Theodore ‘not the protagonist’ Gray

Chapter 68: 64 – Snakes and Stars [3]

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It is the term used to address the trope in which the main character wakes up in their past body after dying or failing in whatever task they set out to do, effectively giving them a second chance.

Such a thing happening to anyone was simply impossible in real life. After all, there was a reason why it was mostly used by novelists, not professionals like archmages or scientists.

However, Sylvia knew that such a term was what would best describe her current situation.

Instead of being on the torture table, her consciousness was transported into her younger self.

Although all of this could have been Keith casting very powerful illusion magic on her, Sylvia didn't care. After all—

"M- Mom!"

—The one she missed the most was right in front of her.

Sylvia then dashed towards her mother, Melissia, and embraced her tightly, as if she didn't want to let go of her ever again.

"M- Mom... I miss you!"

She buried her face into her mother chest, sobbing and crying like there was no tomorrow.

After a while, Sylvia's emotions calmed down, and she turned her gaze up to face the figure who she had been holding onto.

Golden hair with blue eyes much like hers, and white feathery wings that protruded out of her back. Her mother looked just like how she remembered her to be.

"Have you calmed down, little Syl?", Melissia spoke with a familiar gentle voice, snapping Sylvia out of her thoughts.

Staring at her for a few seconds, Sylvia lets out a bright smile and then embraced her tightly again.

"I'm okay now, mom"

Perhaps it was because she used too much of her mental power to endure the torture earlier, or maybe it was due to her consciousness suddenly being transported in a younger body. Or perhaps it was a mix of both.

Whatever the case was, Sylvia felt tired, awfully so.

And thus, she slowly drifted asleep in the embrace of her mother, feeling the warmth that she missed so much.

Sylvia was sitting in a carriage with her mother, deep in her own thoughts.

'So I really regressed, huh? To my 10th birthday at that...'

Even now, she still couldn't believe that such a thing happened to her.

At first, she thought that this was just an extremely potent illusion Keith conjured up to torture her.

However, during the last 3 months, she had asked her mother several personal questions that even her father didn't know, let alone Keith.

'Well... I'm not supposed to know that he's my father... not now...'

However, that was not important, as her mother had correctly answered each and every of her questions, effectively confirming that Sylvia had indeed regressed.

As such, she spent the last few months enjoying her time with her mother. Well, she wasn't exactly doing just that either, as she made preparations to prevent her mother's death, which was... today.

She didn't actually need to prepare much to prevent her death. Thus, she mostly spent time playing with her mother in the last 3 months.

Pausing her thoughts there, Sylvia looked at the white snake that was coiling around her right hand. Its name was Leil, and it was her childhood pet.

'Now that I think about it, it doesn't sound right to give a 10 years old kid a snake as a pet'

However, she soon decided to not think about it, as giving her a pet snake was the least weirdest thing her mother had done. 

"Are you enjoying yourself, young miss Sylvia?"

Sylvia's gaze turned from the snake to outside the carriage's window to face the source of the voice, Keith.

She felt... complicated when looking at him. After all, the warm smile he was giving right now was vastly different to the crazed smile he had while he was torturing her.

'... But I guess he had always been crazy'

After all, Keith was the one who always took Sylvia, who was as young as 6 at the time, to the torture chambers for her to... observe the other Serpente knights extract information from criminals.

Despite being punished many times by her mother, Keith could always find another way to secretly sneak Sylvia in.

'This is the things you'll have to do one day', he used to say. 'You're the one that will succeed our goddess Melissia!'

In retrospect, she should have told her mother about all of this. However, she was too young at the time. Thus, she thought that torturing people like the Serpente knights did was normal.

"Young miss, are you alright?", Keith's concerned voice suddenly snapped Sylvia out of her thoughts.

"I'm fine, thanks for worrying about me", she said in a polite tone.

Keith smile warmly at her response. "I'm glad you're fine. You'll have to be healthy to succeed our Goddes—"


He gulped a mouthful of saliva when he felt Melissia's glare. "I- I mean our captain's daughter have to be in good health to protect the Empire in the future!"

"Oh look, Nick's calling me. Guess I have to go now!", he continued.

He then hurriedly rushed to the back of the escorts.

Sylvia inwardly shook her head at this and looked at Leil again.

'If you weren't the reason why mom died, Leil...', she thought as she petted the snake. '...You would have been much cuter'

Pausing her thoughts there, she then moved towards her mother for a hug.

"You're really clingy lately", Melissia said as she planted a kiss on Sylvia's cheeks. "I thought my little Syl is too grown up to pay attention to her old and wrinkly mother like this"

Looking at the Angel who was the exact opposite of what she had just claimed herself to be, Sylvia smiled and hugged her tight.

"Nuh uh, even if you become old and ugly like grandpa Semier, I will always protect you!"

"You're lucky your grandpa isn't here...", Melissia chuckled as she pinched Sylvia's cheeks. "...But I guess I'll have to count on you to keep me safe, my little knight in shinning armor"

"Don't worry mom, I will"

Eventually, their carriage arrived at Stocrean city, where the coming-of-age ceremony would be held.

"Little Syl, we have to walk from here"

'Warm...', Sylvia thought as she held her mother's hand.

Although she had been experiencing her mother's warmth for the past 3 months now, she never grew tired of it. As such, Sylvia was still savoring the sensation that she missed so much even when they arrived before the Altar.


"Ow!", Sylvia lets out a yelp of pain as her mother lightly flicked her forehead.

"We're here, Syl", Melissia chuckled.

Hearing this, she finally woke up from her thoughts and looked around the venue where the coming-of-age ceremony was held.

Since the Adrancus dukedom's population was mostly consisted of humans, dwarves, and of course, dragons, there were three separate venues for the coming-of-age ceremony.

To her left was the venue for humans, containing Holy orbs.

To her right was the dwarven venue, containing the Hammers of zeal.

And directly in front of her was the dragon's venue, housing the Altar of origin.

Since the number of dragons her age, and the number of dragons in general, was low, she didn't have to wait long for her turn.

Walking up to the altar with her mother following right behind her, Sylvia placed both of her hand onto its rocky surface and—


Name: Sylvia Salvant / Estellare

Race: Dragon (Part-angel)

Rank: G+

Strength: G+

Agility: G+

Stamina: G

Intelligent: G+

Mana capacity: F+

Profession: Ice mage (Lv.0)



[Perfect - Ice magic]

[Extreme - Star magic]

[High - Water magic]

[Low - Lightning magic]

[Low - Time magic]

[Low - Space magic]



[SS - Authorities]

The user can infuse Mana into her throat to let out a voice that carries certain <Authorities>.

[S - Magic Eyes of emotions]

<The effects are hidden until the Skill's first activation>

[S - Polymorph]

Innate skill of every pure-blooded dragons. Allows the user to turn into his/her own counterpart of most other sentient races.

[A - Mana sense (Superior)]

You are reading story Theodore ‘not the protagonist’ Gray at

The user is granted a sense of Mana superior to most lifeforms


Battle arts:



'It's just like I remembered it to be'

—As soon as Sylvia awakened her Status, Melissia used her feathery white wings to cover the entirety of their bodies, obscuring everyone's view.

"Little Syl", Melissia whispered. "You see the strange word that is right next to your name?"

Sylvia nodded.

Smiling, Melissia continued. "That's your true name. Don't tell anyone other than the one you will marry in the future your true name, okay?"

"Not even you, mom?"

Although Sylvia had already knew her mother's answer, she still asked that question anyways. After all, she was supposed to be the 10-year-old child who knew nothing.

"Not even me", Melissia sighed.

Despite the fact that she would never reveal her daughter's true name to anyone else, even if it costed her life, Melissia still refused to let Sylvia tell her it. 

The past Sylvia might have not known it at the time, but now, with her memories of the future, she was able to tell that the reason why her mother did so was to emphasis on the importance of true names.

After all, horrifying things would happen to Angels or Demons whose true names fell in the wrong hands.

It was then that Melissia's stern voice snapped Sylvia out of her thoughts. "Little Syl, do you get what I'm saying?"

"I got it, mom!", she instantly answered.

Nodding, Melissia took out a necklace from her pocket and hung it around her daughter's neck.

"This is an artifact that blocks appraisal from every Skills and other artifacts. You must wear this at all time until you learn how to hide your true name in your Status, understand?"

Sylvia nodded.

Smiling in satisfaction, Melissia planted another kiss on Sylvia's forehead and retracted her wings.

"Let's go home, shall w—"

"Knight captain Melissia Salvant!"

Melissia frowned and turned to the source of the voice that rudely interrupted her, only to see a man dressed in fancy clothes.

"What do you want?", she said as she put herself between Sylvia and the man.

Not caring one bit about her actions, the man continued with a formal tone. "Duke Adrancus requests your presence!"

Hearing this, Melissia heaved a long sigh.

"If you want to meet your daughter then you should come to her yourself...", she muttered in a low voice.

She then turned towards Sylvia with a smile. "Little Syl, wait here for me, okay? Mommy will be back in a bit"

"After I beat the shit out of that dragon that is", she then muttered under her breath.

"It's alright mom, I can wait!"

Patting Sylvia's head affectionately, Melissia followed the man to meet Evanos Adrancus.

Sitting on a bench in the venue, Sylvia waited patiently.

'Any seconds now...'

As soon as she finished her thoughts, something happened.


Leil hissed at Sylvia, apparently wanting to tell her something. Of course, Sylvia didn't know what it was trying to say.

It then moved to the ground a slithered out of the venue.

"Bye Leil!", Sylvia waved and continued resting on the bench.

After all, as long as she didn't follow the snake, nothing bad would happen.



—Things played out differently than Sylvia had expected them to.

'W- What's happening!?'

She was confused. After all, as soon as the snake left the venue, her body moved on her own.

Hard as she tried, she couldn't stop herself from following the snake. It was like her consciousness was trapped inside her own head, watching someone else pilot her body.

And eventually, it happened.

"Hoh? What's a little girl doing out here?", a man, who looked like a stereotypical ruffian with spiked hair and nose piercings, blocked Sylvia path.

"I'm looking for a white snake, mister. Have you seen one?", she answered innocently.

"Oh, that snake? It's inside that alley!", he pointed to a dark alley behind him.


She screamed inside of her mind. But alas, it was futile. 

"Thanks mister!", she smiled brightly 

As soon as Sylvia entered the alley, she felt a sharp pain on the back of her head, and her vision went black.

When Sylvia regained consciousness, she found herself tied to a chair in a dark room.

This time, however, she had full control of her body.


She tried to get out of her bindings using her physical strength. However, there was only so much she could do as a mere <G+> rank.

She tried to use her magic to get herself out of here. However, her body wasn't developed enough to use magic yet. As such, all of her attempts just served to cause her pain.



As she was screaming, the door to the room was swung open.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BITCH!", the man from earlier shouted as her as soon as he laid eyes on her.

Ignoring him, Sylvia pleaded. "Please! You have to let me go!"

Pausing for a bit to look at Sylvia in disbelief, the man chuckled. "You brat still don't get what kind of situation you're in right now? I'm selling you to slavers. A beauty like you could fetch me a pretty coin"


"Pfft! As if anyone's ever going to find this place!"

"Although...", he then licked his lips lustfully. "...I'd like to meet the wrench that popped out a someone like you"

Fantasying about god knows what, the man giggled to himself and left the room.


Sylvia continued to scream, begging for her to be released. However, the man didn't come through the door again, as if ignoring her.

Eventually, the door creaked open again.


Instead of the man, however, the one who walked through the door was... Melissia.

She was doused in blood that was not her own's, shifting her eyes all over the place with anxiety.

As soon as she noticed Sylvia, Melissia heaved a sigh of relief and rushed to hug her.

"Syl! Thank god you're fine!"

She then untied her daughter. "That bastard didn't hurt you or anything, right?"


"I'm fine, mom... B- But hic! I'm scared..."

She tried to warn her mother. However, what came out of her mouth was something completely different.

'I- It's happening again!?'

Just like before, Sylvia became a passive observer inside her own body.

As such, she could only watch in horror as her mother patted her head with an reassuring smile.

"There there, everything will be alright, Syl. Mommy's here"

"R- Really?"

"Yes.", Melissia then hugged her.

'N- NO!'

Sylvia tried her hardest to control her body. But of course, it was all for naught.

Thus, she could only observe herself—

"I'm glad you're here for me, mom!"

—Smiling brightly.

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