The Youth of A Socially Lost Cause

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Still a lost cause, I think

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     So today is September 4th, which marks my first day as an Eiken University student. 

      I should be excited, but how could I when I know the reason we need to go in the first place?

      You study to get an education, but realistically it's to get good grades to be recognized into a school that has a high reputation. Afterwards you attempt to graduate from said school with a well paying degree in hopes for a (not even guaranteed) chance at employment. Even if you do get employed you're stuck in a long lasting loop of economic slavery.

      Now what happens if I don't accomplish that?

      Firstly, if I don't get good grades I'll fail, which could eventually lead to being kicked out on academic probation from the University. If I get kicked out from University, the same goes for my house. Not only that, I will probably get disowned with nowhere to go. Sure I can probably find a labor intensive job, but that will be a short competition between my physical health and ability to earn money. When that fails I'll have to succumb to part time jobs which in this day and age, is not enough to live independently. Which ultimately leads to one conclusion:

I die.

      Okay honestly I could study independently and still get a good job, but the road is alot harder. Since I'm lazy I automatically ruled that out.

      As I shudder at the thought of my death, I felt a sudden push as the bus came to a stop. It looks like I successfully made it onto campus.

      Eiken University is nothing special. It's essentially a typical campus but isolated at the top of a mountain. It's a commuter school in every sense, where you go there mostly to learn rather than make any friends. Hence, a good majority of the people here are group exclusive. Not that I intend to go out of my way to make friends. Afterall, I still have my dog Koji back at home.

      Who needs people anyway right? A dog would never call you a weeb degenerate or a disgrace to society! 

      Right? Please tell me I'm right...

"So what's my first class...?"

      As I proceed to look at my schedule I notice I have an intro programming lecture first thing. 

      Oh right, for what it's worth I am in Computing Science.

      In order to get there I have to pass through a garden to enter the building it's being held at. 

      While walking I noticed a girl sitting on a bench in the garden. Not that I'm the one to look out for color, but her skin was pretty pale. She had short black hair that reached her shoulders, soft looking brown eyes, and a small face. She was slim overall and had solid proportions in terms of physique. If I were to guess her race, she was asian.

      Okay yeah, she's pretty but that's exactly why I should avoid her. Afterall, I have no social skills talking to fellow peers, let alone an S tier bishoujo.

      With that being said I proceed to walk past her, but something caught my eyes.

      She was reading a manga. 

      So she might be a weeb, but that's not what bothered me, afterall...

      She was reading it backwards! (Left to right)

      I know because she was flipping the first page in that order.

"That's not how you read manga. I'm surprised you even got past the first page."

      I didn't even realize I walked towards her, let alone stopped in front of her.

"Oh really? Ah that explains why the dialogue was out of sequence. Thanks"

     Why is she thanking me when she hasn't even heard my explanation on how to read it? I get that I might come across as annoying but I'm saving you from confusion.

"Ah no, in the case of your novel it's intro is supposed to be out of sequence since it takes place in the present. So the story starts off in the past."

"Ah so like that scene in "is the world ending", where the heroine is falling from an airplane and says " I love you Keichii" as it cuts to a scene where she's eating breakfast with her friends?"

"Yeah yeah exactly like that. Wait, you've seen that anime and don't know how to read manga?" 

"Well I only watched anime, and it's not like that series ever showed anyone reading manga."

      From what I remember it was one of the few series that the manga was a lot better than the anime. So I'm surprised she never tried reading it out of curiosity.

"Ah that's true I guess. Well good luck with reading it's a pretty good book once you get a hang of the timeline."

"Yeah thanks, I'll let you know how it went next time we meet!"

      So never right? Well it honestly sounds like a death flag, but that possibility should be pretty low...

But people die all the time...

"Well sh*t"


"Oh it's nothing just forgot where to go"

"Oh hahaha, you're an airhead aren't you?"


      You're the last person who should be saying that.

      Either way, it's unlikely we'll meet again considering how big this campus is. 

      Except I jinxed it.

      That's what you want me to think right?!

      Because somehow we ended up being in the same vicinity at the same time, three days after.

      As I was prepping my esteemed cup of ramen in the cafeteria, I decided to sit by an empty long table at the end of the hall by the windows.

      Alright, sounds like a cliche spot but honestly I just really like seeing the light (not in a near death sense).

      The cafeteria is not really a cafeteria but more like a plaza or mini food court. There's a few fast food joints like Donairs, a Coffee shop, McDiabetes and BubbleTea World. On the side however, are a row of microwaves and plastic utensils.

      As I proceed to sit by the table and wait for my food, I open my laptop to go watch the newest episode of A New Camp season 2.

     Then I see a couple of girls enter the area from around the corner. 

     Short hair reaching her shoulders, but rather than the hoodie she was wearing last time she wore something more business-street casual. Her outfit style looks based on Korean fashion.

     Her friend on the other hand, was dressed in all branded clothing.

    Not that I care, but if I stood in between them with my black hoodie and blue jeans it would be disrespectful from the eyes of fashion designers.

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     They seem to have separated and she faced my direction.

     As I angled my body to be slightly hidden behind the laptop, she couldn't be sure if it was me.

    While staring at me for a while, she proceeds to microwave her food.

    With that she should be continuing with her business as usual and so I can continue with mine.

    I say this as I unpause the place I stopped in the episode, as the main character drops her ramen noodles.

    It makes sense since her hands were cold out camping and she touched something relatively hot right away. But still it hurt to watch so I flinched and let a small "oooh" out of my mouth.

"Truly a tragic moment" I thought.

"Yeah that's pretty rough. I would have probably cried a little before attempting to make another one."

"True. I mean you're out camping and you only have limited rations so every meal counts..."

    When I noticed the voice in my head was coming out in reality and as a females, I quickly turned in the direction it was coming from.

"Hey relax, you look like I'm about to eat you."

"Yeah well my unvoiced thoughts just got a response in reality so how did you expect me to be calm?"

"Unvoiced thoughts? Oh you mean those inner dialogues a main character has? Or is it when they're describing a trope thinking a situation is stupid? It's nice for you to dream but you're not an anime protagonist."

"Since when was having thoughts an anime exclusive trait? Wait how did you know it was me, I saw you look away and microwave your food?!"

"You wore the same faded white ultra-boosts when we first met. Besides, did you think I'm stupid enough to not notice you when half your face was still above the screen?"

Wait, they're faded? I just started using them recently!

     If you haven't caught on yet, the girl speaking to me was the same person I met on the bench that day.

Wait what was her name again?

"Oh right I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Yua and I'll be in your care."

    She once again responds to my thoughts.

"Ah I'm Kyura, but why am I taking care of you?"

"Hahaha I wanted to try saying that out loud, but now I realize it's actually embarrassing."

     Oh hahaha that's kind of cute actually...

     Am I really this deprived of human interaction? 

"Anyway, I said that next time I see you I'll tell you how it went, so I thought I may as well do it now."

"Oh, you did say that but to be honest I thought that was your way of saying bye since you didn't know how"

"It was, but you calling me out pissed me off so prepare yourself."

"My bones already pop when I move, just chuck a wrapper at me and I'll fold like an omelet."

"That's... kind of sad actually"

      With that questionable exchange, she started telling me what she thought of it. To be honest though, I don't remember saying that I wanted to hear it.

"Yeah but honestly she is actually the most likable character there."

"RIGHT?! I mean she doesn't even fall under any character stereotype or trope. Like no offence to the other two, but a sexually driven girl and a childhood friend aren't exactly unique."

"Exactly, she also has the most realistic flaws for a normal girl in a relationship, and helps in the most understanding way possible. She's mature but also cute." 

      Before I knew it though, I was led into the conversation just by the mention of one of my favorite characters in anime.

"I honestly didn't realize you were this much of a weeb."

"I guess I am? I'm more surprised you didn't run away after hearing me talk about a character this passionately."

      That was the hard truth. Sure anime was somewhat accepted (among people my age), but not many people really talk about it with this level of interest in public. Let alone someone you just met.

"If you want I can give you recommendations next time we meet?"

"Sure, I feel like that's closer than you think given the pattern so far. What was your number?"

     We proceed to exchange numbers subconsciously.

"Okay I'll text you later after class!"

"Oh sure."


   Did she just naturally ask me for my number?

   Wait, did I just get a girl's number?

   So I'm not a lost cause?!

   No, I was definitely still a lost cause.

    Since you know, not many people actually pull through with it.

    She proceeded to head out the cafeteria the same way she went through. Though she went in the direction of the library which was right across it.

    Nonetheless I went on about my day as if everything was normal. Except after 10 minutes I realize something:

    What was her name again ?

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