The Weapons Guy

Chapter 299: Succession

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Fade into Crash Site Bravo

Past-Locus: Surrender now...and I promise only to kill the mercenary.

Past-Grif: Oh yeah? You and what army?

Past-Locus: The Federal Army of Chorus

The Federal Soldiers begin to de-cloak

Past Ash turns to past Grif. "You just had to say it."

Tucker: Alright, what’s different? Locus is with the Feds, Felix is acting all "good guy", and Freckles is fighting-

A missile comes out of nowhere and takes out a group of Fed soldiers

Dos.0[Genkins]: Cómo se dice “Engaging-o target-as”

Past-Sarge: Great shot, Dos.0!

Tucker: What?! That’s not right!

Past-Wash: Get to cover!

Past-Felix: I thought that thing was malfunctioning.

Tucker: It’s supposed to be!

Tucker runs up to Past-Wash

Past-Wash: Let’s give our bots some backup

Dos.0[Genkins]: (Maniacal laughter)

Dos.0 destroys more Fed soldiers and a Warthog

Past-Locus: Target those drones!

Tucker: We’re gonna win...?

Past-Wash: That’s the spirit. Keep pushing.

Tucker: Come on, think Tucker. How did we stop Dos.0 last time?

Past-Grif: Donut, toss me more future cubes!

Tucker: That’s right! It was... Donut?

Past-Donut: Yeah! (Laughs) Who else wants a taste of the Big D?!

Dos.0 continues to take out Fed soldiers

Tucker: (sighs) Sorry everybody...

Tucker grabs a future cube and runs away

Past-Grif: Hey, where are you going?

"My future cubes!" Past Ash yells.

Tucker runs up to Dos.0

Tucker: Genkins!

Dos.0[Genkins]: Que? No! How do you people keep finding me?!

Dos.0 fires a rocket at Tucker

Past-Wash: Tucker!

Past-Felix: What the fuck is your robot doing?!

The smoke from the Rocket disappears and Tucker stands unharmed

Tucker: Gods can’t hurt a Shisno, Genkins. And your accent is shit.

Tucker throws the future cube at Dos.0’s feet and traps him inside. Tucker runs away

Past-Wash: What're you doing?

Past-Simmons: They’re pushing back!

Ash laughs as he fires his Plasma Repeater. "Eat my plasma!" 

Past-Felix: Our left flank is completely open!

Tucker runs over to Red base

Tucker: Son of a bitch...

Tucker throws the future cube into the land mines, destroying Dos.0. Genkins stops possessing it

Past-Wash[off-screen]: Come on, everyone pull it together, we can still do this!

Tucker: (sighs) No, you can’t.

A sticky detonator bomb gets stuck to Freckles

Past-Felix: Everyone! Down!

The bomb explodes, taking out Freckles

Past-Caboose: Freckles! No!

Locus de-cloaks and shoots Wash with a rail gun

Past-Simmons: Wash!

"Wash!" Past Ash yells as he ducks under some cover.

Past-Sarge: You bastards stay away from my men! If anyone’s gonna kill 'em, it’s gonna be-

Locus shoots Sarge with the railgun

Past-Grif: Sarge?!

Felix shoots a grenade near Donut knocking him out

Past-Felix: Damnit! They got Donut, everyone fall back!

Past-Caboose: Where is Tucker!?

Tucker watches the battle from Red Base

Past-Lopez: [Tucker, what’s happening]

Tucker: Oh, Lopez. I kinda forgot you were here.

Past-Lopez: [We need to get out of here. Go!]

Tucker: I dunno what you said, Lopez... but I’m sorry for this.

Tucker aims his rifle at Lopez and fires as the screen cuts to black

Past-Felix[off-screen]: There was nothing you could've done differently.

Tucker[off-screen]: Yeah, I know.

Cut to the New Republic base

Tucker: Wash just had to be on the other side of that cave-in. That's just... how that moment plays out.

Past-Felix: Well, that’s... one way of looking at it.

Tucker: Still. (Grunts)It hurts to lose.

Past-Felix: That’s war, Tucker. Not everyone-

Tucker: -Not everyone makes it back.

Genkins voice can be heard telling Tucker what to do

Genkins: ...Kill him.

Tucker: Who said that?

Past-Felix: Uhh... Not really a quote. Just something I tend to say. Guess you do too.

Tucker: Oh, uh-

Genkins: Kill him before he betrays you all...!

Tucker: Where are you?!

Past-Felix: I... told you we’re at headquarters. A-A-Are you okay...?

Genkins: Your armor’s AI module. But, that’s not important. Picture it.

Tucker: Get out!

Past-Felix: Okay, I can... see you need a minute.

Genkins: Your sword sliding between his ribs. Finding his black heart. Why not indulge your desires before time crumbles around you?

Tucker: It won’t, because Donut has a plan and I’m sticking to it.

Genkins: (laughter)

Past-Felix: Wait, what?

Genkins: Donut? A plan by Donut will surely lead us to victory. (laughingly snorts)

Tucker: This was one of the worse moments of my life. But it reminded me of something. I became a leader on Chorus. And since we left it, I’ve been trying to act how I thought a leader should. Cool, macho, totally self-confident. But, somehow I forgot that I wasn’t any of those things while I was actually leading. I was scared all the time. Constantly second-guessing myself. But when shit got bad, I was the one to step up and make a decision. That’s all it is. And right now, Donut’s doing a better job of that than anyone. So yeah, I’ve got faith. What’ve you got?

Genkins: Urgh...! This isn’t over...

Genkins time travels away. Felix and Kimball stand watching Tucker

Past-Felix: ...Okay, yeah, he has so much concussion.

Tucker time travels back to Iris and walks up to Donut

Tucker: Hey, man. You in there? I mean, like-

Donut: Yep, welcome to the rendezvous. How’d it go on Chorus?

Tucker: We lost, just like we were supposed to.

Sarge walks up to them

Sarge: Donut, umm... what does it mean when everything goes... kinda... out of focus...?

Donut: It means you've made a paradox.

Sarge: Oh! Neat. No reason for asking whatsoever. Just, uh... what if, you know... theoretical hypothetical I gotta go do something not related to this, bye.

Sarge unpossesses himself

Past-Sarge: We should build a water slide!

Past-Sarge walks away

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Donut: Ah, dear. Maybe I haven’t done a good enough job explaining-

Tucker: Hey, you're doing great man.

Donut: I... really?

Tucker: Yeah, I think I could re-learn a thing or two from you

Donut: Wow! (Laughs) I don’t know about all that.

Tucker: Just take the compliment, you angsty bitch.

Tucker walks away

Donut: Okay.

Donut un-possesses himself and time travels back to Season 7, back in Valhalla

The Meta: (Growls)

Donut: I know that’s you, Genkins.

The Meta[Genkins]: (Growls)

Donut: Oh, boy. Meta’s scary. (Clears throat) Look, you can possess the Meta or Church or even our armor, but you can only do one at a time. And we’re a team now. We outnumber you. You gotta stop.

The Meta[Genkins]: (Grunts)

Donut walks up to him

Donut: I’ll take that as a "no". But you should ask yourself, is Chrovos gonna give you what you wanted? Look how O’Malley ended up. She doesn’t share power. She takes it. What if all your work... is for nothing?

Genkins un-possesses the Meta

Donut: Oh, thank god. For a second there, I thought I was talking to the...

The Meta: (Growls)

Donut: -the, uh... Actual Meta.

Meta growls and charges at Donut when the screen cuts back to Iris where Wash and Carolina stand on a cliffedge

Wash: I had no idea our lives were so-

Carolina: -Don’t say it.

Wash: Come on, fun! Admit it. And much needed friend time.

Carolina: I see you more as a brother at this point

Wash: Cause you can’t get rid of me?

Carolina: (laughs)

Wash: Knowing your siblings were a bunch of mad-cap AI, I prefer friends

Carolina: (laughs and sighs) I know we worked this out, but I’m really sorry, Wash

Wash: Hey, you gave me some time without a brain injury. I’m thankful for that. I’m at peace with what’s next.

Carolina: What do you mean?

Wash: (sighs) Our last mission.

Carolina: This is our last mission. Wait, there’s no mission here, is there. (sniffs) You didn’t bring me here for that.

Wash: No.

Carolina: You’re going to fix the last paradox, the original. You’re saying goodbye.

Wash: Goodbye? I was still me wasn’t I? Cerebral Hypoxia, it’s manageable. It’s a small price to pay for saving the universe. Right? Carolina?

Carolina: Yeah.

Wash: You know I love you right?

Carolina: (sighs) I love you too.

Wash time travels away leaving Carolina crying before she eventually time travels as well

Back in season 13 in the "The End" episode.

Time is stopped as Past Epsilon is giving his speech. "They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith."

Suddenly the everwhen zaps as Genkins takes control of Epsilon.

Genkins laughs. "If Church never sacrificed himself, they wouldn't have won."

We move to the side to see Xi with an angry face as she stares at Genkins.

"You mock his death?" Xi asks.

Genkins turns around. "Oh, if it isn't the pet of the broken Spartan."

"I ain't no pet! Ash and I are partners!" Xi walks towards Genkins.

Genkins laughs. "Oh, what are you gonna do, you're nothing but a weak A.I., long past due for decommissioning." 

Xi grabs Genkin's arm and she glows.

Genkin yells in pain. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He starts to glow.

"I may have been a weak A.I., but I'm a survivor, how do you think I've lived this long? I'm a leaner."

Genkins screams as he suddenly poofs, leaving Xi alone as she falls to her knees, taking deep breaths. Then Xi falls to her side, crying.



Genkins exits the Everwhen portal into Chrovos’ prison room and he's mumbling in anger.

Chrovos: Ah, my second favorite companion.

Genkins: Ugh

Chrovos: Don’t feel bad. I’ve known the utter silence of confinement for longer.

Genkins: (sighs)

Chrovos: Sorry, dear, it’s just-

Chrovos pulls up the Singularity

Chrovos: -I haven’t seen a new crack in hours, and they seem to be disappearing. Do you have something to tell me, Genkins?

Genkins: The Shisno. They’re awake.

Chrovos thinks for a moment before walking away

Chrovos: What did you think of time?

Genkins: Look, I-I didn’t factor Washington into the-

Chrovos: -Come on! Opinions! The order in which things occurred was that agreeable? Can you think? Did you know that at the moment of the Big Bang, the universe occupied one small spot? That time expands with space, but in that moment, before space, still time. A bath of it. I long to pause it, to lie there with truth and fact, cause and effect cast off like tight clothes so overtaken with oneness. But I no longer need that little orgy, Genkins, because you have utterly... FUCKED ME! You have failed, the gods will tear you apart. My one remaining Hope is that they’ll do it... somewhere in, here... so, I can watch.

Genkins: Do... Do you really think I don’t have a plan? You forced Donut back through time. You decided where in time he was placed. If I can do the same to the Reds and Blues, I can keep the blighters out of the way! Have free reign to create all the paradoxes I like!

Chrovos: You don’t have the power to do that.

Genkins: So, give-me-more.

Chrovos: That would require most of my energy. Too much for me to even take back. Are you an idiot, or do you just think that I am?

Genkins walks closer to Chrovos

Genkins: Without your full power, I can’t achieve anything worth mentioning out there! My best shot is freeing you. Once you kill the Shisno and absorb their energy, something I can’t do-

Chrovos: I’ll be the more powerful one again. (Laughs) You’re a canny one.

Genkins walks backwards and Chrovos takes down the Singularity

Chrovos: We really are related.

Genkins: I don’t see that you have a choice.

Chrovos begins to give her energy to Genkins before falling to the ground, powerless

Chrovos: There’s so little of me left... Hurry...

Genkins: You know... You know...! I’ve just had an even-bet-ter-plan! Oh-ho, go me!

Chrovos: What...?

Genkins: Okay listen, listen. Best plan ever. I can’t harm the Shisno, but anyone a God can convince to can. Any old cyclops seems to be able to give them a proper thrashing...! Your Shisno firewall is a bit shit, really, isn’t it?

Chrovos: You... you little shit...

Genkins pulls up the Singularity

Genkins: (Laughs) How about this? I hold the Reds and Blues somewhere out of the way, then, weaken your prison again til’ it’s ready to shatter. Same. Old. Plan. But then, I just... bink! Have the Shisno killed! Drrrrink up all that power for myself!

Chrovos: No...

Genkins: But I’ll come and visit, grandma. Once I’m all juiced up on Shisnos, I’ll pry you out of there like an oyster. (Laughs) And slide you down my throat.

Genkins walks towards the portal

Genkins: (Laughs) Listen to me. I’ve spent too long with Donut.

Genkins laughs as he goes through the portal while Chrovos looks on

Genkins: Oh, I love Donut, he’s great

Cut to the Hanger in Temples Base where the Reds and Blues are fighting the Blues and Reds soldiers. Wash walks up and looks on

Wash: This is it. This is all that’s left. I’m ready.

Wash walks out and throws his Magnum to the ground and comes to a halt. He looks over to see Carolina possessing herself. The two nod at each other. The rest of the Reds and Blues time travel in as well. Ash walks up next to Carolina and sighs. Wash looks up as a gunshot can be heard as the screen cuts to black.

Cut back to the hanger where a bullet is floating in mid air and time is stopped.

Genkins: You can rest now... Agent.

Genkins walks away from Wash and over to the Reds and Blues who are also frozen

Genkins: Hello again, everyone! (Laughs) Don’t worry, don’t worry, you’ll be back to your scheduled programming soon enough. Now, you may feel an odd sort of sensation. That is you... not-breathing.

The bullet heading towards Wash falls to the ground

Genkins: I’m pausing this succulent little moment and holding you here for a bit. Just while I clear my to-do list. Now that I have all the time in the world. (Laughs) Toodles! (Laughs)

Genkins walks away from the Reds and Blues and the screen cuts to black. 



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