the winter guardian and the woman of fire

Chapter 4: chapter 4

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"It's my pleasure to meet you -" before I could finish my sentence I was pushed aside by a blond haired man.

"Livia! There you are, I've been looking all over for you" this man pushed me aside no regards to who i am and starts talking rudely to my goddess as he pleases! How dare he!.

" Excuse me but who are you to push me rudely as I was in the middle of talking to the lovely lady!" my words spilled out of my mouth a second too late for my mind to catch up. The blond hair this man has is a symbol of royalty!.

" Who am I to ask?" I never would have thought that there would be such an ignorant person in the capital that does not know my face. I'm the crown prince of this empire, your future king, Icarus!" I might have messed up big time. I got on the bad side of royalty on the first day I came to the capital. What grim turns my trip has taken.

"seeming as you have no more words to speak out of your filthy mouth i will be taking lady Livia for she and i have something more important than to indulge in your worthless chatter"

Before I could say anything the prince grabbed Livia's hand and stormed out the ballroom , flowing behind Icarus was a swarm of black particles that gave off a malicious intent. 'That can't be right, why does the crown prince give off the stench of black magic?!? I must get Lady Livia away from him!'.

I pushed through the door and followed the trail of the particles left in their steps, as I continued to follow the trail twisting and turning through an immense amount of hallways. I finally caught up to them in an empty hallway , and it seemed as if the prince was yelling at Livia for something.

" why didn't you accept the marriage offer from my mother Livia!! Am I not good enough for you? I'm the crown prince of this empire, the future king. What more do you want?!"

"I just think there should be better candidates than me, your highness.'' I was stunned after listening to their conversation. ' what's going on with those black particles why are they growing bigger , also did he just say marriage offer? That scum wants to marry her?! Not on my watch'

"I think you should stop there, the lady clearly seems to be uncomfortable with your highness" as I walk towards the two revealing myself from my hiding spot , the prince's eyes glared holes into me as he watched me get closer, the particles kept growing to a dangerous level i need to get myself and Livia out of here.

"To think you were not just ignorant but also shameless how dare you eavesdrop on the conversion of royalty!!" He stood in front of Livia almost like he was keeping her out of my reach , and maybe he would have succeeded if he wasn't facing a mage

"What?!" As I teleported behind the prince I grabbed Livia's hand , I started gathering my mana immediately to teleport again.

"I hope you like flowers my lady.'' as i fixed the coordinates for the teleportation magic. I felt the coroner of my lips lift upwards , as I locked eyes with the prince whose eyes were filled with the intent to kill. The black particles behind him now took a crystal. Its color was the darkest shade of black I have ever seen. ' This isn't good, that's black magic!'

"This is a royal order unhand h-" before the prince could finish his command, or use his black magic. i activated the teleportation magic, whisking us away.

"Wow , it's beautiful" the coordinates turned out to work as it landed us in a rose garden far from the palace , and devoid of life.

"I'm sorry for rushing you out of there without checking with you but it seemed like you were in a tight spot." I turned around and faced Livia as I apologized since it is quite mean to teleport someone without their consent , even if there was an emergency.

"Pffft!" As I looked up I saw the red haired goddess laugh with a smile so bright it washed away my worries of the threat of black magic.

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"My lady?" as my gaze of confusion landed on Livia , she hurriedly spoke.

"Oh I'm sorry it's just when you were facing the prince you had the face of someone who went through hell itself , but seeing you now you're just a nervous wreck , that isn't an insult by the way I just find the difference between the two lovely" she two was a nervous wreck it seems , though for a different reason.

"Lovely? That's the first time someone used those words to describe me, usually in Hellion i would be describe as monster or the genius mage of the century" 'it's the first time a woman called me lovely, all the women at the Hellion palace would only show respect for me and would try to get close to me after i had became a mage , so this is a new feeling' .

"Speaking of monster lady Fiona, would you be so kind as to tell me stories of Hellion? I'm sorry if this may come off as rude but I'm extremely curious about what it's like in the north." grabbing my hands,Livia snapped me out of thoughts asking for stories of Hellion.

"If you would like to listen I'll gladly tell you all you would like, let's find somewhere to sit down" . Of course I would comply when such a beautiful girl asks for something, though I should keep the graphic ones to myself.


As Fiona and Livia were enjoying themselves talking as they pleased in another part of the palace two men were trying their best to look for Fiona to no avail , though one of them seemed to be enjoying the chaos.


"Fiona!!" After talking with Livia for over an hour , I heard the voice of Seigren in the distance.

"Fiona what were you doing this entire time me and Abel searched the entire palace for you!" before i could say anything to Seigren bombardment of words Abel cut in.

¨just so were clear here he was searching for i gave up after 10 minutes since i know nothing would be able to hurt you.¨ I thought he was going to help me, turns out he was just being sarcastic as always though it's nice to know that he acknowledges my strength.

¨thanks for that Abel , and Seigren i'm fine i was having a lovely conversion with lady Livia and it seems i didn't notice the passing of time¨ since Abel wasn't going to help me i made the best excuse i could on the spot, hoping Seigren will buy it since if he ever hears about what happened with the crown prince , he will definitely do something stupid and Abel will probably help out too.

¨your highness it's a pleasure to meet you my name is Livia Priscilla , also its true that me and lady Fiona where having a nice chat so don't worry you highness nothing worthy of note happened¨ as soon as Livia backed up my excuse Seigren visibly calmed down.

¨that's great to hear at least you behaved yourself Fiona compared to Seigren here who went around causing chaos everywhere he went searching for you and since said chaos has been caused we will be going home so lady Livia i wish you good day¨ before anyone could say a thing Abel cut in and grabbed my hand pulling me towards him.

¨oh before you go lady Fiona will you do me the honors of joining me for my tea party tomorrow?¨ as i turned around to leave i heard Livia offer for a tea party ,that's something i can't say not to.

¨ Of course i'll attend no matter the cost i'll be there tomorrow!!¨ as we were getting further and further away from Livia i had to shout my answer to her invitation , though don't know if she heard me or not she was smiling so i hope she did hear me. 'But a tea party with Livia, that's the best thing I could ask for, it's going to be great!'


It's going horribly wrong. I want to go home. I'm sitting down right next to Livia, she's so close i can touch her, ' oh my god shes so close , oh lord her thighs touching me is this heaven. Wait, do i smell okay?!, Does this dress look weird?! ,Can she feel my sweat Oh god I'm so nervous! What do I do!?!'

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