Theodore ‘not the protagonist’ Gray

Chapter 73: 69 – Prostor [2]

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<Starlight sho—]>

"STOP!", Sylvia screamed as she threw herself right in front of Serolris.

|Hm?|, Serolris dispersed the agglomerating Star mana and furrowed her brows. |You know that... insect?|

Sylvia nodded her head fervently.

|Who is he then?|

"He's Theodore Gray, my—"

Sylvia suddenly stopped talking and stared at Theodore in thoughts.

'What is Theo to me...?'

Although she had more or less figured out that the mysterious emotion she had been feeling for almost 2 months now was 'Love', she wasn't sure if it was her genuine feeling or it was just Iferus tampering with her mind.

'I- I need more time to think'

However, Serolris didn't give her time to think.

|He's your what?|

'I- I think about it later then...'

Thus, Sylvia decided to go with the safest answer.

"H- He's my friend!"

|I see|, Serolris nodded her head in understanding. |Sorry for trying to kill your friend|

'I don't think merely apologizing is enough... And I'm not even the one you're supposed to apologize to!'

Of course, Sylvia knew better than to actually voice her thoughts out loud.

Eventually, Theodore managed to stagger to their spot.



After screaming Sylvia's name on the top of my lungs, I stopped in my track to catch my breath.

Calming down, I scanned the area around her, paying particular attention to the extremely beautiful lady that was floating and grinning at me.

'No, NO! Did the plotline go awry here too?'

Although it didn't really matter what God or Goddesses Sylvia chose, it would have been for the best if she chose a God of Ice to supplement her <Perfect> rated Ice affinity.

'No matter how I look at her, she's a Goddess, not a God!'

And judging by the fact that the temperature was normal, it was safe to assume that she wasn't even related to the Ice element.

'What element is she affiliated with then?'

It was then that I realized what section I was right outside of right now.

"A- Are you a Goddess of the Stars?"

|Oh? You're aware? That's great, unlike a certain someone...|, the Goddess briefly glanced at Sylvia.

In response, Sylvia averted her eyes and feigned ignorance.

Although I could see their little interaction, I didn't have time to care about it.

'This is bad!'

Not the fact that she made a covenant with a Goddess of course, but because of the Star element, which was infamous for being highly dependent on luck, or rather, dependent on the whims of other Celestials.

'W- Wait! Maybe I came here just in time and she hasn't formed a covenant yet!'

Thus, I turned towards Sylvia again and stared into her eyes. "S- Sylvia, you didn't happen to have made a covenant with this Goddess while I was gone, right...?"

"Hm? I've already made a covenant with her. Her name is Serolris by the way"

I could see Serolris - the Goddess of the Stars waving at me from behind Sylvia as soon as her name was mentioned.

"But why did you ask?", Sylvia titled her head in confusion. "I thought you told me to make a covenant?"

'The world's doomed'

However, I soon calmed down. 'This is no time to panic! M- Maybe the grade of the covenant is high enough to offset the shitty Star element!'

"Sylvia, what grade is your covenant with Serolris?"

"A <IV> graded one, I guess? Is that supposed to be good or bad?"

'Good...', I sighed in relief.

At least Sylvia was able to form a <IV> graded covenant instead of the <II> one she was stuck with in the novel.

It was then that Serolris, who was placing her chin on top of Sylvia's head, asked me with intrigue.

|You seems very well-informed, mortal. Tell me, what is your identity? Are you a guardian of the Hall? Or a spy sent by the Evil god?|

Gulping a mouthful of saliva, I answered. "I'm Theodore Gray, champion of Celestial Lyra Myrsky"

|L- Lyra?|, Serolris stared at me in shock for a good second before bursting out in laughter. |Pfffffft! Hahahah! That arrogant Great general making a covenant with someone? What a nice joke!|

'Arrogant...?', I was confused.

After all, Lyra didn't strike me as particularly arrogant. Sure, she was a bit egotistic, but it came off as more desperate and pathetic like Raun rather than haughty and disrespectful like Max.

'And she practically begged me to make a covenant with her when I first met her too... how is that arrogant?'

Seeing that I was confused, Serolris halted her laughter. |Wait, y- you're not joking?|


Hearing this, Serolris closed her eyes in concentration. Eventually, she opened her eyes and stared at me with awe. |N- No way! You really have Lyra's divinity in you!|

|H- He's actually right? He did really see the future!|, she then exclaimed out loud.

Before I could even question her strange words, Serolris lightly tapped Sylvia's cheeks with her fingers, which made her fall to the floor with no resistance.


"What did you do!?", I shouted as I ran towards Sylvia.

|Don't make a fuss. She's merely unconscious|

Despite such reassuring words having came from the Goddess that Sylvia made a covenant with, I still wanted to be cautious.

Eventually, I heaved a sigh of relief as I found out that Sylvia was really just unconscious.

I then turned towards Serolris with a frown. "Why did you do that?"

|I don't want that child to see what will happen next|

"What do you mea—"

Before I could continue my sentence, a piece of molten-red rock manifested on top of Serolris' hand.

She then threw the rock towards me, which I instinctively caught.

“What’s this?”, I frowned as I inspected the surface of the rock.

|It’s a fragment of the fallen Storms God|

You are reading story Theodore ‘not the protagonist’ Gray at

“A WHAT? No, more importantly, why did you even give me this thing that is basically a dead God's flesh? Wait, scratch that, why do you even have this in the first place?”

|Well…|, Serolris looked unsure whether she should say what she was about to say next. However, she soon decided to say it regardless. |Let’s just say that I’m fulfilling my promise with an old friend|

|Oh, and brace yourself!|


Before I could even say anything, the scenery around me changed. 

Instead of the Hall, I was now in a pure white room.

'Is that Serolris? No... it's a God however I look at him...'

Serolris couldn't be seen anymore, and standing in her place was a familiar-looking God with rough beard.

'Odin...? No, it's not him'

I quickly realized that the God that was smiling at me wasn't Odin. After all, he didn't have Odin's signature eyepatch.

'And Odin might not even exist in this world like he presumably did on Earth...'

Eventually, I figured out who the God was. However, his identity was more shocking to me than the fact that he looked like Odin.


Normally, I'd have bawled my eyes out at the sight of the God I worshipped. However, since I could feel that my connection with Lyra was cut as soon as I was transported to this weird white space, I was able to keep my calm.

'But I should at least show some reactions to meeting Lyra's father... or shouldn't I?'

|The one and only|, Vihar replied, unconcerned with my conflicting thoughts.

|Anyways|, he continued. |The fact that you're here means that you also met Serolris this time around|

Pausing for a bit, Vihar muttered. |...Or SunySphyx... or Makos... or Se-e-o-of-braed... or Kpton... or Absborn... anyhow, my point is that I lost track of how many Gods and Goddesses I gave my fragments to|


|...Though I'm leaning more towards Serolris being the one who gave you it|

Not giving me time to think, Vihar spoke again as he looked at me with surprise.

|Judging by your demeanor right now, you're not insane like last time, huh? Prostor's plan must have worked splendidly. It's fascinating, even to me, that such a small change could alter someone's fate to such an extent|

Eventually, I found an opportunity to interject in his monologue. "Excuse me, God Vihar!"


"What do you mean by 'last time'? I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've met you"

In response, Vihar merely chuckled. |You'll know soon enough|

'Fuck Gods and their cryptic ways of saying things!'

Seemingly aware of my thoughts, Vihar laughed. |HAHAHAH! I guess that disrespectful thinking yours remains constant after all, oh Theodore Gray, grandson of the champion of Dimension|

"Champion of Dimension?", I widened my eyes in surprise. "Y- You mean Marcos?"

|Yes... but that's just what we Gods on Prostor's side call him for the sake of formality. As you can probably see in his memories, he's not exactly strong, at least not strong enough to warrant having that grandiose title|


I was starting to get cautious... and a little bit scared. After all, not even Lyra, who spent months living with me knew about Marcos' memories, and she was a Celestial that was merely 1 step away from becoming a Goddess.

|Pffffft! No need to react like that. I won't tell anyone|

|Well...|, he then casted his gaze downwards in disappointment. |...Even if I wanted to, I can't. I'm already dead after all|

"Wait, you're dead!?", I was surprised.

|Yes. Even a mere residual soul like me can tell that much|

As I alternated my gaze between the fragment I was holding and Vihar's soul, I asked with slight hope. "If I collect all the fragments and put them back, can't you be reviv—"

|No|, he quickly shot my idea down, extinguishing any semblances of hope that I, or rather the part of me that was affected by Lyra, had. |That bastard Zeus made sure that I can't be revived no matter what, which was a smart more from him if I'm being entirely honest|

'If Vihar's dead then why did Lyra tell me that she wanted to...'

However, I decided to stop thinking about it since I didn't really need to waste time on effort on it. After all, I could just ask Vihar, who was Lyra's father.

"But Lyra told me that you're merely wounded, and that we can heal you by getting more believers?"

|She's still like that this time, huh?|, Vihar muttered with traces of sadness on his face.

He then turned towards me and spoke with a soft voice. |Don't blame that child too much. She's merely in denial, that's all|

"I see..."

|You're taking this better than I thought|, Vihar looked at me with intrigue. |I had expected you to instantly throw profanities at Lyra who isn't even here for lying to you or something|

This time, however, it was my turn to stare at him in shock. "W- What? Even if she lied to me, I'm not that much of a scumbag to insult her for merely that, especially when she helped me so much"

|Your personality is truly definitely different than last time, alright|, Vihar chuckled as he ignored my questioning gaze.

'Wait... this could be my chance!', I widened my eyes in realization as I figured that Vihar really didn't mind me asking him questions.

Although Gods aren't omnipotent, just absurdly strong entities, they sure do know a lot of things. Thus, asking a residual soul that contained knowledges of a God might prove to be effective.

'I hope his knowledge is more useful than Lyra's...'

"God Vihar, do you know how Marcos transmigrated?"

Hearing this, Vihar looked at me in disbelief. |W- What? You don't know about it even at this time? Tell me, have you made that scabbard of yours yet?|

"Uhhh... yes. It had just been made a few days ago", I decided to answer truthfully and not ask how he knew about the scabbard, at least for now.

Eventually, he calmed down and spoke. |Well... if you still aren't aware, I'd prefer to keep it that way until Prostor decides to tell you himself|

'Who's this Prostor anyways...? No, that's not important!'

After all, I still had a question I was dying to know the answer to.

Although I wasn't sure if Vihar, who had obviously died for much more than 6 years would even know about this, considering that he knew about my scabbard, I'd wager that he probably did.

"Do you know where my mother is?", I stared at him with hope-filled eyes.

|Like I said before|, Vihar sighed. |You'd have to wait until Prostor tells you himself or use that Silver pocket watch or whatever Prostor called it to track her down|

'That Prostor guy's involved in mother disappearance?'

Realizing something, Vihar smacked his own forehead hard and heaved out a long sigh. |SHIT!... since I've accidently spilled something out, I might as well finish it|

He then spoke with a serious tone. |Remember this. Once you reach <B> rank and let the watch absorb a massive amount of Time mana, it should give you another clue on how to proceed|


|I can't answer any more of your questions and risk interfering with Prostor's plans more than I already have, so I'll make this quick|

He then disappeared from his spot and re-manifested right in front of me and lightly tapped my forehead.

|You, champion of my daughter - Lyra Myrsky shouldn't be a mere Swordsman|

Instantly after, a translucent blue screen appeared before my eyes.

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