The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 68: CH 35.2

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Ji Ling was so angered by the system that he ate two extra bowls of rice at dinner that night. At this point, he gave no more f*cks about this off-the-rails plot.

Was it just as the system said? He could only do his best?

You do your freakin’ best. Ugh, so angry.

That night, Ji Ling soaked in the bath a while longer. It was much easier to let go and be zen while bathing. He touched his head in distress and smoothed out his soft blond hair. He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, but it felt a little thinner? 

Ji Ling: [Has my hair thinned? 】

System: [No. 】

Ji Ling: [I lost a lot yesterday. 】

System: [I counted. It was only eight. That’s completely within the normal range, and not that many at all! 】

Ji Ling: [I think I'm going bald. 】

System: [You’re thinking too much. Your hair is thick and beautiful. Most people can't even compare! 】

Ji Ling: [I've wracked my brains out and I'm still not thinning? 】

System: […]

Ji Ling: [If I was bald, would Jing Sui not love me anymore :) ]

The system didn't dare utter a word.

Ji Ling got out of the bathtub fuming with anger. He picked up a towel, wrapped it around his body, and walked out barefooted while wiping his hair. As a result, he stiffened on the spot as soon as he went through the door.

Jing Sui was standing in his bedroom, waiting for him.

Ji Ling was struck dumb for a moment, and then flushed with embarrassment and anger. His stupid parents…! He’d told them to leave the matter alone! Why did they have to set him up with Jing Sui?! He didn’t even need to think about it to know that letting Jing Sui in here was obviously Madam Marina’s doing!

Ji Ling recalled the various discussions outside. There were even people who slandered and ridiculed Jing Sui for getting cheated on. Ji Ling’s face paled, and he’d almost wanted to kneel down, but he turned to run.

As a result, the tall golden-eyed, black-haired man walked over in large strides. He reached out his arm to embrace Ji Ling tightly from behind. Hot breath fell on the side of his neck. The man's approach gave him goosebumps all over, and Ji Ling shivered from within his towel. 

Jing Sui held Ji Ling tightly, with pain and sadness in his eyes. After a long while, he finally said in a low husky voice: "You really don't want to see me?"

Ji Ling was a little scared. He was afraid that this emperor who’d been cuckolded would kill him on the spot, so in order to prevent the man from f*cking him, he plucked up the courage to put on a cold front and said: "Let go of me.”

How could Jing Sui be willing to let go? He greedily took in the boy’s scent from his neck. Every moment of every day these past few days, he’d been wanting to come over. However, he didn't know how to face the boy, nor how to explain everything. That’s why he could only prove his affections for the boy to the whole world in hopes of forgiveness.

But… Ji Ling had still refused to accept him.

Carlos, on the other hand, stayed on the side eyeing the boy greedily. He’d deliberately shown his good will to Ji Ling at this time, wanting to take the boy away from him...

Jing Sui had never felt so fearful before. Thinking of Ji Ling's unconditional trust in Carlos…Thinking of Carlos' cowardly and underhanded tricks… Jing Sui was afraid that he’d completely lose Ji Ling…

and never be able to get close to him again.

That’s why he’d come to Madam Marina, hoping she’d give him a chance to meet Ji Ling.

Jing Sui's voice was hoarse and pained. There was even a trace of weariness, which was unheard of, as he said: “How can I make you believe me..."

Ji Ling thought to himself, Bro, stop wasting your energy. It’s not important whether you’re sincere or not. What really matters is that I can never accept you. I’m a straight male… And even if I was bent, going home is more important than falling in love!

What really surprised Ji Ling was that even after all this, Jing Sui still wasn’t angry. It made him feel a little awkward honestly. He stayed silent for a moment and sighed: "Don't come looking for me ever again."

Actually, Ji Ling really didn’t know what else he could say besides this. 

Jing Sui suddenly picked Ji Ling up, and placed him on top of the table in front. Looking up at Ji Ling's face, his golden eyes were filled with an incredibly complex pain.

These actions shocked Ji Ling and he stayed dumbfounded for a moment. He was wondering what this crazy lovesick man was planning, but Jing Sui actually didn't do anything. That’s why he couldn’t help but stay stunned for a while.

All Jing Sui did was raise his hand gently, frame Ji Ling's face and say slowly in an agonized tone: "Be my empress, all right?”

Ji Ling: ???

Ji Ling was so shocked that he even forgot to feel afraid. Am I dreaming? After Carlos proposed to me, I was again proposed to by Jing Sui? What's wrong with you interstellar people? Why do you all propose at the slightest provocation like it’s nothing?!

Can you be a little more respectful? Is the empress just some cabbage on the street?

Jing Sui looked at Ji Ling's shocked and vacant eyes. His heart was filled with sadness and pain. He closed his eyes for a long time. They finally opened again to reveal deep and gentle nostalgia. He said in a husky voice: "When you were young, you’d always follow behind me and say you wanted to be my empress one day…” 

Ji Ling listened to this with a reserved expression.

He’d almost forgotten that he wasn’t the original "Ji Ling.” Maybe the original “Ji Ling” had said this sentence. Unfortunately, he wasn’t here anymore. 

This world was full of unexpected things; Cliche dogblood drama, for example. Of all things, that had to exist in real life.

Man would only learn to cherish after losing.

Jing Sui’s hand gently framed Ji Ling's face. He approached and gave a light kiss on the boy’s lidded eyes. Solemnly promising, he said: “Henceforth, you will be the only one by my side. You will be my most respected in all the world.

I swear to protect you with my life, so... "

He continued: “Won’t you accept?”

Ji Ling's lips shook a bit. He looked at Jing Sui’s pained expression, and suddenly felt it was a bit ironic, because he couldn't tell him that the one he was facing now wasn’t the one who needed his love.

Just because I occupy this body, doesn’t mean I can be guilted into accepting someone I don’t love.  

Now, he pretty much believed that Jing Sui’s love was sincere.

No matter what this love came out of, at least for Jing Sui... Ji Ling believed it was real.

Unfortunately, the more sincere it was, the more Ji Ling couldn’t accept these feelings.

Jing Sui's love…was not something he wanted, nor was it something he dared to ask for it. Rather than waiting for fake feelings to collapse on themselves, it’d better to cut them off cruelly and cleanly now. 

Ji Ling's eyes turned cold. With unprecedented calmness, he said: "I can't accept.”

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Jing Sui’s eyes turned dark. His thin lips pursed.

Ji Ling savagely added: "I don't like you anymore."

Jing Sui looked into his eyes steadily, but suddenly said rigidly: "I don't believe it.”

Ji Ling replied: "Believe it or not, I don't like you anymore. Leave, and never come looking for me again. "

Jing Sui saw the cold indifference in Ji Ling's eyes and heard those ruthless words. Only after a long time did he finally give a self-ridiculing laugh. "Is that so? Since you don't like me, then let’s switch and I can like you. "

Ji Ling was completely speechless. He said seriously: “I’m telling you the truth!”

Jing Sui acted like he couldn’t understand, and said: "I will pursue you anew until the day you are willing to accept me."

Ji Ling: "..."

Jing Sui's handsome face had more or less been restored to his unshakeable self. Within those sharp golden eyes lay a steadfast radiance. He said: “I’ll prove it to you."

After he said this, he gave Ji Ling a deep look, and turned to leave.

He had never known what it meant to love someone before, and had never given love to anyone before. Now that he knew, he couldn’t let go. The words, “give up,” never existed in his dictionary.

Sooner or later, he’d eliminate Carlos. Similarly, Ji Ling would one day become his lover.

Ji Ling sat there gawking stupidly as Jing Sui threw down his declaration of love and left.  It took him a long time to come back to himself. He was so angry he went pale! 

What's wrong with this guy?! Wasn’t I cold and ruthless enough? I cheated on you, and the other guy was even your long-standing foe. And I also rejected you so mercilessly! How come you didn’t react? 

Do you know how to get angry?!

Aren’t you a man? Where’s your pride? Do you still have any of that?! 

Ji Ling was angered speechless. 

Jing Sui probably didn't believe that he didn't love him anymore. That retard probably thought he was just throwing a temper tantrum! This was like preaching to a cow. There was no way he’d be able to get through! 

Although the system was watching, it stayed as quiet as a mouse.

Finally, Ji Ling opened his mouth and broke the terrible silence. He said unpleasantly: [What do you think I should do now? 】

The system thought about it and said: [*Keep him company for those cold and lonely nights? 】

Ji Ling: [...]

Ji Ling's face was black as he paced back and forth in the room. Although he was very angry just now, once he calmed down, he’d realized he’d still been too optimistic before. Jing Sui's attitude made him feel a strong sense of crisis!

He really hadn’t expected Jing Sui's obsession with him to run so deep.

If things went on like this, it might really turn out like Carlos had said; He’d be forced to return to Jing Sui's side whether he liked it or not, because everyone around him thought he loved Jing Sui deeply and was just misguided for a moment! All of them wanted to set him up with Jing Sui and they were willing to do whatever it took to give him happiness…

He’d realized since this incident when his mother had deliberately let Jing Sui in, that sooner or later, he’d be forced into a dead end with no means of escape. 

How on earth could he extinguish Jing Sui’s feelings and get him to give up?

Suddenly, he remembered what Carlos had said that day...

Ji Ling was lost in thought for a moment, and then, an expression of epiphany gradually showed on his face.

The system seemed to have noticed something, and said: [Although the plot is beyond our control, the world still has laws which it operates on. Advising the host not to attempt exposing his identity as an outsider, even if there’s no need to adhere to the plot anymore.】

Ji Ling: [Oh? 】

System: [According to our statistics, the failure and death rate due to identity exposure is as high as 93%. 】

Ji Ling: [I don't intend to reveal my identity. You’re overthinking it :) ]

System: [? 】

Ji Ling no longer paid attention to the system. Instead, he changed his clothes, and then opened his communicator.

Although it was the middle of the night, Carlos answered right away, as if he’d been waiting for Ji Ling’s call this whole time.  

A holographic projection of the man appeared in front of Ji Ling. Carlos appeared as if he was getting ready to turn in for the night. He was dressed in a black robe. His mature and elegant face held a trace of a smile, and his brown hair was not as meticulously set as normal. Instead, it looked a little more casual and natural. His deep eyes were laced in serenity that made them appear softer as well. Hooking up his lips into a smile, he said in a low voice: "Xiao Ling."

Ji Ling looked up at the man. His eyes were calm, as if they were hiding a hint of indifference. He said: "Uncle Carlos, I thought again about your proposal earlier…”

Carlos leaned forward slightly, appearing to listen very attentively.

Ji Ling pressed his lips together tightly and paused for a moment.

Jing Sui and Carlos were long-standing adversaries that couldn’t wait to get rid of each other. Once he was engaged to Carlos, that would also mean he’d gotten onto Carlos’ boat, and their positions would completely be tied together. 

But so what?

He absolutely could not get together with Jing Sui, the main gong. That was equivalent to giving up on his mission… Rather than getting tangled up in a half-assed relationship with Jing Sui that would never be and never end, it would be better to pretend to get together with Carlos. That way, he could knock out Jing Sui’s longing for him, and burn the bridge completely, so the man could completely let go of the feelings he shouldn’t have had in the first place. 

Moreover, he was a vicious supporting character who belonged to the villain faction. His character setting was always supposed to be someone who annoyed and disgusted Jing Sui at every turn. Villains should be with villains, after all.

Of course, there was one last reason, and it was the most important reason…

Carlos didn't actually love him.

Unlike Jing Sui, Carlos’ marriage proposal was all just to take advantage of him. Although Carlos might set him up in a trap, kill him, or push him to get killed, at the very least, he wouldn’t attempt to do those kinds of things. As long as he still had enough value as a pawn, staying with Carlos was actually the safest option with the highest probability of completing the mission. After all, they were only together to make use of each other. 

Thinking of this, Ji Ling finally found his final resolve.

He looked steadily at Carlos and said, enunciating each word: "I accept.”

Translator’s notes

*Okay, my brain has short-circuited and I can’t think of what the term for this type of ‘friends’ is in English slang… The CH is a pun off of cold appetizer dishes (凉拌), since it’s pronounced the same as a ‘partner’ for the ‘cold.’ ie. Neither of you have partners and the guy actually likes you, but you don’t like him, and he’s like ‘if you’re not with anyone tonight, I’m free’ type of relationship (but not exactly friends with benefits). Let me know in the comments if you have a good suggestion!

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