The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 60: CH 31.2

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Ten minutes later, Ji Ling, who had been forcefully dressed, was dragged onto the car by his anxious mother with a bleak look on his face.

All along the way, he kept praying, please don't let me meet Jing Sui, please don't let me meet Jing Sui, please don’t let me meet Jing Sui…

It had to be said that he’d often come to the palace in the past to see Madam Saman, but he’d never run into Jing Sui at her place, so he definitely wouldn’t meet him there this time either! 

Holding onto this beautiful hope, Ji Ling got out of the car. Right when he entered, he saw Jing Sui sitting next to Madam Saman, showing him a gentle and refined smile.

Ji Ling: "..."

What was I thinking when I came here? I really shouldn’t have taken any chances!

Madam Marina also caught sight of Jing Sui immediately, and gave a look of surprise. Although Jing Sui was Madam Saman's son, he was the dignified king of a nation. Normally, he wouldn’t appear at a place like this. Although Jing Sui was her junior, Madam Marina didn’t dare treat him as one. She smiled politely: "So Your Majesty is also here."

Jing Sui didn't put on airs with Madam Marina. He stood up and nodded with a smile: "Madam Marina, so nice to meet you here.”

Madam Marina saw that Jing Sui treated her very respectfully, and felt quite good. She smiled and said, “My thoughts exactly.”

Only Ji Ling's mood was terribly bitter.

He felt like he’d fallen for the trap, and didn't dare to look up at Jing Sui. He pretended to be an obedient child and kept his head down. 

Madam Saman saw Ji Ling looking extremely docile, like he was clearly avoiding Jing Sui's line of sight, and felt that the boy was so cute and interesting. Normally, when this child came over, he wasn’t shy and bashful at all. So he liked Jing Sui, after all. That was why his attitude changed just at the sight of him.

In fact, Jing Sui had been the one who’d entrusted her with the task of inviting Madam Marina and Ji Ling over yesterday. He specifically told her not to tell Madam Marina that he’d be there, because he wanted to surprise Ji Ling.

Madam Saman was quite surprised at first, because she understood her son very well. He’d always been lukewarm towards Ji Ling, looking like he didn’t care much for him. Why was he suddenly so keen on the boy now? Could it be that he’d developed feelings for Ji Ling during the war this time, and finally realized how good he was? 

If that was the case, then it really was a good thing. She was delighted by her son's sudden enlightenment, because she really liked Ji Ling, and hoped that Jing Sui would like him too. If this cute little rascal could come to the palace and keep her company more often in the future, that’d be wonderful. 

Compared to Jing Sui, a serious and calm son without a single ounce of cuteness, Ji Ling was clever and sweet; many times more lovable!

Madam Saman stood beside Jing Sui without hesitation, blooming with joy as she prepared to lure Ji Ling to their side.

She gave a loving smile and waved to Ji Ling, saying: "Xiao Ling, why aren’t you coming over?”

Ji Ling was so bitter that he couldn’t respond, but how could he refuse Madam Saman’s enthusiasm? He could only drag his feet over slowly. Still, he didn't dare to look at Jing Sui, and cried: "Auntie Saman.”

Madam Saman took Ji Ling's hand and looked at his slightly flushed ears. This little rascal was being bashful. Gosh, so there were still such shy and reserved children amongst the imperial aristocracy now? He was just like a precious treasure deposit. He normally looked extremely passionate and bold on the surface, but digging deeper, he was actually so small and timid. 

She said lovingly: "I heard you met with some danger when you went out. I was so terribly worried. It was all Jing Sui's fault. He didn't protect you well enough. I’ve already punished him severely.”

Ji Ling: “No, I don’t mind anymore…”

Madam Saman thought to herself, This little guy is truly considerate and kind. Gosh, he’s so understanding. How could anyone say he’s just another rich kid? She really wanted to tear up those people’s mouths. They must’ve been jealous of how cute the little angel was.

She said with concern: "Don't go out so casually again in the future. Auntie was so worried her heart almost broke.”

Ji Ling: “…Mmm.”

Madam Saman clung onto him for half the day and kept asking how he was doing from head to toe. Her exaggerated expressions and undisguised doting gave him a headache. He was cursing non-stop inside. As the empress dowager, shouldn’t you be a little more reserved? The fact that you want to matchmake me and Jing Sui is written plain as day all over your face! Aren’t empress dowagers usually in charge of insults and face slapping?

Why isn’t there a wicked step-mother coming to break up a loving couple? Why do you look happier than me that he likes me?!

I’m such a piece of trash! How could I be worthy of pairing with your heroic and majestic son?! 

And why do you seem to like me more than Jing Sui? Wake up already! That guy is your son!

Ji Ling was in extreme despair.

Madam Saman would not let go of the little cutie. He was such a lovely and adorable child; fair, delicate, and soft to hug. Her own son had not been cute like this since he turned seven. He was smelly and stiff, never letting her get close. She was a little reluctant to give Ji Ling away, but saw the warning flash across her son’s eyes. In the end, she reluctantly let go of her hand, gave Ji Ling’s head a pat, and said: "I'll talk to Marina for a while. Jing Sui, why don’t you take Xiao Ling around first.”

Jing Sui heard this and stood up. With a faint smile, he said, “All right, Mother."

Ji Ling: No-

Jing Sui respectfully took leave from Madam Marina, then grabbed Ji Ling's hand and led him out without any room for rejection.

Ji Ling: ...

Now, he’d finally understood the situation clearly. Jing Sui and Madam Saman had been colluding with each other the whole time. They’d already calculated how best to lure him out. Careless, he’d been too careless! 

One false step brought endless regret!

Jing Sui held Ji Ling's hand and looked down at him through lidded eyes. His heart was full of tender affection. He’d been thinking of the boy all day and night lately. Unfortunately, the little rascal had been avoiding him the whole time. He was too shy... How could things go on like this?

He waited patiently and let the boy stay at home for several days before finally deciding to have his mother coax him into the palace.

Ji Ling was suffering inexplicable hardships. Muddle-headed, he was led forward by Jing Sui. When he saw Jing Sui's palace in front, he suddenly stopped. He didn't really want to go in there, since the hunter beast was too terrifying. The thing roared at him every time. If it wasn’t for continuing his act before, he’d never ever want to go near it!

However, Jing Sui’s strength didn’t let him say no at all, and the man pulled him in directly. 

Ji Ling was so scared, he closed his eyes. However, when he opened them again, he couldn’t help but stare blankly ahead. The terrifying monster was nowhere to be seen in the empty courtyard.

In the face of Ji Ling's confused expression, Jing Sui explained warmly: "It took up too much space, so I had it sent away.” 

Ji Ling: "..."

Not to criticize you, bro, but what you’re saying is too illogical. The original book mentioned that it was your favorite pet and you’d raised it for ten years. You’re only realizing now that it takes up too much space?

Cool-blooded, you’re so cold-blooded!

Jing Sui's expression was calm and indifferent, as if he was talking about an insignificant little thing. He held onto Ji Ling’s hand and walked forward, saying: “That’s right, you didn’t get a good look around when you came before. I’ll show you around."

He said this and began showing Ji Ling around his palace.

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With Ji Ling in-tow, he went around everywhere, to his bed chambers, his study, his collection rooms and his armory. Ji Ling had never been to these buildings before. At most, he’d just stood in the courtyard and spoke a few words to Jing Sui before leaving. 

On the one hand, he was in no mood to look at these things, but on the other hand, Jing Sui was a very territorial man. He wasn’t the type to let others enter his space casually. 

This time, however, he hadn’t hesitated to show him his entire living space. From time to time, he’d even explain the functions and uses of each room patiently.

Ji Ling was at a bit of a loss, and looked at Jing Sui puzzled, unsure of why he was doing this

Had this guy tricked him into the palace just to show him around his own place?

Finally, Jing Sui circled around and took Ji Ling back to a room beside his own bedroom. He pushed open the door and smiled, saying: "This is a room I had especially prepared for you. I want to invite you to stay at the palace for a few days."

Ji Ling: "..."

A short stay? Your evil intentions are as clear as day!

Ji Ling was so scared that his face almost paled. Looking away, he said uncomfortably: “But… Mom is still waiting for me to go home with her. She’ll worry if she doesn’t see me for a single day, sorry…”

Jing Sui paused, but unexpectedly did not press him further. He smiled with a hint of regret, saying: "Really? Then I won’t force you."

Ji Ling hadn’t expected Jing Sui to actually listen to him so easily. The worry he’d been carrying in his heart eased a little, and he couldn’t wait to go home. His face flushed red as he said: “I-I’ll go back first then. My mom must be feeling anxious."

He said this and turned to go.

It's too stifling here! I have to hurry back right away, Ji Ling thought to himself. I’ll never fall for this scheme ever again. Never coming to the palace again. Over my dead body!

He hurried back to Madam Saman’s palace, only to find Madam Saman there alone. Not a trace of his mother could be seen anywhere. He couldn’t help but pause for a moment, saying: "Auntie Saman, where’s my mom?”

Madam Saman looked at Ji Ling and said lovingly:” Oh, your mom? She went home first, so you can live at the palace without any worries for a few days."

Ji Ling almost blacked out.

Just now, he’d told Jing Sui that his mom wouldn't agree. As a result, he was immediately given a vicious slap in the face. He hadn’t even gone around for 20 minutes, before he was abandoned by his mother upon his return.

This was too much. Too much!

Seeing how shocked Ji Ling appeared, Madam Saman's heart was full of affection. At this moment, she saw Jing Sui stroll leisurely in from behind. Her face was firm as she said: "I promised Marina just now, so you must take good care of Xiao Ling. If he suffers so much as one grievance, I won’t let you off. Do you understand?"

Jing Sui said slowly and solemnly: “Rest assured.  I will most certainly take good care of him."

Madam Saman stared fixedly at him. Although Jing Sui’s sudden enlightenment made her very happy, he was a repeat offender, after all. She still couldn't feel completely at ease, because Ji Ling had been hurt. She carefully added a warning: “I’ll go check on you regularly.” 

Jing Sui looked resigned and said: “Not a problem."

Only after that could Madam Saman feel at ease. She said to Ji Ling with a smile: "You can live freely here as if it’s your own home. If anyone dares to give you trouble, come tell your auntie and I’ll definitely help you."

Ji Ling: "..."

Jing Sui glanced at the boy who had been shocked pitifully. He looked like a kitten who had been abandoned by his mother, and suddenly taken away from home into a strange new environment. The boy appeared so lost and pitiful and adorable that he couldn't keep the corners of his mouth from lifting. He wanted nothing more than to just hold him in his arms right that instant. 

He didn't want to hear his mother continue to fuss about, so he took Ji Ling's hand and led him out again.

Ji Ling's hand was gripped tightly by Jing Sui's powerful palm. The man’s palm was so hot, and so powerful that he had no way of resisting… He almost choked up, How did I get myself into staying at the palace? Help!

Looking around, he saw that he’d returned to that room he’d fled from earlier. He raised his eyes up to meet Jing Sui's deep golden ones. Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he tried to give his final resistance, and said in a low voice: “Brother Jing Sui, you should go attend to your work first. Don't worry about me..."

As a result, Jing Sui suddenly stepped forward.

Ji Ling jumped in fright, and retreated back a step. Behind him was the window ledge. The gauze window curtain to the side blew gently in the wind. He saw that Jing Sui's line of sight was slowly darkening, as if some emotion was brewing deep inside… His legs began to tremble.

This person's expression was way more terrifying than the scariest wild beasts. He himself was just like a prey animal being targeted.

No, this can’t go on!

A strong sense of danger made Ji Ling summon up all his courage and turn to escape. However, in the next second, his chin had been gripped by a strong hand, and a cool kiss fell on his lips.

Ji Ling’s eyes suddenly opened wide. His body trembled slightly, and he forgot to move for a second.

Jing Sui held the boy's chin with one hand, and held his shoulder with the other, effectively trapping him under his own body. He continued kissing lightly. Those soft lips he had long thirsted for had finally been touched.

He gazed into the youth’s eyes from up close, and saw a pair of clear eyes with slightly dilated pupils.

They looked so confused, vulnerable and pitiful. 

This boy was the one he’d longed for for countless years and two lifetimes. This face had been depicted in numerous dreams of his, but once he reached out, he’d find that it was just a false illusion. One touch and it all dissipated into the air.

The youth would never come back.

When he finally realized that he had fallen in love with the boy, regret and pain had already tormented him for many years.

But at this moment, he’d finally touched his beloved boy again. The feeling under his touch was warm. It was as if he could feel the blood flow under the boy’s skin, and detect the youth’s slightest trembles through his palm… 

It was so real.

The boy was in front of him now, alive and well. He could talk, he could breathe, and he could display happiness, sorrow, anger, and joy. 

Pain, regret, judgement… All kinds of emotions surged up in Jing Sui's eyes. Those emotions that had been suppressed in the bottom of his heart for countless years could finally flood out at this moment.

He didn’t want to be patient and endure anymore. He didn’t want to give him room to escape again.  

He needed to get closer to him, and obtain him first. 

The depths of Jing Sui’s eyes continued to deepen. His fingers exerted a little more strength, and forced the boy’s mouth to open. His sharp eyes stared fixedly at the youth’s beautiful blue eyes, as he went to deepen the kiss without hesitation!

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