The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 69: CH 36.1

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Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina sat in the parlor, looking across at the mature and elegant middle-aged man in front of them. Their expressions were stiff and awkward, especially Madam Marina when she recalled all the recent happenings. Her eyes even held a trace of hostility. 

Although they were dissatisfied inside, before Archduke Carlos, the two of them still had to act civil.

Grand Duke Ji Ting was silent for a moment and said: “Your Excellency Carlos, I understand your purpose in coming, but please forgive us for not being able to comply to your request."

Madam Marina also gave an unwilling smile: "Xiao Ling is just a stubborn child who doesn’t understand anything. It is his honor to be liked by you, but I’m afraid he’s not suitable for you as a wife. I hope you understand."

As if!

How could they marry off their precious, their only son, to this terrifying multi-layered Archduke Carlos?

They understood a lot more about this man Carlos than Ji Ling did.That’s why they were much clearer on his ruthless terror and inner scheming. If Ji Ling really did marry him, he’d only be played like a fiddle. Most importantly… They didn’t think Carlos truly loved Ji Ling, and were afraid this was all just for the sake of going against the emperor. His real purpose was to pull the Ji family into their war.

No matter which angle they analyzed it from, marrying their son off to Carlos was something they couldn’t do.

If it wasn’t for this man’s provocation, wouldn’t their son be lovingly together with His Majesty by now? Thinking of how depressed her son appeared lately, Madam Marina felt even unhappier. However, Carlos was someone she couldn’t lash out at. She felt extremely dejected inside, but forced a smile on the outside.

Carlos looked at the wary Ji couple who had distant expressions on. He revealed an elegant and proper smile. With sincerity in his eyes, he articulated with ease: "I understand your concerns regarding this marriage, but I came here today with utmost sincerity. I am earnestly asking for Ji Ling’s hand and swear to take no other lover but him. If I fail to do this, I’m willing to give half of my family assets as compensation to him.”

Upon hearing this, Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina stared at Carlos in shock. Had he gone crazy? How could he say something like that?

How vast and how far back did Carlos' family go… The industries he was involved in spanned all over the empire. There was nowhere without one of his properties. He was a monster tycoon that could easily influence the heart of the empire’s economy! Even just half of his fortune was likely too large to be measured. Carlos had dared to promise this, and he wouldn’t bring out his family like they were nothing. Whether he was actually sincere or not, he would likely be kind to their son.

But this was simply too shocking. Was it really necessary to go so far…?

Imperial aristocrats had always been rather open-minded about their relationships. It was quite common to have lovers or divorces after marriage. It was fair game to play with anybody, and this type of thing really wasn’t a big deal. The couple were just afraid that Carlos would use and hurt Ji Ling, and not so much worried about whether or not Carlos would have another lover in the future. If the feelings didn’t work out, then just break up… They’d never even considered asking him to make such a promise in the first place.

At this moment, the Ji couple was slightly dazed. Could it be that Carlos really fell in love with their silly and pure son?

How could that be possible?

Grand Duke Ji Ting hesitated. Although he began to believe Carlos' sincerity, he was still unwilling to take any risks. He laughed: "We understand your sincerity, but Xiao Ling is mischievous and willful. I’m afraid he wouldn’t be a worthy match for you, so you needn’t…”

Carlos gave a faint smile: "That’s exactly what I like about him. Naturally, I can tolerate his everything. In addition, I guarantee that my marriage with him will be completely separate from all other matters.” 

He looked straight into the Ji couple’s eyes with a deep and sharp gaze, saying slowly: "I don’t have any other expectations from the Ji family due to this marriage.” 

In other words, he only wanted Ji Ling, and had promised not to pull the Ji family into his war with the emperor.

He knew what they were worried about.

Grand Duke Ji Ting went silent once more. Even Madam Marina went silent this time. Carlos had very easily dissolved all their worries, so they couldn’t find any more excuses to refuse.

The two of them exchanged furtive glances. They’d never imagined that the matter would unfold like this. Unexpectedly, Carlos could go this far for Ji Ling’s hand in marriage. That was completely beyond their expectations. No matter though, they’d still felt like this kind of man was not suitable for their son...

Madam Marina gritted her teeth and said: “I thank you for your care and love towards Xiao Ling. We believe you are sincere. However, the most important thing in marriage is our son’s own feelings, so I'm sorry—"

At this moment, a cold voice cut in from the side: “I’m willing."

When Madam Marina looked up dumbfounded, she saw Ji Ling dressed in a little white tux. His soft blond hair fell over his forehead in whichever direction, and he looked up to reveal a beautiful and delicate face. In his calm blue eyes was indifference.

He approached step after step, eyes sweeping over Carlos lightly. His lips parted slightly, and he said to his mother and father slowly and clearly: "I am willing to marry Uncle Carlos."

Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina were completely shocked. Hadn’t their son always liked the emperor? Even if there were some misunderstandings and frustrations before, he wouldn't like Carlos all of a sudden because of those. They were extremely clear on the fact that Ji Ling had always treated Carlos as an elder.

Madam Marina took her son's hand and lowered her voice, saying: "Xiao Ling, what nonsense are you saying? Didn't you always like His Majesty?"

The corners of his mouth raised as he laughed: “I don’t like him now.” 

Madam Marina wanted to persuade him again: "But..."

Ji Ling interrupted her, and said in a light voice: "I did like him before, but who said that I always had to like him?  Who said that I couldn’t like someone else?” 

Grand Duke Ji Ting couldn't keep it in: "Don't speak out of anger.”

Ji Ling’s expression was adamant: "I wasn’t saying it out of anger. I'm serious. I liked His Majesty before, only because I didn’t understand anything and looked up to him. It’s only now that I’m an adult, that I understand what liking someone really is. Uncle Carlos has always been very good to me. I like him very much and am willing to marry him. Are you saying I can’t? "

Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina: "..."

Ji Ling enunciated each word clearly: "Mom, Dad, don't you want me to be happy?"

The two of them were speechless against Ji Ling’s barrage. They were completely unwilling in their hearts, absolutely could not believe in someone like Carlos, and still thought Ji Ling was just doing this to spite Jing Sui due to being fooled by Carlos… However, Ji Ling had said something like that in front of Carlos. If they still didn’t allow it, then wouldn’t they be considered the evil parents breaking up lovebirds?

Carlos…was not some nobody they could just casually force away!

Madam Marina was beside herself with worry. Her expression betrayed just how awkward and helpless she felt, and she wanted nothing more than to drag Ji Ling in and reprimand him severely. However, with Carlos sitting rooted there, she felt it wasn’t appropriate to do so.

Grand Duke Ji Ting also had a stiff expression on. For a moment, he didn’t know what best to say. 

Seeing that the situation seemed to be in a deadlock, Carlos stood up. Raising his hand, he touched Ji Ling's head. His eyes were gentle and doting. Then, he looked up to face Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina, smiling as he said: "I know your concerns about this matter and fully understand how you feel but I will prove that I am sincere to Ji Ling. Rest assured, he will be in good hands.”

As things had come to this point, Grand Duke Ji Ting finally put on a decisive expression after a long while. He said in a deep voice: "I can agree to your request, but on one condition."

Carlos said: "What condition?"

Grand Duke Ji Ting signaled to his wife to stay calm and said to Carlos: "Ji Ling is still young, and it’s inevitable that he will act impulsively. That’s why I hope that we can leave this as an engagement for now. The real wedding must not be held until one year later."

Even if the child had agreed to marry Carlos on impulse just now, one year would be enough time for him to calm down and figure out what he wanted. It wouldn’t be too late to break off the engagement then either. Doing things this way would give all parties a buffer. 

If Carlos was consistent one year later and Ji Ling still insisted on marrying him, it would also be possible for them to agree to the marriage then.

Grand Duke Ji Ting knew that this demand was overreaching it, but he had to do this for the future of his son. He didn’t want Ji Ling to live in the pain of regret afterwards.

This was also the bottom limit of what was allowable to him.

Carlos looked at him steadily and nodded without hesitation: "I agree to this condition. Everything will be subject to Xiao Ling's wishes. If one day he doesn't want to marry me, this engagement can be terminated at any point, and I will never force it."

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Hearing Carlos say this, Grand Duke Ji Ting and Madam Marina finally breathed sighs of relief. Although there was still some anxiety and unease in their hearts, it was no longer as bad as it was in the beginning. 

Their son was determined to marry Carlos. What else could they do? They just hoped that the child would wake up and see things clearly soon.

Ji Ling saw that the matter had been settled, so he said: "Mom, Dad, I’ll go out with Uncle Carlos first."

Madam Marina and Grand Duke Ji Ting gave him weary smiles.

Ji Ling turned to leave the room.

He walked in front, and Carlos followed behind him leisurely. When there was no one else around, Ji Ling stopped and faced Carlos with a complex expression. He was apologetic, yet grateful at the same time, as he whispered: "Thank you very much.”

Carlos looked at Ji Ling with a profound gaze. His voice was low and magnetic, as he gave a deep laugh: “There’s no need to be so polite with me. It was nothing much. Just the natural thing to do. I will let the whole world know that you are to be my wife. That way, His Majesty can no longer continue to pester you."

Ji Ling nodded, his eyes were dim, and he still seemed to be immersed in sadness and hurt. He gave a forced smile: "When His Majesty gives up, we can break off the engagement. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ll bring you in the mean time.” 

Carlos sighed. Rubbing Ji Ling's head, he said slowly: "This is really no trouble at all. I’m completely willing."

Ji Ling was about to die from this mushy sappiness. All he wanted was to get out of here ASAP, so he pretended to be embarrassed and blushed. Through lidded eyes, he said: "Then I’ll go back first. See you later, Uncle Carlos."

Carlos gave a faint smile as he watched the youth leave in a hurry. His lips slowly curved up.


Carlos did exactly what he said he’d do, That same afternoon, news of his engagement with Ji Ling had already made headlines. It created a stir in the whole empire overnight.

In just ten days from His Majesty's public confession to Ji Ling, news of Ji Ling's engagement with Carlos had actually come out. This had thoroughly hammered the title of cuckold onto Jing Sui’s head! 

This was too incredible!

The rich and powerful Grand Duke Carlos was getting married, and his partner was the famous imperial rich kid Ji Ling. What’s more, he had stolen him from right under His Majesty’s nose! 

His Majesty was cuckolded, and robbed of his wife. Having your wife stolen was something completely unforgivable!

This news was earth-shattering! 

Although the two sides had always been at odds politically,  their fights had only been behind closed doors. On the surface, they still acted harmoniously. People with statuses as high as His Majesty and Carlos couldn’t make any moves carelessly, because they represented so much more than themselves… However, Carlos was now stealing away Jing Sui’s love. Wasn’t this just a direct slap to the face?! It was a huge cat-fight in public! 

Citizens all across the empire were incredibly excited!

There was all kinds of gossip posted on the net every day, and some of the louder ones even seemed to be at it all day. The public opinion was divided all over the place.

Some were saying that Ji Ling was a cursed femme fatale. Although this rich kid was trash, he really was quite good-looking. Who would’ve thought that Archduke Carlos and His Majesty were such suckers for looks? They’d actually fight like this over an all show no substance rich kid. 

Others were saying that they didn’t truly like Ji Ling, but were just using him as a pawn in their game. How could their wise and mighty emperor and the noble and elegant  Grand Duke Carlos think highly of that kind of rich kid? What beauties hadn’t they seen before?

Ji Ling stayed at home and watched the flames grow.

Besides, all he’d wanted was just an engagement in name. It’s not like he was really going to marry Carlos. He’d already done everything he should. Now, he could just let Jing Sui and Carlos tear each other apart. That had nothing to do with him anyway. Once they had torn out a winner, then he could find an excuse to break off his engagement. It didn’t matter whether Carlos won or lost.

The system was also very much caught up in the exciting news. He couldn't help but give a sigh and say: [You’re really hot right now. 】

Ji Ling: [You want to be hot like this? How about I give it to you instead? 】

System: […]

The system felt very wronged inside. Recently, his host's tongue was becoming sharper and sharper, and he knew Ji Ling was taking it out on him. However, he gave it some more thought, and realized the host could only let loose in front of him. Thinking to this point, he decided to be magnanimous and forgive. He was a system with class, after all.

That night, Ji Ling returned to his room after dinner and ran into Wen Yan who had been waiting for him.

Ji Ling was almost numb now to Wen Yan popping up in front of him for whatever reason or no reason at all. What screw went loose in this villain this life? He always likes to waste his time around here. Last life, he didn’t seem to have cared much about me. 

Does going through rebirth damage the brain or something?

Fortunately, Wen Yan always pretended to be courteous and respectful in front of him. Ji Ling was more relaxed towards him and casually said with a frown, "What do you need?”

The time, however, the courteous Wen Yan’s forever poker face had actually changed as cold as frost. His sharp eyes drilled steadily into Ji Ling’s own, as he said: "You cannot marry Carlos."

Ji Ling was stunned for a second. Seeing Wen Yan like this made his whole body suddenly stand alert. He thought to himself, I hadn’t planned on really marrying Carlos either. However, he said in a cool tone: "That’s none of your business."

Wen Yan's chest heaved up and down when he heard this. Just thinking that Ji Ling was about to marry Carlos made him unable to stay calm. He could no longer keep it in. Cold light glinted in his eyes. His voice was deep and hoarse as he said: "You think His Majesty is using you, but isn't Carlos doing the same?”

Ji Ling heard this, and thought another one had come to persuade him. Immediately, he put on a look of hate due to love. He said coldly: "So what?"

Wen Yan's heart was doused in ice, and he closed his eyes in pain. So…you’d believe Carlos just like that? Since you’re so gullible… Since Carlos can do it… Why can't I?

He suddenly flipped open his eyes. Dark blackness surged within them. Abruptly, he stepped forward and grabbed Ji Ling’s wrist, pulling him close to face him!

Ji Ling stumbled and almost rammed into Wen Yan. Pain radiated from his wrist where it was being held. Looking up at the man's crazed black phoenix eyes, he shuddered subconsciously. Nervously, he stammered: "You… What do you want?”

Wen Yan stared at the face of the boy in front of him for a moment’s time. The pent-up desire in his heart seemed to be breaking its last reins, and rushing to come out, engulfing all his restraint! If the final result was Ji Ling marrying Carlos who harbored dark designs of his own, then it’d still be better…if he made the boy his! 

Ji Ling finally felt a little scared, and shouted: "Let go of me!”

Through lidded eyes, Wen Yan looked at the fear in the youth’s eyes, and his slightly paled face...

Only after a long time did he take a deep breath, and slowly let go of his hand. Closing his eyes slightly, he shook off the look in his eyes, and said faintly: “My apologies.”

Ji Ling really was a little scared, so he took off just like that! He didn’t even dare to look back... Wait, hadn’t Wen Yan joined hands with Jing Sui since way back? Maybe he was also lobbying for Jing Sui? This was really too terrifying!!!

Wen Yan's line of sight rested on Ji Ling's departing figure…

The depths of his eyes slowly turned dark and malicious. Since things have reached this point, I’m sure Jing Sui will be happy to join hands with me and uproot Carlos' influence as soon as possible. I won't let you stay with Carlos for too long...

This time, I won't ever let go of you again…

So wait for me.

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