The Youth of A Socially Lost Cause

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Why are my eyes sweating?

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Another day, another challenge.

That feels like a sentence that should be copyrighted.

As I sit myself down for my last class of the week, I slump in exhaustion. I honestly stayed up too late reading manga like a true degenerate. 

As I got my laptop out ready to sink into dialogue despair, I was interrupted by someone.

"Hey, can I sit here?"

"Hmm? Uh yeah sure it's not like I own the seat haha."

"Oh my bad, just asked in case you were saving a spot for someone."

"Ah don't worry, if anyone was trying to save a spot they would put an item on the seat or table."

"Oh, yeah good point."

Talking to someone new has always been a rare occurrence to me, but I guess it's happened a couple of times in the last few weeks.

"Sorry if this is out of the blue, but do you have notes from the last lecture? I ended up missing it. I got you covered for when you miss one in return."

"Oh yeah sure, don't worry about covering me this much isn't really a big deal."

"Nah it's all good I'll cover you regardless. Ah I'm Naven by the way."

"Ah, I'm Kyura."

"Ooh nice name, I don't think I've heard it before."

"Same here. Your name kind of reminds me of an app I've been using recently."

"Haha thanks, oh wait by app do you mean that one where you read manhwas? I actually use that quite often." 

"Oh word? Yeah I've been getting into those, so if you have any recommendations to start off with do let me know."

"Yeah man I got a lot, though I'm not sure what genres you're into."

"All good, I'll tell you after the lecture."

I said that as soon as the professor began to speak. Though now that I think about it, did I just make a friend? Is this finally my popular phase? This better not be a dream since I'm about to cry.

Well, I can at least hold off until the day is over since I do have some self respect left. 


"And that will be all, do remember to study section 4 for your midterm coming up!"

With that being said I got up from my chair in hopes to leave the room.

"Yo, you got any classes after this?"

"Hmm? Nope that was my last one, do you?"

"Nice me neither, down to get food somewhere? Was wondering if you still wanted some recommendations?"

"OH! Yeah for sure man lets go!"

I forgot. I autopiloted outside but I actually made a friend. My loner habits may finally have a reason to rest. 

Wait, does this mean I'm not a loner anymore? This is a good time to cry right?


"Yo you good?"

"Hmm? Yeah what's up?"

"Thought I heard something, you sick?"

"Nah something just got in my nose."

Whoops, almost lost the pride I had as a self functioning human being.

We decide to head over to G&R which is a fast food burger joint that kind of looks like a diner.

On our way there, I glanced at my newly made friend. He wore a dark blue denim button down half tucked with a white shirt underneath his black trousers. As for shoes, it looked like a very clean pair of white Vans with 'no show' socks. I didn't notice it before, but this guy dresses pretty well. Actually, why is this guy dressed so well? Aren't university students supposed to look like deadbeats who barely got up in time and had to rush to class in hopes of paying off their student debts?! Well, with the exception of international students. 

"Hey, are you an international student?"

"Hmm? No, why do you ask? Do I have some kind of F.O.B accent?"

"AH no! Was just curious since you give off a different vibe compared to others."

Noticing my gaze at his clothing he chuckled.

"OH! Hahaha nah man, I just got into this kind of style recently since I let myself go during my highschool days. Fresh start you know?"

"Oh, yeah I get it"

Let himself go? Must be nice referencing your old fashion when I'm probably wearing it right now. Insecure? Me? You must be joking, I only check myself in the mirror about 10 times before leaving my room. Then another 5 times before leaving the house. 

When we got inside I did a quick scan of the environment to look for empty seats. We found a couple near the window (of course am I right?) so we ordered without worry and had it for dine in. 

As soon as we sat down, we got right into it.

"ALRIGHT! So first off, I'll tell you some that are good regardless of your preference."

"Yes boss, show me the way!"

After showing me a few manhwas I noticed something different from what mangas normally have. 

"Are all of the pages colored? And why is the art so nice? Like they don't have any lazy frames where the artist just wakes up and scribbles before calling it a day?"

"HAHAHA, yeah man we're blessed visually compared to mangas. These guys don't slack..."

He proceeds to lean a little closer before whispering

"Especially the R-rated stuff, if you know what I mean? Heh."

"Ohoho~ of course I know what you mean. Heh."

We quietly laugh to ourselves looking like a couple of perverts before he suddenly switched topics.

"Anyway man, these two series should be good to star-- Yo hold up do you see those cuties over there? Wait, they're coming inside!"

As I look in my diagonal to see what he was talking about, the door opens with a bell. 

One girl had long black hair and was wearing a tan hoodie and black cargo pants. Very casual wear, but it fits her so well since her face was so well structured. You know, with the jawline and small size. Must be nice. He was right, these two girls were pretty.

Except one of them was someone I know.

I tried to avoid eye contact, but she noticed me and seemed to mumble something.

This is not gonna end well is it?

It looked like she was worried, but I had no way of knowing for sure since she was still quite far away. 

And no, I may be deprived but I have enough self respect to not think its because of me.

She had short black hair as per usual, and was wearing a grey hoodie and blue jeans. Very simple like her compani--- wait, are those white ultra boosts?! Those are basically mine but for women, I thought they were rare?! Damn these sales associates for playing me.

In the middle of my dilemma, I didn't notice that they were already right in front of me.

When she saw me looking at her with a dumb expression, her nervousness instantly disappeared and she started to smile.

"Hmm? Oh yeah you noticed my shoes? Pretty nice right? Especially when they're clean, not like you would know though hahaha!"

"Yeah sure, clearly you saw my style and was like 'Whoa, that looks pretty nice maybe I should cop one myself'. I'm honored by the way."

"What? I had these before I even met you. What makes you think I got inspired? If anything, I'm the original."

"I can say the same thing though?"

As we have this small banter, her friend interrupted.

"Oh?! I knew you knew him! Why bother lying, are you trying to hide something~?"

The girl beside Yua began to speak at last. 

"What? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah yeah sure"

She stopped teasing her and looked at us in return.

"OH! Let me introduce myself! I'm Nuri, and my good looking friend here is Yua! We're "day ones'' am I right?!"

"Keep talking like that and I'll pretend I don't know you."

"Wait! I was joking don't leave me!"

While Nuri looked at her with a face of desperation, Yua simply sighed and spoke up.

"I don't think she'll leave anytime soon, so is it okay if we sit with you guys?"

"Of course! Anyone is welcome to the table of the gentle giants!"

"My guy, we're shorter than the average male"

This was the harsh truth, I was 164cm and Naven looked to be about 166cm. 

Surprisingly enough, Naven spoke up with a smile on his face that resembled someone finally getting his chance at a rom com. Power to you my guy, I wish you luck because that's one hell of a hurdle. 

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"Ah! My bad, I'm Naven by the way. I'm Kyura's sworn brethren! We have a bond that transcends space and time."

"We just met today though?"

With this questionable exchange, Yua laughs.

"Nice meeting you! We'll order first and join you guys in a bit."

"Yeah let's hangout! Especially you, Yua's chosen one!"

"I'll stop talking to you."

"Aww come on you know it's true"

They argue while finally heading to the cashier away from our range of auditory perception. 

As I lament in our given situation, Naven starts talking.

"DUDE! I had no idea you were a lady killer?! How did you become friends with those cuties?"

"Yo relax! I only know Yua among the two."

"Hmm yeah sure bud."

"I'm serious."

This conversation of trying to get through a brick wall seemed to drag on for quite a while, because they came back with their order.

"Oh damn, they're coming back! Quick, give me space! I want to be in front of them so I can keep staring at their faces!"

"Could you be any less creepy about it?" 

"Ooh thanks for the spots guys!" 

Nuri naturally sits down in front of Naven, which made him pretty happy. Though he didn't realize her ulterior motive.

"Hurry up and sit Yua, I'm hungry!" 

She complains, while winking at her. Does she not realize that I can see this too? No she definitely does and is doing it on purpose. 

If you haven't caught on yet, the only available spot was in front of me.

She hesitates before finally taking the seat.

"Alright it's finally time! Let's eat"

With that being said, we began to stuff ourselves into oblivion. Or at least tried to, with as much as our student budget could give us.

"So how did you guys meet?"

"If you're talking about our beloved friendship over here, we literally met half an hour ago."

"Oi come on man, at least pretend like we've been friends for ages!"

"Why should I? It's not like time alone makes a solid friendship relax."

After saying that, Nuri looked at me for a moment and began to smile. Why? Hell if I know. But cute girls must have it easy when flirting with guys, because I can imagine any guy taking a loss right there.

"Hahaha, I didn't mean you two but I do appreciate the backstory"

"Hold up, our screen time has a purpose I swear!"

Seemingly unable to suppress her laughter, Nuri began to laugh and looked at my direction.

I glanced at Yua's and she seemed to have a neutral look, unfazed by our conversation. Actually, she seems a bit mad?

"I'm talking about you and Yua!"

"OH! I met her on a bench in campus reading manga the wrong way Hahaha!"

"I would have found out sooner or later even without your help!"

"You were already 3 pages in, and I honestly don't know how you even got that far."

"Only degenerates care about the small details."

Completely ignoring Yua's pouting, Nuri interjected

"Ohoho? You know about Yua's weeb side? You're truly a force to be reckoned with!"

"You too, for being able to put up with that fact and still call her a weeb"

"Oi keep this up and I'll kick you both."

"Was she always this violent?"

"Yeah, but only to people she's comfortable with."

"Ah, so a Tsundere in the flesh."


Yua follows up with her threat and successfully kicks us hard enough to make me wonder if my right leg is still intact.

"Hey, this might seem out of nowhere but I was wondering if you guys were down to go to the fireworks this Halloween?"

The man has finally spoken. Maybe his Spring might arrive soon.

Though I don't like where this is going. Firework events drain me too much with the amount of people there. A swift break would benefit me at this point.

"Really?! Yua and I were actually thinking of going so I'm down! Though I don't know what Yua wants..."

Nuri then looks to Yua for her consent.

"I'm fine with it, since the plan more or less stays the same." 

Okay it's now or never.

"Excuse me just going to get a refill"

"Kyura's going as well so we're perfectly balanced."

"Sorry what?"

"You're going to the fireworks with us."

"Umm I don't remember say--"

"You're going to the fireworks with us."

She was smiling at me but her eyes were closed. This normally seems cute, but to me this was not a smile but a threat. Since she was acquainted with that technique, she used it on me knowing full well only I would understand. 

Truly a scary person.

"Right... I'll tag along too then."

"Great, let's make a group chat so we can coordinate!"

We exchanged numbers and made a group chat on INE. This way I can see everyone's names, hence memorize them.

After some back and forth, it was getting late and unfortunately my social battery had died. Time to make a tactical retreat.

"Oh whoops, I forgot my Mom told me to buy some stuff on the way back. So I'm gonna call it a day."

"What? Already?!"

"...I see, rest in peace."

"See you later my sworn brethren!"

Rest in peace? Did she want me die?

After departing, I decided to make my way to the peak of the campus. Afterall, it's not like I wanted to go home right away. Though I was tired of talking.

Once I arrived I finally saw the scenery before me.

"Damn that's nice."

I decided to take a seat at the only bench in sight. Luckily no one wants to be here on campus any longer then they have to be. Especially on a Friday.

Although the scenery is beautiful, what comes with it is silence and that's the worst part.

Because it gives me time to remember my past mistakes.

Man I really am an idiot huh.

With this silence, I began to remember my highschool days until I got a call.

"What the--"

Mom actually called me at this hour?


"Kyura can you get some shredded cheese on the way back? I'm going to make tacos tomorrow"

"Ah okay sure I'll be back soon"

With that the conversation ended. 

Looks like I didn't lie after all.

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