The Whisper of Iron (A LitRPG Blacksmithing Tale)

Chapter 12: Ch. 12 – The Battle of Dunbar

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A line of lions and jaguars met the pit bulls head-on, roaring and growling as the dogs barked. Jaws flashed, and claws swiped. Blood filled the streets, dogs yelping and retreating as they got clawed or stabbed with blade strikes. As I watched from the window, I saw the prowess of the Fekan combatants. They were each taking on five, six, sometimes even seven Shadowalkers at once.

I was too far away to do much; my slingshot could only go 20 yards. I had a clear line of sight to the courtyard at the top of the ramp and figured battle would eventually fall back to that position. In the towers surrounding the square was a killing ground, where cutouts and holes hid the hunter class Feka. I saw the Baron waiting with Romas and a few high-level soldiers. There was another militia there, forming a defensive semicircle around them.

The archers had turned their attention to the advancing Stalkers, who waited until the pit bull fighters were out of the way in the makeshift holes in the wall. The Stalkers carried a large wooden board in front of them to shield themselves from arrows. Cats jumped from spot to spot on the wall, trying to get a vantage around the blockade, but couldn't get a good shot. The thudding of arrows on wood filled the night, directly contrasting the growling, yelping battle on the sandy streets inside the wall.

At the wall, the Stalkers stopped, sounding out their eerie howls before dropping their board and running through the opening. The fifteen or so warriors, Typh included, saw this oncoming attack and knew they were outmatched. They turned and retreated, three Feka holding their retreat. The Stalkers were on them in moments, dodging clawed paws and returning strikes of their own.

The next wave came, the hyenas joining the fray. Their laughter rang out, hysterical in pitch now that the battle had fully begun. They ran through the walls, the fastest troops in the army. They didn't join the fight on the street but instead turned to access the archery towers. The cats there turned and madly shot, but they were quickly overwhelmed. They pulled daggers and fought but were surrounded and taken down, the laughing ever-present.

By now, the warrior Feka had climbed the tower and joined the ramp's defense. Why was there no drawbridge mechanism on it? Maybe this was the first battle here, and the Feka thought it was optional. I wasn't sure. The pit bulls reformed their lines; archers were no longer a concern for them. The Stalkers looked around, blood on their face and in their teeth. They smiled, letting out victorious howls, riling up the other two troops into a second frenzy.

In response, the Baron jumped onto the tower wall, 30 feet above where the Shadowalkers stood. He let out an earsplitting roar. One of the Stalkers came forward, speaking for the first time, his voice a low growling sound. "Baron Gilbert of Dunbar. Give yourself to us, and we will leave this city in peace. Your life is for the alpha to consume."

The Baron looked down in disgust at the creatures. "I think not, you vile beasts. You come into our settlement and make such demands? Your alpha has not even shown himself here."

The beta werewolf smiled again, his eyes narrowing. "He does not waste his time with petty things like this battle. We have gotten into your city and will finish what we started. Either you come with us alive, or we consume your whole settlement."

"Then you better come and get us!" A horn sounded, the Feka cheering and roaring in the tower's courtyard. They took the same pose as Typh had in the cave- shoulders up, crouching on all fours, ready for battle.

This was it. When the Shadowalkers came up the ramp, I would try and help somehow. Otherwise, I would end up as food for these despicable creatures. I tasted blood in my mouth as I chewed my lip in nervousness. My view from the window was clear, but I would be stuck here if they saw me. There was only one way in, with the only other way through the window. For the Feka, that was doable. But for me, the 20-foot drop was a death sentence.

The Stalkers pointed and yelled, releasing the cannon-fodder hyenas up the ramp. The laughter echoed off the walls, loud and insane. In moments they burst through the opening, diving and lunging onto the warriors stationed in the square. For the most part, the hyenas were no match for the Feka. One or two paw swipes put the canine creatures down. The Feka turned, twisted, and moved, unable to be hit. It was beautiful to watch. Yelps, once again, filled the night air.

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The pit bull creatures blasted through the ramp opening, joining in. The Feka were strong, but being surrounded by this many beasts at once, jaws flashing in every direction, became too much. They fell back a bit and scattered toward the hiding towers.

The pit bulls followed, their eyes wild from battle. Like lightning, the hunters came down from the holes, assassinating roughly twenty pit bulls and ten hyenas. The surprise of losing all those troops shocked the dogs as Dee and her fellow warriors retreated up the tower into holes.

The ten Stalkers made their way to the top of the ramp, ambling along on their two legs, watching the battle unfold. The hyena ranks had been cut in half, the pit bulls scattered, and about a quarter of them killed. They regrouped around their masters, the two sides taking a quick moment to regain their breath. Chests heaved, the sound of panting filling the air.

The Baron stepped forward, full of blood and a massive gouge on his left ear. He had a slight limp. "Do you concede, monster? Your numbers have been cut in half. Leave now and never return."

The beta male stepped forward. "Oh, I think not. That was a cute trick with your little kitties, but that won't work twice. And by my count, it's only fifteen of you against all of us." He looked side to side, howling. The howls were returned, the battle resuming.

The Feka resumed their twirling battle, the fight moving a bit closer to me. Here we go. My heart was racing, the thumps loud in my ears. My palms were sweaty, and keeping hold of the slingshot was hard. I reached into my pocket, grabbing the first pellet. I was a silver one. I loaded up and shot, the familiar lightning taking a pit bull down to the ground. A Feka took advantage, spearing it in the head with his blade.

I grabbed a red pellet, curious about what it would do. A Stalker and a Feka were close by, the Feka losing badly. The Stalker landed a blow to the side of the warrior's head, sending him to the ground and standing over him. I let fly, hitting the monster in the back. Flames engulfed him, licking up the back of its fur. The wolf looked wildly around, fear in its eyes. I dove below the windowsill, afraid it would see me. I stayed that way for a moment, then peeked my head up. The wolf lay there, back charred, with a sword wound through its head. The Feka looked up at me, narrowing his eyes, looking confused. He nodded to me.

A pit bull lept at him, the moment passing and the jaguar returning to the battle. I scanned the action, looking for anyone else needing my help. I saw the Baron surrounded by three Stalkers. They lunged at him, no one making a move. The pit bull troops were still circling, nipping at legs, arms, whatever they could get to, but staying out of the larger creature's way. I took a shot at the Stalker to the left but missed, the pellet skimming off the ground and impacting the far tower wall harmlessly.

I took out another fire pellet, took aim, and shot again. This one hit the creature in the lower arm. It burst into flame as well, the other two looking around wildly. The two remaining Stalkers saw me there, slingshot in hand. "There! It's the human from the woods! Get him!"

Five pit bulls took off toward me, trying to find a way up to where I hid. I heard the Stalkers yelling about retreat but was too preoccupied trying to figure out my next move. I turned from the window, putting my slingshot away and taking out my dagger. I heard the scratching of paws running through the alleyways as they tried to find me. I knew it wouldn't take long for them to find my scent.

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