The world of Sustelas

Chapter 1: The Continents

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Ah, Sustelas. Literally, the land "beneath the starsWe use Elefen for some words coming from old common" in old common, the name originating to distinguish it from the other-realms like the Fae's realm or the Demon's realm, where there are no stars. Some say that there might exist other-worlds which also bask beneath the stars, which would make the name for our world seem silly, like if we called it "the land where there's ground", or "the land where it sometimes rains".

Anyone outside of the shadow of Pandemosthe lands formerly under control of the Pandemos Empire, which have a common cultural root might point out that the name is due to the people of the Pandemos Empire being obsessed with stars, and they would not be wrong! Lustelsmall continent or large island where the Pandemos empire started itself is also called after them. Still, they too have adopted that name for our world, for the most part.

Now, open up your atlas to the world map. Today we're reviewing the continents—which you should all be familiar with!—to make sure we're all on the same page.

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