Theodore ‘not the protagonist’ Gray

Chapter 56: 53 – The duel against the battle crazed lizard [3]

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<The third movement of [V- World splitter]: Contraction>

Sylvia's eyes widened as Theodore's sword inched closer and closer to her, since—


—A small, dark-blue fissure formed on the tip of his sword.

Amused, Sylvia raised her Scythe up and tried to intercept his attack. However—


—The sword cut through her non-mana-infused Scythe like hot knife through butter.

Sylvia's eyes widened yet again as the blue fissure was now right in front of her face.

'It's condensed Space mana? No... this level of condensation shouldn't be possible! haha! HEHAHAHAHA! AS EXPECTED OF YOU! SHOW ME MORE!'

However, she couldn't dwell on her thoughts for long, as a layer of astral blue Spatial attribute mana suddenly expanded from the fissure, enveloping a 3-meter radius. 

And, almost as fast as it had expanded, the layer of Space mana started to collapse into the fissure again.

Seeing this, Sylvia's heartbeat quickened. She instinctively knew that if she didn't do something quick, her entire body would reduce to nothing but a tiny sphere of flesh.

As such, she directed Mana towards her eyes and—

<[S - Magic Eyes of emotions]: Active>

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—Activated her Eyes. Almost instantly, her strength increased to that of a peak <D+> rank. However, that was not the important part, as—

'Finally... I can be normal again...'

—There was something even more important to Sylvia than gaining power.

However, such moment of serene calmness in her mind was brief, as she once again focused on her objective.

"HEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THIS SHOULD BE ABLE TO LAST 4 DAYS! LET'S TRY TO EXTEND IT FOR A LITTLE BIT LONGER, SHALL WE?", Sylvia's eyes shone a shade of pink tinted with light-blue as she shouted like a maniac.

Much as she wanted to, Sylvia couldn't continue with her display of joy for long, as the layer of blue mana was rapidly closing up on her.

Smiling widely for the first time in years, she chanted.

<[Stellar projection]: ⌈Redirection⌋>


A screeching sound reverberated throughout the caverns as Theodore's sword, instead of Sylvia's body, was crushed under his own Battle art.

Looking at his sword, which was now no different than a jagged ball made of blood, Theodore clicked his tongue and threw it away.

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