The Weapons Guy

Chapter 151: Revelations: Reunion

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Wash's perspective. We see Doc lying by the warthog, and a blurry black figure in the distance.

Washington: It can't be....Tex?

Wash dives for a gun, but is stopped by Tex

Washington: You're supposed to be dead.

Tex: Don't sound so disappointed. You'll make me cry. Where's the Director?

Washington: The Director? How would I know that?

Tex(tuts) Wrong answer....

She goes to shoot him, but the Meta tackles her and sends her flying off Wash. He charges forward but Tex catches him in a powerful punch, knocking him to the ground. With a growl of anger, the Meta jumps up and throws powerful jabs at Tex, which she blocks. Tex then knees Meta in the head and kicks him back. Tex activates a detonator and sets off some explosives by her feet, revealing a powerful chain gun which she grabs in midair before swinging it towards the Meta and opening fire. With a growl of shock, the Meta runs across the field before diving behind an icy boulder. Behind her, Wash gets to his feet and whips out the capture unit, unveiling a large spike. At that moment, Tex's gun runs out of ammo and the Meta takes this moment to return fire with his pistol. Tex ducks behind an icy stalagmite, smashes through the ice and draws out an assault rifle and a battle rifle which she fires at the Meta. Wash runs up to her and thrusts the unit's spike at her, parrying one of her guns away, but she ducks the blow and knocks it out of his hands.

Washington: NO! (He dives for it, preventing it from going over into an abyss) Be more careful, this thing can't take any more hits!

Cut to Church and Doc.

Doc: Church! Are you okay?

Church: She fuckin' shot me! What is wrong with her?

Doc: She did? That's what brought us to you!

Church: I know! She meant to do that!

Doc: Well she's paying for it now.

Cut back to Tex, Wash and Meta. Meta has Tex pinned to the ground, trying to wrestle her gun away but she kicks him backwards towards a wall of ice. As Washington rejoins his colleague, she jumps to her feet and pulls out another detonator

Washington: Is that a...

Tex presses the button and a loud beeping starts behind them. Wash and the Meta spin around and see a row of mines built into the wall

Washington: ...Mountain?

The mines go off and the wall shatters into huge blocks that go tumbling towards the two ex-Freelancers, who set off running. Wash stabs at Tex again with the unit but she ducks aside and kicks him away. Then the Meta charges forward, picking up the unit.

Washington: Meta, take it! Hit her!

As the icicle blocks crash around them, the Meta grabs the unit and swings out at Tex, but she ducks away. Wash then leaps up to do a jump-kick at Tex's head but she dodges and flings him to the ground, with Wash grabbing Tex's battle rifle before he falls. The Meta then kicks her in the chest, right under a huge shard of ice! Quickly she rolls away to avoid getting crushed, but the Meta kicks it out at her. Luckily, she jumps onto it and flips away.

Wash leaps onto another large icicle and runs along its length, firing at Tex. She lands on a block and vaults over it, followed closely by the Meta. As Tex lands, a boulder lands behind her and she strikes it, launching it towards the other two. Wash ducks aside and the Meta jumps off it towards Tex. She runs up another icicle and intercepts him in midair, grabbing him by the chin and cracking his back over her shoulders. As she lands, she throws him up and kicks him in the back towards Wash, who dives out of the way.

Wash then raises his battle rifle and fires at Tex but she dives behind an icy boulder where, after a moment of delay, she draws out a third detonator and hits the button. At once a line of charges go off under the ice twenty feet from her and as the mountain shelf begins to crumble, she takes off for the safety of the other side, but Wash fires at her and she screams in pain as the bullet hits her shoulder, landing on the safety of the ice sheet.

Wash suddenly realizes that the ground is moving and he looks round to see the shelf cracking and breaking as it falls towards the icy water below.

Washington: Oh my God! RUN!

Wash and the Meta tear across the shelf towards the ever-more distant ledge, leaping over cracks and side-stepping the sliding boulders. As they reach the edge of the shelf, the Meta spots his brute shot falling over the cliff and leaps straight towards it.

Washington: META! Wait, I...(Meta grabs his weapon, and uses the combat side as an ice pick to hold him in place.) God-dammit!

Zoom in on Doc, waving the Warthog's tow hook.

Doc: (Waving the Warthogs tow hook) WASH! Here! Take this!

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Washington(shocked) DOC?! Throw it, throw it! (Waves his hands above his head, signaling for the throw)

Doc: Here it comes! (He throws, and it falls short)

Washington: (exasperated) You've got to be kidding me...(Nevertheless, he jumps for it, grabbing the rope and climbing up. At the top he hauls himself up.) That was the second worst throw, ever, of all time.

Doc: What d' you want from me? I ran track in high school.

Meta runs at Tex as she struggles to her feet. As the Meta swings the blade end of his brute shot at her, she parries it with her combat knife then punches him back. As he stumbles back, she dashes forward and slashes across his stomach then stabs him in his left shoulder. With a growl, the Meta aims his brute shot at the ground and fires, sending them flying and knocking Tex down.

Wash runs up to them as the Meta grabs the capture unit and hauls Tex to her feet.

Washington(panicked) Meta, wait! We don't need to hurt her, we only need-

Meta stabs the memory unit's spike straight into Tex's visor, causing her to scream in agony and for her body to violently twitch and spasm. A blood red light emerges from the hole in her face as she is absorbed into the capture unit.

Church: NO!

With a growl of happiness, the Meta draws the unit out and flings Tex's broken body towards the stunned Church.

Church: Stop! Let her outta that thing!

Washington: (wearily) We can't. The unit is failing. Epsilon, it's over. You're coming with us.

Church: (furious) I'm not going anywhere with you! We can fight you!

Doc(surprised) We can?

Church(determined) We will!

Doc: (exasperated) Aw, great.

Washington: I'm sorry to hear that. Meta, give me the memory unit. (The Meta doesn't respond) Meta?

Meta is staring at the unit in his hands. He looks up at Wash

Washington(horrified) Meta! NO! Don't...

Meta attaches the unit to his back and becomes invisible.

Washington: Damnit! Doc, you have to protect Epsilon!

Doc: What do I do?!

Washington: RUN!

Meta charges past him, then proceeds to shoot at Epsilon-Church and Doc. Quickly, Wash jumps onto the Meta's back and throws his arms around his neck.

WashingtonI'll try to hold him!

Meta throws him off and continues to shoot. Wash retaliates but is knocked off balance by a shot from the Brute Shot. Meta calmly advances on him, chuckling to himself.

Washington: I knew you would do this, Meta. I just can't believe... (His voice trails off as he looks over the Meta's shoulder) can't believe...(The two have spotted something in the sky, trailing black smoke) I can't believe it.

It is revealed to be a Pelican, badly damaged, with Grif behind the wheel. Sarge, Caboose, Simmons, Ash, and Tucker can also be seen inside.

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