The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 61: CH 32.1

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Ji Ling was kissed and let out a faint whimper. The man before him was incredibly strong and scary at the moment, like a wolf in sheep’s skin. There was absolutely no room left for resistance. His hands were secured in a lock that was as firm as steel, so he could only submit.

He felt the man’s unbridled and ravaging kiss, and couldn't help trembling slightly. He instinctively wanted to escape, but his reason stopped him in the end.

He’d forgotten to put up a struggle at first, and didn’t dare to struggle afterwards. 

Jing Sui appeared to like him very much, but even if the man doted on him even more, Ji Ling would never forget this one truth: He was not the original ‘Ji Ling.’ He didn’t love this man, and had never really sacrificed anything for his sake. He hadn’t paid the price for this love… 

He’d deceived this terrifying king of a nation with his position as an outsider, and set up a hoax to swindle the man’s deep affections. 

But that wasn't his intention.

He’d never wanted Jing Sui to love him. However...

In the end, when things had gotten to a place out of his control like this, he had no other path to walk on besides continuing to play his character role. 

Ji Ling endured the intense fear inside of him and forced himself to open his mouth to accept the other party. He felt difficulty breathing, fear, terror, unease… He was being kissed by a man; a man with a human appearance who was more terrifying than the monsters that appeared in legends, at that. He seemed gentle, but in fact, one little move and he could crush a little liar…easily.

He felt as small and powerless as a worm. Even though he had been carefully following the plot, and desperately trying to complete the task, fate kept throwing one cruel trick at him after another.

The tears in Ji Ling's eyes welled up involuntarily. He felt extremely wronged in his heart. Who told you to like me? Why do you have to like me?

Haven't I behaved disgusting enough?

I’ve already tried really hard to be disliked by everyone. I just want to go home after finishing the plot…

Jing Sui felt the youth’s body tremble in his arms, but unexpectedly, he hadn’t avoided him this time. He slowly loosened his grip on the boy’s chin, gently brushed across his cheek with his fingertips, and felt the sweetness of the boy’s lips. He couldn't help but deepen the kiss.

Ever since his rebirth, he’d been trying hard to restrain himself, telling himself not to scare the boy, and to take it slowly…

So he’d always been letting the boy run away… 

Until this moment when he was finally able to kiss his beloved. 

Jing Sui held Ji Ling extremely gently. Staring at the boy’s flushed cheeks and moist eyes, he looked just like a small whimpering kitten... He kept like this for a long time before he was able to reluctantly raise his head back up and let go of the boy. 

In the end, he couldn’t bear to let Ji Ling feel fearful, so he stopped at this point and didn’t continue. 

He felt that the youth was always so shy and evasive when he approached… Sometimes that gave him the impression that the boy didn’t really want to be closer to him. 

But how could that be possible? The boy loved him so much, and had chased him for so many years. He had even given his life for him in the end. If that wasn’t love, how else could it be explained? 

Ji Ling didn’t have any reason to deceive him either.

In the end, Jing Sui believed that the boy was just too shy.

He had never tried to really understand him before. That’s why as soon as he was reborn, the first thing he did was collect every piece of information related to Ji Ling, and grasp his each and every move. Whenever he went out with his friends, Jing Sui would hear about each word the boy had said about him. Every time he saw this, he’d be in an extremely happy mood the whole day. 

Regardless if he was there in person, the boy appeared to love him deeply inside and out. 

And because Ji Ling loved him so deeply, he even rejected all his other suitors. Last life, he didn’t know any of this. He’d only discovered this life that the youth had never had any other men or women. The boy’s body and heart were completely reserved for him.

When Jing Sui first heard this he could hardly believe his ears.  He understood all too well the extravagance and depravity of imperial aristocrats. Although he’d always known that the boy liked him, he wouldn't have been surprised to learn that he had his share of fun. After all, that kind of amusement was just going with the spirit of the party. Jing Sui had truly never seen someone so devoted to a single person. 

He thought he’d long understood the boy’s love for him, but every time he dug a little deeper, he’d find that he had underestimated those feelings.

Ji Ling appeared to be a domineering rich kid, but he was more devoted than anyone. He loved him so much that he could refuse all other invitations.

That was hard to believe, but it was the truth.

This seemed to explain the boy’s bashfulness. He was a blank canvas and knew nothing. Even this kiss was his first kiss.

The boy only knew that he liked him. He was just stupidly in love with him, but didn’t know what to do with his beloved person. That’s why he felt at a loss and subconsciously avoided him in response to his sudden approaches.

Jing Sui thought of this and gradually put away his doubts. Instead, he held onto Ji Ling even more lovingly. This boy…

There were still many things for him to teach the boy, but he had the patience to approach him slowly. Such a unique treasure could only be possessed by him. He would gradually unearth the boy himself.

Ji Ling's existence was a gift to him from the heavens. He had to cherish him well.

Jing Sui lovingly wiped Ji Ling's tearful eyes and comforted him gently: "Don't be nervous. It’s normal for lovers to kiss. You only need to get used to it."

With much difficulty, Ji Ling had finally ended that terrible kiss. He thought that he was free now, so when he heard those words, he got so scared he almost blacked out. He actually had to get used to this?!

And I'm not retarded, okay. How could I not understand these things? *Even if I've never eaten pork, I’ve seen pigs run. Just one question; Who’s your lover…? I don't want a terrifying male lover at all, okay? If you were a weak little sister, then I wouldn’t be afraid!

Jing Sui looked at the boy who seemed like he was about to cry at any time now. He stared at his red and swollen lips and let out a resigned low laugh.

He pinched Ji Ling's nose a little and joked: "It seems that we have to practice more. Otherwise, you’ll be afraid of even a little kiss. How can we… do other things in the future then?”

When he said the last few words, his tone suddenly dropped and became meaningful.

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Almost all of Ji Ling’s hair stood up on end, and he looked dumbly back at Jing Sui. 

He was scared silly.

Looking at the boy’s dumb expression, Jing Sui finally couldn't keep in his happy mood, and gave a loud laugh. However, he knew that haste makes waste. He had probably gone as far as appropriate today, so he smiled faintly at Ji Ling: "You’ll be living here then. I still have something to do, but I’ll come back to accompany you in the evening.”

Ji Ling watched dumbfounded as Jing Sui left. After making sure the man wouldn’t be back for a while, he sat on the bed, and covered his mouth, looking like he had nothing left to live for.

According to what Jing Sui had said, he not only wanted to practise kissing with him more, but go even further and do other things?! 

Help! Ahhhhh! 

Ji Ling thumped down, and thrashed the bed with his hands. He really wanted to just die like this. His face was burning! The second run was in a mode too hard for him. It was obviously in hell mode!


Jing Sui really did fulfill his promise. No matter how late he worked outside until, he’d come back to see Ji Ling and give him a good-night kiss without fail.

As long as he had time, Jing Sui would come back to have dinner with him. His favorite activity was holding Ji Ling on his lap, and patiently feeding the little cutie. He’d never get bored of doing this simple action. He was extremely into it, and after feeding every few bites, he’d give a kiss. Ji Ling’s face would often be flushed red before he stopped. 

At first, Ji Ling was always nervous and stiff like a piece of wood, but gradually, he became numbed to it.

Sure enough, things were just especially difficult the first time...

He thought it through, and decided that kissing was just your average exchange of saliva. Since the jar’s already broken, so what if it breaks even more? Besides, Jing Sui was so good-looking. At least his pretty face reduced some of the discomfort a little.

The bottom line of his morals had gradually degenerated from protecting his first kiss to protecting his first night...

After all, kissing was no big deal. It was the papapa that he really couldn’t take psychologically! 

These days he lived in the palace, he waited fear-ridden for Jing Sui to return everyday. He spent every day thinking about how to protect himself in a way that wouldn’t offend Jing Sui or reveal any abnormalities. He didn't even have time to think about how to do his mission.

He had to think of some way to leave the palace as soon as possible. If things continued at this rate, he may not be able to resist for much longer.

However, Jing Sui had already prepared everything perfectly. Even his parents had been settled, and everyone wanted to set them up... His character setting was someone who was crazy about Jing Sui. What reason could he suggest to leave this place?

Ji Ling was so worried that his hair was about to fall out. He couldn't even sleep at night.

He wanted to return to his own world alive, but it wasn’t such a simple task, after all. There’s no way a free meal would just fall into his lap, right?

The road ahead was still long...

This particular night, his thoughts were going off the deep end again. Suddenly, he heard the door creaking open, along with the sound of steady powerful footsteps approaching. Following that, a tall man's body trapped him underneath, and a pair of hands framed his face. The man lowered his head and kissed him. His piercing golden eyes shone with breathtaking radiance in the dark of night. Deep affection and tenderness lay hidden in them.

Ji Ling didn’t bat his eyes and his eyelids stayed lowered. He even obediently opened a gap in his mouth to make it more convenient for the man to take him. The man seemed to be exerting a lot of force today, as if he was suppressing his inner impulses. Ji Ling knew exactly what he was suppressing, so he acted obediently just in case. If by any chance the man couldn’t keep his impulses in check, then he’d kill himself on the spot… 

Jing Sui framed the youth’s face with his hands, as he greedily sucked up the boy’s sweet taste. Only when the youth’s face was flushed red and he looked like he was so out of breath he was about to faint did Jing Sui give a light nip on his lips and slowly release him. Just now, he’d almost lost control of himself. Luckily, he had held on in the end. 

And lately, he could clearly see that the youth was trying to accept these actions, even though he thought they were strange and fearful. Jing Sui’s heart couldn’t help but soften.  

He lovingly touched Ji Ling's golden hair, and stared at his wet eyes. In a hoarse voice, which sounded even deeper and more magnetic in the dark of night, he laughed: "What’s wrong? You seem to be in low spirits today. "

Ji Ling curled himself up into a ball and looked at Jing Sui carefully, saying: "Brother Jing Sui, I’ve stayed here for a long time already, and want to go home."

Jing Sui was silent for a second before saying:"Are you not happy staying here?"

Ji Ling quickly denied it, saying: "No, it’s just ..." He seemed to hesitate for a bit, before adding awkwardly: "There’s no one here to play with me. I haven't seen my friends for a long time now…”

Jing Sui was stunned. Then, a look of remorse showed on his face. These few days, he had only been frequenting Ji Ling and keeping Ji Ling by his side, enjoying the pleasure of his company, but he had carelessly neglected the boy’s own feelings. He had been too selfish. The boy had his own life. He didn’t exist solely for him. Although he wanted to lock the boy by his side forever, he still wanted him to be happy.

Jing Sui rubbed Ji Ling's head and smiled, saying: “If you were bored, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ji Ling sulked, Lately, I’ve been so frightened that I’m like a bird who’s scared at even the twang of a bow string. How could I dare to casually mention that I’m bored? Isn't this an excuse I was forced to come up with because I had no other choice? 

Then he saw Jing Sui's lips raise, saying: “That’s simple then. I will hold a banquet in the palace and have all your friends come over. How about that?”

Ji Ling: Bro, why do you think so fast???

Ji Ling was extremely bitter in his heart. The excuse he’d finally come up with after so much effort was easily broken. He forced a smile and said in a low voice: "Thank you, Brother Jing Sui."

Jing Sui was completely powerless against this boy obediently calling him ‘Brother,’ or faintly saying ‘thank you.’ As long as he heard those words, he’d even shoot the sun down for him. He decided to hold a grand banquet for Ji Ling. As long as the boy was happy and willing to stay by his side, he could even hold a banquet every day.

He looked at Ji Ling lovingly and couldn't stop himself from kissing him again before he got up and left.

Ji Ling's heart was like a pile of cold ashes. He didn’t really want a banquet. He just wanted to get rid of Jing Sui!!!

Translator’s note

*Since this idiom pertains more to a poorer rural farmer setting, it’s not immediately applicable to city folk, but it should still be pretty obvious. It’s basically saying, ‘even if a person isn’t knowledgable about something, he still has common sense.’

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