The Youth of A Socially Lost Cause

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Let me clear something up.

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It was a Friday which was the last day of the week for school. Fortunately my schedule wasn't insane enough for me to have late classes. Afterall, my courses took place in the morning and ended late afternoon. Today was no exception.

"And that will be it for today, you're free to leave"

Wait, class is over? I didn't hear a word this guy said.

Nonetheless, I left the lecture room and headed towards the cafeteria. If you haven't noticed already, during my lunch break I go to microwave my packed food. It just so happens that the cafeteria has the most microwaves, so I won't have to wait for long.

On the way, I received a message from a number I don't know.

"HEY! Where are you at? Let's meetup!"

Damn, I forgot to save the name so I don't remember who this is.

I wanted to eat before I talked to anyone so I thought I would respond to it after lunch.

When I entered the vicinity of the cafeteria, I noticed that it was more packed than usual. It was unfortunate since I normally sit down at a nearby table to eat, but as long as I heat my food it's not a complete loss.

"Damn where should I go...?"

I just realized that this is literally the only place where I eat since I haven't made any friends yet. Truly is rough being a first year. 

"I know a place if you're willing to go?"

Man this whole occurrence of me speaking my thoughts out loud has been happening quite often huh?

I turned around and then realized it was the "cant read manga" girl. Yeah that's kind of rude but I don't remember her name. Normally it takes around three occurrences for me to remember someone's name. If they don't stick around that much my brain just ends up forgetting. One more time and I'm sure I'll remember.


"Only if you tell me why you didn't respond to my message?"

"Ah my bad my phone was dead"

"But I saw you holding it a few minutes ago?"

Damn she's on to me, let's see if I can throw her off.

"Anyway it's been a while. Do you come here often?"

She suddenly cringes.

"Not that you're aware but that sounded like a pick up line. Pretty gross."

"What the hell?! It's literally been that long and we always end up meeting here without knowing."

Maybe it's not worth remembering her name after all.

"Your cringe behaviour aside, it's a place you're quite familiar with. Iko!"

"Okay sure but you're an a** you know that?"

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

"Can't wait to eat lunch!"

"... The way you said that seemed like you're trying to hide something, but I'll let it slide because I'm nice."

With this, we head to a familiar location. 

"I see what you mean by familiar."

It was the place we first met.

"Exactly, quite a nice place right? Anyway, let's eat."


As we sit down on the bench, she brings out her laptop presumably reading something. Looking closer, I noticed she was reading notes regarding human anatomy. 

"Oh you're in the health science department?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm studying Kinesiology."

"Oh nice nice, I respect the grind."

"Haha it's nothing that special, my reason for being in this major is nothing ground breaking."

"What do you mean?"

She decides to put her laptop in her bag, anticipating a long conversation. That was a slip up on my part, my bad.

"Well you know, back in highschool I wasn't really good at many subjects. But I had a weird affinity for human biology. It's not that I like it, but it was the only course in highschool I was decent at. Since this was the closest I have for an employable career, I went with it. Who knows how far a shallow reason like money rather then happiness will get me though right?"

After giving that unexpectedly detailed response, I stayed silent for moment.

"...Ahh that was pretty depressing wasn't it? Sorry forget what I said."

"There's nothing wrong with that."


I don't normally involve myself in personal conversations, but it seems like I need to clear something up.

"Picking a major because of its employability is not a mistake. No one wants to pick a career where they won't make a decent living. When people say to find a career based on what you like, there is the hidden implication that it can "support your desired lifestyle". Some people who base their work on what they love don't care about the money that much. That's their happiness, but you're not them. I'm not saying you're happiness is materialistic, it's just that your meaning of happiness is rooted differently. In your case, the desired lifestyle you wish to achieve has money at a higher priority. That's all."

I take a deep breath and look her in the eyes.

"So, don't think that your lack of a noble reason means you're not cut out for it."

I look away before I become nervous from the extended eye contact.

For a couple of minutes there was silence as I look at the cloudy sky. The sun broke through the cluster of clouds and rays began engulfing our surrounding. Then it dawned to me.

Damn what I said was pretty cheesy?!

"You know, after hearing what you said I'm pretty convinced of something."

"What's that?"

"You act like an airhead, but you actually know what you're talking about."

"When was I an airhead?"

Caught off guard from the sudden statement, I hesitate in my reply.

"But not really, I still get mad at fictional characters."

She laughs a little and continues.

"You know that's not what I meant. Normally people say that you should value happiness over monetary gains. Even if that means your stability is not the best, because at least you were happy during that time. And honestly, that's what I believed too. But you accept that happiness is not limited to that idea alone. And that monetary gain to achieve it is acceptable. It's not something a person who didn't think things through would say. Especially people my age."

Well whether or not it's indicative of my level of understanding is subjective. Afterall, it's simply how I feel knowing how hard headed societal expectations can be on someone.

"That's just what I believe personally, it's nothing too deep. Besides I'm pretty sure I ripped that off a light novel I read."

Though that is another reason why I love it. Despite the stereotypes attached, the really good ones manage to teach you something about life. And honestly, if I wasn't exposed to those different perspectives on living, I wouldn't be as open minded as I am now.

I pause for a moment and try to lighten the conversation.

"You know, I'm not much better than you. I'm in computing science because it's an employable major too, and it's the closest I could get to being satisfied working. I mean come on, I'm not trying to sweat my life away in trades nor am I good at talking to people for business. But making an app and sitting on a desk like the waste of space I am? Oh hell yeah I'm down."

Yeah I'm not exactly one to judge her in the first place.

With that being said, I hear her laugh a little. I'm glad it managed to lighten the atmosphere since I feel somewhat responsible for making it too serious.

"Hahaha, you're not that much better than me huh?"

"That's what I said."


I turned in her direction, and I saw something I never thought I would see in real life.

"Thank you."

As she said with what looked like the most genuine smile I've seen someone make in a long time. In fact, because she was cute it was so captivating that I stood there and stared for who knows how long.

Someone who I barely knew showed that smile to me. Honestly, as a guy I could live off this memory for the rest of my life.

Fortunately, a bird chirped and I was brought back to my senses.

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"Ahh don't worry about it"

"Such a late response?!"

After she said that, she bursted out laughing. It was so contagious that I started laughing too. At some point we calmed down and she got off the seat.

"Okay! Want to grab a drink at Scarbucks?"

You know what shop that really is.

"What? Oh yeah sure lead the way."

"Yes yes since you're paying for me~"

"What? Why?"

"Because you called me an a**!"

So she did hear it.

As we were walking I replay the conversation in my head than I realize something was off.

"Hey, um you mentioned earlier something about my age as if it's young."


"Uhh, so how old are y--?"

"Hey hey, a girls age is their secret isn't it?"


"Hahaha I'm just kidding, I'm in second year so that makes me 20."

"Ah you're not that much older than me then? I'm in first year by the way and I'm 19."

"I know"

"Huh? How so?"

"Only first years look so lost on the first day of the semester hahahaha!"

"Oi I wasn't actually lost, I just agreed to avoid answering your question!"

"What? I never asked you anything! It's just that you were flustered for some reason."

Yeah well that's because I lack any social skills and get nervous around girls. Besides, the lighting that day with your presence should be illegal to all mortal men.

After a short banter we make it to Scarbucks and we line up for our drinks. I just gave her the gift card my Mom gave me, since that had enough credits for one drink. Eventually, she got to the front and ordered herself a venti frappuccino of some kind. 

"Ah I'm gonna head to the washroom so if it's done just hold on to it for me yeah?"

"Oh yeah sure"

I couldn't have asked for a better situation.

Once it was my turn to order I decided to pull the classic "I'll get whatever the person in front of me is getting".

The barista responded in affirmation but I wasn't done yet.

"Hey actually I was wondering if you could tell me what the girl's name was?"

"Oooh is it love at first sight?!"

"Ah actually.."

I leaned closer and lowered my voice to respond.

"This is our third time meeting and I still don't remember her name. So clearly I'm on the path of no return."

"Ahhh so it's like that then huh..."

With a couple more back and forth in the exchange, he tells me the name.

"Ah so it's Yua."

"...Are you serious?"

With the unexpected voice from behind me I twitch. But rather than turning around right away, I hesitated. For some reason I felt that my life was in danger. I can feel the hostile energy from behind me.

At some point I had to confront her.

"Uhh no it's just that I thought that was your last name..."

"We're in Canada so we only introduce each other by our first names though? And does Yua sound like a last name to you?"

What she said can be interpreted as a question, but her delivery was more deadly than that.

Brought against an argument that sound, it was hard to come up with rebuttal.

"Ahh no I mean... is this drink good?

"You suck!"

She proceeds to punch me on my right arm. For some reason it didn't hurt much?

Then I notice that she looked more sad then anything.

"Ahhhh hold on, I genuinely only forgot because I kept getting distracted by how cu--?"

As I was about to finish that sentence I realized that she began to cheer up.

In fact, her cheeks were slightly red before regaining composure.

"Ohoho~ want to finish that sentence?"

"I mean cube as in how cube like your muscles are." 


Before I could get interrogated further we make our way out of the Scarbucks, and proceed to the bench. At least that was the plan, but as soon as we left, I hear her whisper something,

"... Let's try five seconds."


As I turned around, she pinned me against a nearby wall K-drama style.

I had no choice but to face her head on, but it was harder than it sounds.

"Oi oi, I feel like this should be the other way around..?"

She didn't say anything and just stared deep into my eyes for about five seconds.

Afterwards, she spoke up with a smile:

"Ha! Finally made you look for more than three seconds!"

At that moment I froze and my face turned completely red.

"Hey! Stop trying to avoid eye contact with me!"


"It's basic etiquette to look at someone when they talk to you!"

"Yeah well basic etiquette only holds if you're socially adept!"

"Keep talking like that and I might actually do something"

"Like I said you're asking for the imposs-- wait what?"


And just like that she turned on me as a sign of disrespect and walked away.

"Heh, too bad I just thought that was cute."

I too head in the opposite direction and call it a day.

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