The Villains All Fell in Love with Me After Rebirth

Chapter 70: CH 36.2

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Ji Ling felt like he’d been too careless. He’d gotten so used to Wen Yan's respectful attitude that he’d almost forgotten this guy was a sinister and treacherous villain. He went on alert and started avoiding Wen Yan. To his surprise, however, Wen Yan hadn’t appeared again since that day. Seemed like he’d gotten very busy all of a sudden.

There wasn’t any response from Jing Sui either, nor did he come looking for him again. Could it be that he’d really given up this time? 

But that's right... As the emperor of the Imperial Empire, he couldn’t do something like stealing someone's lover, right?

Ji Ling slowly breathed a sigh of relief. On this particular day, he’d received a message out of the blue from Carlos, who was inviting him out on a date.

Although he didn’t want to go out with that old man at all, nor did he want to put on a show with him, what Carlos had said was very logical. Since they were engaged now, they had to look the part. Going on a date was the normal thing to do to make it credible and deter any suspicions.

Ji Ling thought to himself, Who the hell would believe you? I’m just agreeing in order to play my part in full. 

Carlos came to pick him up in person and took him to a very well-known restaurant on Empire Star. From the private room to the floor-to-ceiling window with panoramic view of the beautiful scenery outside, it really was a good place for a dinner date.

Carlos ordered Ji Ling's favorite dishes. His expression was as gentle and doting as ever when he said: “I’m worried about you. You’re always staying at home depressed. The food here is quite good. All the ingredients are shipped fresh from other galaxies the same day, and the taste is very good. Give them a try.”

Ji Ling thought to himself, I already know what you’re after. You really don't have to put so much heart and soul into your acting. Being an excellent actor himself, however, he still put on a distressed expression and lowered his eyes as he said: "Thank you, but I’m not hungry.”

Carlos looked at the boy's dim eyes and those faintly trembling eyelids. He knew that the boy still cared about Jing Sui, and jealousy clung to his heart like a venomous snake. However, none of that showed on his face. He merely gave a deep sigh and lamented: “Right… Is His Majesty still pestering you?"

Ji Ling shook his head.

Carlos nodded. Worry filled his deep eyes, as he said in a low voice: "Having said that though, we cannot be careless. He’s not one to give up easily."

Ji Ling appeared extremely sad and pained, but still said: "I know."

Halfway through the meal, he felt really drained from putting on this polite facade, so he made an excuse to go to the bathroom and get some air while he was at it. Only after getting away from Carlos did he feel like his breathing was smoother again. After all, that old fox was really too vicious and sinister.  When acting opposite Carlos, he’d always felt like he had to be extra careful.

Ji Ling stood in front of the bathroom mirror and said in a daze: [What do you think that old fox is thinking? I already agreed to get engaged, so why does he still need to ask me out? 】

System: [I suppose he wants to make it look more credible. After all, your character is rather easy to coax. Perhaps he wants to convert you through and through. If you’re dead loyal to him, you will naturally be easier to manipulate and use against Jing Sui. 】

Ji Ling: [How come your brain is suddenly starting to work today…]

System: [I'm just afraid you’ll go bald if you use yours. 】

Ji Ling: [...]

Ji Ling gave a sigh. It’d been a while since he’d come out now, so it was about time to head back. However, just as he turned around to exit the bathroom, he almost ran into the tall red-haired, grey-eyed man in front of him. Ji Ling's face turned stiff. Then, he put on a cold expression, wanting to walk past this guy directly. 

As a result, the man stepped forward. His tall body was like a mountain, directly blocking the path.

Ji Ling: ...

Seeing one of Jing Sui’s lobbyists at this moment annoyed him soooo much.

Ji Ling said coldly: "Marshal, please move aside.”

Brandon looked at the boy's cold expression and distant attitude. His heart ached with terrible pain and anguish, but still, he didn’t move to let the youth pass. Instead, he said in a serious voice: "Carlos is not sincere towards you. Don’t you know that he’s just using you?”

Ji Ling laughed and raised a brow, saying: "I know. Many people have already said this to me."

Brandon replied with a slight sense of urgency: "Then why are you still—"

Ji Ling interrupted him, and said with a cold gaze: “Just because I know, doesn't mean I believe. Uncle Carlos has always been very good to me. He has never hurt me, and has always cared about me... And you?" He emphasized each word harshly as he said: "Have you ever protected me well?”

Brandon’s face turned pale.

Ji Ling gave a self-mocking laugh: "You promised my father you’d protect me well, but left halfway and gave me to His Majesty. You also let me fall into Gabriel’s hands... The truth is you don't actually care whether I live or die at all. Am I right?"

Brandon opened his mouth, but suddenly couldn’t find any words to refute him. This reminded him of what had happened last life. Due to his carelessness, he had also let the youth fall into the rebels’ hands where he was scared and tortured.

This time, he thought Jing Sui would be able to protect the youth, and so he stepped down. In the end, he’d still let the boy get hurt.

It was his fault.

After a long while, he finally opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice: "I... I’m sorry."

Ji Ling laughed, but his expression was extremely calm and indifferent as he said: “I don’t need your apology.”

After he finished saying that, he walked straight away from Brandon.

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This time, Brandon didn't stop him.

Ji Ling found that he was getting better and better at roasting people. So even he could talk like this…! Yes, in the end, people needed to be forced against a wall to show their real abilities. If he didn’t act like this, how else would he be able to throw off these rascals? The more he thought about it, the sadder Ji Ling felt.

At this point, all he wanted now was to hurry back. As a result, when he rushed around the corner, his footsteps once again faltered in shock. Ji Ling looked at the handsome black-haired, green-eyed young man leaning against the wall with a troubled expression.

Why was his luck so bad today? These two rascals hadn’t come to purposefully keep watch on him, had they? 

Ji Ling’s face stiffened. Ignoring Ning Yu, he continued forward. 

However, just as he was about to pass him, Ning Yu suddenly spoke in a dry yet gentle tone: “His Majesty and I have never had anything between us. You know this too, right?”

Ji Ling really didn't want to pay him any attention, but he got angry again when he heard these words. You’re not following your own plot like a good main shou, instead, you’re even showing up in front of me to denounce any relationship with the main gong?! Do you want to anger me to death? You think you can keep the line afloat by doing this? You must be dreaming! I haven't had any credit left in my account for a long time now!!!

Ji Ling turned to look at him coldly, saying: “Whether or not you two have any relationship is no longer any of my business."

Ning Yu stared deeply into his eyes, as if he wanted to see right through his thoughts. Suddenly, he gave a light laugh, and said: "Really? You don’t like His Majesty? "

After hearing this, Ji Ling was stunned for a second, and immediately stood all his hairs on end. The rims of his eyes turned red and he said in an aggrieved tone: “No, I don't like him. Are you happy now?”

Biting his lip, he glared at Ning Yu viciously, appearing stubborn and tight-lipped. He said he didn’t like Jing Sui, but he looked like he was about to cry. 

Ning Yu slowly frowned. After a long while, a faint coldness  appeared in his ever mild jade green eyes. His lips twitched up as he said: "If that’s the case, then walk the walk, and make sure you don't like him again later.”

Ji Ling: ? ? ?

Bro, weren't you here to persuade me otherwise?

But before he could recover, Ning Yu had already turned and left, leaving him only to stare at his cool departing figure…

Ji Ling: ...

He gawked stupidly at Ning Yu's back, and couldn't understand anything at all. Lately, everyone had been coming to tell him that Jing Sui was sincere, and not to believe in Carlos. They all wanted him to return to the emperor’s side. As a result, one guy suddenly appeared that wasn’t coming to lobby for Jing Sui. He’d even wanted him to stop liking Jing Sui…  He was an *outlier… No, he was actually an inlier!

Huh, wait!!!

Ji Ling’s eyes suddenly shone brightly. Could it be that Ning Yu actually has a thing for Jing Sui? That's why he’d told me not to like Jing Sui?!

If not, what other reason could explain why he’d said those things to me?

I must’ve really lost my mind lately. I can’t believe I’d thought that Ning Yu also came here to persuade me. He and I are destined rivals in love! How could a love rival come to persuade me? That would really be the crazy thought, right?

Although Ning Yu had previously denounced any relationship with Jing Sui online, that didn’t necessarily mean he didn’t like Jing Sui! Maybe Ning Yu really did like Jing Sui, but his proud personality prevented him from showing it. That’s why he’d given him such a cold shoulder just now. Ning Yu hadn’t come to persuade him at all. He had even delighted in his disaster.  

Was there actually still a little hope left for this world’s plot?

Ji Ling was extremely excited. It was as if he’d gotten a tonic injected into him. Ning Yu actually liked Jing Sui! This was the only piece of good news he’d gotten this whole time! I knew it! You are the most reliable, bestest bro! As long as you don't persuade me to get together with Jing Sui, we can get along as friends!

He was in a much better mood when he went back.

Carlos was still there waiting for him.

Under the dim light, the man's mature and elegant face was deep and gentle. It was an extremely difficult expression to see through, and looked steady as though nothing could ever change it.

Ji Ling was just about to say that he wanted to go home when he saw Carlos stare gently at him. The man lifted his lips into a smile and said: "I invited you out today, because there’s actually something I’d like to tell you.” 

Ji Ling was stunned for a moment, and asked: "What is it?"

With a smile in his eyes, Carlos said in a deep and pleasing voice: "I would like to throw you a grand engagement ceremony, so everyone understands just how much I care about you."

Ji Ling’s goosebumps almost flew off when he heard this. It was already very hard on him to play along and agree to the engagement. Now, this guy wanted him, a straight man, to participate in a grand engagement ceremony with another man! Being watched by everyone would really be too awkward. He had to make Carlos give up on this idea!

Ji Ling said stiffly: “No, this is just a fake engagement anyway. Why would we need this kind of formality?”

However, this time, Carlos didn't answer accordingly. Instead, the man bent down to meet his eyes. In those deep brown eyes was a complex darkness mixed with concern and worry. Carlos said slowly: “Be that as it may, how could I wrong you by neglecting to hold one? Others will criticize me for being insincere if I’m not even willing to throw a little engagement ceremony for you. What's more... "

Ji Ling still wanted to refuse, but Carlos suddenly raised his finger and pressed it gently on his lips, saying: "If we don't do this, His Majesty will definitely see through our little act. Then it’ll be the same as before, and he won’t let you go… Understand?"

Translator’s notes

*The slang for this in CH is actually ‘muddy river’ vs ‘clean river’ referring to non-conformist/unorthodox vs conformist/normie… It’s similar to black sheep vs white sheep, but the connotation isn’t necessarily negative. 

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