Theodore ‘not the protagonist’ Gray

Theodore ‘not the protagonist’ Gray

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Theodore ‘not the protagonist’ Gray

Review: 9.2/10 from 6 ratings

Everything went wrong for me, Theodore Gray on my 10th birthday. Going home after a long day at school, what greeted me weren't cakes nor gifts, but instead my mother with a knife stabbed in her-
Going home after a long day at school, what greeted me weren't cakes nor gifts, but instead a letter from my mother, basically telling me that she's abandoning me. As soon as I finished reading the letter, confusion swelled up in me. Before I had the chance to figure things out, however, an excruciatingly painful headache assaulted me, knocking me out cold for several days.
Days afterwards, I woke up in a strange room on top of a comfortable bed. What's worse than waking up at an unknown location is that I inherited the not-so-pleasant memory of my Grandfather which my mother always forbade me from meeting with.

This is my first time writing a novel so I'm just mainly doing it for fun. This novel is heavily inspired (blatantly copied) by 'The author's POV' and 'The novel's extra'. I apologize for the grammar mistakes, dull storytelling and some very blatant copying from other novels. I still haven't had the MC figured out yet so he might be very inconsistent. Anyways, feel free to leave some criticisms. If I get better at writing I may come back and revise the novel.

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