The Young Lady Has Run Away

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: a cozy cabin

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Now that Livia is traveling with us, I decided to try and upgrade her weapons. The problem is that she mainly uses the bow. My first thought for an upgrade would be to give them a gun or compound bow with a sight. The problem is that making one of either would need some engineering work on my part and I don't have time for that. Unfortunately I'll have to give up on giving Livia a more technologically advanced weapons for the time being. 

What I can do is enchant her bow. In-game there was an enchantment that made bow, a weapon type that was inherently high damage, but low accuracy have a better hit chance. I know the words to make it, but I'm really curious as to how that works in real life. Does it improve hand eye coordination or something?

"Wow Sam, you can enchant stuff too? What can't you do with magic?"

"Pretty much Summon rain, summon tornados, and make REALLY big and hot fire." All of those are dragon spells I don't have the affinity for after all.

"Really? Then can you solve the life long quest to summon gold?"

In response, I just look at her bag and smile.


"SShhhh. Let's go test out that new enchantment on your bow. It'd be nice to have some venison for dinner." With that I started moving

"N-no way. Hey where are you going! WAIT FOR ME!"

After some exploration we soon found a deer like monster called the daar. It's  not that special other than its speed. The speed stat in-game played a role in the order your party took turns in battle as well as factored into the hit equation. Basically in the math behind the scenes, a higher speed would help you dodge attacks. Running a dodge tank was actually a viable strategy because of how easy it was to raise speed, but that's getting a little off topic. The important part is that this deer monster will serve as a good target to test the improvements in Livia's aim.

After I cast some buffs, Livia gets into position with her bow. She draws in a deep breath to focus, then draws her bow. She locks on to her target,  then exhales. Finally with a satisfying TWAP lets loose her arrow, which promptly misses the deer completely as the deer dodges the thing fast enough to leave a damn after image. Just as we were about to wallow in our disappointment, the arrow FUCKING CURVES 180 degrees plunging directly into the deer's skull, killing it instantly. Did I just make the truth rocket launcher? I did, didn't I?

"Wow Sam, I never would've been able to hit a daar before, even in my wildest dreams! Thank you very much!" Livia says as she pulls me into a hug.

"I'm happy you're excited about my enchantment, but can you hold on a little less tight? I'm gonna suffocate at this rate."


While Livia and I were out hunting, we found a cabin. Looking inside, it seems to have been left unused for a long time. If we slept here it would save us the trouble of having to set up camp. After discussing it amongst ourselves about it, we decided to head back to Mi'ara, who was practicing her spear while we got food. With her input it was decided we would sllep in the cabin.

The cabin was big enough to each have separate rooms, so we each got one. Honestly I've gotten so used to sleeping in Mi'ara's embrace that it's difficult to sleep alone now. Instead of constantly shifting in my makeshift bed uselessly as I couldn't sleep, I decided to look around my room. Under a few loose floor boards, I found a hidden trap door. I was about to undo the lock and open the trap door, but for some reason I felt a little trepidation. Instead of pussying out, I settled my nerves and opened it up. . .

Peering inside, I found it to be pitch black. While I couldn't see anything I could definitely hear something. They were very faint whispers, but I could feel a headache coming on. I cast a little flame in my palm for vision, and soldiered on. Inside was a very tight pathway. I could fit easily because I was a child, but it still gave me a sense of claustrophobia. As I pressed on the whispers grew louder and louder, slowly becoming clearer and clearer. Soon I found myself in front of a metal door. At this point the whispers had become a cacophony of noise and my headache has gotten almost as bad as the headache I get when using an incapable dragon spell. Whatever is on the other side of this door is bad mojo and I NEED to get rid of it.

I slowly reach for the handle. Trying it, I find the door is unlocked. Inside I'm met with a gruesome sight. Many mangled, headless corpses hang from the ceiling of the room from rusty wires. The whispers have finally become understandable.

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"You do not belong in this world"

"You're not from here"

"Fate itself is in tatters"



"Purge the sinner"

"Fix the error"

"Remove the intruder"



The corpses attached to the wires M O V E. All of them are looking at me. I'm not safe here. I never should have come. I'm surrounded already. I try to say a spell but my mouth will not move. I try to run but my legs are already tangled in wires. I feel the cold metal move up my legs. I start to panic even more. My head is pounding. I'm gonna die. Shit. SHIT. They are drawing closer.

Right as I think I'm done for, I feel mana rise up in my body. Its a similar feeling like when I cast a big spell. I can't speak so how is this happening? My headache starts to recede and blue lightning surges forth from my whole body. It goes everywhere and easily conduct up the metal wire. In a flash of lightning so bright that I'm blinded, the whole room is decimated. As I wonder what the hell just happen, a new spell flashes through my mind.

[Crack The Sky]

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