The Weapons Guy

Chapter 150: Rally Cap

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Fade inside a room where Caboose is seen standing in front of F.I.L.S.S.

F.I.L.S.S: Alarm. Incoming recovery beacon. Level Zero. Alarm. Incoming recovery beacon.

Caboose: Oh no!

F.I.L.S.S: Level Zero.

Caboose rushes out of the room. Cut to Doc driving Wash and the Meta across a snowy field, perfectly serene except for Church's apparently lifeless body.

Washington: There he is. Something doesn't seem right here. Stop the car.

Doc: Stop?

Washington: I don't like this. How did he get hurt, why isn't anyone helping him?

Meta: (snarls)

Washington: You're right, this is a trap. Those walls there, perfect for a sniper. We walk in to where he's hurt and suddenly, we're boxed in, nowhere to go.

Doc: You think the Reds are tryin' to ambush us?

Washington: The Reds? Hahaha! No. This is an actual military tactic. We drilled it all the time in training. The only one who could do it would be Minne, but he's not the same anymore. So, whoever set this up is a Freelancer.

Doc: Yeah, but if a Freelancer set this up, wouldn't they know that you guys were Freelancers, and that you would recognize this as soon as you saw it?

Washington: What? Nooo, you're overthinking it. That's just-

10 landmines begin to light up in a perfect circle around them.

Washington: Oh, son of a bitch.

Doc: (sigh) Told you so.

The Warthog explodes. Cut to Caboose approaching the Reds; undoubtedly to tell them his complete misunderstanding of what's going on.


Caboose: Sargent! Sargent!

Sarge: What do you want, Blue?

Caboose: I need your help.


Ash is in between the two.

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Simmons: Our help?

Caboose: Yes, Church is hurt, they must have gotten to him and Tex.

Grif: They got Tex? Good, that just means she won't be able to beat the hell out of us any more.

Caboose: No we have to rescue them.

"Rescue them? That seems really dangerous, and I like it." Ash says. "But none of us wanted to go with them, they're on their own."


"But they'll die!" Caboose cries out. He looks over to Sarge. "Sargent, please."

Grif: Uh hey dude, I don't know if you've picked up on this yet, but if you wanna convince Sarge to do anything, I don't think the best argument is "The Blues might die if we don't."


Sarge: Cowboy up Caboose, I'm comin' with you.

"What?" Grif asks.

Sarge looks up at Grif. "I said, I'm helping him."

Grif: Who, the blue guy? Why on Earth would you ever help a Blue for no reason?

Sarge: We need some weapons. How'd your equipment test go, Simmons?

Simmons: About as well as you would expect.

Sarge: Heuh, that's too bad.

Grif: Well I'm not going, and you can't make me. You quit, remember? I don't take orders from you any more, and besides, this whole command structure thing was bullshit anyway. We all know that now.

Sarge: I'm not tellin' you ta go. I'm not even askin'.

Grif: You're not?

"Huh?" Ash is confused.

Sarge: Nope. I'm goin'. That's it. You wanna come, come on. But I don't expect you to. Simmons will probably tell you that statistically, some of us will probably die.

Simmons: All of us.

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