The Young Lady Has Run Away

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: the heroine’s village

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WHAT THE HELL. Did I just cast magic wordlessly? Oh god I think I did. I can already feel my mana reserves going through the roof. I've gotten at least triple the reserves now. Deciding to screw over an army with thunderstorm might not be such a difficult choice now. Doesn't this mean I'm going to be considered a saint no mater what at this point? I mean sure its going to be even easier to convince the snake people to take me in, but what are the humans gonna say? I was thinking of staying with the snake people for a few years then going to live in the capital when the organization has all but been crushed. Am I gonna be given some lofty position in some church? That's a lot of responsibility and I don't think I'm ready for it. 

"Alright, calm down. Calm down. Deep breathes. Haaaaaaa foooooo haaaaaaaa foooooo."

Let's think of something else for know, like what were those things. Actually you know what? No,  let's think about litteraly anything else and forget those things ever exsisted. Alright what else do I need to ponder. . . OH YEAH! While my spell didn't blow open the ceiling or anything, it most certainly must have shaken the cabin walls. I must have woken up Mi'ara and Livia with that stunt. How am I gonna explain that to them? While pondering this I slowly trodded back to the ladder I climbed down to get here.

Upon returning to my room I found a very awake and worried Mi'ara in my room. She quickly pulled me into an embrace and said,

"Oh thank god, you're ok. When I came into here to check if you were alright, you were missing. There was quite a shake. Do you know what caused it?"

And so I explained it all. Starting from the trap door. To the whispers. To the secret door. To those things. Finally to my chantless casting.

"Oh my! So the reason why you wanted to sleep alone was to deal with those wire creatures. I thought I was an unsatisfactory sleeping partner and that you didn't want to sleep with me anymore. . . Really you shouldn't be so rash, you can rely on me to help you out! I swore to protect you when we set off. Please don't make me an oath breaker."

Oh boy, she seems to be developing a misunderstanding. Also why does she look so sad when she talk about me not wanting to sleep with her? Oh! Is it like that? Hehehe, I wouldn't mind sleeping with her more if that's the case. Although that last point about not rushing in alone is correct. What I did was incredibly dumb. Never going into the dark, scary, unkown place alone is like horror movie survival rule #1. Well that and not being black. That's a really bad cliché. Cinema should really go about subverting that.

After that me and Mi'ara went to sleep together. It turned out Livia slept through the whole thing. The next day all three of us went down to check out the room. This time I expanded the path using earth magic. Man I was being really stupid last night. I'll just blame it on sleep deprivation, i guess. Unfortunately we didn't find any clues that weren't charred to a crisp inside, so we just decided to move on.


A few days later and we arrived at our destination, The village the heroine, Sky, lives. According to the game the assassination of sky's parents happened on her birthday, which if I remember correctly happens tomorrow. Man talk about a terrible birthday present, like "Happy birthday! I bring you the gift of shanked parents! Hope you enjoy living in an orphanage!". Although to be fair, the organization doesn't know about her, so its not like they did it this way to be as much of an asshole as possible. They're still assholes though.

Saving her family should be as simple as just popping in when the assassins do and kicking some ass. The time frame will be around 10am tomorrow. According to the game the assassination occurs while sky's parents were setting up a surprise birthday party in the wood working shop they owned, attached to their house. Sky had caught onto the fact that her parents were throwing a surprise party and decided to hide in the shop and watch them set up. That's when the assassins strike and the birthday party is ruined. I'm honestly surprised the organization members didn't realize their might be one more family member alive due to the fact they were throwing a birthday party. Did they assume it was for a neighbor? Actually they might have only been assigned with killing those two not the whole family because the organization only knew about those two. Basically the organization said kill this couple instead of kill all the descendants meaning they were free to leave their child as long as they didn't witness it. To bad for them, she did and they didn't realize. 

All that aside, that means we got a day to get nice and cozy before we intervene. We all start off with renting a room at an inn. Afterwards I decided to head to the local branch of the slaying guild with Livia to pay off reparations to 'dagger fang'. While giving those assholes money pisses me off, leaving the debt could cause us trouble in the future. 

Inside has the atmosphere of a traditional fantasy adventurers guild. While Esu's monster slayers may not be adventurers, they certainly have a similar culture in the guild. Burly warriors and scrawny wizards drink together, while busty bar maids serve mugs full of ale. There's a few edgelord rouges sitting in the corners observing those around them and occasionally sharing juicy info with each other.

Me and Livia go up to the counter and hand over the two gold bars, to pay off the debt, to a cute receptionist. Suddenly a burly guy saunters up after seeing us place the gold down and decides to heckle us,

"This isn't the theives guild, you know? Dont come here trying to pawn off your ill-gotten gains."

Seriously can you just mind your own business?

Livia responds with, "Its not stolen! We got it from a goblin cave through our own hard work!"

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While those two start to bicker back and forth, I decide to ask the receptionist about their policy about physical disputes amongst their members. The receptionist answers with,

"While the guild does not condone any physical confrontation amongst its members, the guild doesn't have any policy for punishing such behavior and will merely remain neutral. The guild will take no side in the conflict and let the monster slayers settle the matter between themselves, unless guild property is damaged in the altercation."

"I see... May I register to be a member for the guild?"

"Hmmm you seem a little young. The required age is 11, to join the guild. Any members under 16 must train under another member for at least 4 years before accepting a quest personally. Are you 11 years of age or older and fine with these conditions?"

"Yes I actually happen to be exactly 11."

"Very well. Here are the application forms. If you need assistance with reading and writing I can have an employee of the guild help you fill it out."

The argument behind me seems to be heating up.

"No thank you. I know how to read and write."

"Very well."

By the time I finish filling out the form it seems that the guy's companions have joined in on the argument and most of the guild is watching in quiet amusement.

"Here are the filled out forms."

"Thank you, Now then. Do you, Sam, agree that any and all harm that may or may not come your way while on guild property, or on a quest given by the guild, is in no way the guild's responsibility, and that if an incident where you are harmed were to occur you will in no way seek legal action against the guild?"

"Yes, I agree to those conditions. "

"Very well. Congratulations Sam, you are now a junior member of the guild. Here is your guild card and if you have any questions, you can have them answered at the desk two rows over."

With my registration done, I promptly spin around and knock out the annoying, moronic bastards, who won't shut the fuck up about where we got our gold, with rocks I summoned over their heads

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