkened slightly. 

Ji Ling was thinking of what happened before again.

When would this child let go of his grudge and believe that he truly liked him? When would the boy believe that he didn’t have even a have a fraction of a relationship with Ning Yu?

A trace of helplessness flitted across Jing Sui's eyes. In fact, he hadn’t had any prominent relations with Ning Yu this life at all. The only thing he’d done was praise him a little to win the people’s hearts, and that was just a show for the public.

Even so, it was enough for the boy to feel disheartened. What's worse... Carlos clung to this point and continuously attacked him with these rumors.

But Jing Sui couldn’t pin the blame on others. In the end, it was his own fault. It was his neglect that hurt the boy first and created an opportunity for Carlos to take advantage of.

Even if there was only a bit of damage, the cracks created were inexplicably difficult to repair…

Thinking of what he’d done last life, Jing Sui's heart ached painfully. He looked greedily at the boy’s side profile, and for the first time, felt lucky from the depths of his heart. Fortunately... Fortunately, those things haven't happened yet.

Fortunately, you don't know those things yet.

Otherwise, I fear that I'll never have another chance to get so close to you and hug you again.

He was like a despicable con man, hiding the ugly truth, and pretending that nothing had happened. He used his current appearance as a disguise to cheat feelings from his beloved, burying all the remorse and pain in his heart, and being careful that nobody would discover them.

Jing Sui lowered his gaze. Emotions were stirring slightly in the depths of his eyes.

In order to escape Jing Sui even a bit earlier, Ji Ling appeared incredibly obedient. After eating some random things, he jumped off the man’s lap and blushed, saying: “I’m full."

Jing Sui hid his emotions from appearing in his eyes, and looked at him with a smile, saying: "Really?"

Ji Ling nodded vigoroulsy.

Jing Sui felt that he was just shy, but he didn't expose this fact. Instead, he touched the boy’s head and said: “Go and take a rest then.  We’ll arrive in the afternoon."


Ji Ling managed to escape Jing Sui with much difficulty, and stayed in his own room. He didn’t want to go out, because Jing Sui was everywhere :)

However, minutes and hours kept passing, and it was almost the afternoon now.

At four o'clock, there was a knock on the door.

Ji Ling stared fixedly at the door for a long time. He finally made some mental preparations, and told himself, it’ll be okay, it’ll be okay. It’s just my tofu getting eaten, what’s the big deal?! Back when I was studying, didn't I walk arm-in-arm with my bros too?

Just pretend Jing Sui isn’t human!

No, just pretend I’m in a fake relationship with a NPC.

As long as I can revive and return to my real home, this little injustice is nothing! Ji Ling's heart suddenly swelled with lofty sentiments, just like a soldier who no longer cared about his life to achieve his cause!

He plucked up his courage and went forwards to open the door.

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