The Weapons Guy

Chapter 212: Fire

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Locus and two Federal Army soldiers are standing in the opening shot. A Battle Rifle shot resonates, and one of the soldiers fall. The other soldier begins to fire his Assault Rifle.

Washington: Get to cover!

Wash charges forwards, and the Blood Gulch crew do the same. Grif takes cover behind a metal barricade and opens fire. Tucker moves behind the barricade and prepares to engage. 

Ash takes cover behind a large crate and shoots his plasma gun.

Simmons and Sarge dart behind the Scorpion tank, firing their weapons. The Federal Army soldiers rush forward, while Locus cloaks himself. Meanwhile, Freckles and Lopez 2.0 are engaged in their own battle. Freckles fires a rocket, but Lopez 2.0 ducks, the rocket sailing over his head.

Lopez 2.0: ¡Fallaste, perra![Missed, bitch!]

Freckles responds by firing his minigun, landing some hits on Lopez 2.0.

Lopez 2.0: ¡Ow!

Lopez 2.0 retreats, while Freckles advances. Caboose looks towards him.

Caboose: Freckles! Be careful!

Washington: Damn it! We need something to draw their fire!

Sarge and Simmons emerge from behind the Scorpion.

Sarge: Simmons?

Simmons: Shotgun!

More Federal Army soldiers rush forward, but stop when they see the Scorpion, piloted by Sarge, and the turret manned by Simmons.

Sarge: "Tanks" for dropping by, dirtbags, but it's high time you left!

Sarge unloads a round, which flies above the soldiers heads.

Simmons: Still inverted, sir.

Sarge: Right.

Sarge aims his cannon at the soldiers, and fires a round, killing all of them at once.

Simmons: Woohoo! Yeah! Suck it... evil... soldier dudes!

Locus looks on the two, assessing the situation.

Locus: Huh...

Locus pulls out a gun, identical to the one found by Grif and Doc while they were on the ship, and cloaks. Meanwhile, a Warthog, mounted with a rocket launcher turret emerges from the tunnel and brakes behind three more Army soldiers, who have just decloaked.

Felix: Heavy artillery!

Tucker: What?! Where did that come from?

Washington: They must be getting in through the caves.

Wash and Tucker fall back towards Blue Base. Simmons and Sarge, still in the tank, fire a round at the Warthog which misses. The gunner turns, and prepares to fire the turret on the Scorpion.

Sarge: Ruh-roh.

Out of nowhere, a teleportation cube lands underneath the Warthog, causing it to disappear. The soldiers standing in front of it look around in confusion, where the Warthog appears above them, causing the Warthog to fall and crush them. Grif emerges from an alcove.

Grif: Boosh! Future cubes, bitches!

"I didn't think they could be cool." Ash says. "But that was kinda cool."

Wash and Donut pop up from behind cover.

Wash: What was that?

Donut: Future cubes! The cubes of the future!

Sarge: I still think they'd be better with grenades!

Grif: Kiss my ass!

Gunfire strikes the rock near Grif. He whimpers and ducks, moving back into the alcove. Wash and Caboose watch as the conflict unfolds, until they are distracted by a rocket impacting into the wall behind them. They turn to look at the two battle robots duking it out.

Caboose: Freckles!

Lopez 2.0 is being hit with minigun rounds.

Lopez 2.0: ¡Un tiro y te voy a mater! [Stop shooting me and let me kill you!]

Lopez 2.0 fires a missile at Freckles, which hits, causing his shields to flare.

Freckles: Shields critical.

Caboose: Ah, we have to help him!

Wash: Alright! Let's grab some explosives and...

Donut stands up.

Donut: Wait. I know what to do.

Donut runs past Wash and Caboose towards the two robots.

Wash: What the... Just cover him!

Freckles takes another explosive, damaging him slightly, causing him to spark.

Freckles: Shields failing.

Lopez 2.0 walks forwards towards the damaged Freckles.

Lopez 2.0: Podios habernos unido Fresas. Ellos han inclinado ante nosotros como sus señores robot. Pero ahora, debes ser destruido. [You should have joined me, Freckles. They would have bowed down to us as their Robot Overlords. But now... you must be destroyed.]

Donut: All right. That's enough!

Lopez 2.0 spins his upper body round to face Donut, who is standing behind him, with a Magnum aimed at him.

Lopez 2.0: ¿Qué? [What?]

Donut: Don't make me hurt you.

Lopez 2.0: ¿Usted? ¿Me telera? Me gustaría verte intentarlo. Rosado. [You? Hurt me? I'd like to see you try... Pinky.]

Donut: No soy rosa. Soy rosa-ish.[I'm not pink. I'm lightish-red.]

Lopez 2.0: Espere. ¿HABLA ESPAÑOL? [ Wait. YOU SPEAK SPANISH?]

Donut: ¡Sí! ¡Pero no muy bien! [Yes! Just not very well!]

Donut throws a teleportation cube at Lopez Dos.0's feet.


The cube deactivates, and Lopez 2.0 disappears. Donut turns around, and pitches the cube away. It arcs towards the minefield, where it lands, activating the mines and destroying Lopez 2.0 and C.C.

Donut: Ha roja salado a Robot Satanás, tu teriyaki lápiz circo. [Say hello to Robot Satan, you teriyaki pencil circus!]

Cut to Tucker, looking on the scene.

Tucker: Seriously, he has an incredible arm.

Grif appears behind him.

Grif: Okay, it wasn't a volcano, but I'm still taking credit for the idea!


The tank reverses up to Blue Base, showing signs of heavy damage. Washington appears behind them, while Sarge and Simmons continue to lay down fire.

Wash: Sarge, are you okay?

Sarge: Having the time of my life! The tank's pretty beat up.

Simmons: They just keep coming!

Locus decloaks behind a rock pillar, armed with the same gun he pulled out earlier and fires the round, which sticks to the front left tread of the tank.

Felix: Get out of the tank!

Sarge and Simmons comply, as the round begins beeping faster and faster. As Sarge and Simmons get clear, the round explodes, destroying the tank. Wash, Sarge and Simmons run back to Blue Base, whilst Grif looks at the burning chassis of the tank.

Wash: Dammit!

Grif: Holy shit, those things explode?!

Donut runs up.

Donut: Did you guys see me?

Wash: Yes, now put those skills of yours to work and start tossing-

Wash ducks as a battle rifle round whizzes over his head.

Wash: -some grenades.

Donut: On it!

Donut rushes to the gravity lift in Blue Base, which launches him up to the open area. He begins tossing frag grenades.

Donut: You get a bomb, and you get a bomb, and you get a bomb, and you get a bomb. (singing) We all get bombs!

Freckles begins walking back to Blue Base.

Freckles: Energy levels critical.

Caboose: Guys, Freckles is in trouble! Uh, he looks tired.

Wash, Tucker, Simmons and Sarge are holding position.

Tucker: Fuck that! Hook him up to the ship! It's got plenty of power!

Simmons stands up.

Simmons: Oh. I can do that!

He dashes towards Blue Base. Grif throws another teleportation cube.

Wash: Felix, where's that backup?

Felix: I don't know!

Felix pulls up his holographic shield to deflect a sniper round. He deactivates it and begins firing his DMR at the attacker.

Felix: Fucking asshole!

Grif throws another teleportation cube.

Grif: Uh, I'm running out of cubes!

Wash: Just hold on a little longer, and we'll get Freckles back online.

Simmons: (calling from Blue Base) Uh, Wash? That might be a problem!

Wash growls in frustration and sprints towards Blue Base.

Wash: I'll be right back! Cover me!

Tucker: Okay.

Tucker mans the nearby turret and begins to unload rounds, yelling incoherently as he does so.

Tucker: (yelling) SUCK MY BAAAAALLLSSS!!!

"That's kinda weird!" Ash yells and he ducks under some bullets.

"FUUUUCK YOUUU!" Tucker yells.

Wash walks up to Simmons, who is standing at a computer.

Simmons: I hooked up Freckles, but for some reason, he's not getting any power!

Wash: What do you mean? We should have plenty!

Simmons: I know, but it's all being diverted somewhere else! I don't know what it could be.

Wash: Well, where's it all going?

Simmons types on the computer.

Simmons: Red Base?

Donut: Uh-oh.

Wash and Simmons turn to look at Donut.

Donut: I, uh, think I know what it might be.

The camera pans across the canyon, right to Donut's computer, which is still downloading the picture of Freckles. The download bar changes from 56% to 57%.


Donut: It's a very high-quality picture.


Simmons: We've gotta cancel the download!

Cut to Locus, who is aiming his sniper rifle at a plasma grenade behind Donut.

Donut: But we're pinned down.

Locus: Huh.

Donut: How are we suppose to-?

Locus fires at the grenade, which explodes and injures Donut, who screams in pain as he falls down.

Donut: Waaahhh!

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Wash & Simmons: DONUT!

Wash and Simmons immediately run to Donut and check his body.

Simmons: Is he dead?

Wash: No, but he's unconscious.

Simmons: (relieved) Aw, good, because I did not want to go through that shit again.

Wash: Felix! We're a man down! Where is that backup!?

Felix: Uh, I don't know. They should be here in a few minutes!

Wash: We don't have a few minutes!

Cut to Tucker outside.

Wash: (yelling from inside) If we can't get Freckles online, we don't stand a chance!

Tucker: (sighs) Such bullshit! Ash! 

"Right!" Ash yells.

Tucker and Ash take off towards Red base. Cut to Grif.

Grif: Hey! Where are you two going!?

Cut to Wash.

Wash: Tucker! Minne!

Tucker runs, mirroring what he did in Wash's training course.

Tucker shoots two federal soldiers behind cover. A federal soldier with a turret walks towards him with landmines between them.

Tucker and Ash jump over the mines. Ash lends behind the soldier and  Ash kicks the beck knee of the soldier and he falls down. Ash then takes his knife out and stabs it into the back of the soldiers head and rips it out.

"Dude, you are one scary mother fucker." Tucker says.

"I know." Ash says.

The two run towards Red base. 

"I gotta grab something!" Ash yells. "Be right back!"

Tucker slashes the computer's screen, cancelling the download.

Tucker: Fuck you, Basebook!

Cut to Wash and Simmons in Blue base.

Simmons: He did it! We're getting power!

Freckles lifts his head.

Freckles: Charging.

Cut to a federal soldier raising his rifle to Tuckers head.

Federal Soldier: Freeze!

Tucker: Oh crap.

Federal Soldier: You and your friends have caused us a lot of trouble. Now lay down your weapon-

The soldier is killed by a headshot.

Tucker: What the hell?

Tucker turns around and sees Lopez (in Dos-point-O's body) reloading a Magnum.

Lopez: Pendejo

Tucker: Dos-point-O?

Lopez: (translated english) No, idiota.[No, idiot.]

Tucker: Lopez! That was fucking awesome! Where'd you get that body?

Lopez: Lo tomé de un idiota molesto.[I took it from an annoying moron.]

Tucker: I don't know what you just said, but that's great. Now let's get out of here!

Tucker runs off.

Lopez: Psh. "Dos-point-0". Estoy López la Posado. Puta.[I'm Lopez the Heavy. Bitch.]

Cut to Freckles charging.

Freckles: Shields twenty five percent charged.

Cut to various soldiers being killed. Cut to Sarge firing his shotgun on top of a box.

Sarge: Ha-ha! Eat lead, you seemingly infinite number of soldiers!

Zoom out to Grif, who reloads.

Grif: Yeah! How's it feel to get your ass kicked by a bunch of losers!? ...Wait. 

Ash comes up behind Grif with a new gun.


"HAHA! Plasma bitches!"  Ash yells as he guns down some soldiers.

Zoom out to Wash.

Wash: Alright, everyone together now! We can do this!

Cut to Locus aiming at Wash with a railgun in the distance.

Locus: No... You can't.

Locus shoots Wash, knocking him to the ground. Cut to Tucker and Lopez.

Tucker: WASH!

Cut to Caboose.

Caboose: Oh no!

Cut to Simmons.

Simmons: Is he okay?

Back to Tucker and Lopez. Lopez gets sniped and Tucker ducks.

Ash gets shot in the shoulder and he falls. "FUCK!"

"ASH!" Grif yells.

Ash growls and he gets back up and grabs his cannon and continues to fire. "It'll take a lot more than that!"

Tucker: Lopez!

Lopez: ¡¿En serio?! ¡Acabo de obtener este maldito cuerpo![Seriously?! I just got this fucking body!]

Cut to Sarge.

Sarge: You bastards stay away from my men! If anybody's gonna kill 'em it's gonna be me!

Locus uncloaks on a nearby roof and shoots Sarge with the railgun, incapacitating him.

Sarge: (grunting) Uhhff!

Grif: Sarge?!

Another rocket jeep rolls up in front of the Reds and Blues.

Felix: Incoming!

Freckles wakes up. He steps in front of the jeep. The gunner shoots Freckles. Freckles crumples over as flames and sparks shoot out of him.

Caboose: Freckles! No!

There's a short silence. A series of rumbles and explosions are heard. The Reds and Blues look around. Cut to the tunnel near Blue base. There's an explosion within and a Rebel soldier emerges, before dozens more charge out yelling.

Rebel Soldier 1: FOR THE NEW REPUBLIC!

Felix: They're here! That's our backup!

Cut to the Federal snipers being killed. Cut to two Rebels reloading.

Rebel Soldier 2: Suck it, you Fed scum!

Freckles stands up.

Freckles: (damaged) E-e-engaging-ging t-targets-s.

Freckles destroys the jeep and everything in his path. Felix runs over to Grif, Ash, Simmons and Caboose.

Felix: Get to the cave! We've gotta go!

Caboose: But what about Wash and Freckles!?

Simmons: Quick! Someone help me carry Sarge!

Xi appears on Ash's shoulder. "He's right, we need to go!"

A Rebel Soldier walks over and is mowed down. Locus uncloaks and shoots another rebel before assassinating a third.

Rebel Soldier 3: Wait! What th-- (Locus breaks his neck) Gah!

Locus approaches the Reds and Blues, reloading his SAW.

Felix: There's no time! Get outta here!

Felix deflects some shots with his shield.

Caboose: But-

Grif: Caboose, come on!

Grif, Caboose and Simmons run past Tucker into the cave.

Tucker: What are you doing? Where's Wash?

Simmons: He's still at the base!

Tucker: [sharply] What!?

Ash is slowing back up towards the cave while firing his plasma cannon.

Ash growls. "Fuck!" Ash keeps firing.

"Ash, hurry!" Xi says.

Locus sees Ash backing up towards the cave and he pulls out what looks like Doc's medical scanner. He holds the trigger and it glows green then he fires it.

A green ball of energy travels towards Ash.

"Look out!" Xi yells.

"Huh?" Ash says and he looks at the green ball.

It hits him and suddenly his armor starts to short circuit. Ash drops his cannon and groan.

"A-a-a-ash, W-w-what's g-g-g-o-o-oing o-o-n-" Xi  suddenly disappears. 

Simmons and Grif appear at the tunnel entrance.

"Ash! Let's go!" Simmons yells.

"I can't m-move!" Ash yells.

"Shit!" Grif yells. "I hate you for this, Ash!"

Simmons and Grif run out of the cave and grab Ash and drag him towards the cave.

Felix stops next to a rebel.

Rebel Soldier: Sir! If we leave now, they'll just follow us back to headquarters!

Felix: Aw, shit! Someone get me some explosives!

Felix runs for the cave. Tucker sees Wash getting up.

Tucker: Wait, guys! There he is!

Wash gets up and grunts in pain.

Tucker: Wash! Wash, come on!

Felix: We've gotta seal this tunnel!

Wash slowly gets up and looks around. He sees several rebels dying around him. He looks at the cave tunnel where Tucker, Grif, Simmons, Caboose, Ash, with Simmons and Grif dragging him, and Felix are escaping. He turns finally to Freckles.

Wash: Freckles! Shake!

Freckles violently stomps his foot down. The ground starts shaking and rocks begin tumbling down in front of the cave tunnel.

Tucker: Hey, no! What're you doing?!

The tunnel entrance collapses and Wash breaths a sigh of relief and resignation before Locus knocks him out from behind.



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