The Y-Files [GL]

Chapter 149: Vol. 3 Chapter 147: Blossoming yuri is more important than proof for the Y-file

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Without intending it, we were almost an hour late, so Anna and I set out to help the backstage crew as much as possible to get everything back on track. Magda and Lena were leading the crew, and they were dishing out orders and talking things over with Anna’s crew.  I had my questions about some of the stuff they were letting us do, but Magda just said, “These are Ms. Stick’s orders, so if you want to take it up with her be my guest.” Well, since we were late, Ms. Stick wasn’t in the best of moods and I did not want to release more of her ire on me, so I decided to just do what the girls said. I’m sure they knew what they were doing, and the professional crew Anna hired, was acting like it was all going as planned. So, I was probably just worrying about nothing.   

While we were working the hall slowly started to fill with mostly other students and parents. They were early since it was still more than an hour until the play. I noticed that the stage crew had even built a lodge for the Queen. Anna sure pulled out all the stops to leave a good impression on Trixy... I felt a flicker of jealousy come up again, luckily I knew rationally that she had done that to help Elodie and Gazette.

Gazette had sent us a message that the hall was completely sold out, the joint effort in the school this year was amazing really. Other years, people had to be happy if a few classmates and a couple of parents made the effort to show up on a Saturday to watch the festival.

A lot would depend on our performance today. It was crazy that the marriage of my friends would depend on what the queen thought about our performance at the school play.

After she tried to steal Anna from me, I was afraid that she would try to get back at me and take it out on our friends, but Anna told me that Trixy would never do something like that. Trixy did help us make up afterward so I would have to take Anna’s word for it. But still… If it wasn’t for her, we would not have had to make up. I did not like to have to depend on someone that tried to steal my girlfriend away. Who knows what she might try next?

After setting up some very strange stuff and asking a few more questions about why we were doing that exactly, Lena took me with her to have a word with me in private in a separate room. At first, I thought she was angry with me for questioning her, and wanted to scold me out of the public’s eyes, but instead, she explained that we were doing things to accommodate Valerie’s confession and that I should stop making it look like we were doing something weird, so Mia wouldn’t catch on.

The door of the room flew right open, with an excited Anna coming in. “Why weren’t we told sooner? This is the climax of one of our most precious Y-files, and they were trying to keep it secret from us.”

Of course, Anna was talking like “we” had been told, when in fact just I had been told, and she was completely ignoring the fact that she had been listening in at the door again. After that Lena, taken by Anna’s dramatic sense of urgency, explained Valerie’s plans to the both of us, Anna said

 “Claire, we have to hurry. We haven’t got any time to waste.”

In a hurried step, we made our way to the FBY office. “This is a disaster,” Anna was talking nervously. Her sense of urgency was clear. Anyone could sense that whatever she was doing was important to her and had to happen right now. While rummaging in a cabinet she said “However  are we going to set up a 360° camera angle this late in the game?”

“Wait that is your emergency?” I asked a bit baffled. “You are mixing your priorities, Anna.”

“But we need those images for our Y-file.” She answered in a way that clearly said, “You should know this, I expected you to be on one line with me by now.”

“Forget about proof or the Y-file. We got a bigger fish to fry if we want this confession to succeed. Blossoming yuri is more important than proof for the bloody Y-file.”

“What do you mean?” Anna asked a bit shocked at my fierceness.

I sighed. “You were there Anna. What Valerie is planning would disturb the top-bottom dynamic those two have going on. Valerie is trying to become the top because she is stubborn, whereas, in reality, those two are a switch with Mia ending up being the top, most of the time.”

“Oh my God, you are right, how could I have missed such a basic thing. I can’t believe it. But what do we do now? That fan club of Valerie has already put everything into place.”

"I know, Anna, but there is always a way. Don’t you remember all the stuff you thought of me? These are the basics!”  Anna looked at me like she did not know what I was talking about. I finally got her to follow my rhythm. I had trouble not letting the excitement of that fact show on my face.

“I have a plan, but you will have to execute it since they will be doing my make-up during the play. It’s all about perception. We are going to change the perception of everyone of what is happening on stage right in front of them.”

“Tell me more about it.”

As I started explaining my plan to Anna, her eyes grew bigger and bigger the more I continued.

“Y-you are marvelous. You came up with that on the spot?” Anna said with sparkles in her eyes.

“So, you’ll do it?”

“Of course, how could I refuse an order from the yuri Jeanne D’Arc?” I could hear the tease in her voice when she called me that. Then she kissed me and said, “You really are amazing you know that.” She had that determined look on her face. This was the professional Anna that got things done, but also the incredibly troublesome Casanova Anna, that I could not control and had a hard time refusing.

Her praise made me a little shy, and she instantly took the opening I left her to pin me on the desk behind me and kiss me again. I felt my legs go weak, and the will to any resistance I could have offered quickly left me.

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“We will finish this tonight.” She whispered in my ear, before releasing me and walking out of the room in a determined step, leaving me a bit dazed.

When I got myself back together, I realized Anna had dropped her plan to film everything because of my scheme, so I would try to make it up to her and ask Gazette to provide us with proof of our work. In a hurry, I made my way back to the gym hall, so I could tell Gazette about what was happening. I noticed in the meantime, that the place was starting to get really packed and I could recognize a lot of people in the crowd.

On the front row, I noticed mom and aunt Bernie, who were having a chat with Polly and Vera. A little further sat Cas Ting who was talking with Maxima, and next to Maxima, Kath was talking excitedly with Ms. Odes. She looked so enthusiastic that I thought that was out of character for her. But then, my penny dropped. I could bet with 99,7% certainty they were talking about BL. Kath really was another person when she was talking to Ms. Odes. I never thought she could act so… well, cute. I would always have thought she was a hard top. It seems like there is more to Cath Odes than meets the eye if you watch her dynamic with Kath. Maybe we should consider opening a Y-file for those two. I looked up to the lodge and noticed the queen with an attendant standing behind her, sipping on a cup of tea. She really knew her clichés, didn’t she? When our eyes met, I quickly looked the other way. I had not yet forgiven her for trying to steal my Anna!

While I was walking toward the backstage area, I suddenly noticed a little red blob making its way to me and jumping on me in a hug. “Auntie Claire! I can’t wait to see you as an idol” I hugged Emma back and said, after the play, it’s my turn. You first get to see your aunt Mia perform.

“Yes, after I heard she was performing too, I decided to come too,” Elizabeth said. I hadn’t seen her walk up to me since I was so occupied with my adorable godchild. “I think it is good for Emma to see her mom and dad visit somewhere she wants to go together. Even if we don’t always see eye to eye” Elizabeth said giving a nod to Frank who sat on a chair together with Sam, who was clearly looking a bit pissed off at Elizabeth. I couldn’t help but cringe at Frank’s inability to avoid these situations... Bringing your ex on a first date bro? Really?

Elizabeth noticed my worried look and said, “She’ll get over her jealousy once she realizes that after Frank, I have absolutely no more interest in men.”

“I understand you are here for Emma, but did you really have to crash their first date?”

“Oh, is it their first? That means I might still have a chance. It’s Frank we are talking about, so she most likely swings the other way but just does not realize it yet. I got such a rush when she got angry at me last week. I have been thinking about her for days.”

I hated the fact that she was talking about my brother like that. Even though it had been proven that he liked girls that liked other girls, that did not mean she should just trample over him like that.

“Please don’t. Promise me, you will let them be.” Elizabeth gave me a colder look and answered “I will do no such thing. She is way too cute for that. Everything is fair in love and war.” After that, she made her way back with Emma to their seats next to Sam and Frank. I noticed Sam was sitting next to Elizabeth, clearly to keep her away from Frank. Poor girl, she did not yet realize it was she herself that Elizabeth was after.

Frank, I hope for once you’ll be lucky and not be completely dense about it. I wanted to go up to him and tell him what was happening but suddenly I noticed an Angry Thea next to me, who dragged me backstage.

“Where have you been? The play is about to start. We need to start on you right now!”

Before I knew what was happening to me, I was standing in my underwear while a few girls were powdering my face and measuring clothes up to me.

“That is quite the sexy set of lingerie you are wearing. Very daring on a day like today.” Thea remarked.

“Anna picks out all Claire’s lingerie in the store ever since she embarrassed herself with cheap teddy bear lingerie,” Therese said and all the girls in the room started giggling. With all the gossip of yesterday, they knew way too much. I felt the blush rise to my cheeks.

“That is nothing to be embarrassed about. Narcy even picks all my outfits these days.” Then she looked around to see if anyone was near and whispered, “She does not even always allow me to wear underwear.” And gave me a little wink. “Maybe the two of us should exchange stories too sometime.”

Thea clearly misunderstood and thought I had the same type of relationship as her. Part of me wanted to know more about it, but another really didn’t. The things that I had found out about that sort of relationship online were really troubling.

In the meantime, I could hear the play had started, the crowd seemed to be really enthusiastic if the decibels produced by the applause and reactions were anything to go by. The actresses came in from time to time for little touch-ups on their make-up.

When the five of us were finally ready, we went to Gazette for a picture. I noticed in the mirrors how wild I looked. Thea really outdid herself. I would say that with the golden chainmail dress, I looked more like an anime version of a Greek goddess than those heroic wholesome paintings of the real Jeanne D’Arc, and the other four girls really looked like a unit. One by one, they really looked dazzling in their own way. But the one who stood out most was their center, Elsa. She was really shining brightly and looked proud. Elsa really was chasing her dreams, and I could see she was nervous, but at the same time, she was really determined to perform as well as she could.

Maura was helping Gazette out since Elodie was on stage now. Finally, there was an opening for me to notify Gazette. I took her by the arm and quickly whispered our plans in her ear. Her eyes turned big in an instant. “We haven’t got time to lose!” she said a bit too loud. She noticed what she had done when Mia looked our way and continued like nothing was wrong by saying. “Pose together, the five of you know the drill by now! The play is almost over. No time to lose!”

Nice save Gazette. After the shoot, she took Maura with her and disappeared. I was pretty sure everything would work out just fine if Gazette was on the case. Anna would have her quality video of the 3D yuri.

While we were waiting on the side of the stage for our turn, during the final scene of the play, I knew this was it. This was the moment when all our plans would come together. The climax of the Valerie and Mia case. Would or wouldn’t the yuri seed blossom? We were about to find out.

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