The Yandere Kingdom.

Chapter 3: Princess Lost.

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It took longer than I thought to find the location that was coming to the screams.

The screams came from a frightened girl who was being attacked by a medium-sized monster, which made more sense than in the previous case.


The cat girl managed to kill him, so I didn't have to intervene.

Her fighting style has evolved a lot, when we get back, I'll do something for her with the stones left over from the house, they seem quite resilient.

“Thank you.” Said the frightened girl.

“What are you doing here?” The cat girl asked.

“My father sent me to this location, *SOB*.” Replied the girl while crying.


“I don't know for sure, from what I understand, *SOB* my father doesn't want a daughter without talent.”

“He threw you in here like crap, is that what you're saying?” The cat girl asked.

“Yes, but it wasn't meant to have so many monsters, this was a dry land, it


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“What did you say?”


“Ý̯̥͙͔̦̯̟͇̱̬̌͋̃̚ͅͅö͉͙̠͎̮͔͚͍̩̳͕̬́̑͛̿̃́̊̽̀û̥͓̗͕͇͙͖̖̜͋̊͌̈̀̈̽̓ ċ̬̱̟̫̗̅̿̄̎̈́͌̐r͕͖̭̝̬̲̞̓̓̈̈́̽͒̇̂ẽ̗͎̭͉̘̜͕͍͇̄̋͋̐̓a̜̳͙̫̦͔̓̾͑̌̆͆̊͗͐̄̀̏t̖̟̱̲̍̂̏͊͐͆̅̇ͅé̗̩̫͕̗̯̥̟̩͂͒̊̇́͂̂̐͛̚d͉̘̖̫̘̘̟͈̔́̄͂̈́͒͋̇ t̙̟̮̝̱̩̬͔̱̎̓̌͑̑h̟̣̯̘̳͖̮̳̩̾̔͛͌ͅa̰͎̬̱̜͔̩̦̳̬̠͐̾̇̾͗̑͒̀̂̒̐t̬͎̙̮̙̟͈̟̥̙̙̪̓̊̒̃̃͌.”


“Oh yes.”

I'd better leave it as it is, that's one more thing I'm going to have to figure out in time.

“Did your father send you to die?” The cat girl asked.


I poked her to stop touching that.

We won't be able to understand anything with her crying.

“My father abandoned me for being weak, if I wasn't weak, he wouldn't have thrown me here on this land where prisoners are being sent.”

“What?” I screamed in amazed.

“Didn't you know? This is where the worst criminals in the kingdom are sent.”

Every day that goes by, I wonder why I haven't moved out of here yet, this is a dump, everyone's sent here to die.

“Master, do you want to avenge this king for throwing garbage at your house?”

“Please don't call it to trash like that.”

“If he continues, we have no other choice.”

“Please don't and why the king?”

“Because he's the one who lets that happen.”

“Don't take my father, please!” The girl screamed.

You are reading story The Yandere Kingdom. at

Her father's the king? This is getting more and more complicated.

“Why not, he throws things in my master's house.”

“That was a dry land until he arrived.”

“We've been here almost a year, if your king is incompetent to the point of not noting such a change, I'm sorry, but he deserves to die.”

“That's because he's busy with invoking heroes.”

“Oh, I get it, it's time to promote yourself.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Why else would, I think? Heroes coming from an unknown land with powers given by gods that no one has seen.”

“The war with the demonic people broke out again, we have to unite as much force as possible.”

“If you would stop slavery and care more about the welfare of the people than the gun industry, perhaps this war wouldn't even have existed.”

“If we stopped producing weapons, they would invade.”

“So we have to trust some strange teenagers?”

“Your master is a strange teenager and as far as I know, there is nothing about him in my kingdom.”

“He lived alone for months, these strangers couldn't live here for two weeks.”

“Calm down girls…” I tried to calm the mood since if this continued, it wouldn't end well.

“I'm sorry, Master.”

“Sorry too.”

“I don't know what's going on in the kingdom, but we won't attack it.”


“She popped her tongue, this girl,” said the princess with an expression of anger.

“Why do you defend so much a father who has abandoned you or a kingdom that has done nothing to save you?”

“A girl of the breed is proud of cats and yet, strayed from the flock, maybe we are more alike than you think.”

The cat girl took a battle position, so I had to stop her, holding her hands.


My cry had more effect than I expected, for not only the two, but the whole forest was silenced.

“All right, at two, stop taking offense, and we'll see how to move on.”

“I have nowhere to go.” Said the princess.

“You can settle in any corner of the forest, my master and I will return to our home.”

“*SIGH* They've barely met, and they've hated each other… well princess, if you'd like, you can accompany us.”


“She popped her tongue again.”

The discussion began again and extended until the end of the night, so we returned to our house.


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