The Youth of A Socially Lost Cause

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Am I really allowed to?

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We left the clothing store and started making our way to the otherside of the mall. Though unfortunately, I had to take a leak.

"Hey, do you mind if we stop by the washroom? I need to let Niagara fall."

"Why do you talk like a weirdo... Meet me at the bubble tea place after you finish then."

"Will do."

"Ah if you get there before me could you order my drink too? I'll just get the same one as you."

"Uh, don't know how I would beat you there but sure."

She proceeded to give me money before we split ways. There was a line in the washroom, but it wasn't long enough that choosing another one made a difference.

Unfortunately, it took about 10 minutes to get in because the first guy took so long. Looks like I was wrong earlier.

"This is bad. I need to hurry and get to the bubble tea shop."

It took me about 5 minutes to get there, but it seems like she wasn't here yet.

"Maybe she had to go to the washroom too, and just didn't want to admit it?"

I went ahead and ordered her the same drink as mine, then she arrived with a bag in her hand. I couldn't tell what was in it, as it was a thick plastic bag with no logo.

"Oh! Did you get the gift already?


"Yup we're good here, let's go!"

Not sure where we headed, but we left the mall and walked alongside the coastline. It was quite the scene, especially since it was quiet…

Wait, why was it quiet? I didn't even realize we stopped talking along the way. I felt like it was my responsibility to carry the conversation but clearly I failed.

"Hey, want to sit at that bench for a bit?"

"Hmm? Oh sure."

When we sat down, we took a few sips of our drink looking at the body of water in front of us. Quick think of something. 

"Why does round pizza come in a square box?"



"...Probably to save on costs, no? I think it's easier to create box cut outs than to make them circular."

"Hmm that's true, maybe also for convenience since it's easier to store without wasting space."

"Sounds about right."

I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting a follow-up to what I said so I failed to continue the conversation. I guess I brought this upon myself.

"Hey can I ask you something?"

"What's up?"

"Do you have a personal goal you are trying to reach?"

"Oh we're going philosophical now?"

"Just answer the question"

"Damn okay fine"

I thought for a bit and realized that my answer sounds so cheesy, I should probably add a disclaimer. Maybe she'll stop the conversation if I'm lucky.

"...Uhh it's pretty cheesy, are you sure you want to hear it?"

"If I didn't I wouldn't have asked no? But don't blame me if I laugh."

"Oi please don't I'll cry."

I turned towards the sea in front of me since there's no way I can say this to her face.

"To learn to appreciate even the smallest things."

I quickly glanced and she was still looking at me. I guess she wanted more of an explanation.

"The general goal of human life is to be happy which is great and all, but honestly it's too vague. So in that case, how can you reach it? Get married? Start a family? Have a well paying job and a stable life? Sure, but these are long term goals. So how do people stay happy in general then?"

I took a sip of my bubble tea to add dramatic effect. Definitely not because I'm cringing out of my mind.

"I think there are many answers, but for me the one that makes the most sense is appreciation. If I can learn to appreciate all the good things that happen in my life, how could I not be happy? Obviously this is easier said than done, since you can't always be happy. In fact, I'm still very much stuck thinking negatively but it's a start. Besides..."

I pause for a bit because I just witnessed a bird snatch a piece of a dude's pizza while he wasn't looking. These bastards are scavengers.

"I think happiness comes naturally through that."

A few minutes go by before Yua spoke up.

"Wow that really was cheesy. Look at my arms there's goosebumps ooooh"

"Stop! This is why I didn't want to say it!"

She laughed for a while and after a short silence, she handed me the bag.

 "...I wanted to thank you but I didn't know what to get. So I'm sorry If you don't like the present."

I was about to refuse since it wasn't a big deal, but I stopped because I realized what she just did. 

"You're more cunning than I thought."

"It's because you're like this that I have to be."

Now that I told her about me learning to appreciate things, I can't easily refuse this now. It's not like she knew I would say that but I think she just used it as an opportunity. Or maybe I'm overthinking things.

Wait, but I can still appreciate something and reject it no?

"...There's nothing you need to thank me for tho-."


For some reason, I obeyed her words even though I should have free will.

"...You've helped me out, so why can't you just accept it?"

I didn't know why she was so adamant on thanking me, afterall…

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"...I'm not the type of person who should be thanked."


"Because I didn't help you out of pure intentions."

"...Can you elaborate?"

"I only help people when it's convenient."

"That's a lie."


"You're nicer than you think."

"Is that a hot take?"

"You helped me out at the peak."

"Anyone would feel guilty walking past that."

"Doesn't make it any less inconvenient though."

"...Well, we should probably lea--"

"You were going to help me out in another way, but stopped because you thought it would make me uncomfortable right? You didn't pry into the situation although you could have easily done so."

"There's no way you would know that, and I didn't want to get more involved"

"You also helped me pick out a present for someone you didn't know, and reassured me that it wasn't a big deal even though it was your day off. You even offered to pay for the food. That's inconvenient all over."

"I wasn't doing anything anyway, and you're too nice if you think that's actually a hindr-."

She gave me a sharp glare and I suddenly stuttered. So I changed my approach.

"Okay I confess, I only help people who are pretty."

"That could be partially true, but that's also a lie."


"You returned the lost car keys of someone you didn't know, despite how easy it would be to take it for a joy ride."

"Audi's are nice- What? How di--"

"Accept it already!"

I simply looked at her in silence before she started talking again.

"True, you're not perfect since you couldn't even remember my name after meeting me three times."

"...Sorry about that."

"But that doesn't discredit what you've done. So please..."

I had my head turned away, but she grabbed my arm which made me turn back in surprise.

"Stop denying it."

She said this with what looked like sadness in her eyes, but tried to smile.I felt bad, because my heart was beating so fast despite the situation. I had no idea she thought that highly of what I did. Even if it wasn't very significant.

"...Okay, sor-"

Actually, there's a better word to say in this situation.

"...Thank you, Yua."

"You're welcome…"

It's not an exaggeration to say that my time with her has been pretty fun so far. To think it all started because of my weeb tendencies…

"Everytime you bring that up I'll remind you."

"Please don't do that."

She let go of my arm and got off the bench.

"Then I'll make it so that you won't forget it."

What just happened?

My brain stopped working for a second. 

After rebooting I realized she was smiling. I don't think she knows the scenery behind her perfectly matches the situation. But more than that, I should start thinking of something else because I'm starting to get nervous. For some reason, I feel a strange sense of happiness. Like a warm light surrounding my soul. I cover my mouth with my arm to pretend to stop a cough. Though it's just to hide my current expression since I have no control of it at the moment.

Whether the situation has an influence or if it's simply because she's the first girl I've befriended, it doesn't change anything. I can't undo it even if I want to. Now the only hard part is to pretend this doesn't exist, because I don't want to ruin one of the only friendships I have.

"Can I open this?"

"It would be useless if you don't. Go ahead."

As I grabbed what was in the paper bag and opened it, I saw a very familiar light novel cover.

"You got HakoMari volume 3?! I thought this was out of print now?!"

"Hahaha, I asked a store clerk and apparently someone came and donated the book to them since she no longer reads it."

I looked at her and noticed that she had her head turned to the side as if to hide her embarrassment. I thought now was a good time for a counterattack.

"Honestly… whoever befriends you is winning at life."

She froze for a bit, so I'm guessing it got her. Though she recovered shortly after.

"Oh come on, that's an over exaggeration!"

"Thank you… really."

Those words hold true and honestly speaking, will continue to do so. Because the quality of your relationship in any form would be a blessing. That personality of yours where you seek to reach the true value of someone, is something hard to come by. So knowing this thought is selfish I'll just say this to myself. No matter what change you go through in life, never change that part of you,

Yua Nakaya.

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