The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 54: CH 28.2

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Jing Sui was dressed in casual clothes today. His perfect body was wrapped in figure hugging steel gray clothes, showing off his wide shoulders and narrow waist. His legs were straight and slender, but powerful. His long black hair was tied up behind his head, and his golden eyes smiled as he said to Ji Ling: "Let's deboard the ship.”

Ji Ling let Jing Sui hold his hand, and finally got off the starship after many days.

Raising his head up, he couldn't help but look in awe.

This planet was really too beautiful...

In fact, Celestial Star had always been quite famous. Like Blue Ocean Star that Carlos had given him, this one was also well-known on the list of beautiful planets. However, since Ji Ling was busy with his mission both last life and this life, thinking only of returning home, he’d never been in the mindset to enjoy the splendor of this world. 

Looking upon the infinite clouds before his eyes, he noticed various mountain peaks protruding amongst them. On these peaks, stood different grand structures that looked like they came out of the celestial realm. It was as if they were in a fantasy land. 

How can I describe it… This place is a bit like the celestial realm in *Xianxia fantasy novels, while Jing Sui's huge starship looks like it just came out of science fiction. Seeing a huge starship stop in the middle of Celestial Star is like seeing a collision of sci-fi and fantasy worlds.

But there was no doubt that the influence of science fiction was stronger in this novel world, because Celestial Star was only part of the empire’s territory. No matter how strong or beautiful the people on this planet were, they couldn’t compare to the imperial aristocrats on Empire Star who had been evolving for numerous years. In other words, the weak could only surrender to the strong.

In the distance, a small boat drifted over on the sea of clouds. On board, a man in white bowed respectfully and gestured to them. He was a native from this planet with pointed ears and gem-like pupils. 

Jing Sui only gave him a light glance. He turned around and took Ji Ling's hand, saying with smile: "I want to take you somewhere.”

The man in white ferried the small boat and drifted slowly into the sea of clouds. Ji Ling looked down along the side of the boat. There were ten oars rowing in mid-air on the underside, bringing with them a draft of air using some unknown mechanism… Ji Ling looked into the distance again. Among the sea of clouds, he saw chains of mountain peaks, layer upon layer. Some of them even had rainbow colored lights surrounding them…

It was just like a dream. This place was really too beautiful! The little earthling’s mouth gaped wide open. 

Although earth had different hologram projection technologies, those couldn’t compare to the impact of seeing something in real life. 

Jing Sui sat on one side, smiling as he watched Ji Ling stare wide-eyed like a curious little kitty. He promised himself that he’d take Ji Ling out to see the world whenever he had time in the future. The empire had many beautiful scenic spots, and the boy always stayed on Empire Star, spending all day with that group of rich kids. Even a good child would turn bad like that. He might as well let the boy follow him by his side in that case.

This way, Ji Ling wouldn’t have the time to think of anything foolish. 

Ji Ling looked out intently, unaware that he himself was the scenery Jing Sui was admiring. Slowly, the little boat docked on the side of a mountain peak.

Jing Sui came over and said to Ji Ling: “We’re here.”

They went up the stone steps, and Jing Sui gripped Ji Ling's hand tightly the whole way. Ji Ling's face was red. Although in his heart, he was very resistant against Jing Sui, and didn’t want to get closer to him at all, in the end, he really was quite curious about Celestial Star, and wanted to take a look around. Besides, his current character setting didn't allow him to stray too far... That’s why he simply avoided eye contact and pretended not to mind it.

Jing Sui glanced peripherally at Ji Ling looking shy and awkward, and a smile flitted through his eyes.  

Shortly afterwards, he led Ji Ling up to a broad platform on the mountain peak made of a jade-like material. This platform looked like it had a long history with all the mottled marks on it. Standing there, it was possible to see the boundless sea of clouds below, a spectacular yet dangerous sight. It made one feel as if they were stepping on nothing, as if one careless step could mean falling into the deep abyss.

Ji Ling looked around curiously, frustrated that he couldn't take any pictures to bring back with him. It was just like going on a trip without a single photo of it, the only shortcoming missing in a perfect life.

At this time, he suddenly heard Jing Sui's clear and low voice resound: "This pedestal is called Celestial Affinity Point, a place where lovers on Celestial Star tie their relationship together.”

Ji Ling: ...

Your Majesty, is it really okay for your brain to be full of love like this? You’re the ruler of a nation, so can’t you think about more important official matters? 

Ji Ling, who had been immersed in admiring the beautiful scenery, suddenly felt incredibly terrible. It was just like accidentally biting on a small piece of rock while chewing happily on a good meal, and hurting your teeth. Ji Ling felt that Jing Sui had really destroyed the good atmosphere. And just who is your lover?!

Jing Sui turned and looked at him through lidded eyes.  Gently lifting Ji Ling's face, he stared as the boy shyly avoided eye contact, and gave a light smile. Suddenly, he lowered his head and gently pecked a kiss on Ji Ling’s forehead, saying slowly and solemnly: “You are the only person I like.”

Ji Ling’s eyes couldn't help but widen.

Jing Sui emphasized each word clearly: “No matter in the past, present or future…”

I'm sorry I didn’t have the chance to say this to you until now. 

Whether it was in the last life or the present life, I only like you.

Ji Ling's face went numb, and he found that he actually wasn’t that surprised. Although he’d wanted to refute this fact very much… Jing Sui's attitude and actions during this time had been very obvious, after all. 

This was really a shitty result. It was even worse than his previous life.

At least in the last life, it was just mission failure with the gong and shou not getting together… This life... He’d actually gotten the male lead to fall for his sickening cannon fodder self! 

Could there be a more hopeless situation than this?!

Where exactly did he go wrong?

Why did this guy have to like him?

Jing Sui looked lovingly at the boy who seemed so surprised he forgot how to respond. Brushing lightly over the hair by his ear,  his voice carried the hint of a smile as he said: "Do you know why the lovers of Celestial Star like to pledge themselves to each other here? There’s a legend that as long as both parties pledge, if one of them goes against their word, then they will fall into the depths of the abyss forever.”

Ji Ling almost fell to his knees. This isn’t necessary, is it? Let’s not be so nitpicky, okay?! 

Can I just pretend you’re playing up the occasion? I really don’t care if you change to someone else, so please don’t be so serious! 

However, he looked into Jing Sui's golden eyes and saw them shine with sincerity. Thinking about his character setting though, he could only say in a touched voice with tears in his eyes: “Brother Jing Sui..."

Sorry, I can't say any more than that. There’s no way I can pledge anything to you! 

He turned his head to avoid Jing Sui’s line of sight, and couldn’t wait to hightail it out of this place right away! An idea suddenly came to him, and he said obligingly: "I'm hungry. Didn't you say that the food on Celestial Star was also famous? Let's go then!"

Jing Sui stared deeply at Ji Ling for a moment, and suddenly parted his lips to let out a low chuckle: “All right.”

He’d come here to personally express his feelings to Ji Ling, and let him know how serious he was. With time, he’d prove that his feelings were not a moment’s whim, and reassure the boy that there was no need to be uneasy or anxious. He would not be swayed.

Ji Ling’s face turned completely red. He turned to leave, fearing that another moment’s delay here would bring more of Jing Sui’s kisses. He really was afraid…

On the road, Ji Ling had already exerted much effort to avoid a good number of these attempts!

However, Jing Sui obviously hadn’t given up, and even brought him to a place like this to make a confession. If I continue like this, I really will go on the male lead’s love route with no path of return! 


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Ji Ling was at a loss the whole way. He was closed-off and didn’t say a word, nor did he dare glance at Jing Sui, lest he slip up and show his true thoughts. Before long, Jing Sui had led him to a small town at the foot of the mountain. The buildings here were all made of beautiful rainbow colored stones, and the roofs [were in an ancient style] with pointed corners like in the fairy tales. 

Jing Sui had already reserved a spot at a restaurant here. It was said that this restaurant was the most famous one on all of Celestial Star. The delicious food they served could only be enjoyed here, because once it left the town, it would lose its original taste.

This was obviously a tourist scenic spot, too. In addition to the locals of Celestial Star, people dressed in other outfits could be seen. They were travelers from other planets or galaxies. Ji Ling also saw some soldiers from the starship. Since they’d come here because of Ji Ling already, they might as well take a vacation too.

The atmosphere was very relaxed and comfortable.

Jing Sui settled Ji Ling in, and went to help him get food, letting him sit by himself for a moment.

Ji Ling’s gaze swept around, and he suddenly saw Ning Yu with several other soldiers together. They were sitting right at a restaurant opposite to him and laughing and chatting.

The two of them were separated by one street in-between. Ning Yu had a smile on his face, a stark contrast to how Ji Ling was feeling now. Bitterness surfaced in his eyes. You’re the main shou! Why are you such a disappointing wuss?! I’ve just about stolen your husband away. Why aren't you the least bit angry? How can you still come out to eat, drink and be merry like you’re completely unrelated? You’re taking it too far!

Hasn’t fate pushed you to be attracted to Jing Sui and fall deeply in love with him? Be a man with a spine and come get your lover back!

Ji Ling, the lone soldier who fought bravely for a fruitless cause, felt more and more defeated. His expression turned gloomy.

He saw Ning Yu sit there for a while, and then suddenly, get up and leave. Ji Ling did a double take. Luckily, Jing Sui hadn’t returned yet. Ji Ling got up and went to follow him outside. 

He traced the direction Ning Yu left in and made a turn at the alley in front. He indeed saw Ning Yu not far away, standing in front of a street vendor. He was probably picking out souvenirs or something.

Looking at this scene made Ji Ling rage with anger. I’ve put myself through so much despite the danger all for your love to succeed. I’ve almost been thrown in myself! How are you still in the mood to come out and play as if nothing has happened? You’re too much! You’ve almost angered me to death.

Ji Ling walked over in a huffy and opened his mouth to express his dissatisfaction, but once he opened it, he felt so aggrieved that he didn’t know how to start. That was because he couldn’t share what he was actually thinking, otherwise, he’d be finished…

However, Ning Yu discovered him, and he raised his eyebrow slightly.

Ji Ling saw that Ning Yu had turned back to look at him. They stared at each other for a moment, and then he opened his mouth stiffly to flaunt: “His Majesty won't like you. He’s already confessed to me today!"

Ning Yu: "..."

Ji Ling finished speaking and felt very awkward. His face was scalding hot, and he really wanted to find a hole to crawl into…But other than this, what could he say to Ning Yu? As if he could directly tell him to go pursue his true love, please… 

Ning Yu looked at Ji Ling. In those jade green eyes, there was a complex emotion difficult to describe. His tone was flat and cold, like a clear spring from a mountain stream; beautiful, but suffused with a piercing coolness as he said: “And what does that have to do with me?"

When Ji Ling saw his attitude, his heart felt chilled to the core. Okay, forget the fact that Jing Sui, that home wrecker, is going off the normal route after his rebirth. Whatever. But you’re the main shou. You actually don’t like the male lead? Y-you, y-you—

Weren’t you two supposed to be bound by fate? How can you be like this?!

Ji Ling almost angered himself to tears. Looking at Ning Yu with his eyes red, he felt incredibly wronged.

Ning Yu also looked at him.

He’d flaunted arrogantly like this in front of Ning Yu, and the guy didn’t even have a single word of rebuttal.  This was the first time in his life he’d ever angered himself to tears.

Ning Yu was silent for a moment, and finally sighed lightly, saying: "Although this has nothing to do with me... are you sure His Majesty really likes you?"

Ji Ling was stupefied and looked at Ning Yu in a daze. 

I thought you didn’t care at all? What do you mean by saying this all of a sudden? 

A lightbulb suddenly flashed in Ji Ling’s head, and his eyes opened wide. Could it be… Ning Yu actually did care about Jing Sui? He was just too proud and pretended not to mind before?

Thinking of this gave him a very happy surprise. It was completely possible! With Ning Yu's proud personality, he wouldn’t be able to show it in front of a rich kid like him even if he did like Jing Sui inside. He’d definitely play it cool instead! Ji Ling… you still have hope! 

Ji Ling’s spirit suddenly reignited. Raising his chin, he said forcefully: “Of course His Majesty really likes me!"

After he finished saying this, he looked expectantly at Ning Yu, waiting for his reaction. 

Ning Yu’s lips suddenly rose into a smile. He stepped forward, lowered his head and gave a very light laugh beside Ji Ling's ear: "Then I would really love to see just how much he likes you."

He finished speaking, and then crossed in front of Ji Ling with the little knick-knacks he’d just bought, getting away cleanly.

Ji Ling looked at Ning Yu’s back in a daze. Then, his face lit up.

Ning Yu had actually threatened him with vicious words. This was a good sign! He had successfully roused Ning Yu’s sense of competition! Atta boy, hurry up and steal back your fated lover from my rich kid self! 

Thinking of this, he felt like he might still be able to salvage the situation. He paused for a moment, and decided he should still go back to the restaurant first. Otherwise, Jing Sui would definitely get worried and come looking for him. 

However, he hadn’t even walked a few steps before he felt something wasn’t right.

Ji Ling looked up abruptly and saw countless shooting stars fall from the sky. The beautiful meteors flashed with long tails across the sky and crashed to the ground, bringing with them terrifying destruction. The grounds shook and mountains trembled!

He froze on the spot, forgetting how to move, and just stared wide eyed at this terrifying scene...

This planet was being attacked ...!

Things had already changed so much this life, and their route was also completely different. How could he still meet this kind of assault?! 

Ji Ling’s eyes revealed how very anxious he was. When he came back to his senses, he turned to run, wanting to return to Jing Sui. His heart was filled with regrets that he’d even left him to begin with. Although he really didn’t want to be with Jing Sui... at least he was safe by his side! 

And the system still hadn’t come back. He couldn’t let himself just die here! 

Ji Ling kept his fear in-check, wishing desperately that he could run a little faster. However, a huge rock suddenly fell from the sky. Ji Ling hurriedly dodged and tumbled to the ground. When he looked up, he found that the rock had blocked his only path of escape. His face couldn’t not pale.

Then, he saw a man wearing a silver mask with short black hair and black eyes emerge from the chaos. He approached step by step. 

Ji Ling looked beyond the man’s silver mask and found pitch black eyes without any warmth.

His whole body broke out in chills.

Translator’s notes

*I tried to make it pretty obvious if you’ve never heard of Xianxia, but it’s basically a genre of fiction situated in a fantasy world with magical beings, magical powers and typically cultivation sects.

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