The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 62: CH 32.2

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Rhodes and Deng Dong followed behind their fathers respectively and met at the entrance hall. Looking at each other in surprise, they said in unison: "You received the invitation, too?"

Their eyes met, and both of them suddenly turned away at the same time, no longer wanting to look at the other. Hmph… So what if he was invited? I’m Young Master Ji’s number one follower! 

Rhodes' father, Earl Sinclair, and Deng Dong's father, Sir Deng, also smiled superficially and greeted each other. With their heads up and chests high, they each brought their son into the palace. 

With their status, they would never have been eligible to attend a palace banquet before. It was all because their sons had grabbed onto a big fish. They’d always felt that their sons were just troublemaking rich kids. Scolding them everyday wasn’t even enough. That’s why they’d never thought that one day, they’d be the ones riding on their stupid sons’ coattails to attend the banquet. Never had they imagined this would happen!

Not even in their wildest dreams!

That’s right, they still had to strongly warn their smelly brats to be more careful later. This place wasn’t like the outside world. They had to pay attention to their etiquette and choice of words. They absolutely couldn’t make His Majesty unhappy, and must coax Young Master Ji well. Young Master Ji was so loved by the emperor, his future prospects were certainly not limited! He could even become the empress someday, right?

Although Young Master Ji’s constitution was a little lacking, and his personality wasn’t that great either, he was high-born and good-looking. What mattered the most was that the emperor liked him.

As long as His Majesty liked him,  then anything was possible!

The decorations in the royal garden had been completed long ago. Hanging on the tree branches, were twinkles of small star-like jewels, sparkling and giving off a soft radiance. The ground was covered in precious jade stones. All around were rare and valuable flowers and plants, carefully trimmed by a master gardener. The attractive flowers gave off a beautiful fragrance as they swayed in the wind.

The whole scene was luxurious and extremely tastefully done.

Long dining tables and chairs were placed in the middle of the garden. They were spread with white tablecloths lined in gold. On the tables, were exquisite cuisines from all over the galaxies.

If Carlos’ house was refined extravagance, then this royal palace was overwhelming majestic luxury.

One was low-key luxury, and one was flaunting.

When Ji Ling came out hand-in-hand with Jing Sui, his heart was completely stifled. Originally, he’d only wanted to find an excuse to leave the palace. In the end, that had changed into a public display of affection!

Dealing with Jing Sui alone was already hard enough. Now, he also had to pretend to be intimate with him in front of so many people. This made things so difficult for straight male Ji Ling, that he wanted to die. He prayed non-stop in his heart that Jing Sui would mind his image in public, and not act like he usually did with him. Otherwise, he’d feel ashamed to death! 

He still wanted to save face. He really wanted to save face!

Jing Sui turned to look at the youth’s slightly reddened ears and embarrassed expression. He couldn’t help but let out a light laugh. The boy was being bashful again. Really... When would he be able to let go and accept him? This shyness, although lovable, also made it very difficult for him. 

But in the end, he still paid heed to the youth’s mood. Today’s party was all to make him happy, after all. He wouldn’t foolishly annoy and anger him. Otherwise, when the kitty gets angry, he’ll also extend his claws and scratch.

Jing Sui walked out holding onto Ji Ling. In response to all the greetings, he gave a nod. Jing Sui had long been accustomed to accepting all the flattery. Everyone was beyond respectful to him, and he was tired of listening to all their flattery. Normally, these words wouldn’t stir his heart in the slightest, but today… 

He heard these people fawn and praise Ji Ling, saying that they were a match made in heaven, Ji Ling was a good boy and that he had a good eye. They said that Ji Ling was blessed to have him as a partner. When he heard these things… 

Strangely enough, his mood turned very good. He even wanted to hear them say more. He turned around, and found that Ji Ling’s face was already flushed red to the tips of his ears. His lips couldn’t help but raise up a little. 

Considerately, he let go of the Ji Ling’s hand and smiled at him as he said: “Go, your friends should all have arrived.”

As if he was granted amnesty, Ji Ling quickly escaped from that suffocating environment. He did indeed see Rhodes and Deng Dong standing in the corner. This was the first time in the palace for both of them. Like curious babies, their faces were full of amazement and caution. Seeing that Ji Ling was coming over, they gave wide happy smiles.

Rhodes gave him a thumbs-up saying: "Young Master Ji, congratulations on fulfilling your wish. His Majesty looks like he really loves you!"

Deng Dong gave him a high-five saying: “Young Master Ji, this is the first time His Majesty has hosted a banquet for anyone in the palace. His feelings for you must be sincere!”

Ji ling: ……

Listening to these words made his heart feel even more stifled. With a dark face, he turned and left on the spot, pretending as if he hadn’t come here or heard anything. 

Rhodes and Deng Dong looked at each other with vacant expressions, unsure of what they had said wrong to offend Ji Ling. They stood there gawking dumbly, not daring to follow… 

After a while, Rhodes began to accuse Deng Dong, saying: “Do you even know how to speak properly? You made Young Master Ji so angry, he left. "

Deng Dong replied angrily: "It must’ve been you who doesn’t know how to speak properly. You were the one who made him so angry he left."

The two of them disagreed on everything and started bashing each other! 


Ji Ling didn’t want to attend to anyone. All he wanted was to be alone for some quiet time.  He silently snuck over to a dimly lit corner with nobody, stood there and let out a big sigh. With a vacant and lost expression, he started feeling uncertain about his next steps. 

Did he have no choice but to give up and stay in this world using the identity of another person? Did he have to spend his days having papapa with another man everyday?

Just the thought of this made him feel extreme despair. 

This was so frustrating. It angered him to death. How could he possibly complete the mission like this? What in the world did these guys even like about him?

If things continued like this, then he’d be happily accepting Jing Sui’s courtship, and living a wonderful and beautiful life happily ever after. He’d pretty much be taking the main shou’s route himselffff!!! 

But he really didn’t have a thing for men!

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He’d already committed every bad deed he could. He had thrown away his conscience and risked his little life to court death, but all that amounted to nothing. Ji Ling felt like he’d exhausted every trick in his book… Maybe he really had to reveal his true identity and say, ‘Sorry, Bro. I actually don’t love you. I didn’t want to cheat your feelings, nor did I want to give you any trouble at all. I only hope that you and Ning Yu can achieve a happy ending… I’m already willing to be a stepping stone on the path to your love, so can you please just save me some face?’

But when he thought about how Jing Sui doted on and loved him, he couldn’t help but fear. If he really said that to Jing Sui, he would likely die a miserable death.


Ji Ling mind was full of chaos. He couldn’t make heads or tails out of anything, and that made him feel extremely distressed. Just as he was preparing to go back in, he suddenly felt someone blocking in front of him. He looked up and immediately saw that it was actually Jing Sui who’d come over.

He said, surprised: “Brother Jing Sui, how come you’ve come out here?"

In the next moment, Jing Sui tightly embraced him without saying a word. The man then raised his chin, and lowered his head to kiss him without warning!

Ji Ling just about lost it. Bro, can you exercise a little restraint? Do you have to express your love anytime anywhere?! Ji Ling was very gloomy inside, but still kept his face impassive and let Jing Sui kiss him. He was already so used to this that it was scary… 

Ji Ling was kissed dizzy, and his legs went soft. All he could do was stretch his arm around Jing Sui’s neck. Early on, he’d discovered a handy trick. The more he resisted, the more enthusiastic Jing Sui would become. On the contrary, if he was obedient, then it wouldn’t be as bad. Through half-closed eyes, he looked expressionlessly from opposite Jing Sui to what lay behind him…

Then, he suddenly met the eyes of a tall red-haired, gray-eyed man standing in the shadows. Ji Ling was scared like a quivering quail. His body stiffened abruptly. How come Brandon was also here at a place like this?!

Jing Sui kissing him under normal circumstances was still okay, but now there was even an audience watching him. Ji Ling could not tolerate that. A mental block was immediately put up, and he subconsciously reached out his hand to push Jing Sui away. However, Jing Sui didn’t budge an inch. Rather, he even stuck his fingers into Ji Ling’s hair, pressed down his head, and deepened the kiss without hesitation.

Ji Ling was kissed until he cried out audibly. He almost couldn’t keep his tears in anymore, and his face burned like fire. You bastard! Haven’t you noticed that there’s an audience here watching?! 

Just as Ji Ling was putting up his final struggle, Jing Sui finally loosened his grip slowly. He had the youth gently lean against his embrace. After he did this, he then turned around, acting as if he’d just discovered Brandon’s presence. With a faint smile, he said: “When did you come?"

Brandon stood there with his clenched fist hanging uselessly by his side. A look of pain was suppressed in his gray eyes.

With Jing Sui’s ability, how could he possibly have just noticed him now? 

Jing Sui had deliberately done this for him to see. It was a warning to him, as well as a declaration. He was warning him not to have any thoughts he shouldn’t have for the boy, and declaring that the youth was his; Others were not allowed to even dream of him. 

Just when had he discovered… his feelings for the boy? 

Pain and bitterness surged in Brandon’s chest. He had quietly followed over before only to make sure, with his own eyes, that Ji Ling was doing well. He’d wanted to make sure the boy was happy by Jing Sui’s side, because he was still worried that Jing Sui would hurt him… 

Brandon could’t bear to let go, and carefully looked at the boy’s thin figure from afar. This was the only way he could get close to him.

These few days, he’d finally confirmed his own feelings. He cared about the youth, not only because of his guilt, but because he liked him. The guilt was just an entry pass that gave him an opportunity to pay more attention to the boy and understand him. The more attention he paid and the greater his understanding became, the deeper he was involuntarily captivated by the boy’s kindness and goodness. He was drawn into the boy’s liveliness and vibrance. It was just like the warmth of the sun. People couldn’t help but chase after it… 

Even if he always appeared to act arrogant and domineering, that couldn’t cover up his true nature. The sides of him were so contradictory that it was equally attractive at the same time. 

Brandon finally understood that he had fallen in love with the youth long ago without knowing it.

But at this moment, he looked at the youth leaning against Jing Sui’s embrace who was kissed until he flushed red, and couldn't help but give a self-deprecating smile. So what if he had confirmed his own feelings? 

He was not the one the boy wanted.

What could he do but yield and retreat? 

Ji Ling looked at the complex expression in Brandon’s eyes. Remembering that this guy had just watched the show for half the day, he was embarrassed to death. Brandon must be laughing at him! Angrily, he pushed Jing Sui away, and turned to run. This was too much!

Jing Sui didn’t stop him this time, and let Ji Ling run away as he wanted. He turned to face Brandon, and said lightly: “Were you looking for me for something?”

Brandon looked Jing Sui straight in the eyes and said slowly: “If ever a day comes when you hurt him…" His voice was firm, steady and calm. He faced Jing Sui with cold eyes and said solemnly as he narrowed his eyes abruptly: "I will take him away from you."


Ji Ling was forced to perform a kissing show in front of Brandon just now, and his face was still burning hot. Furiously angry, he kicked a stone by his feet. Jing Sui, that stupid pig’s foot!

Damn himmmmm!

What should I do now? Everything I could do, I’ve done already. I don’t have a single idea left. A strong sense of powerlessness made him feel extremely lost. He felt like he was almost at a dead end. 

Of course, he was in no mood to go attend the banquet over there. Just hearing those people try to flatter him was upsetting. Ji Ling then walked back along the small path silently.

Now, he really regretted that he’d used boredom as an excuse. This was originally just a problem between him and Jing Sui. Now, everyone and his dog knew. It probably wouldn’t even take a night before the entire imperial aristocracy knew how much Jing Sui doted on him. This was pretty much a public execution for him…

Ji Ling was in low spirits so he didn’t really pay attention to where he was going. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. Ji Ling jumped in fright and was about to ask who it was, when his mouth was suddenly covered by someone’s hand. He was then pressed onto the tree trunk behind him! 

After that, someone’s deep and refined face approached him. The man whispered in his ear: “It's me."

Ji Ling’s pupils constricted. He saw who had suddenly appeared in front of him and his brain just about crashed. 

Carlos! How could he have shown up here?! 

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