The Yandere Kingdom.

Chapter 4: Dangerous Lands.

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It's been two weeks since the princess started living with us, even though she's been spending all this time, the girls still don't get along.


I decided to separate them for now, each one was in a part of the shelter, so I had to increase the rooms, but it was that or having to separate fights all day.


The cat girl's name is Stella, since she would rather not tell her name, I decided to name her personally, which pleased her very much because in her tribe this had a profound meaning, I didn't quite understand and when I asked, she blushed.


After a month, Isabela was already ready to hunt with us, so I decided to perform a rotation, so the girls wouldn't fight without me realizing it.


The princess. Isabela proved very proficient with water and healing spells, all she lacked was mana because her spells had a huge cost.


The magic given to her was more of a curse than a blessing, since her mana reserve was too low to keep her, so she was judged to be incompetent.


With Stella's help, I was able to supply this need that she had, Isabela has a giant potential that has not yet been explored, it is a pity that my knowledge of magic is only what I learned from Stella.


Gradually, Isabela adapted to my sister, until she reached a point she could use her as if it were natural for her.


Stella was teaching magic, as her father thought it was a waste to spend it on a daughter with no potential.


As Isabela began learning magic, she developed her own.


Five months passed, and according to Isabela, the day of the call of the heroes was approaching, and her first mission would be in a land considered weak and lifeless, that is, where we live.


Stella suggested that it be on a direct offensive so that we would take it surprised before her arrival, personally I found it unnecessary, Isabela followed my line of reasoning because she was afraid of her father, well, that is, when the time comes, we will see the best to do.


For the first time in months, the two girls were getting along, Stella trained to kill the heroes if necessary, while Isabella, was trained to protect herself and according to her, did not disturb us if a conflict started.


After a week, a riot broke out in the forest, and the heroes finally arrived with their entourage.


We went toward them to introduce ourselves, all I want is for each party to go their way after the conversation.


To make a good impression, I decided to start introducing myself.


“My name is Adam, I live in this land, this is Isabela and Stella, we will not stand in your way, good luck.”


I think I was able, to sum up well what I came here to discuss, since I said everything directly, looking at a blond boy riding a horse.


There were two more girls in his company, both in strange clothes and equally horse-mounted.


“Why would I believe that? As far as I know, this would be an uninhabited land, all we had to do was rescue the princesses, and now we had to fight monsters that even our master doesn't know.”


Okay, let's start again, Isabela didn't say everything to me, if what this young man said is true, this is a rescue mission, not an initial mission.


“I don't know what's happened either, ever since I arrived, this land has always been like this.”


I can't defend myself against this, after all, I don't even know what it's about.

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One of the girls came near me.


“Mr. Adam, if you don't explain yourself, we'll find you guilty of the princess's abduction.”


“Girl from another Earth, don't get too close.”


Stella pulled the horse away with some intimidation technique.


Damn, my whole plan of a peaceful conversation went to the hole.


The boy, who was calm until another time, struck me straight in the neck. But he was stopped by Stella, who threw him against a tree.


The girls went after Isabela because they thought I kidnapped her.


Isabela got rid of them with a water shield.


Damn, all I can do is imitate what I've seen of Stella's fight over the past few months and try to take on these guards.


I took a knife I used to prepare meat and went straight to the attack, since they don't seem to want to hear it, that's the only way out alive.




To my surprise, I was overestimating them, since I managed to defeat them without any difficulty.


“ENOUGH.” An old man screamed. “I request a one-on-one duel with your commander to stop such a stupid fight.”


“For a fight with another fight, what a stupid idea,” Stella said. “Make no mistake, master, all he wants to do is try to humiliate us, we have the advantage…”


Now I know that, but there's nothing I can do.


“I accept.”


“The duel consists of a single exchange of blows, when you're ready, say so.”


“I'm ready.”


The gentleman immediately got off the horse, then removed his sword from the scabbard to come directly to me, his sword was slow, so you can think of several ways to finish the duel, eventually, I decided to knock him out.




Wait, this weak gentleman is their master? Decadent.


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