The White Witch From The North

Chapter 4: Chapter 2

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In the morning the air temperature is very cold. The setting takes place in a house in the slums where Amy's body is frozen.


Typical screaming of an old door sound, screaming for repairs. From behind the door appeared an old man with a sleepy face covered with a messy cloth. His face was still red made it clear that he had just drunk last night.

*YAWNNN*....Oops, ....Damn it, the snow is this thick?”

The man yawned widely before he was startled by the snow that suddenly fell as soon as the door opened.

This morning the snow had stopped, but the aftermath of last night's storm lasted for who knows how long. Snow height is more than half a meter. It also signifies the severity of the storm last night.

“WOIII!!!... USELESS BOY, MARK! WAKE UP AND GET HERE!! GET HERE FAST!!!” The man suddenly shouted angrily at someone who was still sleeping inside.

“...What's the matter, dad...? It's noisy, It's still early, but you're already very noisy, dad. Also, it's still very cold anyway. *YAWNNN*...

He was Mark, the old man's son. Only lifting half of his body, Mark yawned widely, ignoring his father's irritated tone, which always shouted.

“MARK, COME, HURRY UP!! Just don't sleep! Help dad clear the snow in front of the house!”

“...Ehhh, now? It's still cold. I could go, but after the air gets warmer."

This insolent boy, whose name is Mark, who presumably is the son of that man, who is like a betel nut in half, intends to sleep again after laying his body back down to his most comfortable sleeping position. Then Mark pulled the covers over his head. He didn't care about his father's screams.

Seeing that, surely this kind of father and son exchange had become an everyday thing. That's why none of the neighbors protested the commotion that this father-and-son pair always caused. Maybe also for fear of getting the sap if it interferes. After all, everyone in this area already knew that this old man was the most ruthless and ruled this area with his strength. So wise people can only stay silent and avoid getting involved.


A loud sound suddenly sounded from the bedroom door which was forced open until it almost fell off its hinges.


The old man, whose emotions had peaked with his son's attitude, entered his son's room in anger, broke down the door, and forcibly pulled Mark's hand to get up quickly.

"Ouch! Daddy's sick. Don't pull my hand so hard, it hurts so much."

"Then hurry up! Come here!"

"Yes yes. I know. I'm awake now, so let go of my hand! Don't pull it too hard, what if it breaks later? Damn, daddy!! *YAWNNN*...

"Then hurry up and get dressed! Don't babble too much nonsense.”

"Okay, okay. I got it..."

After being forced to get up, Mark lazily walked to his closet, equipped himself with thick clothes, and then stepped out of the room to fight the cold.

Entering the shed next to his house, Mark took a special snow shovel that his father had provided.

And after Mark walked towards the courtyard, a sudden gust of wind blew.


“...Ugh,... very cold.” Mark stopped suddenly, hugged his body, and complained about how cold it was.

"If it so, work with your hands and feet, not your mouth."


So without having to make his father yell at him all the time, Mark resignedly started moving his legs and arms to get rid of the snow.

That's the daily life of the father and son pair who is never absent to make a fuss. Like a bird that replies to each other, the two of them never stop giving up and making noise. Even so, their work was not hampered, their hands and feet moved swiftly together, clearing the streets from piles of snow diligently.

By a few hours later, most of the snow had been removed from around the yard and from the driveway in front of the house.

Until then, when Mark reached the street that was at the very edge of his house, he suddenly stopped moving his hands after seeing something catch his eye.

"Hah?" Mark was taken aback, widening his eyes in panic.

Not out of fear, but Mark was just confused by what he saw. The image that caught his eye depicted the figure of a frozen girl. The girl's face was familiar, but her hair was different from what Mark remembered before. Previously it was black, but now it is off-white.

Judging from her face, the girl showed absolutely no respiratory activity and her pale complexion clearly showed that the girl's life had passed from her body. Certainly, there was no way the girl would survive, considering that almost all of her body was covered in snow overnight. Only a little bit of the top is free of accumulated snow.

Anxious and curious, Mark immediately dug up the pile of snow around the girl. Freeing the girl's heavy burden from the pile of snow.

After that, as expected, it was a girl he knew very well. Not know because of feelings, but only know because they often cross paths.

"DAD!!! Come here quickly...” Mark shouted with all his might.

“What's the nois-...”

"COME HERE, DAD!" Mark quickly chimed in with his annoyed father which pissed him off even more.

But Mark didn't care, he just wanted his father to quickly see what he found.

“...Okay, here I come. Tell me what's wrong, FUCK BOY. DO NOT SCREAM UNCLEARLY. NOISY, YOU KNOW!"

"Here, there is someone who froze."


Mark was still agitated, and confused by this situation, while his father was still irritated at being called suddenly by his son. However, after seeing his son's serious face, and seeing what was in front of him, Mark's father became silent. He didn't expect someone to die near his house. But seeing as death was commonplace in this area, Mark's father wasn't that surprised to see a corpse in front of him. He just didn't expect this situation.

"It's dad, there is this child who froze to death, what should we do?"

In contrast to his father, Mark looked full of anxiety. Naturally, still only 12 years old, and this was the first time for him to see death in person.

And his father who had been involved in various experiences could only snort without regret. Especially after knowing who the corpse was.

“Ah, this kid huh, so she ended up freezing to death. It's good, now no one disturbs my nap anymore, HAHAHA.....”


Contrary to himself, Mark's father looked rather satisfied. Looking down at the little girl's corpse in front of him.


“Uh, huh...?”

His father, seeing his son's agitation, loudly shouted out for him. Only so that Mark could return to his senses.

"Don't worry, this is commonplace here. Do not think about it. Also immediately throw this garbage in its place, it's disgusting if the smell settles in our house."


“Hurry up!!!”


"When you're done, get back to work!"

Without giving a complaint, Mark quickly got to work. Transferring corpses to carts and driving them to dumps at the other end of town. Then when finished, he returned to his house to work as usual without any burden on his mind.

On the other hand, Mark's father, who saw his son going to do the cleaning, didn't care and went back to his job of cleaning the snow.

With just a slight mutter, he picked up a monologue of his own.

“Speaking of a happy ending, ……What is that face, ……smiling as if she was happy. What an idiot……As if dying is a happy thing……Geez, those two are the same.” This man rambled on in monologue while his son went to take out the trash himself.


“Amy,...! how much longer do you need to sleep Come on, breakfast is ready."

“....Uhmmm, a little more mom...”


Then suddenly a blinding light came to fill the room after the curtain is open.


"Then hurry up. Come on, mom wait downstairs."

It was a great morning. In a house that looks simple but comfortable, live a pair of mother and daughter who live happily.



Descending slowly, rubbing her eyes as she yawned, Amy headed for the dining room.

"Don't forget to wash your face and brush your teeth."

"Yesss~...." With a sleepy face, Amy lazily headed to the sink to wash her face and brush her teeth. After that Amy went to her dining room, to sit down and have breakfast with her mother.

It was a normal morning for Amy and her mother.

“Mom today will go again. I'm sorry Amy, I can't spend more time with you.”

In between their peaceful breakfast, the mother suddenly made another heavy statement to Amy.

“...Is that so? Uhm, it's okay, Amy can do it myself. But, tonight, promise. Mother will tell Amy another story before going to bed!”

Even though her heart was complaining, Amy still pretended to be tough, allowing herself to look strong so as not to worry her mother.

"Then that's fine. Be a good kid and don't leave the house, okay? It's dangerous outside, remember!"

"It's fine, mom. Mom worries too much.”

"Okay, good to hear. Then mom will go now, bye...”

Finishing her breakfast first, her mother went to prepare herself, leaving Amy who still hadn't finished eating her breakfast.

“Amy, mom is leaving now. See you tonight."

Before leaving, her mother did not forget to kiss Amy's forehead with her soft lips, as a goodbye.

“...Uhm, Amy will be waiting. Goodbye."

With that, the conversation ended. Amy quickly finished her bread, while watching her mother's back walking towards the door.

"Be safe at home, okay? Mom goes first." Before closing the door, her mother once again took parting words.

“...Uhm, Amy can do it myself. Amy is not lonely.”

Drinking down the last drop of milk, Amy kept her restless feelings to herself.

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Her mother had left, leaving Amy. Even though Amy was stricken with feelings of loneliness, there was no point in continuing to think about it. Better for Amy now is to read a book to pass the time while waiting for her mother's return. Because Amy is a smart child, and she has been in the habit of reading since she was 4 years old, now Amy can read, although she is still not good at it.

Getting up from her chair, Amy went back to her room which was on the second floor.

Immediately, Amy headed for her favorite bookshelf and took some books she wanted to read.

The books were her mother's handwriting and were intended as reading practice for her daughter. But still, the books were masterpieces according to Amy herself.

“...Uhm, we go.”

Finding what she was looking for, without hesitation Amy took a book entitled 'The Princess and the Dancing Bird'. It was a book he had not finished reading.

Climbing up on her bed, Amy took a comfortable reading position while lying down.

“CHAPTER 3: The-Ma-gi-cal-Bird.”

So Amy started reading the book. She started from the third chapter of the book, having continued the last chapter she had read earlier.

And slowly but on point, Amy was able to read it and understand its contents.

It was a tale of a third princess of the Melforee Kingdom, who was unfortunately born blind. That's why she was so estranged from her family and considered a taint to the good name of her kingdom. But her mother, who still has a heart, defends her daughter and proposes that she should at least be given a place to live even on the border. That's how it started when the princess had to live alone in a remote village. Just accompanied by only one personal maid.

But one day, because her hearing was sharper than anyone's, the princess caught the sound of anxiety from a bird that was injured beside her bedroom window. Armed only with compassion in her heart, the princess ventured out alone when she had no sight. Incidentally, this is a fairy tale with the theme of the world of fantasy and magic, so as a descendant of the royal family, who is definitely of the highest magical blood, the princess also has a talent for magic in her. That was why she had at least learned basic healing magic from her maid. Though she also had difficulty learning it since without eyesight, she would have difficulty creating magical images in her mind.

Such was the difficulty of the princess in studying magic. Although she hated herself for being born without sight, she did not hate her family or the world that gave birth to her. That's why the princess still has a conscience to help something within her reach.

“...U-sing-her-ma-gic, the-prin-cess-was-fi-nal-ly-a-ble-to-he-al-the-bird's-feet. The-bird-al-so-tha-n-ked-the-prin-cess, and-ga-ve-a-mi-ra-cle-to-the-prin-cess-ins-te-ad...... And-that-was-some-thing-that-was un-ex-pec-ted-e-ven-by-the-prin-cess-her-self.”

Time passed, and Amy, who was already immersed in her activities, didn't know how long she had been reading. So happy, she even forgot the feeling of loneliness he previously felt.

And when Amy has reached the end of the chapter. She realized that the sun had passed its highest point, indicating that lunchtime had also passed.

Her stomach which had been neglected earlier also started showing its complaints.

But what is at the center of his anxiety is the fact that she is still alone, without his mother.

*YAWNNN*. For now, I am hungry. Let's get the food that mom prepared."

Before getting out of bed, Amy took the time to look out the window. Amy can see a city with a clear, slightly cloudy sky.

The city seemed alive with many people passing through the streets. Including the street in front of Amy's yard.

But then something seemed to interrupt the scene. Suddenly through the sky, coming from the west, black shadows appeared that covered the sky. It was not a dark cloud, nor were the seagulls flying in flocks. But it was a swarm of something that looked terrible. And the longer time goes by, the shadow also looks bigger.

Big body, wide wings, and a long tail. Hairless, and covered in scales, it could only tell one thing.

“I-It's a Wyvern...!!!” Someone who had noticed the shadows suddenly shouted a warning.

“What, Wyverns? Why is there a horde of Wyverns in the city? What is the guard doing!?”

“That's bad, the Wyvern is heading this way. RUNNN!!!!”

“Please, save me!!!”



It was a terrifying sight, suddenly the Wyvern swarm took a sharp turn and attacked the townspeople and devoured them, like eating food that had been served on a plate. With bodies that were five times the size of an adult human, the Wyverns easily shoved people into their mouths.

“...W-what, W-what is that.”

Amy, who was staring out through the second-floor window, was stunned and panicked by the sudden turn of events.

The sight was so horrifying to Amy. Amy could only stand still, with her legs trembling with fear.


But the screech of one of the Wyverns that echoed loudly through the air brought her back to his senses. The wyvern looked at Amy who was standing at the window, targeting her as its next prey.

Realizing this, Amy, who was already frightened, was even more frightened. Her face was pale and her legs sluggish. With all her might, Amy tried to stay away from the window.

But then,...


...suddenly, the wall of the second-story house, was shattered and perforated by an impact.



Suddenly, emerging from the dust was the Wyvern that had been targeting Amy before. Staring at Amy as its prey.

Amy could only stay silent helplessly, her tears were already flowing, crying for help.

'...No!!! I don't want to die...Mom, me.’

Amy only hopes for one thing. Even though she knew it was impossible, she still hoped that her mother would come to help.

And then in response to her request.


A crashing sound came from the shattered glass of the window, and then like mist appearing, the room was suddenly enveloped in white smoke.

A few moments later came from there a voice that Amy had hoped so much.

“...Amy! Are you okay?"

She was a white-haired woman that Amy had missed so much.


“That's right, this is mom. Are you okay, Amy?"

Seeing her mother, Amy got off the floor, rushed to her mother, hugged her, and cried into her chest.

“Mom!!!! Scared..... Amy, Amy scared,... Mom!!!”

“Calm down, calm down,... Calm down, Amy! Mom has come. Mom is also happy that Amy is okay. I'm sorry, mom came late."

*Sniffle*....*Sniffle*.... I-it's okay, mother has come. So Amy is happy.”

Being in her mother's arms, Amy's mind relaxed again. The fear gradually disappeared and the anxiety she had just been feeling disappeared unthinkably.

Amy felt a sense of security again.

Then as her mind calmed down, the previous puff of white smoke also started to dissipate, and Amy who was facing back, her eyes once again stared at the terrifying scene that was now immortalized.

“M-mom... Th-that...”

Amy tried to ask her mother about the sight she had just seen.

It was the Wyvern before, but now in a frozen state.

But without bothering to tell her daughter, the mother just gave her daughter a warning.

“Listen, Amy! Now go to the basement that mom ever showed you at the time. There, mom believes Amy will be safe. Forget what Amy saw for now okay… Mom will be outside protecting our house.”

“...Eh,... B-but mom, how about mom...?”

“…Mom will be fine. Mom was strong, so Amy just goes first, okay.”

But it seemed to be too late when another scream came their way.


It was three Wyverns at once that came after all the dishes available on the city streets had disappeared without a trace. By now the three Wyverns had broken through the wall and were targeting Amy and her mother.

"Unlucky! There is no more time. Sorry, Amy, we have to get out of here soon.”

With such a rapid succession of events, Amy already found herself being carried by her mother to a hidden chamber in her basement.

It was a simple room consisting of a bed set, a table and chairs, and a small cupboard.

The oil lamp had been turned on for lighting.

Closing the door tightly, Amy sat up on the bed.

“M-mom, what the hell is going on!? Suddenly there was a terrible creature that came and attacked the townspeople. Amy was scared to see it.” Amy panicked to ask her mother.

“Listen, Amy, this must be terrible for you. Mom knew Amy would be scared. But it's okay, just forget about what Amy just saw, okay?”

Then gently and lovingly, her mother hugged Amy again who was still shedding tears of fear. Letting her daughter's mind return to calm to relieve the tension she just felt.

“Amy, this is the last message from mom. Listen carefully okay? From now on your life will be difficult. Mom did not know what would be waiting for Amy in front of you. But mom believes Amy can get through it. So... so... mommy begged Amy. Promise to survive and don't give up on what Amy will face. Keep fighting for the future. Even though the road is hard, keep trying to be tough, Amy.”

“W-what did mom say…suddenly?”

Amy couldn't understand what her mother's sudden whisper meant. She just shook her head questioningly.

But before getting the answer, Amy felt that she was suddenly attacked by very heavy sleepiness. Her hazy mind couldn't go against her body's will anymore.

Amy didn't know what happened to her body. But with what little consciousness he had left, he faintly heard what his mother had said one last time.

“I'm sorry mom, Amy. To once again leave you. But, just for the last time, let me say this. 'Mom loves you, Amy. Amy is my best daughter, irreplaceable and most precious to mother'. So keep on living for mom, Amy. Sorry if mom can no longer be beside you. But don't worry, mom will always be with you, take care of you, and watch over you from the bottom of your heart, Amy. Goodbye, sleep comfortably here, okay.”


Amy could no longer fight her sleepiness, she could only groan softly to call her mother one more time before her sleep completely devoured her mind.

“…I'm so sorry, Amy.”





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