The World I Wished For

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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He’s been jogging for awhile now and he’s encountered many goblins most were alone but he found a few in groups of two and three. The ones by themselves weren't worth mentioning just one mana arrow to the head and the fight was over.


The others were a bit more difficult but not by much as long as they didn't get close they were helpless against him and even if they did manage to just enhancing himself with stamina was enough to deal with them he didn't even have to use mana strike.


As he turned a corner he was surprised to see that it was in pure darkness he quickly cast mana light and took a closer look. He saw the the place where the stones were socketed it had scratches all around it like something went at it with a knife


“The goblins?” That was the only thing that came to mind but why would they collect glowing stones? ‘Well let's find out.’ He got going. It was far scarier with only the glow of his mana light but his meditation also dealt with fear so he was fine.


As he jogged down the corridors he noticed that they started getting wider and wider and less streamlined. Eventually it looked like he was in more of a cave rather than a man made corridor and the sockets for the glowing stones were completely gone at this point.


And as he went through this cave he started seeing slimes again and in groups this time. They didn't seem to be friends though it was a constant brawl where the bigger ate the smaller. Each one they consumed the bigger they got

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One of them was particularly big. ‘I wonder what level it is.’ As soon as he had that thought his eyes widened and he facepalmed. ‘Analyze, identify, appraisal whatever you want to call it, it's the most basic of the basics. How the hell did I forget!?’


He shook his head at his stupidity then got a safer distance from the slimes. They weren't much of a threat to him but he knew better than to be arrogant. If he got into the mindset of looking down on monsters it would definitely get him killed.


Once he was a good distance away he sat down and started closely looking at his dagger and analyzed it. Every spot of rust, every chip in the blade, the leather wrap that was falling apart. After looking at the dagger for 10 minutes he hard the sound he was waiting for

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