The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 63: CH 33.1

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Ji Ling looked at Carlos in shock. His scalp tingled with fear. How could Carlos have appeared in the palace? There was no way Jing Sui would invite him!

What did he want to do?

Carlos looked at the horror in the youth’s eyes. His heart was chilled with icy pain, but he put on a gentle expression. He whispered to Ji Ling: “I just wanted to say a few words to you. Don’t make a fuss, and I’ll let go, all right?”

Ji Ling heard those warm and gentle words, and immediately calmed down. Since Carlos was willing to put on a play with him, he definitely wouldn’t hurt him. All he had to do was listen to what the guy wanted to say. And so, Ji Ling blinked his eyes and showed that he was willing to listen.

Carlos released his hold, as his gaze fell over those lips that had been kissed red by Jing Sui. Holding in his agitation and jealousy, he looked at Ji Ling with a hurt expression, saying hoarsely: "Do you still blame me?”

Ji Ling gave him a distant stare, appearing extremely distrustful.

Carlos said: "I miss you so much."

Ji Ling lowered his voice and said coldly: "Did you know I almost died on Celestial Star?”

Pain flitted through Carlos' eyes. After a long pause, he smiled bitterly: "I knew His Majesty would tell you that, but none of it is true. I would never sell you out.

How could he possibly believe Carlos? He looked at Carlos with a disappointed expression, and shook his head, saying: "His Majesty was afraid that I’d be saddened and didn't say anything. Gabriel was the one who told me. He said that the one who gave him news about me was you, Uncle Carlos..."

Carlos saw the disappointment in the youth’s pained eyes, and felt even angrier with Gabriel in his heart. He had gone back to think about this matter for a long time, but still couldn’t come up with the purpose behind Gabriel’s actions. Why would Gabriel set him up in front of Ji Ling?

What did this man want this time?

Although he couldn't grasp Gabriel's motives or goals at the moment, that didn't prevent him from speaking with Ji Ling today. Carlos said slowly in a deep voice: "What Gabriel told you may not be the truth. How are you so sure that he was the real Gabriel?"

Ji Ling was taken aback. He had no idea what Carlos was implying with this.

Carlos said lightly: "Everyone knows that Gabriel has black hair, black eyes and wears a silver mask. However, no one knows what he truly looks like. Wouldn’t it be extremely simple for someone to wear a mask and pose as him?”

Ji Ling said in surprise: "You’re saying that the one I met wasn’t the real Gabriel?"

That’s impossible. I've dealt with Gabriel in my last life, and I'm quite sure that that wasn’t someone in disguise. He looked at Carlos suspiciously, waiting to see his next tricks.

Carlos looked at Ji Ling, and his eyes suddenly turned sharp and dark. The chill in them was blood-curdling. Clearly and slowly, Carlos enunciated: "If I had Gabriel kill someone for me, then that person would never come back alive."

Ji Ling was startled by the sudden iciness in his tone of voice. He leaned against the tree behind him, and seeing that he had no way of escape, his face turned pale. He didn’t understand why Carlos would completely change colors all of a sudden. Hadn’t he always pretended to be harmless in front of him?

Carlos looked straight into Ji Ling's panicked eyes. His own eyes were deep and calm, laced with a terrifying  indifference to life and ruthlessness: "If I was really the one who had Gabriel kidnap you, then how could I have let him tell you my name and let you go safe and sound afterwards?”

Ji Ling: ...

Crap, what this old rascal is saying actually sounds quite reasonable.

But that was definitely Gabriel...

Ji Ling racked his brains and thought for a bit... Or it’s like  last life. You ratted me out, but Gabriel wasn’t willing to kill me in the end. As for giving your name out, maybe it was simply an accident? Ji Ling really didn't know how to keep finding excuses for Gabriel’s actions… 

Carlos raised his hand and pressed down on Ji Ling's shoulder. The coldness in his eyes was once again covered by worry and concern. He sighed helplessly saying: "That person wasn’t necessarily the real Gabriel. The reason why he kidnapped you and then let you go was to frame me. Do you understand now?”

Ji Ling didn't believe a word of this, but he pretended to waver, and asked confused: "Why would he do that…?”

Carlos sighed. "Think about it. Who would be the biggest beneficiary?”

Ji Ling: ?

I don’t think anyone benefits. Only you lose out and fall into this pit. Although I don't know why Gabriel wants to get you this life, maybe he just doesn't like you? After all, Jing Sui's political views are more in line with his interests.

Carlos looked at the youth’s blank expression. The boy appeared as if he couldn’t come up with anything at all, showing him pitiful and helpless eyes. Carlos said deeply: “Originally, I would’ve preferred you hating me to telling you the truth, but I really...cannot bear to see you hurt and manipulated any more.”

Ji Ling: ...

With deep regret in his eyes, Carlos finally lamented slowly: “His Majesty is the biggest beneficiary."

Ji Ling widened his eyes in disbelief. How the heck was Carlos going to bend this?

Carlos stared at Ji Ling intently. His tone was sincere as he said slowly: “His Majesty used to be indifferent and dismissive towards you. Everyone knew that he didn't like you...but his attitude changed completely overnight, and now he dotes on you so much. Have you never suspected that something was wrong with this?”

In his heart, Ji Ling knew the reason all too well. It was because Jing Sui was reborn. However, this was a secret he could never say out loud. Putting that aside, umm… there really might be something wrong.

Ji Ling appeared to hesitate. He looked like he was wavering, but because he didn't want to doubt Jing Sui, he could only move his lips slightly: “His Majesty, he…”

Sympathy appeared in Carlos’ eyes, and he seemed to genuinely feel bad for Ji Ling. However, he still said: “The real reason His Majesty suddenly changed his attitude towards you is to obtain the support of your father’s faction for the implementation of the genetic evolution agents policy to come. However, because he had never treated you well, he was afraid you wouldn’t accept his change and even trust in me more. That’s why he had to go through with such a plan… He would have some so-called Gabriel kidnap you and deliberately tell you that I was the mastermind. Then, he would rescue you out of that frightening situation so that you would misunderstand and alienate me, while at the same time, increase your love and gratitude for himself. Moreover, he could naturally pin the guilt of cooperating with the rebels on me and use this as an excuse to suppress my power in the subsequent political struggle, therein killing three birds with one stone."

“Consider it carefully. Everything that happened was planned by him, otherwise, how would anyone be able to capture you so easily from his side? Obviously, he had this done on purpose… What's more, if it wasn't him, how would Gabriel not silence you? He just gave my name out, pretended to intimidate you and then let you go? His Majesty just rushed over to play hero saving the beauty so conveniently? How could there be so many coincidences in this world?" Carlos remarked sadly: “All these moves were carefully calculated by him. He isn’t sincerely good to you at all. He just wants to use you. Once his purpose is achieved, he won’t hesitate to abandon you. "

Ji Ling’s mouth gaped open in shock. 

My gosh, this old rascal’s tongue is as smooth as silk. His reasoning was extremely sound. He could spin his lies to sound more truthful than the truth. If I wasn’t so clear on his character, and unaware of his rebirth, I might have really believed him. What he said is completely flawless!

Carlos reached out his hand, and gently brushed Ji Ling's cheek, saying with a pained expression: "Do you understand now? His kindness to you is fake. He has been deceiving you the whole time, and taking advantage of your feelings for him... For his own goals, he doesn’t hesitate to put you in harm’s way, not caring for your fear or injury. "

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Ji Ling pretended to be overwhelmed with shock and sadness. The corners of his eyes reddened as he said: "It can’t be… His Majesty wouldn’t do that to me..."

Carlos’ voice sunk deeper. He gave a wry smile, as if he was pained, as he said: "I am the one who has always been good to you. I have never hurt you, so would you rather believe in a ruthless person who used to despise you than believe in me who has always cared for you sincerely?"

Ji Ling: "..."

But you’re not sincerely good to me either. It’s just that you’ve always been putting on this facade… 

Ji Ling almost wanted to refute him, but his mouth gaped open and made no sound. Suddenly, an unprecedented idea came to him, and his heart beat excitedly.

This…This was actually a breakthrough for him!

Hadn’t he been worried about how to refuse Jing Sui all this time and get out of this fatal situation? Now Carlos had set down the perfect excuse right in front of him!

Putting aside the secret explanation of "rebirth", everything else sounded completely logical! In fact, even Ji Ling sometimes couldn't understand the purpose behind Gabriel’s actions. It really looked like he had just gone there to dig a pit for Carlos and help Jing Sui out… If he wasn't already so sure that Jing Sui wouldn't do this to him, even he would suspect that Jing Sui had cooperated with Gabriel.

Ji Ling had always disliked Carlos for getting in the way of his “pursuit for true love,” but this time, he was incredibly grateful to Carlos for blocking his “true love” from continuing!” 

These days, all the people he’d met wanted to set him up with Jing Sui. All they gave him were congratulatory phrases. For the first time, someone was willing to challenge his feelings for Jing Sui, and this guy spared no effort to diligently rock the boat. Ji Ling was so touched, he almost cried!

Such a dedicated villain was really worthy of respect.

Ji Ling was so stimulated that his hands trembled. Even Carlos didn’t seem so unpleasant to look at now. In a trembling voice, he reconfirmed: “Is what you said really true?"

Carlos looked at Ji Ling, who seemed shaken to the core. Deep down, he did feel a little bad, but he would absolutely… not allow Jing Sui to take the boy away from him.

He said slowly: "I don't have any reason to lie to you. If you think about it carefully, you’ll see that what I said is true."

Ji Ling’s expression was completely dejected.

Carlos was full of possessive desire inside, but his eyes stayed warm and concerned. Resigned, he said: "I don’t care if you’re no longer willing to believe me. All I hope is that you know the truth about this matter, and remember to protect yourself around His Majesty... I really don't want to see you get hurt."

Ji Ling maintained his silence. His head was held low, and his shoulders shook slightly, as if he couldn’t accept such a blow.

Carlos paused for a bit. He knew that the seeds of distrust had been planted today, so he said in a low voice: "I should go now. Please be careful."

He said that and turned to leave, as if he’d really just come here to say those words. 


Ji Ling waited for Carlos to completely depart before he turned to continue on his way back.

What had happened just now was completely unexpected and surprising, in a good way. However, he couldn’t act impulsively, so he went over Carlos' words again carefully on his way back. He finally decided that he could make use of this excuse, because there was absolutely no way Jing Sui could bring up what had happened last life.

If he didn’t have an omniscient perspective with the experiences of last life, he really might’ve believed most of it. 

Also, when he thought about it carefully in hindsight, Ji Ling realized that Gabriel really hadn’t intended to hurt him. Gabriel’s words were more of an intimidation, and he hadn’t really done anything to him. There was even plenty of time for him to silence the witness, but in the end, he’d thrown him back to Jing Sui.

Although Gabriel's behavior was difficult to explain, it wasn’t that important. What mattered was that he had to take this opportunity to break through his present situation!

This excuse was handed to him by Carlos, and it had to be given by him in order to be used. 

According to Ji Ling’s character setting, it would’ve been impossible for him to think of something so complicated. It would’ve been even more impossible for him to believe just anybody’s provocations. However, if the one who challenged his feelings was Uncle Carlos, someone who he’d always trusted and relied on, then he could barely pass it off.

After that, he wouldn’t be able to accept such a cruel truth because of his fierce infatuation, and doubts towards Jing Sui would arise. Because love begets hate, he would be able to very naturally shake off Jing Sui's pursuit.

Plus, this way, the one Jing Sui finds suspicious wouldn’t be him, but Carlos. That’s because Carlos was this kind of person last life from start to finish. He especially liked to get in Jing Sui’s way, so Carlos could totally do something like this.  

At the same time, Jing Sui would be disappointed in him, because he’d foolishly listened to Carlos' provocation. However, he still shouldn’t blame his foolish and weak self. Instead, Jing Sui would direct his conflicted feelings towards the “deceptive” Carlos.

I’ll not only be able to get rid of Jing Sui smoothly, but it’ll also blacken my image so badly that he won’t like me as much. In the end, it’ll also successfully throw the pot back on Carlos, so that he’s the one on the brunt of Jing Sui’s fiery rage. Surely, Carlos only came to find me today and said those things, because he’s fully prepared to continue his battle with Jing Sui.

The more Ji Ling thought about it, the more he felt it was perfect!

*In this sea of wretchedness and malice, a pale flower blooms in a putrid marsh.

Hope was once again rekindled in his heart. Even the bad guys had their use. Carlos was pretty much delivering a pillow to the sleepy! This guy was so considerate that Ji Ling suddenly felt like he wasn’t that hateful anymore.

You are my savior today!

I do feel a little bad for Jing Sui…but it’s not like he loves me from the bottom of his heart. These feelings were only born because of last life’s guilt. That’s why he feels like he has to make it up to me. Jing Sui, the faster you snap out of it, the faster you can be a proper emperor, and go love the one you’re supposed to love. That is your true destiny! 

Ji Ling returned to his room, with a decision made in his heart.

Actually, this was his only option. 

He was already at a dead end. 

Translator’s notes

*I just modified an English quote by Henryk Sienkiewicz for this, but the (modified) meaning is quite similar to the Chinese line from an ancient poem. Basically, when you’ve reached the scenery of despair, you look beyond the shadows of the willows and see hope.

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