The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 71: CH 37.1

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Ji Ling arrived home in a trance. Oh, why had he muddleheadedly agreed to an engagement ceremony with Carlos?

That’s right, that old rascal had said that if they didn’t hold one, Jing Sui would most certainly realize they were just putting on a show and continue to pester him…

He got home and opened the starwide net. The net was still full of gossip on the love triangle between him, Jing Sui and Carlos. Netizens were arguing to no end every day, and everyone firmly took sides. Ji Ling really wanted to tell them, ‘Please have mercy. I don't want either of them, really!’

But he couldn’t say anything…

At least he didn’t have to keep a smile on his face. 

Seeing that the plot was as far gone as a runaway horse, Ji Ling wasn’t sure if it could be salvaged anymore. It was better to just save himself at this point. He’d already come this far, so what was a little formality? It was just an engagement ceremony, right? It's not like he was really getting married... This was the perfect chance to let Jing Sui see their relationship with his own eyes, so he could give up sooner. Plus, Ning Yu was also hiding some secret feelings for Jing Sui. Maybe Jing Sui will be so disappointed and hurt by his actions, that he’ll remember how good Ning Yu is. Then maybe old feelings will rekindle between the two of them again?

Thinking of this, Ji Ling cheered up a little.

There was still a glimmer of hope for his mission! Ning Yu, good brother, it's up to you now!

When the system saw his host go from dazed to disappointed to invigorated anew, he suddenly felt that this host really had it tough. He comforted: [I believe Ning Yu likes Jing Sui. Keep at it, you can do it! 】

Ji Ling felt like the system was actually able to speak appropriately for the first time. He couldn't help but smile inside: [Thank you. Thank you for your blessing.】


The engagement ceremony was to be held at Archduke Carlos’ residence in three days time. When the time came, prominent nobles and celebrities from across the entire empire would be in attendance. Carlos had even invited His Majesty!

This was a bold-faced flex of power. On the surface, everything looked peaceful, but in fact, there was much turbulence underneath, and everyone was waiting with bated breath. 

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the morning of the engagement ceremony, Madam Marina got up early to help her son dress up. Although she wasn’t really on board with this marriage before, Carlos did show his sincerity. Plus, her son was completely set on him. Now, all she could do was follow his wishes for the time being, and take the next steps one at a time.

Ji Ling wore an indigo velvet suit today with gold linings on the cuffs, making him look elegant and gorgeous. That paired with his fair handsome face and sky blue eyes, made for a truly captivating sight. 

Madam Marina took her son's hand with tears in her eyes and said emotionally: “Precious, Mom can't bear to let you go.”

Ji Ling: "...Mom, it's just an engagement ceremony." He had zero intention of getting married, after all!

But Madam Marina was still beside herself with worry. Carlos was so taken with her son, he looked like he was truly in love. The man had even coaxed her baby to be so dead set on him, so how could they not get married like this? 

But on second thought, if he was sincere, then what would be the problem if he always treated her baby well? Madam Marina thought about it carefully. Perhaps because the man always seemed so deep and terrifying normally, she couldn’t shake the feeling that they didn’t match well together, and was inevitably worried that her baby would get hurt...

Ji Ling didn't want to face his mother's worried expression anymore, so he hardened his heart and went out brazenly. Early to die, early to rise! He just wanted to play his part and then go home to rest as soon as possible. 

Carlos was already waiting outside by the time he went out.

The refined and mature looking man was wearing all black today. His brown hair was meticulously combed back, and a faint smile decorated his deep handsome face. His hands were gloved in white, and he stood holding a silver-black cane. Chivalrously, he reached out a hand to escort Ji Ling with an elegant smile across his lips: “I’ve come to pick you up."

Ji Ling felt that this engagement was way embarrassing in his heart, and avoided Carlos' line of sight. Obediently, he let Carlos lead him onto the car, saying awkwardly: “Thank you Uncle Carlos."

Carlos sat beside Ji Ling, looking at how the boy’s ears had shyly flushed. The thought that Ji Ling would be his true lover after this made his eyes darken slightly.  Gently, he touched Ji Ling's hair and gave a low laugh, saying: "Don't call me uncle anymore.”

Ji Ling looked up in a daze with confusion in his eyes.

Carlos dipped his head down slightly, stared into Ji Ling's eyes with gentleness and solemnity. He smiled, saying: "You will be my lover after this. If you keep calling me with uncle, won’t people laugh and find it suspicious?”

Ji Ling gave it a thought and decided what he said made sense. Besides, it was just calling him on a first-name basis; not a big deal.

You told me to call you this way, okay? I didn’t want to do it of my own accord, so you’d better not take offense. Ha ha.

Ji Ling changed his tune accordingly: "Carlos."

Carlos looked at how cute and lovable the boy appeared, with his beautiful and clear eyes. Ji Ling’s pink and soft lips were slightly parted, and the sound of the boy’s crisp voice sounding out his name drifted into his ears, going straight into his heart. Carlos suddenly felt his throat tighten.

At this moment, it seemed as if some strong impulse was about to burst out of its restraints. He no longer wanted to continue pretending to be courteous and polite. Instead, he wished to press the boy down mercilessly against his body, and hear him cry out his name again and again…

Carlos took a deep breath, and masked the expression in his eyes. 

A day actually came when one person could directly evoke such an impulse in him from simply calling out his name… 

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Carlos closed his eyes. Although you’ve only agreed to marry me for now out of anger, and I was the one who used despicable means to temporarily keep you by my side… Even so, don’t ever think you’ll be able to escape from my hands again.

You…can only belong to me.


Before long, the car stopped at Archduke Carlos’ residence. 

The engagement ceremony was to be held at Carlos' residence. The vast property was large enough to accommodate thousands of people attending the banquet at the same time. Countless celebrities and nobles had arrived earlier on, and there were crowds mingling outside already.

The venue was heavily guarded this day. Personal guards of Carlos’ family could be seen everywhere, and clearly, all of them were high-level evolvers. From this, it was obvious just how deep Carlos’ family ran, and how strong their power was.  

Carlos attached great importance to this engagement ceremony. Not a single accident was to happen, so they had prepared for all kinds of situations in advance. It was as if Carlos was king of his own kingdom here. As long as he wanted to do something, no one could get in his way. After all, only the foolish and the weak would be careless enough to leave openings for others to take advantage of.

Ji Ling looked at the scene and clicked his tongue, impressed. He thought to himself, Jing Sui should’ve given up on me already, so he shouldn’t make a scene. However, even if he wants to do something, it’ll be hard to stop the engagement ceremony from proceeding. After all, if Carlos isn’t even capable of doing that, how could he fight with Jing Sui,an emperor, for a whole book? The emperor isn’t someone you can move however you want, after all. 

Carlos wasn’t only powerful as an individual, the family behind him was also extremely powerful, and he was an incredibly cautious man.   

A terribly formidable opponent for anyone…

Carlos gently escorted Ji Ling off the car. He smiled and looked down, saying in a low and magnetic voice: "Please allow me to introduce you to everyone, my love."

Ji Ling's face turned completely red, feeling extremely awkward. This old thing was a real drama addict. Every sentence he said was so embarrassing! But things had come to this point already, so Ji Ling had no other choice but to thicken his skin.

Carlos looked at the boy's reddened ears, and saw how embarrassed he appeared. His heart was full of tender affection, and his lips couldn’t keep from rising slightly.

Ji Ling lowered his eyes. He said to himself, Don’t be nervous. No need to be nervous. We’re just going through the motions. Then, he looked death in the eye, and walked out with Carlos.

As soon as he got there, all eyes fixed on him with burning stares!

Ji Ling froze, almost unable to walk anymore. He wanted to retreat backwards, but Carlos held his hand firmly and steadily. The man gave him a reassuring glance, and said with a low laugh: "It’ll be all right."

Ji Ling bit his lip. He felt uncomfortable all over.

All the nobles around them came to congratulate Carlos. Each and every one of them stared at Ji Ling with eyes burning with curiosity. They’d of course heard the name of this rich kid before. After all, he was the precious only son of Grand Duke Ji Ting, and quite famous on Empire Star. He was more infamous with a bad name though, since it usually came up due to some trouble he’d caused or because of some dull entertainment gossip.

Although Ji Ling was well known in the rich kid world, he was only a rich kid, after all. He could only throw his weight around in his group of youngsters. In the eyes of these elite nobles with real power, he was just a little cub not even on the playing field. At most, they’d just laugh him off, and they’d never take him seriously.

They were at a completely different level than Ji Ling…

But now Ji Ling stood beside Carlos like this, and Carlos doted on him. No one dared to look down on Ji Ling ever again. Even if he was just a garbage rich kid… he was Carlos' fiancee, after all!

As long as Carlos was willing to support him, his status was no lower than anyone present. He’d leapt directly from a rich kid everyone looked down on to someone at the same level as the parents of those second generations, and even more!

Ji Ling didn't care what these people thought at all. He just felt very uncomfortable, because those fake smiles of theirs gave him goosebumps. 

And looking around, he didn't see a single of his little pals, but there were a few of their fathers. This group of nobles in the same age bracket as his parents was flashing respectful smiles at him to curry favor.

Damn, he was still a young man full of youth! Did he have to enter the adult world of these hypocritical uncles now?

Ji Ling gave a sad sigh.

Baby didn't want to grow up yet.

He wandered around alongside rich and powerful old man Carlos, responding to those people’s bootlicking comments absent-mindedly. Carlos was the one who usually spoke, and all he had to do was just stand there expressionlessly. When he felt like it, he’d give a polite smile. When he didn’t want to smile, he didn’t smile and no one would say anything.

Ji Ling inadvertently looked around his surroundings, when he suddenly gave a slight pause. He’d actually seen Wen Yan in this crowd!

So Wen Yan was also here?

Ji Ling was a little surprised, but on second thought, it wasn’t that alarming. Although Wen Yan was born a normal civilian, he now had the identity of Speaker of the House. He had thoroughly integrated into the upper ranks of nobility, so he was naturally qualified to attend a banquet like this.

Ji Ling’s gaze didn't linger.

Wen Yan carried a glass of wine. His treacherous gaze swept over Carlos, and finally fell onto Ji Ling’s figure. A restrained pain showed in the depths of his eyes. The fingers he had on the glass clenched tightly. He suddenly exhaled sharply, put down his glass and turned to walk away.

All of this was only temporary. Sooner or later, he would take Ji Ling back from Carlos!

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