the wolf skeletons

Chapter 2: 2

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chapter 2

The streets were quiet and empty as the young man exited his building onto Zemeni’s main street. Despite it being barely past midnight, the city was mostly sleeping - no doubt because of the heavy rain earlier in the evening which left most people huddling inside for warmth - as he walked towards one of his favorite watering holes within his territory: Kafeiya. Normally, he never drank in such a public place, but tonight it was his turn. It wouldn’t do to be caught drinking during missions anyway, right? And besides, he hadn’t had the opportunity yet to relax for the day and it would be too risky to drink in a place like this with everyone around. The last thing he wanted was to be recognized by someone from the Zemeni Army.
When he arrived at Kafeiya, however, there were already several people crowded around a table near one corner. As the man approached, he noticed two familiar faces standing in front of the table - an older man in a business suit holding a glass of wine and an unfamiliar woman wearing dark pants, tight top, high heels and a pair of earrings that glittered softly in the artificial light streaming from overhead. He didn’t recognize the taller man at first until he pointed at the short blond standing beside the woman, “That’s her! I thought it was strange how she went straight home, instead of staying with us tonight - isn’t that weird?”
“Well, maybe she just doesn’t want us all to know about the baby.” Another person chimed in - an older man sporting a beard and wearing a dark green sweater, a large grin on his face.
“Don’t be ridiculous; I’m pretty sure her father knows already,” he argued, “Besides, they’re married! What is she doing seeing other guys?!”
At the mention of her father, the woman beside the old man stiffened up for a moment and her expression became unreadable; she kept staring off into space, lost in thought for a while before finally speaking. “So, uh… did you finish reading your book?”
The older man blinked twice before replying. “Huh? Oh, yes, actually!” he said as his voice trailed off uncertainly. “And I mean, if that’s what you want to talk about...” He looked sideways at the girl standing next to him nervously, seemingly hoping that the conversation would move on from this topic, but his partner simply remained silent.
“I think… I should go,” he mumbled under his breath, before grabbing his wine bottle and walking briskly out of the room. A minute later, there were footsteps echoing against the stairs and a few seconds later the sounds subsided completely, indicating that the girl was no longer following him.

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Once he was alone, the bearded man sighed deeply and set his bottle down on the table. He glanced around before whispering, “Sorry, kid… you better come back soon. It won’t be safe for you to hang around here any longer.”
His eyes widened and he stood up. “Wait, what? Why? Why did you just say that? What do you mean? Who are you?!”
The bearded man ignored the questions and shook his head, smiling. “Don’t worry; it’ll all be okay... I hope.”
He turned away and walked out of the bar; the bartender gave him a quick nod and motioned towards the kitchen before returning to wiping down the counter top. After a couple of seconds he heard his colleague call out, “Hey, wait, boss, we’ve gotta keep the drinks coming. You can’t run off now!”
“I won’t,” came the response and a moment later the door was closed behind his employer.
He sat back down on the chair and waited quietly for the bartender to return with some fresh glasses of liquor, his hands tightly gripping the edge of the wooden table. This whole situation had started so horribly and had been going on for nearly a month now; it had begun almost two years ago, when a certain woman had suddenly appeared in the city carrying three infants in her arms. There was no explanation for why she had taken those children away, and none of the local authorities were willing to share information regarding where she might have gone either; nobody really seemed keen on helping her either, as there seemed to be a general consensus among the people in Zemeni as to whether or not she deserved help. Everyone was convinced that she must have done something bad to end up living like this, and they didn’t seem very happy at all about it, but nobody was willing to say more than that in fear of offending her. All anybody really knew was that she lived in an old building in a remote section of the city that housed many different types of illegal businesses that were often frequented by criminals. Nobody knew who she was or what exactly she did there. Her appearance had caused many to speculate wildly about her whereabouts, but nobody dared to approach her and, consequently, she herself did not make any attempts to interact with anyone else either; she preferred her own company and spent most of her time working alone. Eventually, curiosity got the better of people and they eventually learned that the woman worked for the government, which only served to further fuel rumors about her; they speculated that she was perhaps a spy sent to infiltrate the organization to find out how their criminal activities were running smoothly.
This particular rumor was the most prevalent of all - especially amongst young male recruits; it was whispered by some in the hopes that they would gain access to the organization to get more information on the mysterious figure and thus earn a place in their ranks. To these men, she seemed to be a mysterious presence; one that haunted the shadows whenever possible. She never spoke and always left as quickly as possible whenever one of their superiors would speak to her, leaving behind a lingering feeling of disappointment wherever she went. Although most of the rumors surrounding her ended abruptly with the discovery that she was actually one of their own soldiers, many still persisted in their belief that she was somehow involved with the group. However, the majority of them were merely theories at this point - nobody was willing to go and ask her directly. Not only was it dangerous to do so due to the unknown nature of her connection with the organization, but also considering that many of her closest friends and associates had already died by her hand. If anyone found out that she was even close to knowing something.

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